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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class DataExceptionEvent

  extended by java.util.EventObject
      extended by oracle.binding.DataEvent
          extended by oracle.binding.DataExceptionEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DataExceptionEvent
extends DataEvent
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class DataExceptionEvent.SeverityType


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class java.util.EventObject


Constructor Summary
DataExceptionEvent(java.lang.Object source, int id, java.lang.Throwable cause, DataExceptionEvent.SeverityType type)
          Creates an event with an exception or warning to be carried over to the clients.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Throwable getExceptionObject()
 DataExceptionEvent.SeverityType getSeverity()


Methods inherited from class oracle.binding.DataEvent


Methods inherited from class java.util.EventObject
getSource, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public DataExceptionEvent(java.lang.Object source,
                          int id,
                          java.lang.Throwable cause,
                          DataExceptionEvent.SeverityType type)
Creates an event with an exception or warning to be carried over to the clients. This event is raised by an active data datacontrol when it cannot provide DataExceptionEntries anymore for example when the network connection is lost between a datacontrol and it's server or when the datacontrol's server is down or the message queue from which datacontrol was picking messages to process is down etc.
source - the publisher of the event.
id - Event Identifier generated by the datacontrol. This will be carried through to the component so that component may request datacontrol to start events from the given id onwards.
cause - Exception object containing an error or warning indicating the cause of the error. Note that this error may be recoverable
type - One of the SeverityType to indicate the severity of this error.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Throwable getExceptionObject()


public DataExceptionEvent.SeverityType getSeverity()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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