3.2 Discovering a SAN Server

  1. To discover a SAN server use the following syntax:

    create SanServer plugin=name storageType= { FibreChannelStorageArray | iSCSIStorageArray } [accessHost=value] [accessPort=value] [ accessUsername=value accessPassword=value ] [useChap= { yes | no }] [ adminHost=value adminUserName=value adminPassword=value ] name=value [description=value]

    For example:

    OVM> create SanServer plugin="Oracle Generic SCSI Plugin(1.2.1)" name=MyISCIServer \
      storageType=iSCSIStorageArray accessHost= accessport=3260

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.25, “create SanServer” .

  2. After discovering a SAN server, you should attach an admin server to it so that administrative operations can be performed on the SAN server by Oracle VM Manager. To add an admin server to the SAN server, use the syntax:

    add Server instance to { ServerPool | FileServer | SanServer | Repository | NfsAccessGroup } instance

    For example:

    OVM> add Server name=MyServer to SanServer name=MyISCIServer

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.10, “add Server” .

  3. Next you should add the storage initiators to an access group for each Oracle VM Server that is to be granted access to the storage. In this example we add the storage initiators for each Oracle VM Server to the default access group that is created when a SAN server is discovered. First, find the name of the access group by listing the access groups for the server using the show SanServer command, for example:

    OVM> show SanServer name=MyISCIServer
      Name = MyISCSIServer
      Id = 0004fb00000900001426b77f079c83ea
      Storage Plug-in = Oracle Generic SCSI Plugin(1.2.1)
      Use Chap = No
      Access Host 1 =
      Access Port 1 = 3260
      Storage Type = iSCSI Storage Server
      Allocated (GiB) = 0.0
      Free (GiB) = 0.0
      Used (GiB) = 0.0
      Total (GiB) = 0.0
      Status = online
      description = Generic iSCSI Storage
      Admin Server 1 = 00:e0:81:4d:5f:2f:00:e0:81:4d:29:ee:00:e0:81:4d  [MyServer6]
      Admin Server 2 = 00:e0:81:4d:41:01:00:e0:81:4d:40:d6:00:e0:81:4d  [MyServer5]
      Admin Server 3 = 00:e0:81:4d:41:05:00:e0:81:4d:40:de:00:e0:81:4d  [MyServer4]
      Admin Server 4 = 00:e0:81:4d:5e:16:00:e0:81:4d:5e:17:ff:ff:ff:ff  [MyServer9]
      Admin Server 5 = 00:e0:81:4d:40:c6:00:e0:81:4d:40:c7:ff:ff:ff:ff  [MyServer1]
      Volume Group 1 = Generic_iSCSI_Volume_Group @ 0004fb00000900001426b77f079c83ea
      Access Group 1 = Default access group @ MyISCSIServer @ 0004fb00000900001426b77f079c83ea 
        [Default access group @ MyISCIServer] Access group name

    Next, find the storage initiator name for each Oracle VM Server using the show Server command, for example:

    OVM> show Server name=MyServer1
      Name = MyServer1
      Id = 00:e0:81:4d:40:c6:00:e0:81:4d:40:c7:ff:ff:ff:ff
      Status = Running
      Mgmt MAC Address = 00:e0:81:4d:40:c6
      Processors = 4
      Ethernet Ports = 2
      iSCSI Ports = 1
      Maintenance Mode = Off
      TakeOwnership = Yes
      Role 1 = Utility Server
      Role 2 = Virtual Machine Server
      IP Address =
      Processor Speed (GHz) = 1.995106
      Memory (GB) = 23
      Dom0 Memory (MB) = 987
      FiberChannel Ports = 0
      Network Failover Groups = 1
      CPU Compatibility Group = Default_AMD_Family:15_Model:65
      Server Architecture Type = x86-64b
      Hypervisor Type = OVM/Xen
      Manufacturer = empty
      Serial Number = empty
      Product Name = empty
      Processor Family = AuthenticAMD
      Processor Model = Dual-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2212
      L1 Cache Size = 0
      L2 Cache Size = 1024
      L3 Cache Size = 0
      BIOS Version = 'V1.02.B10 '
      BIOS Release Date = 11/30/2007
      Sockets Filled = 2
      Manager UUID = 0004fb00000100008e2c477634f634c9
      Ethernet Port 1 = 0004fb00002000002e8cb0ebad4efcb3  [eth0 on MyServer1]
      Ethernet Port 2 = 0004fb0000200000681d3335a81e771a  [eth1 on MyServer1]
      Bond Port 1 = 0004fb0000200000afbcf70ade70d69d  [bond0 on MyServer1]
      Physical Disk 1 = 0004fb0000180000f9029d0c23534229  [SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS86575890]
      Storage Initiator 1 = iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:d72d82d0817f     Storage initiator name
      Storage Initiator 2 = storage.LocalStorageInitiator in 

    Then add the storage initiator for each Oracle VM Server to the default access group using the syntax:

    add StorageInitiator instance to AccessGroup instance

    For example:

    OVM> add StorageInitiator name=iqn.1988-12.com.oracle:d72d82d0817f to AccessGroup \
      name='Default access group @ MyISCIServer' 

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.12, “add StorageInitiator” .

  4. The final step is to refresh the SAN server so Oracle VM Manager has the most current information about the file server. To refresh the file server, use the syntax:

    refresh { Assembly | FileServer | FileSystem | PhysicalDisk | Repository | SanServer | Server } instance

    For example:

    OVM> refresh SanServer name=MyISCIServer

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.75, “refresh” .