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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook

  extended by javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor
      extended by javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
          extended by javax.ide.extension.ParameterizedExtensionHook
              extended by javax.ide.extension.MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook

public class MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook
extends ParameterizedExtensionHook

MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook is similar to DeferredElementVisitorHook except that it supports attaching multiple ElementVisitors. A client of this API specifies the maximum number of visitors that can be attached. After that many visitors are attached, the recorded data will be released, and an exception will be thrown if someone attempts to attach another visitor. If MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook is registered as the hook handler for an element, it will record the XML data for all instances of that element encountered during extension.xml processing. At a later time, when that data is needed, the client would retrieve the MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook instance from the ExtensionRegistry and call attachElementVisitor() passing an ElementVisitor implementation. Before attachElementVisitor() returns, all of the recorded XML data will be replayed to the attached ElementVisitor instance visitor methods (start/end). MultiDeferredElementVisitor attempts to replicate the original parsing context (such as scope data and locators), such that the attached ElementVisitor would have access to the same information it would have if it had been registered as the hook handler. Once an ElementVisitor is attached, if additional instances of the element are encountered during extension.xml processing, the attached ElementVisitor's start/end method will be called.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor


Field Summary


Fields inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook


Fields inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void attachElementVisitor(ElementVisitor elementVisitor)
          When the XML data associated with the hook handler instance needs to be processed, call this method passing an ElementVisitor implementation.
 void end(ElementEndContext context)
          Visit the end tag of an xml element.
 java.util.List<ElementVisitor> getAttachedVisitors()
 int getMaximumNumberOfVisitors()
 int getNumberOfAttachedVisitors()
 void setHookHandlerParameters(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameterMap)
 void setMaximumNumberOfVisitors(int maxVisitors)
 void start(ElementStartContext context)
          Visit the start tag of an xml element.


Methods inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ExtensionHook
findPath, getExtension, getProvider, getRSBundleClass, getSchemaLocation, resolvePath, setProvider, setSchemaLocation


Methods inherited from class javax.ide.extension.ElementVisitor
getAttributeHelper, getClassLoader, getMetaClassLoader, getResourceBundle, getResourceBundleProvider, getTextHelper, log, log, setResourceBundleProvider


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public MultiDeferredElementVisitorHook()

Method Detail


public void setHookHandlerParameters(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> parameterMap)
Specified by:
setHookHandlerParameters in class ParameterizedExtensionHook


public void setMaximumNumberOfVisitors(int maxVisitors)


public int getMaximumNumberOfVisitors()


public void start(ElementStartContext context)
Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
Visit the start tag of an xml element.

This implementation does nothing.

start in class ElementVisitor
context - information about the xml start tag.


public void end(ElementEndContext context)
Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
Visit the end tag of an xml element.

This implementation does nothing.

end in class ElementVisitor
context - information about the xml end tag.


public void attachElementVisitor(ElementVisitor elementVisitor)
When the XML data associated with the hook handler instance needs to be processed, call this method passing an ElementVisitor implementation. Before attachElementVisitor() returns, all of the recorded XML data will be replayed to the given ElementVisitor instance visitor methods (start/end). Once this method has been called, any additional XML data processed by the DeferredElementVisitorHookHandler will be immediately passed through to the attached ElementVisitor with no buffering. It is illegal to call this method more than once passing in different ElementVisitor instances.
elementVisitor -


public int getNumberOfAttachedVisitors()


public java.util.List<ElementVisitor> getAttachedVisitors()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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