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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class UIDataviewAdapter

  extended by oracle.dss.util.PagingControlAttributesAdapter
      extended by oracle.dss.dataView.UIDataviewAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataviewCommon, UIDataview, UIView, ComponentTypeConverter, PagingControlAttributes

public abstract class UIDataviewAdapter
extends PagingControlAttributesAdapter
implements UIDataview, DataviewCommon

Adapter class for the UIDataview interface. Create an instance of a concrete subclass of this proxy class so that the UI panels can be displayed before a view is constructed.

Field Summary
protected  boolean m_customColorsEnabled
protected  DataviewTitles m_dataViewFootnote
protected  DataviewTitles m_dataViewSubtitle
protected  DataviewTitles m_dataViewTitle
protected  ErrorHandler m_errorHandler
protected  javax.swing.event.EventListenerList m_listenerList
protected  java.util.Locale m_locale
protected  ComponentHandle m_selectedObject
protected  TokenSubstitution m_token


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.util.PagingControlAttributesAdapter


Constructor Summary
UIDataviewAdapter(UIDataview view)
          Constructor that initializes this adapter from an existing view or proxy.


Method Summary
 void addControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
          Adds a listener for user gestures that do not affect data, such as selecting or resizing a component.
protected  void applyTitleAttributes(UIDataview toView)
 void applyToDataview(UIDataview view)
          Applies properties of this adapter to a UIDataview.
protected  void cleanUp()
static void clearPropertyOverrideFlag(int attrID, java.util.BitSet overrideFlags)
 int convertComponentTypeToInteger(java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves an integer representation of a view component, from a String.
 java.lang.String convertComponentTypeToString(int type)
          Retrieves a String representation of a view component, from an integer.
 java.util.BitSet createPropertyOverrideFlags(int maxID)
 void dataFormatChanged()
 void dataStyleChanged()
protected  void fireComponentSelected(java.lang.Object source, ComponentHandle id)
protected  boolean fireComponentSelecting(java.lang.Object source, ComponentHandle id)
 DataSource getDataSource()
          Retrieves the data source for this view.
 DataviewTitles getDataviewFootnote()
          Retrieves the Footnote component for this adapter.
 DataviewTitles getDataviewSubtitle()
          Retrieves the Subtitle component for this adapter.
 DataviewTitles getDataviewTitle()
          Retrieves the Title component for this adapter.
 ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
          Retrieves the current error handler for this view.
 FontList getFontList()
 int getHTMLPagingControlWidth()
          Retrieves the number of page items that are displayed before the paging control wraps.
 java.lang.String getIntlString(java.lang.String key)
 java.lang.String getIntlString(java.lang.String key, java.util.ResourceBundle rBundle)
 java.lang.String getLayerMetadataLabelType(int edge)
          Retrieves the type of labels to display for dimension names on the specified edge.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Retrieves the Locale that this UIDataviewAdapter uses.
 java.lang.String getMemberMetadataLabelType(int edge)
          Retrieves the type of labels to display for dimension members on the specified edge.
 Model getModel()
          Retrieves the model for this view.
 ComponentHandle getSelectedObject()
          Retrieves the selected component.
 TokenSubstitution getTokenSubstitution()
          Retrieves the handler for token substitution in this view.
abstract  int getViewType()
          Get the specific type of the view that this adapter represents.
 WaitData getWaitDataForRow(int row)
 int getZoomFactor()
          Retrieves the default zoom factor for this view.
 void initFromDataview(UIDataview view)
          Initializes the properties of this adapter from a UIDataview.
protected  void initTitleAttributes(UIDataview fromView)
 boolean isCustomColorsEnabled()
          Return if the custom color option is enabled on all color choice pickers
 boolean isDataUnformattedSupported()
 boolean isDataViewFormatSupported()
 boolean isHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit()
          Indicates whether paging control changes are automatically submitted.
 boolean isLayerMetadataLabelTypeSupported(java.lang.String type)
 boolean isLayerMetaShortLabelSupported()
 boolean isLayerMetaViewStyleSupported()
 boolean isMemberMetadataLabelTypeSupported(java.lang.String type)
 boolean isMetadataShortLabelSupported()
 boolean isMetadataViewStyleSupported()
 boolean isPropertyOverrideFlag(int attrID, java.util.BitSet overrideFlags)
protected  boolean isStyleOverrideMode()
protected  boolean isUserOverrideMode()
 void metadataStyleChanged()
 void removeControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
          Removes a listener for user gestures that do not affect data.
 void repaint()
 java.awt.Font scaleFont(java.awt.Font f, int zoomFactor)
 boolean selectObject(ComponentHandle handle)
          Sets the selected component.
 void setCustomColorsEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Set custom color option enabled on all color choice pickers
 void setDataSource(DataSource ds)
          Specifies the data source for this view.
 void setHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit(boolean autosubmit)
          Specifies whether paging control changes are automatically submitted.
 void setHTMLPagingControlWidth(int width)
          Specifies the number of page items that are displayed before the paging control wraps to a new line.
 void setLocale(java.util.Locale loc)
          Sets the Locale that this UIDataviewAdapter uses.
 void setPropertyOverrideFlags(int attrID, java.util.BitSet userFlags, java.util.BitSet styleFlags)
protected  void setStyleOverrideMode(boolean flag)
 void setTokenSubstitution(TokenSubstitution token)
          Specifies a handler for token substitution in this view.
protected  void setUserOverrideMode(boolean flag)
 void setWaitDataForRow(int row, WaitData waitData)


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.util.PagingControlAttributesAdapter
applyToPagingControlAttributes, initFromPagingControlAttributes, isPagingControlVisible, setPagingControlVisible


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.PagingControlAttributes
isPagingControlVisible, setPagingControlVisible


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.dataView.DataviewCommon
isPagingControlVisible, setPagingControlVisible


Field Detail


protected DataviewTitles m_dataViewTitle
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected DataviewTitles m_dataViewSubtitle
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected DataviewTitles m_dataViewFootnote
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.util.Locale m_locale
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
the locale


protected ComponentHandle m_selectedObject
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
the selected object


protected javax.swing.event.EventListenerList m_listenerList
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
the list of listeners


protected TokenSubstitution m_token
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected ErrorHandler m_errorHandler
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_customColorsEnabled
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

Constructor Detail


public UIDataviewAdapter()


public UIDataviewAdapter(UIDataview view)
Constructor that initializes this adapter from an existing view or proxy.
view - The UIDataview to initialize this adapter from.

Method Detail


public void initFromDataview(UIDataview view)
Initializes the properties of this adapter from a UIDataview. The view's Locale and SelectedObject will be set on this adapter. This method calls the initFromPagingControlAttributes method of the superclass.
view - The UIDataview to initialize this adapter from.


public void applyToDataview(UIDataview view)
Applies properties of this adapter to a UIDataview. This method calls the applyToPagingControlAttributes method of the superclass.
view - The view to apply properties of this adapter to.


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Retrieves the Locale that this UIDataviewAdapter uses.
Specified by:
getLocale in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getLocale in interface UIView
loc The Locale for this UIDataviewAdapter.


public void setLocale(java.util.Locale loc)
Sets the Locale that this UIDataviewAdapter uses.
loc - The Locale for this UIDataviewAdapter.


public ComponentHandle getSelectedObject()
Retrieves the selected component.
Specified by:
getSelectedObject in interface UIView
A handle for the selected component. The return value should actually be a concrete subclass of ComponentHandle.


public DataviewTitles getDataviewTitle()
Retrieves the Title component for this adapter.
Specified by:
getDataviewTitle in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getDataviewTitle in interface UIDataview
The Title component for this adapter.


public DataviewTitles getDataviewSubtitle()
Retrieves the Subtitle component for this adapter.
Specified by:
getDataviewSubtitle in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getDataviewSubtitle in interface UIDataview
The Subtitle component for this adapter.


public DataviewTitles getDataviewFootnote()
Retrieves the Footnote component for this adapter.
Specified by:
getDataviewFootnote in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getDataviewFootnote in interface UIDataview
The Footnote component for this adapter.


public boolean selectObject(ComponentHandle handle)
Sets the selected component.
handle - A handle for the selected component. The parameter should actually be a concrete subclass of ComponentHandle.
true if the component is successfully selected, false if selection fails.


public void addControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
Adds a listener for user gestures that do not affect data, such as selecting or resizing a component.
Specified by:
addControllerListener in interface UIView
l - The listener to add.
See Also:
ControllerListener.componentSelected(oracle.dss.dataView.ControllerEvent), ControllerListenerAdapter


public void removeControllerListener(ControllerListener l)
Removes a listener for user gestures that do not affect data.
Specified by:
removeControllerListener in interface UIView
l - The listener to remove.


public abstract int getViewType()
Get the specific type of the view that this adapter represents. Subclasses of this class implement this method to return the specific type of view.
Specified by:
getViewType in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getViewType in interface UIView
A constant that represents the specific type of view.
See Also:
DataviewConstants.VIEW_TYPE_CROSSTAB, DataviewConstants.VIEW_TYPE_GRAPH, DataviewConstants.VIEW_TYPE_TABLE


public void setTokenSubstitution(TokenSubstitution token)
Specifies a handler for token substitution in this view. Token substitution handlers make it possible for users to insert tokens (such as a token for the current dimension member) in the title, subtitle, and footnote of this view. Most application developers will use the default TokenSubstitution. You need to call this method only if you provide your own handler for allowing users to insert tokens.
Specified by:
setTokenSubstitution in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
setTokenSubstitution in interface UIDataview
token - The token substitution handler for this view.


public TokenSubstitution getTokenSubstitution()
Retrieves the handler for token substitution in this view. Token substitution handlers make it possible for users to insert tokens (such as a token for the current dimension member) in the title, subtitle, and footnote of this view. Most application developers will use the default TokenSubstitution.
Specified by:
getTokenSubstitution in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getTokenSubstitution in interface UIDataview
The token substitution handler for this view. By default, this is a TokenSubstitutionAdapter.


public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
Description copied from interface: DataviewCommon
Retrieves the current error handler for this view.
Specified by:
getErrorHandler in interface DataviewCommon
The current error handler for this view.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the current error handler for this view.


public FontList getFontList()
Specified by:
getFontList in interface DataviewCommon
The current font cache list.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the list of fonts that are currently in the cache.


public int getZoomFactor()
Retrieves the default zoom factor for this view. This number serves as the reference point for calls to the scaleFont method.
Specified by:
getZoomFactor in interface DataviewCommon
The default zoom factor for this view.


public java.awt.Font scaleFont(java.awt.Font f,
                               int zoomFactor)
Specified by:
scaleFont in interface DataviewCommon
f - The font to scale.
zoomFactor - The percent of the default zoom factor to make the font. For example, to double the size of the font, pass 2 * (getZoomFactor()).
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Scales a font.


public java.lang.String getIntlString(java.lang.String key)
Specified by:
getIntlString in interface DataviewCommon
key - the String that needs to be translated.
the translated String
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
because users don't have the keys. Retrieves string resource from the Dataview's ResourceBundle class.


public java.lang.String getIntlString(java.lang.String key,
                                      java.util.ResourceBundle rBundle)
Specified by:
getIntlString in interface DataviewCommon
key - the String that needs to be translated.
rBundle - the bundle to look in
the translated String.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves string resource from a given ResourceBundle class.


public boolean isLayerMetaShortLabelSupported()
Specified by:
isLayerMetaShortLabelSupported in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
return true if LAYER_METADATA_LONGLABEL type is supported, else false


public boolean isLayerMetaViewStyleSupported()
Specified by:
isLayerMetaViewStyleSupported in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
return true if LAYER_METADATA_VIEWSTYLE type is supported, else false


public boolean isMetadataViewStyleSupported()
Specified by:
isMetadataViewStyleSupported in interface DataviewCommon
true if METADATA_VIEWSTYLE is supported, else false
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public boolean isMetadataShortLabelSupported()
Specified by:
isMetadataShortLabelSupported in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
return true if METADATA_SHORTLABEL type is supported, else false


public boolean isDataUnformattedSupported()
Specified by:
isDataUnformattedSupported in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
return true if DATA_UNFORMATTED type is supported, else false


public boolean isDataViewFormatSupported()
Specified by:
isDataViewFormatSupported in interface DataviewCommon
true if DATA_VIEWFORMAT is supported, else false
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public boolean isMemberMetadataLabelTypeSupported(java.lang.String type)
Specified by:
isMemberMetadataLabelTypeSupported in interface DataviewCommon
type - type of member metadata label
true if the type is supported, false if not
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Determine whether the given type of member metadata label is supported by the data source.


public boolean isLayerMetadataLabelTypeSupported(java.lang.String type)
Specified by:
isLayerMetadataLabelTypeSupported in interface DataviewCommon
type - type of layer metadata label
true if the type is supported, false if not
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Determine whether the given type of layer metadata label is supported by the data source.


public java.lang.String getLayerMetadataLabelType(int edge)
Retrieves the type of labels to display for dimension names on the specified edge. This method always returns the default label type, which is LAYER_METADATA_LONGLABEL.
Specified by:
getLayerMetadataLabelType in interface DataviewCommon
edge - A constant that represents the edge for which to get the metadata label type. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section, and they end with "EDGE".
A constant that represents the type of layer metadata label to show. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section, and they begin with "LAYER_METADATA".
See Also:


public java.lang.String getMemberMetadataLabelType(int edge)
Retrieves the type of labels to display for dimension members on the specified edge. This method always returns the default label type, which is METADATA_LONGLABEL.
Specified by:
getMemberMetadataLabelType in interface DataviewCommon
edge - A constant that represents the edge for which to get the metadata label type. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section, and they end with "EDGE".
A constant that represents the type of metadata label to display. Valid constants are listed in the See Also section, and they begin with "METADATA".
See Also:


public void repaint()
Specified by:
repaint in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
repaints the view


public void metadataStyleChanged()
Specified by:
metadataStyleChanged in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Notifies the view that its metadata styles have changed. The style manager calls this method whenever the metadata style rules have been updated, in order to apply the new styles.


public void dataStyleChanged()
Specified by:
dataStyleChanged in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Notifies the view that its data styles have changed. The style manager calls this method whenever the data style rules have been updated, in order to apply the new styles.


public void dataFormatChanged()
Specified by:
dataFormatChanged in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Notifies the view that its data formats have changed. The format manager calls this method whenever the data format rules have been updated, in order to apply the new formats.


public WaitData getWaitDataForRow(int row)
Specified by:
getWaitDataForRow in interface DataviewCommon
row - The index of the row that you want to know about.
If the specified row is waiting for data, then this method will return a WaitData object for the row, otherwise this method will return null.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Indicates whether the specified row is waiting for data through lazy data fetch.

Application developers do not need to call this method.


public void setWaitDataForRow(int row,
                              WaitData waitData)
Specified by:
setWaitDataForRow in interface DataviewCommon
row - The index of the row that is waiting for data.
waitData - The WaitData object that you want to use to display a message in each cell on the row.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Marks a specified row as waiting for data through lazy data fetch.

Application developers do not need to call this method.


public Model getModel()
Retrieves the model for this view.
Specified by:
getModel in interface DataviewCommon
Specified by:
getModel in interface UIView


public int convertComponentTypeToInteger(java.lang.String type)
Retrieves an integer representation of a view component, from a String.
Specified by:
convertComponentTypeToInteger in interface ComponentTypeConverter
The - constant for a view component.


public java.lang.String convertComponentTypeToString(int type)
Retrieves a String representation of a view component, from an integer.
Specified by:
convertComponentTypeToString in interface ComponentTypeConverter
type - An identifier for a view component.


public void setHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit(boolean autosubmit)
Description copied from interface: DataviewCommon
Specifies whether paging control changes are automatically submitted. By default, these changes are not submitted automatically. This property is used for the thin beans only.
Specified by:
setHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit in interface DataviewCommon
autosubmit - true, if autosubmit is enabled, and false if autosubmit is disabled
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Enables/disables autosubmit for the paging control. Autosubmit is disabled by default. This property is used for the thin beans only.


public boolean isHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit()
Description copied from interface: DataviewCommon
Indicates whether paging control changes are automatically submitted. This property is used for the thin beans only.
Specified by:
isHTMLPagingControlAutosubmit in interface DataviewCommon
true, if autosubmit is enabled, and false if autosubmit is disabled
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Tests if autosubmit for the paging control is enabled. This property is used for the thin beans only.


public void setHTMLPagingControlWidth(int width)
Description copied from interface: DataviewCommon
Specifies the number of page items that are displayed before the paging control wraps to a new line. The default value is 3. This property is used for the thin beans only.
Specified by:
setHTMLPagingControlWidth in interface DataviewCommon
width - the number of page items to display before wrapping
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets the number of page items that displayed before wrapping. If width is -1, then all page items will be displayed on the same line. By default, width is equal to 3. This property is used for the thin beans only.


public int getHTMLPagingControlWidth()
Description copied from interface: DataviewCommon
Retrieves the number of page items that are displayed before the paging control wraps. This property is used for the thin beans only.
Specified by:
getHTMLPagingControlWidth in interface DataviewCommon
the number of page items to display before wrapping
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the number of page items that displayed before wrapping This property is used for the thin beans only.


protected void applyTitleAttributes(UIDataview toView)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected void initTitleAttributes(UIDataview fromView)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean fireComponentSelecting(java.lang.Object source,
                                         ComponentHandle id)
source - the source of the event (usually this adapter)
id - the ComponentHandle of the object being selected
false if user consumes event, otherwise true
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. The event instance is lazily created using the parameters passed into the fire method. This method is called from the selectObject method.


protected void fireComponentSelected(java.lang.Object source,
                                     ComponentHandle id)
source - the source of this event (usually this adapter)
id - the ComponentHandle of the object being selected
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Notify all listeners that have registered interest for notification on this event type. The event instance is lazily created using the parameters passed into the fire method. This method is called from the selectObject method.


public void setDataSource(DataSource ds)
Specifies the data source for this view. This implementation does nothing.
Specified by:
setDataSource in interface DataviewCommon
ds - The data source for this view.


public DataSource getDataSource()
Retrieves the data source for this view.
Specified by:
getDataSource in interface DataviewCommon


protected void cleanUp()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Free memory used by this adapter. Call this method only when this adapter instance is no longer needed.


public java.util.BitSet createPropertyOverrideFlags(int maxID)
Specified by:
createPropertyOverrideFlags in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
create a property overridden flags


public void setPropertyOverrideFlags(int attrID,
                                     java.util.BitSet userFlags,
                                     java.util.BitSet styleFlags)
Specified by:
setPropertyOverrideFlags in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
set a property's overridden if userOverrideMode is true, set the property user overridden flag if styleOverrideMode is true, set the property style overridden flag


public boolean isPropertyOverrideFlag(int attrID,
                                      java.util.BitSet overrideFlags)
Specified by:
isPropertyOverrideFlag in interface DataviewCommon
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
check to see if a property is overridden


public static void clearPropertyOverrideFlag(int attrID,
                                             java.util.BitSet overrideFlags)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
clear a property's override flag


public void setCustomColorsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set custom color option enabled on all color choice pickers
Specified by:
setCustomColorsEnabled in interface UIView
enabled - true to enable custom color option on all color choice pickers false to disable it


public boolean isCustomColorsEnabled()
Return if the custom color option is enabled on all color choice pickers
Specified by:
isCustomColorsEnabled in interface UIView
true custom color option is enabled on all color choice pickers false custom color option is disabled


protected void setStyleOverrideMode(boolean flag)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
start or stop computing styleOverrideFlags.


protected boolean isStyleOverrideMode()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
are we computing styleOverrideFlags?


protected void setUserOverrideMode(boolean flag)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
start or stop computing userOverrideFlags.


protected boolean isUserOverrideMode()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
are we computing userOverrideFlags?

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2012, Oracle. All rights reserved.