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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Interface ApplyListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AuditProfilePanel, LazyLoadedTraversable, MDDPanel, ProxySettingsPanel, TabbedPanel, UpdatePreferences

public interface ApplyListener
extends java.util.EventListener

This interface defines the messages that are sent in association with applying or canceling from a NavigableUIContainer.

If the UI container is editing a copy of the original data in order to support cancel, an ApplyListener should be registered that is responsible for applying changes from the edited data copy back to the original data structure.

Method Summary
 void apply(ApplyEvent e)
          This method is called when the changes made in the NavigableUIContainer are to be committed to the original data structures.
 void cancel(ApplyEvent e)
          This method is called when the changes made in the NavigableUIContainer are to be discarded.


Method Detail


void apply(ApplyEvent e)
This method is called when the changes made in the NavigableUIContainer are to be committed to the original data structures. This normally occurs when the user pushes the "OK", "Apply", or "Finish" button.

This method is called as soon as the user's action is recognized. Typically, if the NavigableUIContainer is editing a copy of the original data, there will be an ApplyListener registered that is responsible for flushing the changes from the edited data copy back to the original data structure. The API in the oracle.ide.panels package does not specify when such an ApplyListener is registered or whether one is registered at all.

If you are writing code that must depend on the registration order of such an ApplyListener, you will need to consult the documentation for the code that instantiates the NavigableUIContainer to determine if the registration order for ApplyListeners is specified there.

e - The ApplyEvent that provides contextual information about when the ApplyEvent was fired.


void cancel(ApplyEvent e)
This method is called when the changes made in the NavigableUIContainer are to be discarded. This normally occurs when the user pushes the "Cancel" button.

No data validation occurs when the user cancels, and the NavigableUIContainer may or may not call the onExit method of the currently showing Traversable. In general, onExit will not be called.

e - The ApplyEvent that provides contextual information about when the ApplyEvent was fired.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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