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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class ToolTipTextCallback

  extended by oracle.dss.graph.ToolTipTextCallback

public class ToolTipTextCallback
extends java.lang.Object

The callback that provides tooltips to PFJ to display in the graph. Implements ToolTipCallback interface in PFJ. Application developers should not call the methods in this class.

To change the tooltips that are displayed for the graph, you can call Graph methods that affect the display of tooltips, or you can provide an implementation of the CustomToolTipCallback interface and then register the callback by calling Graph.setCustomToolTipCallback. This class calls the CustomToolTipCallback implementation, if one has been registered with the Graph, to get tool tips.

See Also:
Graph.setGroupTooltipLabelType(int), Graph.setMarkerTooltipType(int), Graph.setSeriesTooltipLabelType(int), Graph.setToolTipDelay(int), Graph.setCustomToolTipCallback(oracle.dss.graph.CustomToolTipCallback)

Nested Class Summary
protected  class ToolTipTextCallback.DimValuePairs


Field Summary
protected  boolean m_AxisLabelTipDisplayed
protected  int m_ColID
protected  CommonGraph m_commonGraph
protected  boolean m_CumValTip
protected  CustomToolTipCallback m_customToolTipCallback
protected  DataAccess m_dataAccess
protected  int m_DataValuesPerMarker
protected  java.lang.String m_DimMemberNameType
protected  java.lang.String m_DimNameType
protected  boolean m_excelOrDeskTop
protected  GraphFormatManager m_fmtMgr
protected  boolean m_GraphIsOpenAndClose
protected  boolean m_GraphIsPieBar
protected  boolean m_GraphIsSingleY
protected  boolean m_GraphIsStacked
protected  int m_GroupID
protected  boolean m_MarkerTipDisplayed
protected  int m_MarkerTipType
protected  java.lang.String m_markerTooltipTemplate
protected  java.lang.String m_measureDim
protected  GraphNumberFormatCallback m_numFormatCallback
protected  int m_ObjectID
protected  boolean m_PercentTip
protected  int m_RowID
protected  boolean m_SeriesAreRows
protected  int m_SeriesID
protected  boolean m_ShowColDimName
protected  boolean m_ShowGroupLabels
protected  boolean m_ShowRowDimName
protected  boolean m_ShowSeriesLabels
protected  boolean m_TextTip
protected  int m_TipGroupLabelType
protected  int m_TipSeriesLabelType
protected  int m_ValuesPerGroup
protected  boolean m_ValueTip
protected  java.util.ResourceBundle rBundle


Constructor Summary
ToolTipTextCallback(CommonGraph graph, GraphNumberFormatCallback numFormatCallback)


Method Summary
protected  void addSliceLabelInfoToTooltip()
          if the graph is in ADA mode, add supplement information to tooltips for pie graph, add information to tooltip from slice label if they are different
protected  int calcDateFreq(java.util.Date date)
 java.lang.String convertDateToString(java.lang.Object obj)
protected  java.lang.String formatDate(java.util.Date date, int dateFreq)
 int getColID(int series, int group)
 java.lang.String getColumnLabels(int row, int col)
          Retrieves the label for a column.
protected  java.util.Vector getCommonDimensionsWithNoDuplicats(java.util.Vector QDRDimValuePairs)
 CustomToolTipCallback getCustomToolTipCallback()
 void getDataAccess()
          Retrieves the current DataAccess for the graph.
 int getDataValuesPerMarker()
protected  java.lang.String getDefaultLabels(int row, int col, int edge, boolean showDimName, boolean series)
 java.lang.String getDynamicToolTip(oracle.dss.graph.pfj.TDGMouseState aMouseState, boolean UserOrDeveloper)
          Retrieves the text to display in a tooltip.
 java.lang.String getFormattedValue(double dVal, int axis, boolean isPercent, boolean isPieSlice)
          Retrieves a formatted data value.
 int getGroupTooltipLabelType()
          Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for groups.
protected  java.lang.String getLabels(int row, int col, int edge, boolean showDimName, boolean series)
 int getMarkerTooltipType()
          Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for data markers.
protected  java.lang.String getReferenceObjectShortDesc(oracle.dss.graph.pfj.draw.IdentObj id)
          Gets the reference object short description
 int getRowID(int series, int group)
 java.lang.String getRowLabels(int row, int col)
          Retrieves the label for a row.
 int getSeriesTooltipLabelType()
          Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for series.
 java.lang.String getToolTipTemplate()
 double getValue(int row, int col)
          Retrieves a data value.
 java.lang.String getValueMember(int row, int col, int offset)
protected  java.lang.String getWrappedText(java.lang.String obj)
 boolean isAssignedToY2(int seriesID)
          Indicates whether a series is assigned to the Y2-axis.
 void setAxisLabelTipDisplayed(boolean yesNo)
          Specifies whether to display tooltip text for legend text and axis labels.
protected  void setCustomToolTipCallback(CustomToolTipCallback callback)
 void setDataRowShownAsASeries(boolean yesNo)
          Deprecated. There is no replacement method for this. Application developers are responsible to create the relevant data set.
 void setGraphFormatManager(GraphFormatManager m)
          Specifies the format manager that this ToolTipTextCallback uses.
 void setGraphType(int type)
          Specifies the graph type of the graph for which this ToolTipTextCallback handles tool tips.
 void setGroupTooltipLabelType(int type)
          Specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for groups.
protected  void setMarkerTooltipTemplate(java.lang.String template)
 void setMarkerTooltipType(int type)
          Specifies the type of information that this graph displays in tooltips for markers.
 void setSeriesTooltipLabelType(int type)
          Specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for series.
 void updateResourceBundle()


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected boolean m_GraphIsOpenAndClose
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_AxisLabelTipDisplayed
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_GraphIsPieBar
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_GraphIsSingleY
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_GraphIsStacked
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_MarkerTipDisplayed
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_SeriesAreRows
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_ShowColDimName
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_ShowRowDimName
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_ShowGroupLabels
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_ShowSeriesLabels
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_CumValTip
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_PercentTip
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_TextTip
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_ValueTip
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_ObjectID
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_GroupID
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_SeriesID
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_ColID
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_RowID
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_MarkerTipType
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_TipGroupLabelType
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_TipSeriesLabelType
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_ValuesPerGroup
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected int m_DataValuesPerMarker
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.lang.String m_DimNameType
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.lang.String m_DimMemberNameType
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected boolean m_excelOrDeskTop
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected CommonGraph m_commonGraph
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected DataAccess m_dataAccess
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected GraphFormatManager m_fmtMgr
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected GraphNumberFormatCallback m_numFormatCallback
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected CustomToolTipCallback m_customToolTipCallback
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.lang.String m_markerTooltipTemplate
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.util.ResourceBundle rBundle
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.lang.String m_measureDim
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

Constructor Detail


public ToolTipTextCallback(CommonGraph graph,
                           GraphNumberFormatCallback numFormatCallback)
Constructor. Application developers should never have to construct this method, because the Graph does it automatically.
graph - The Graph for which this ToolTipTextCallback will handle tool tips.
numFormatCallback - The callback that will format numbers for this ToolTipTextCallback.

Method Detail


public void getDataAccess()
Retrieves the current DataAccess for the graph. The DataAccess provides access to the data that this callback needs to display.


protected void addSliceLabelInfoToTooltip()
if the graph is in ADA mode, add supplement information to tooltips for pie graph, add information to tooltip from slice label if they are different


public java.lang.String getDynamicToolTip(oracle.dss.graph.pfj.TDGMouseState aMouseState,
                                          boolean UserOrDeveloper)
Retrieves the text to display in a tooltip. This text contains information about the graph component over which the mouse is positioned. This method is specified in the ToolTipCallback interface in PFJ.
aMouseState - The mouse state information from PFJ.
UserOrDeveloper - true if the Graph is in "developer mode," requiring tooltips with more information, for debugging, false if the Graph is in "user mode," requiring tooltips that are appropriate for end users. The default is false.
The text to display in a tooltip.


protected java.lang.String getReferenceObjectShortDesc(oracle.dss.graph.pfj.draw.IdentObj id)
Gets the reference object short description


public java.lang.String getFormattedValue(double dVal,
                                          int axis,
                                          boolean isPercent,
                                          boolean isPieSlice)
Retrieves a formatted data value.
dVal - The data value to be formatted.
axis - A constant that represents the axis to which the value belongs. Each axis has a different ViewFormat, and so can have different formatting attributes.
isPercent - true if dval is a percentage, false if it is not.
isPieSlice - true if dval is represented as a pie slice in the graph, false if it is not.
The formatted data value.


public int getDataValuesPerMarker()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Internal helper method


public java.lang.String getValueMember(int row,
                                       int col,
                                       int offset)
row - the row
col - the column
offset - the offset of the current column/row compared to baseCol/baseRow
The label string.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a label for the value indicator in the tooltip.


public java.lang.String getColumnLabels(int row,
                                        int col)
Retrieves the label for a column.
col - The column whose label you want.
The label for the specified column.


public java.lang.String getRowLabels(int row,
                                     int col)
Retrieves the label for a row.
row - The row whose label to get.
The label for the specified row.


protected java.lang.String getLabels(int row,
                                     int col,
                                     int edge,
                                     boolean showDimName,
                                     boolean series)
col - The column or row whose label to get.
edge - is DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE for column and DataDirector.ROW_EDGE for row
showDimName - is m_ShowColDimName for columns and m_ShowRowDimName for rows
series - is m_SeriesAreRows for columns and !m_SeriesAreRows for rows
The label for the specified column/row.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a label for a column or row. This is a helper method for getColumnLabels and getRowLabels.


protected java.util.Vector getCommonDimensionsWithNoDuplicats(java.util.Vector QDRDimValuePairs)
myQDRs. - A vector of vectors. The top level vector corresponds to each slice QDR (see getColumnLabels and getRowLabels). The second-level vector contains dimValuePairs for each of those QDRs. dimValuePairs contain strings reprensenting dimension names and their corresponding values. QDRDimValuePairs ---------------------------------------- |QDR_1 | dim_1_1 | dim_1_2 ... | | | value_1_1 | value_1_2 ... | ---------------------------------------| |QDR_2 | dim_2_1 | dim_2_2 ... | | | value_2_1 | value_2_2 ... | -------------------------------------- | | . | | | | . | | | | . | | | ---------------------------------------| |QDR_n | dim_n_1 | dim_n_2 ... | | | value_n_1 | value_n_2 ... | ----------------------------------------
a vector of dimension names and their corresponding values that are shared by all the QDRs from QDRDimValuePairs vector (and have the same values).
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Returns a vector of dimension name/value pairs that are common across all the QDRs passed in. We need this in order to display duplicate dim name/value pairs only once in the tooltip. For now, we are only getting rid of the pairs that are the same across ALL the QDRs, but in the future we might want to come up with some smarter algorithm for the cases when we have the same pair coming up only more than once but not in all the QDRs.


protected java.lang.String getDefaultLabels(int row,
                                            int col,
                                            int edge,
                                            boolean showDimName,
                                            boolean series)
col - The column or row whose label to get. edge is DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE for column and DataDirector.ROW_EDGE for row showDimName is m_ShowColDimName for columns and m_ShowRowDimName for rows series is m_SeriesAreRows for columns and !m_SeriesAreRows for rows
The label for the specified column/row.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves a default label for a column or a row. This is a helper method for getColumnLabels and getRowLabels.


public double getValue(int row,
                       int col)
Retrieves a data value. The row and col parameters identify the data value to retrieve. Currently, the data value must be a number value.
row - The row of the data value that you want.
col - The column of the data value that you want.
The data value at the specified row and column. Returns 0.0 if the value at the specified row and column is not a number value.


public boolean isAssignedToY2(int seriesID)
Indicates whether a series is assigned to the Y2-axis.
seriesID - The series about which you want information.
true if series is assigned to the Y2-axis, false if it is assigned to the Y1-axis.


public void updateResourceBundle()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Update ResourceBundle according to the locale of the graph. Should be used by Graph only.


public void setAxisLabelTipDisplayed(boolean yesNo)
Specifies whether to display tooltip text for legend text and axis labels.
yesNo - true to display tooltips for legend text and axis labels, false to hide tooltips for these labels.


public void setDataRowShownAsASeries(boolean yesNo)
Deprecated. There is no replacement method for this. Application developers are responsible to create the relevant data set.
yesNo - true to have data rows shown as PFJ series (and data columns shown as groups), false to have data rows shown as PFJ groups (and data columns shown as series).
See Also:
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Specifies whether data rows appear as series in the graph. The Graph.setDataRowShownAsASeries method class calls this method. Application developers should call the method in the Graph rather than this method.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public void setGraphFormatManager(GraphFormatManager m)
Specifies the format manager that this ToolTipTextCallback uses. The Graph.setGraphFormatManager method calls this method. Application developers should not need to call this method.
m - The GraphFormatManager to use.
See Also:


public void setGraphType(int type)
Specifies the graph type of the graph for which this ToolTipTextCallback handles tool tips. The Graph.setGraphType method calls this method as it sets the graph type of the graph. Application developers should not have to call this method.
type - A constant that represents the graph type. Constants are defined in the Graph class.
See Also:


public int getRowID(int series,
                    int group)
series -
group -
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public int getColID(int series,
                    int group)
series -
group -
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected void setMarkerTooltipTemplate(java.lang.String template)
template - the markerTooltipTemplate to use
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Updates this ToolTipTextCallback with the new markerTooltipTemplate. This is used to keep the markerTooltipTemplate in sync for renders.


public int getGroupTooltipLabelType()
Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for groups. The default value is Graph.TLT_MEMBER, so that the group dimension member appears, without a dimension name. Graph.getGroupTooltipLabelType calls this method.
A constant that indicates the kind of information that appears in tooltips for groups. The constants are defined in the Graph class, and they begin with TLT_.
See Also:


public void setGroupTooltipLabelType(int type)
Specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for groups. The default value for the GroupTooltipLabelType attribute is Graph.TLT_MEMBER, which displays the dimension member only. Graph.setGroupTooltipLabelType calls this method.
type - A constant that specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for groups. The constants are defined in the Graph class, and they begin with TLT_.
See Also:


public int getMarkerTooltipType()
Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for data markers. The default value is Graph.MTT_VALUES, which displays the data value that the marker represents. Graph.getMarkerTooltipType calls this method.
A constant that indicates the kind of information that appears in tooltips for groups. The constants are defined in the Graph class, and they begin with MTT_.
See Also:


public void setMarkerTooltipType(int type)
Specifies the type of information that this graph displays in tooltips for markers. The information can be the value that the marker represents, the percent value (for pie graphs), the cumulative value (for stacked graphs), text that identifies the group or series, or a combination of information, such as the value, the group, and the series. Constants are defined in the Graph class, and they start with MTT_.

The default value for the MarkerTooltipType property is Graph.MTT_VALUES, which displays the data value that the marker represents. Graph.setMarkerTooltipType calls this method.

type - A constant that represents the type of information that the graph should display for markers. Except for MTT_NONE, the constants can be combined by using a bitwise OR (|).
See Also:
GraphConstants.MTT_TEXT, GraphConstants.MTT_VALUES, GraphConstants.MTT_NONE, GraphConstants.MTT_PERCENT_VAL, GraphConstants.MTT_CUM_VAL, Graph.setGroupTooltipLabelType(int), Graph.setSeriesTooltipLabelType(int), Graph.setMarkerTooltipType(int)


public int getSeriesTooltipLabelType()
Retrieves the kind of information that is displayed in tooltips for series. The default value is Graph.TLT_MEMBER, so that the group dimension member appears, without a dimension name. Graph.getSeriesTooltipLabelType calls this method.
A constant that indicates the kind of information that appears in tooltips for series. The constants are defined in the Graph class, and they begin with TLT_.
See Also:


public void setSeriesTooltipLabelType(int type)
Specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for series. The default value for the GroupTooltipLabelType attribute is Graph.TLT_MEMBER, which displays the dimension member only. Graph.setSeriesTooltipLabelType calls this method.
type - A constant that specifies the kind of information to display in tooltips for series. The constants are defined in the Graph class, and they begin with TLT_.
See Also:


protected int calcDateFreq(java.util.Date date)
date - date to calculate frequency for
frequency of the given date
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Calculate the frequency (granularity) of a single date.


public java.lang.String convertDateToString(java.lang.Object obj)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected java.lang.String formatDate(java.util.Date date,
                                      int dateFreq)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public CustomToolTipCallback getCustomToolTipCallback()
CustomToolTipCallback The CustomToolTipCallback used to override the tool tip text we provide.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Retrieves the CustomToolTipCallback used to override the tool tip text we provide.


protected void setCustomToolTipCallback(CustomToolTipCallback callback)
callback - The CustomToolTipCallback that will be used to override the tool tip text we provide.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Set the CustomToolTipCallback to use to override the tool tip text we provide.


protected java.lang.String getWrappedText(java.lang.String obj)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Since PFJ does not do word wrapping for a long text in the tooltip writing a method that split the text into multiple lines.


public java.lang.String getToolTipTemplate()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Assembles a tooltip template for flash client assembly of tooltips.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2012, Oracle. All rights reserved.