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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class GlobalIgnoreList

  extended by
      extended by oracle.ide.config.ChangeEventSource
          extended by oracle.ide.config.GlobalIgnoreList

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GlobalIgnoreList
extends ChangeEventSource
implements Copyable

This class stores the IDE Global Ignore list. This is a list of filters that can be used to exclude files or directories from projects. It extends ChangeEventSource to provide ChangeListener support.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String KEY_SETTINGS


Fields inherited from class


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object target)
          Copys the data to the target
static java.util.List createDefaults()
          Creates a list of Pair objects where each Pair is made up of a String that represents the text for the exclude filter and a Boolean to indicate whether the filter is enabled or not.
 java.util.List getList()
          Gets the list of Pairs used to represent each filter in the list.
static PatternFilters getPatternFilters()
          Gets the PatternFilters object that represents all the enabled exclude filters that are part of the global ignore list.
static URLFilter getURLFilter()
          Returns a URLFilter instance whose behavior is backed by the GlobalIgnoreList's PatternFilters.
static boolean isGloballyIgnored( url)
          Determines whether the specified URL is globally ignored.
static void registerExcludeFilter(java.lang.String excludeString)
          Addins can register strings that should be added to the global ignore list These strings will be used to create an exclude filter and will be persisted across JDeveloper sessions.
 void setList(java.util.List list)
          Sets the list of Pairs used to represent each filter in the list.


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.config.ChangeEventSource
addChangeListener, fireChangeEvent, fireChangeEvent, removeChangeListener, setUseObjectEquals


Methods inherited from class
addStructureChangeListener, containsKey, copyToImpl, equals, equalsImpl, findOrCreate, forcedCopyTo, getHashStructure, removeStructureChangeListener, useObjectEquals


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String KEY_SETTINGS
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public GlobalIgnoreList()

Method Detail


public static final boolean isGloballyIgnored( url)
Determines whether the specified URL is globally ignored.
url - a url to test.
true if the url is globally ignored.


public static void registerExcludeFilter(java.lang.String excludeString)
Addins can register strings that should be added to the global ignore list These strings will be used to create an exclude filter and will be persisted across JDeveloper sessions. The string will not be added to the list if it already exists in the list.
excludeString -


public static PatternFilters getPatternFilters()
                                        throws TransientMarker
Gets the PatternFilters object that represents all the enabled exclude filters that are part of the global ignore list. The PatternFilters object returned is not "live", that is, it is created just for the caller and changes to it will not affect the GlobalIgnoreList
the pattern filter


public static URLFilter getURLFilter()
Returns a URLFilter instance whose behavior is backed by the GlobalIgnoreList's PatternFilters. This is a convenient way to get a URLFilter to use with URLFileSystem.list(..) or ls(..).
A URLFilter backed by the GlobalIgnoreList PatternFilters.


public java.util.List getList()
Gets the list of Pairs used to represent each filter in the list. Each Pair is made up of a string that represents the exclude string used to create a PatternFilter and a Boolean that represents whether the filter should be enabled or not.

This method should only be used by Object2Dom for persistence or by the GlobalIgnoreListPanel


public void setList(java.util.List list)
Sets the list of Pairs used to represent each filter in the list. Each Pair is made up of a string that represents the exclude string used to create a PatternFilter and a Boolean that represents whether the filter should be enabled or not.

This method should only be used by Object2Dom for persistence or by the GlobalIgnoreListPanel


public java.lang.Object copyTo(java.lang.Object target)
Copys the data to the target
Specified by:
copyTo in interface Copyable
copyTo in class ChangeEventSource
target - where to copy the data to. May be null
the object the data was copied into


public static java.util.List createDefaults()
Creates a list of Pair objects where each Pair is made up of a String that represents the text for the exclude filter and a Boolean to indicate whether the filter is enabled or not.

The list is built up of strings from the file and any strings registered by addins

list of Pairs (see above)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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