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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


Class JboCompareValidator

  extended by oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
      extended by oracle.jbo.rules.AbstractValidator
          extended by oracle.jbo.server.rules.JboBaseValidator
              extended by oracle.jbo.server.rules.JboCompareValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, ValidatorConstants, JbiValidator, VetoableChangeListener, VariableManagerOwner, VariableManagerOwnerBase
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class JboCompareValidator
extends JboBaseValidator
implements JbiValidator

A validator that tests literal values by comparing them to a pre-defined value, using a pre-defined relation.

The value to be validated is designated as the left-hand operand of a relation operation. The validator provides the right-hand operand and the relation operator.

Jdeveloper 3.0

Field Summary
static int EQUALTO
static int GREATERTHAN
static int LESSTHAN
protected  int mOperType
protected  java.lang.Object mRValue


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.rules.JboBaseValidator
mBindingStyle, mValidatingAttr, mValidatingAttrName


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.rules.AbstractValidator
mbInverse, mDescription, mErrorMessageClass, mMsgExpr, mMsgId, mMsgIds, mResourceBundleId, mTriggeringAttributeNames, mTriggeringAttributes


Fields inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
mFullName, mObjName, mParent, mProperties, RES_ID_SUFFIX, RESID_SUFFIX


Fields inherited from interface oracle.jbo.rules.ValidatorConstants
ATTR, ATTR_STR, BETWEEN, EO, EO_STR, EXPR, EXPR_STR, JBO, JBO_STR, LITERAL, LITERAL_STR, MANDATORY_STR, mCompOperTypeVals, mRhsTypeVals, mSeverityVals, NOTEQUALTO, PNAME_CompareLength, PNAME_CompareType, PNAME_CompareValue, PNAME_DataType, PNAME_Description, PNAME_ErrorMessageExpressions, PNAME_ErrorMessageId, PNAME_ErrorMessageIds, PNAME_Exposed, PNAME_ExprValueSupplier, PNAME_ForPersonalization, PNAME_Inverse, PNAME_Name, PNAME_OnAttribute, PNAME_OnAttributes, PNAME_OnCondition, PNAME_OperandType, PNAME_Severity, PNAME_Subtype, PNAME_TransactionLevel, PNAME_TransientExpression, PNAME_Trigger, PNAME_ValidationBeanClass, PNAME_ValName, PNAME_xmlns, PRECISION_SCALE_STR, SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, SEVERITY_VETOABLE_WARNING, SEVERITY_WARNING, SQL, SQL_STR, VALIDATION_XMLNS, VALIDATOR_MSG_ID_PREFIX, VO, VO_STR, VO_USAGE, VO_USAGE_STR


Constructor Summary
          Creates an uninitialized compare validator.
protected JboCompareValidator(boolean inverse, int operType)
          Creates an partially-initialized compare validator.
  JboCompareValidator(boolean inverse, int operType, java.lang.Object rValue)
          Creates an initialized compare validator.


Method Summary
static int convertOperType(java.lang.String type)
          Interprets a string as one of the comparison operator constants defined in this class.
 java.lang.String getOperatorTypeString()
          Converts this validator's comparison operator to its symbolic form.
 java.lang.Object getRhsValue()
          Gets the right-side operand of this validator's expression.
 int getType()
          Gets this validator's comparison operator.
protected  void initialize()
 void loadXMLContents(DefElement elem)
protected  void setNewValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
          after setting the new value, prepare the comparator to be of same type if it is not already so.
 void setRhsValue(java.lang.Object rhsValue)
          Sets the right-side operand of this validator's expression.
 void setType(int type)
          Sets this validator's comparison operator.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Internal: For debugging purposes only.
 boolean validateValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Validate an object by comparing it with a pre-defined value, using a pre-defined relation.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.server.rules.JboBaseValidator
extractValueToValidate, getBindingStyle, raiseException, resolve, setBindingStyle, setValidatingAttribute, setValidatingAttribute, vetoableChange


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.rules.AbstractValidator
applyValidatorPersonalization, clone, convertToJava, copyErrorMsgInfo, createException, createExprValueSupplier, ensureVariableManager, getDescription, getErrorMessageClass, getErrorMsgExpressions, getErrorMsgId, getErrorMsgIds, getExprValueSupplierType, getFullName, getInverse, getMessageBundleClass, getName, getOnCondition, getOwner, getResourceBundleDef, getResourceBundleId, getSeverity, getTriggeringAttributeDefs, getTriggeringAttributeNames, getValidatingAttributeName, getValidatorSubType, getVariableManager, hasErrorMsg, hasValidationCondition, hasVariables, initErrMsgParms, initTriggeringAttributeDefs, initValidatorProperties, isDirty, isMovedToAttrLevel, isNew, isTransactionLevel, isTransactionLevel, isValidatable, loadVariables, parseSeverityStr, prepareException, raiseException, raiseException, readStringArrayList, readTransientExpression, readUserObject, readUserObject, readUserObjectTrim, readUserObjectTrim, readUserStringElementsMap, setDefaultDescription, setDescription, setDirty, setErrorMessageClass, setErrorMsgExpressions, setErrorMsgId, setErrorMsgIds, setExprValueSupplierType, setInverse, setNew, setOnCondition, setResourceBundleDef, setResourceBundleId, setSeverity, setTransactionLevel, setTriggeringAttributeNames, setValidatingAttributeName, writeChildren, writeContents


Methods inherited from class oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl
allocatePropertyMap, getAllProperties, getParent, getProperties, getPropertiesAsStrings, getPropertiesMap, getProperty, getProperty, getPropertyExpressionsMap, getPropertyMap, getResourcesFromBundle, getStringFromMessageBundle, isPropertyExpression, mergePropertyMap, refreshProperty, removeProperty, removeProperty, requiresNamePrefixedResId, resolveObjectProperty, resolvePropertyRaw, setFullName, setName, setParent, setPropertiesMap, setPropertiesMap2, setProperty, setProperty, setPropertyExpression, setPropertyMap


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.rules.JbiValidator
getDescription, setDescription


Methods inherited from interface oracle.jbo.server.util.VetoableChangeListener


Field Detail


public static final int EQUALTO
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LESSTHAN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GREATERTHAN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LESSTHANEQUALTO
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GREATERTHANEQUALTO
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int mOperType


protected java.lang.Object mRValue

Constructor Detail


public JboCompareValidator()
Creates an uninitialized compare validator.

The methods setType() and setRhsValue() must be invoked before validation can be performed.


protected JboCompareValidator(boolean inverse,
                              int operType)
Creates an partially-initialized compare validator.

The method setRhsValue() must be invoked before validation can be performed.

inverse - if true the logic of this validator's comparison relation is inverted.
operType - this validator's comparison operator; one of the comparison operator constants defined in this class.


public JboCompareValidator(boolean inverse,
                           int operType,
                           java.lang.Object rValue)
Creates an initialized compare validator.
inverse - if true the logic of this validator's comparison relation is inverted.
operType - this validator's comparison operator; one of the comparison operator constants defined in this class.
rValue - this validator's right-hand operand, a reference object containing a literal value.

Method Detail


protected void initialize()
initialize in class JboBaseValidator


protected void setNewValue(java.lang.Object newValue)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
after setting the new value, prepare the comparator to be of same type if it is not already so.
setNewValue in class JboBaseValidator
newValue - either the attribute's value or a value to use to compare in the validator.


public boolean validateValue(java.lang.Object value)
Validate an object by comparing it with a pre-defined value, using a pre-defined relation.

The value parameter is the left-hand operand of this validator's comparison relation. The operator is set by setType() and the right-hand operator is set by setRhsValue().

This method is called by JboBaseValidator#vetoableChange().

Specified by:
validateValue in interface JbiValidator
Specified by:
validateValue in class JboBaseValidator
value - the object to be validated.
true if the relation holds, or false if the relation does not hold or if the operator or an operand is invalid or uninitialized.


public void setType(int type)
Sets this validator's comparison operator.
type - one of the comparison operator constants defined in this class.


public int getType()
Gets this validator's comparison operator.


public void setRhsValue(java.lang.Object rhsValue)
Sets the right-side operand of this validator's expression.
rhsValue - a reference object containing a literal value.


public java.lang.Object getRhsValue()
Gets the right-side operand of this validator's expression.


public java.lang.String toString()
Internal: For debugging purposes only.
toString in class java.lang.Object


public static int convertOperType(java.lang.String type)
Interprets a string as one of the comparison operator constants defined in this class.
type - a string, the textual name of a comparison operator.
a comparison operator constant. An unrecognizable string defaults to EQUALTO.


public java.lang.String getOperatorTypeString()
Converts this validator's comparison operator to its symbolic form.
a comparison symbol. If the comparison operator is uninitialized or invalid the null string is returned.


public void loadXMLContents(DefElement elem)
loadXMLContents in class JboBaseValidator

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Model
11g Release 2 (


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