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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use IdeLayout
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 


Uses of IdeLayout in oracle.ide.layout


Methods in oracle.ide.layout that return IdeLayout
 IdeLayout Layouts.getActiveLayout()
          Returns the active layout.
 IdeLayout Layouts.getDesignLayout()
 IdeLayout SimpleLayout.getOwner()
 IdeLayout Layout.getOwner()
          Get the IdeLayout that owns this layout.


Methods in oracle.ide.layout with parameters of type IdeLayout
 void Layouts.activateLayout(IdeLayout layout)
 void Layouts.activateLayout(IdeLayout layout, boolean startup)
protected  boolean IdeLayout.equalsImpl(IdeLayout other)
 Layout Layouts.newLayout(IdeLayout parent)
 Layout Layouts.newLayout(IdeLayout parent, fileURL)
 void SimpleLayout.setOwner(IdeLayout owner)
 void Layout.setOwner(IdeLayout owner)
          Set the owner of this layout.


Uses of IdeLayout in oracle.ide.runner


Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return IdeLayout
 IdeLayout RunProcess.getProcessLayout()
          Returns the layout that should be shown when this process is selected in the run manager navigator.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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