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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Interface CursorListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface CursorListener
extends java.util.EventListener

The CursorListener interface should be implemented by clients interested in receiving notifications of cursor movement in the code editor. These notifications will be generated when the cursor is moved through an explicit keyboard or mouse navigation as well as when it is moved because of a buffer modiciation.

It is the responsibility of clients to retrieve the cursor position from the Code Editor when this notification occurs.

Note: Cursor notifications are very, very frequent since they occur on every document change and every navigation. Clients should not do much processing or computing during the notification. Otherwise, code editor performance may be impacted (and you may get smacked as a result.) Consider yourself warned.

Method Summary
 void cursorUpdate(CodeEditor codeEditor)
          Provides notification that the cursor was moved in the given CodeEditor, either through an explicit keyboard or mouse navigation, or through a buffer modification.


Method Detail


void cursorUpdate(CodeEditor codeEditor)
Provides notification that the cursor was moved in the given CodeEditor, either through an explicit keyboard or mouse navigation, or through a buffer modification.
codeEditor - the code editor that generated the event
See Also:
CodeEditor.getCaretPosition(), CodeEditor.getSelectionStart(), CodeEditor.getSelectionEnd(), CodeEditor.hasSelectedText()

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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