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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class Alert

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
      extended by oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
          extended by oracle.dss.graph.Alert

public class Alert
extends BaseGraphComponent

This class represents Alerts

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
a_assignedToY2, a_association, a_automaticRotation, a_axisAutoScaledFromZero, a_axisMaxAutoScaled, a_axisMaxValue, a_axisMinAutoScaled, a_axisMinValue, a_axisZoomMaxValue, a_axisZoomMinValue, a_backGround, a_borderStyle, a_borderTransparent, a_borderUsingDefaults, a_borderWidth, a_color, a_defaultAssignedToY2, a_defaultBorderColor, a_defaultBorderTransparent, a_defaultColor, a_defaultFirstMarkerColor, a_defaultFitlineType, a_defaultHighMarkerColor, a_defaultLastMarkerColor, a_defaultLineWidth, a_defaultLowMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkerColor, a_defaultMarkers, a_defaultMarkerShape, a_defaultMarkerType, a_displayedInLegend, a_effect, a_explicitEnd, a_explicitStart, a_fitlineType, a_focusFactor, a_group, a_height, a_high_value, a_horizontalAlignment, a_imageSource, a_isometricProjection, a_labelPosition, a_legendMarkersPerRow, a_legendOrientation, a_legendTextPosition, a_lightSourceX, a_lightSourceY, a_lightSourceZ, a_line_value, a_lineColor, a_lineIndex, a_lineStyle, a_lineWidth, a_location, a_logarithmicBase, a_low_value, a_majorIncrement, a_majorTickCount, a_majorTickStep, a_majorTickStepAutomatic, a_markerColor, a_markerShape, a_markerSize, a_markersPerRowAutomatic, a_markerTextAngleDefault, a_markerTextPlace, a_markerTextRadiusDefault, a_markerType, a_minorIncrement, a_minorTickCount, a_minorTickStep, a_minorTickStepType, a_mode, a_panX, a_panY, a_pieSliceExplode, a_quadrantLineCountX, a_quadrantLineCountY, a_quadrantLineValueX, a_quadrantLineValueY, a_rendered, a_rollover_behavior, a_scaledLogarithmic, a_series, a_seriesDisplayInLegend, a_shapePath, a_sharePanelProperties, a_shortDesc, a_sizeX, a_sizeY, a_sizeZ, a_skippedWithLabels, a_squareRisers, a_text, a_textFittingAutomatic, a_textRotation, a_textType, a_thresholdMaxValue, a_thresholdMinValue, a_tickLabelSkipCount, a_tickLabelSkipFirst, a_tickLabelSkipMode, a_tickLabelStaggered, a_tickLabelWrapped, a_tickStyle, a_translationX, a_translationY, a_translationZ, a_transparent, a_type, a_verticalAlignment, a_viewerX, a_viewerY, a_viewerZ, a_visibility, a_visible, a_wallThickX, a_wallThickY, a_wallThickZ, a_width, a_wordWrapEnabled, a_x, a_xValue, a_y, a_yValue, a_yValueAssignment, a_zoomFactor, al_both, AL_BOTH, al_left, AL_LEFT, al_right, AL_RIGHT, ap_always, AP_ALWAYS, ap_never, AP_NEVER, ar_horiz_rotate_270, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, ar_horiz_rotate_90, AR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, ar_no_rotate, AR_NO_ROTATE, CONV_MAP, dy2_auto_assign, DY2_AUTO_ASSIGN, dy2_false, DY2_FALSE, dy2_true, DY2_TRUE, FP_LG_CHECK, FP_LG_CROSSHATCH, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_LG_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_LG_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_LG_TRIANGLE_CHECK, FP_MAX, FP_SM_CHECK, FP_SM_CROSSHATCH, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_LT, FP_SM_DIAG_UP_RT, FP_SM_DIAMOND_CHECK, FP_SM_TRIANGLE_CHECK, fs_bold, FS_BOLD, fs_bold_italic_underline, FS_BOLD_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_bold_underline, FS_BOLD_UNDERLINE, fs_italic, FS_ITALIC, fs_italic_bold, FS_ITALIC_BOLD, fs_italic_underline, FS_ITALIC_UNDERLINE, fs_plain, FS_PLAIN, fs_underline, FS_UNDERLINE, ft_color, FT_COLOR, ft_exponential, FT_EXPONENTIAL, ft_gradient, FT_GRADIENT, ft_linear, FT_LINEAR, ft_logarithmic, FT_LOGARITHMIC, ft_none, FT_NONE, FT_PATTERN, ft_texture, FT_TEXTURE, gd_diagonal_135, GD_DIAGONAL_135, gd_diagonal_45, GD_DIAGONAL_45, gd_down, GD_DOWN, gd_down_left, GD_DOWN_LEFT, gd_down_right, GD_DOWN_RIGHT, gd_left, GD_LEFT, gd_radial, GD_RADIAL, gd_radial_bottom_left, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_LEFT, gd_radial_bottom_right, GD_RADIAL_BOTTOM_RIGHT, gd_radial_top_left, GD_RADIAL_TOP_LEFT, gd_radial_top_right, GD_RADIAL_TOP_RIGHT, gd_right, GD_RIGHT, gd_up, GD_UP, gd_up_left, GD_UP_LEFT, gd_up_right, GD_UP_RIGHT, gs_automatic, GS_AUTOMATIC, gs_extended, GS_EXTENDED, gs_grid, GS_GRID, gs_in, GS_IN, gs_none, GS_NONE, gs_out, GS_OUT, gs_span, GS_SPAN, lap_bottom, LAP_BOTTOM, lap_left, LAP_LEFT, lap_right, LAP_RIGHT, lap_top, LAP_TOP, ld_percent, LD_PERCENT, ld_text, LD_TEXT, ld_text_percent, LD_TEXT_PERCENT, ld_text_value, LD_TEXT_VALUE, ld_value, LD_VALUE, LEGENDMARKERSLIMIT, lo_automatic, LO_AUTOMATIC, lo_horizontal, LO_HORIZONTAL, lo_vertical, LO_VERTICAL, lp_inside, LP_INSIDE, lp_no_labels, LP_NO_LABELS, lp_outside_feeler_if_needed, LP_OUTSIDE_FEELER_IF_NEEDED, lp_outside_with_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITH_FEELER, lp_outside_without_feeler, LP_OUTSIDE_WITHOUT_FEELER, ls_dash, LS_DASH, ls_dash_dot, LS_DASH_DOT, ls_dotted, LS_DOTTED, ls_solid, LS_SOLID, ltp_above, LTP_ABOVE, ltp_below, LTP_BELOW, ltp_on_left, LTP_ON_LEFT, ltp_on_marker, LTP_ON_MARKER, ltp_on_right, LTP_ON_RIGHT, m_commonGraph, m_identObj, m_pfj, ms_automatic, MS_AUTOMATIC, ms_circle, MS_CIRCLE, ms_diamond, MS_DIAMOND, ms_human, MS_HUMAN, ms_none, MS_NONE, ms_plus, MS_PLUS, ms_square, MS_SQUARE, ms_triangle_down, MS_TRIANGLE_DOWN, ms_triangle_up, MS_TRIANGLE_UP, mt_area, MT_AREA, mt_bar, MT_BAR, mt_centered_stepped_line, MT_CENTERED_STEPPED_LINE, MT_CURVE_AREA, mt_curve_line, MT_CURVE_LINE, mt_default, MT_DEFAULT, mt_line, MT_LINE, mt_marker, MT_MARKER, mt_stepped_line, MT_STEPPED_LINE, mtp_center, MTP_CENTER, mtp_custom, MTP_CUSTOM, mtp_inside_max, MTP_INSIDE_MAX, mtp_inside_min, MTP_INSIDE_MIN, mtp_on_maxedge, MTP_ON_MAXEDGE, mtp_outside_max, MTP_OUTSIDE_MAX, mtp_under_marker, MTP_UNDER_MARKER, QUADRANTLINEVALUELIMIT, REV_CONV_MAP, ro_area, RO_AREA, ro_back, RO_BACK, ro_front, RO_FRONT, ro_line, RO_LINE, SHAPE_AUTOMATIC, SHAPE_CIRCLE, SHAPE_DIAMOND, SHAPE_HUMAN, SHAPE_NONE, SHAPE_PLUS, SHAPE_SQUARE, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_DOWN, SHAPE_TRIANGLE_UP, sv_hidden, SV_HIDDEN, sv_visible, SV_VISIBLE, tdm_stretched, TDM_STRETCHED, tdm_tiled, TDM_TILED, tls_automatic, TLS_AUTOMATIC, tls_manual, TLS_MANUAL, tls_noskip, TLS_NOSKIP, tr_horiz, TR_HORIZ, tr_horiz_rotate_270, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_270, tr_horiz_rotate_90, TR_HORIZ_ROTATE_90, tsm_explicit, TSM_EXPLICIT, tsm_off, TSM_OFF, va_bottom, va_center, va_top, VF_PIE_SLICE_LABEL, VF_STOCK_VOLUME, VF_X1, VF_Y1, VF_Y2, VF_Z


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML


Constructor Summary
Alert(CommonGraph graph, java.lang.Object xValue, java.lang.Object yValue)


Method Summary
protected  java.lang.String getComponentName()
 int getID()
          Retrieves the ID of this Alert.
 java.lang.String getImageSource()
          Retrieves the URL of the file that contains the texture graphic that is displayed at the alert location
 java.lang.String getText()
          Retrieves the text for the alert.
protected  oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(boolean allProperties, boolean allOverriddenProperties)
 java.lang.Object getXValue()
          Retrieves the x-value associated with this alert.
 java.lang.Object getYValue()
          Retrieves the y-value associated with this alert.
 int getYValueAssignment()
          Indicates whether the Y value is plotted against the Y1 or Y2-axis.
 boolean isVisible()
          Indicates whether the alert is visible.
 boolean selectObject(int series, int group)
          Selects the alert on the graph.
 void setImageSource(java.awt.Image image)
 void setImageSource(java.lang.String url)
          Specifies a graphic file to display at the alert location.
 void setImageSource(java.lang.String url, java.awt.Image image)
          Specifies an image to display at the alert location.
 void setText(java.lang.String str)
          Specifies the text of the alert.
 void setVisible(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether the alert is visible.
 void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
 void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node, java.util.HashMap map)
 void setXValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Specifies the x-value associated with this alert.
 void setYValue(java.lang.Object value)
          Specifies the y-value associated with this alert.
 void setYValueAssignment(int axis)
          Specifies whether the Y value is plotted against the Y1 or Y2-axis.


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.graph.BaseGraphComponent
convertAssociationToInt, convertFillPatternToString, convertGradientDirectionToString, convertHorizontalAlignmentToInt, convertHorizontalAlignmentToString, convertLineStyleToInt, convertLineStyleToString, convertLocationToInt, convertTextRotationtToInt, convertTickStyleToInt, convertTypeToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToInt, convertVerticalAlignmentToString, hexStringToInt, toHexString


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.dataView.BaseComponentXML
getNonstyleXML, getStyleXML, getStyleXML, getXML, setNonstyleXML, setNonstyleXML, setStyleXML, setXML, setXML


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public Alert(CommonGraph graph,
             java.lang.Object xValue,
             java.lang.Object yValue)
graph - The graph that this object belongs to.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor. Application developers should not have to construct this object, because the graph does it automatically.

Method Detail


public boolean selectObject(int series,
                            int group)
Selects the alert on the graph.
selectObject in class BaseGraphComponent
series - Any integer.
group - Any integer.
true if successful, false if not.


public void setXValue(java.lang.Object value)
Specifies the x-value associated with this alert.
value - a String, Double or a Date value representing the X coordinate


public java.lang.Object getXValue()
Retrieves the x-value associated with this alert.
value - A Double or a String value representing the y coordinate


public void setYValue(java.lang.Object value)
Specifies the y-value associated with this alert.


public java.lang.Object getYValue()
Retrieves the y-value associated with this alert.
A Double or a String value representing the y coordinate


public boolean isVisible()
Indicates whether the alert is visible.
true if it is visible, false if it is invisible.


public void setVisible(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether the alert is visible.
yesNo - true to make it visible, false to make it invisible.


public java.lang.String getText()
Retrieves the text for the alert. This text will appear as a tooltip text for this alert.
The text for the alert.


public void setText(java.lang.String str)
Specifies the text of the alert. This text will appear as a tooltip text for this alert.
str - The text of the alert.


public void setImageSource(java.awt.Image image)
image - The Image to display as a texture.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Specifies an image to display at the alert location.


public java.lang.String getImageSource()
Retrieves the URL of the file that contains the texture graphic that is displayed at the alert location
the URL of the file that contains the texture graphic.


public void setImageSource(java.lang.String url)
Specifies a graphic file to display at the alert location. The graph will attempt to retrieve and store the Image object from this url.
url - The URL for the file that contains the texture graphic that is displayed in the graph. If the URL does not point to a graphic file, then a runtime exception is thrown, and the graph is not displayed.


public void setImageSource(java.lang.String url,
                           java.awt.Image image)
Specifies an image to display at the alert location. Use this method to store both the url and the Image object.
url - The URL for the file that contains the texture graphic
image - The Image to display as a texture.


public void setYValueAssignment(int axis)
Specifies whether the Y value is plotted against the Y1 or Y2-axis.
axis - The axis Y value is plotted against.


public int getYValueAssignment()
Indicates whether the Y value is plotted against the Y1 or Y2-axis.
The integer representing the axis Y value is plotted against.


public int getID()
Retrieves the ID of this Alert.
ID of this Alert.


protected java.lang.String getComponentName()
getComponentName in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the name of the object.


protected oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getXML(boolean allProperties,
                                                boolean allOverriddenProperties)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves XML from this component returns null if no property is overridden


public void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node,
                   java.util.HashMap map)
setXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets XML on this component


public void setXML(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node)
setXML in class BaseComponentXML
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets properties of this component from XML

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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