3.1 Discovering a File Server

  1. To discover a file server use the following syntax:

    create FileServer plugin=name accessHost=value [ adminHost=value adminUserName=value adminPassword=value ] [ uniformedExports= { yes | no } ] [ name=value ] [ description=value ]

    For example:

    OVM> create FileServer plugin="Oracle Generic Network File System" \
      accessHost= name=MyNFSServer

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.20, “create FileServer” .

  2. After discovering a file server, you should attach an admin server to it so that administrative operations can be performed on the file server by Oracle VM Manager. To add an admin server to the file server, use the syntax:

    add Server instance to { ServerPool | FileServer | SanServer | Repository | NfsAccessGroup } instance

    For example:

    OVM> add Server name=MyServer to FileServer name=MyNFSServer

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.10, “add Server” .

  3. You should also attach a refresh server to the file server which is used to refresh the file system. To add a refresh server to the file server, use the syntax:

    addNfsRefreshServer FileServer instance nfsRefreshServer=value

    For example:

    OVM> addNfsRefreshServer FileServer name=MyNFSServer nfsRefreshServer=MyServer1

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.5, “addNfsRefreshServer” .

  4. The final step is to refresh the file server so Oracle VM Manager has the most current information about the file server. To refresh the file server, use the syntax:

    refresh { Assembly | FileServer | FileSystem | PhysicalDisk | Repository | SanServer | Server } instance

    For example:

    OVM> refresh FileServer name=MyNFSServer 

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.75, “refresh” .