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Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Administration Guide     Oracle VM Server for SPARC
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Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software

1.  Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

2.  Installing and Enabling Software

3.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security

4.  Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

5.  Setting Up Guest Domains

6.  Setting Up I/O Domains

7.  Using Virtual Disks

8.  Using Virtual Networks

9.  Migrating Domains

10.  Managing Resources

11.  Managing Domain Configurations

12.  Performing Other Administration Tasks

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

13.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

14.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Configuration Assistant (Oracle Solaris 10)

15.  Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software

16.  Logical Domains Manager Discovery

17.  Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager

XML Transport

XMPP Server

Local Connections

XML Protocol

Request and Response Messages

Request Messages

Response Messages

Event Messages

Registration and Unregistration

The <LDM_event> Messages

Event Types

Domain Events

Hardware Events

Progress Events

Resource Events

All Events

Logical Domains Manager Actions

Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource

CPU (cpu) Resource

MAU (mau) Resource

Memory (memory) Resource

Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource

Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource

Disk (disk) Resource

Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource

Network (network) Resource

Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource

Variable (var) Resource

Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource

SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource

DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource

Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource

Console (console) Resource

Domain Migration

XML Schemas



Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Following are the Logical Domains Manager resources and the properties that can be defined for each of those resources. The resources and properties are shown in bold type in the XML examples. These examples show resources, not binding output. The constraint output can be used to create input for the Logical Domains Manager actions. The exception to this is domain migration output. See Domain Migration. Each resource is defined in a <Section> OVF section and is specified by a <rasd:OtherResourceType> tag.

Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource

Example 17-6 Example ldom_info XML Output

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="primary">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="master">plum</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="failure-policy">reset</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="extended-mapin-space">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="progress">45%</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="status">ongoing</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="source">dt90-319</gprop:GenericProperty>

The ldom_info resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The following properties within the ldom_info resource are optional properties:

CPU (cpu) Resource

The equivalent of the add-vcpu, set-vcpu, and remove-vcpu XML request actions is to set the value of the <gpropGenericProperty key="wcore"> tag as follows:

Note that the allocation units property, <rasd:AllocationUnits>, for the cpu resource always specifies the number of virtual CPUs and not the number of cores.

Example 17-7 Example cpu XML

The following example shows the XML request equivalent for the ldm add-vcpu -c 1 ldg1 command:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<LDM_interface version="1.3"
    <data version="3.0">
        <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1">
          <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
              <gprop:GenericProperty key="wcore">1</gprop:GenericProperty>

A cpu resource is always contained within a <Content> section.

MAU (mau) Resource

Note - The mau resource is any supported cryptographic unit on a supported server. Currently, the two cryptographic units supported are the Modular Arithmetic Unit (MAU) and the Control Word Queue (CWQ).

Example 17-8 Example mau XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

A mau resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the number of MAUs or other cryptographic units.

Memory (memory) Resource

Example 17-9 Example memory XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

A memory resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the amount of memory.

Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource

Example 17-10 Example vds XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

A virtual disk server (vds) resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with a key of service_name and which contains the name of the vds resource being described.

Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource

Example 17-11 Example vds_volume XML

    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vds0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="block_dev">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_opts">ro</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="mpgroup">mpgroup-name</gprop:GenericProperty>

A vds_volume resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Optionally, a vds_volume resource can also have the following properties:

Disk (disk) Resource

Example 17-12 Example disk XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vdisk_name">vdisk0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="timeout">60</gprop:GenericProperty>

A disk resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Optionally, the disk resource can also have the timeout property, which is the timeout value in seconds for establishing a connection between a virtual disk client (vdc) and a virtual disk server (vds). If there are multiple virtual disk (vdisk) paths, then the vdc can try to connect to a different vds, and the timeout ensures that a connection to any vds is established within the specified amount of time.

Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource

Example 17-13 Example vsw XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg2">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">test-vsw1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="inter_vnet_link">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="default-vlan-id">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="mtu">1500</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="dev_path">switch@0</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="id">0</gprop:GenericProperty>

A vsw resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have a <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the service_name key, which is the name to be assigned to the virtual switch.

Optionally, the vsw resource can also have the following properties:

Network (network) Resource

Example 17-14 Example network XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="linkprop">phys-state</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">ldg1-vnet0</gprop:GenericProperty>

A network resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Optionally, the network resource can also have the following properties:

Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource

Example 17-15 Example vcc XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc1</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="min_port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="max_port">6100</gprop:GenericProperty>

A vcc resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Variable (var) Resource

Example 17-16 Example var XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="name">test_var</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="value">test1</gprop:GenericProperty>

A var resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource

Example 17-17 Example physio_device XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="name">pci@780</gprop:GenericProperty>

A physio_device resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the name key property value, which is the name of the I/O device being described.

SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource

Example 17-18 Example spconfig XML

    <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">

A service processor (SP) configuration (spconfig) resource always appears on its own in an <Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys

DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource

Example 17-19 Example policy XML

   <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_name">test-policy</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_enable">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_priority">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_vcpu_min">12</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_vcpu_max">13</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_util_lower">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_util_upper">9</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_tod_begin">07:08:09</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_tod_end">09:08:07</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_sample_rate">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_elastic_margin">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_attack">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
       <gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_decay">9</gprop:GenericProperty>

A DRM policy (policy) resource appears in an <Envelope> section and can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource

Example 17-20 Example vdpcs XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">dg1-vdpcs</gprop:GenericProperty>

This resource is only of interest in a Netra DPS environment. A vdpcs resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the service_name key property value, which is the name of the virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs) resource being described.

Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource

Example 17-21 Example vdpcc XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="vdpcc_name">vdpcc</gprop:GenericProperty>

This resource is only of interest in a Netra DPS environment. A virtual data plane channel client resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Console (console) Resource

Example 17-22 Example console XML

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc2</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="group">group-name</gprop:GenericProperty>

A console resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:

Domain Migration

This example shows what is contained in the <data> section for a migrate-domain subcommand.

Example 17-23 Example migrate-domain <data> Section

  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
  <Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
    <Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type">
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="target">target-host</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="username">user-name</gprop:GenericProperty>
        <gprop:GenericProperty key="password">password</gprop:GenericProperty>


Note - The Logical Domains Manager uses sasl_decode64() to decode the target user name and password and uses sasl_encode64() to encode these values. SASL 64 encoding is equivalent to base64 encoding.