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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SchemaObject
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.dialogs Dialogs for working with database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Classes for dealing with PL/SQL objects. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser Offline Database Node implementations for the JDeveloper's Application Navigator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard Wizard and dialogs that can used when working with the offline database. 


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.ide.db


Methods in oracle.ide.db that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapDescriptor(DBObjectProvider source)
static SchemaObject[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapDescriptors(SchemaObjectDescriptor[] descs, DBObjectProvider source)
          Unwraps a set of descriptors and returns an array of SchemaObjects.


Methods in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type SchemaObject
static SchemaObjectDescriptor[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.createDescriptors(SchemaObject[] objs)
          Wraps up a set of SchemaObjects into SchemaObjectDescriptors.
static SchemaObjectDescriptor[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.createDescriptors(SchemaObject[] objs, boolean saveObj)
          Wraps up a set of SchemaObjects into SchemaObjectDescriptors. DBURLFactory.Helper.createURL(DBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, java.lang.String subType)
          Deprecated. Returns the URL for the given SchemaObject that is from the given provider. DBURLFactory.URLHelper.createURL(DBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, java.lang.String subType)
static DBURLFactory.getURL(DBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, java.lang.String subType)
          Deprecated. use getURL(DBObjectProvider,SystemObject)


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.ide.db.controls


Classes in oracle.ide.db.controls with type parameters of type SchemaObject
 class NameAndSchemaAdvancedEditor<T extends SchemaObject>
          Extension of the NameAndSchemaEditor that includes an advanced checkbox.
 class NameAndSchemaEditor<T extends SchemaObject>
          Resuable widget for editing a SchemaObject's name and schema.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject SchemaObjectComboBox.getSchemaObject()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type SchemaObject
 void SchemaObjectComboBox.initWithOneItem(SchemaObject so)
          Initialize the combobox with a single item.
 void SchemaObjectComboBox.setSchemaObject(SchemaObject so)


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.ide.db.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(DBObjectTypeNode node)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
 SchemaObject DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String dbObjectType)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with parameters of type SchemaObject
 boolean DBEditorFactory.canEditDBObject(SchemaObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
 boolean DBEditorFactory.editDBObject(SchemaObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)
static DBEditorFactory DBEditorFactoryRegistry.getEditFactory(SchemaObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Fields in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql declared as SchemaObject
protected  SchemaObject BaseSQLQueryBuilderPanel.m_sObj


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql that return SchemaObject
protected  SchemaObject BaseSQLQueryPickerPanel.getSchemaObject()


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSchemaObjects()
          Deprecated. This method does not let you know that the database connection has been lost. If the caller does not care, use getSchemaObjects( true ) and ignor the exception instead. Otherwise, use getSchemaObjects( false ) and handle the exception
 SchemaObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSchemaObjects(boolean ignorErrors)
          Deprecated. use TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjects(boolean)
 SchemaObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSchemaObjectsAndDependencies()
          Deprecated. use getSchemaObjectsAndDependencies( boolean ignorErrors ) instead.
 SchemaObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSchemaObjectsAndDependencies(boolean ignorErrors)
          Deprecated. use TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjectsAndDependencies(boolean)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type SchemaObject
static java.lang.String TransferHelper.getUpdateDDL(DBObjectProvider source, SchemaObject[] schemaObjects, DBObjectProvider target, Schema targetSchema)
          Update a target schema so that it contains the list of source objects.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db


Subinterfaces of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db
 interface BinaryObject
          Interface for an object from the db that has a binary representation (e.g.
 interface SourceObject
          Any object in the database that can contain a block of source code - for example java or PL/SQL.


Classes in oracle.javatools.db that implement SchemaObject
 class AbstractSchemaObject
          Provides a base implementation of the SchemaObject interface.
 class Index
          Model of a database index.
 class Java
          Abstract SchemaObject implementation for the different Java objects available in a database.
 class JavaClass
          Model of a Java Class.
 class JavaResource
          Model of a Java Resource object.
 class JavaSource
          Model of a Java Source object.
 class PlSql
          Deprecated. use SourceObject instead
 class PlSqlSubprogram
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSubProgram instead
 class Relation
          A Relation represents the basic entity of a relational database.
 class Sequence
          Model of a database sequence.
 class SpecPlSql
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec instead
 class Synonym
          Model of a database synonym.
 class Table
          Model of a database table.
 class View
          Represents a database View.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with type parameters of type SchemaObject
<T extends SchemaObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject DBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject representing a specific database object.
 SchemaObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObject(java.lang.String objectType, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
static SchemaObject DBUtil.getSchemaObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SchemaObject, it is returned.
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema)
 SchemaObject[] DBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Lists the objects of multiple types available from this provider.
 SchemaObject[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Gets the next object from this iterator.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type SchemaObject
 void DBObjectFactory.ensureSchema(SchemaObject obj)
          Ensures that the given object's Schema is the same instance that the provider has, and not a copy, or separate instance with the same name.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsAdded(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsRemoved(Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Deprecated. Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Deprecated. Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderAdapter.schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Deprecated. Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, SchemaObject[] objs)
          Deprecated. Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.
 void DBObjectProvider.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
          Undeletes the object, i.e.
 void DBObjectProvider.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)
          Undeletes the objects, i.e.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that implement SchemaObject
 class ComplexType
          Deprecated. use Type instead
 class ObjectType


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type SchemaObject
 void DDLDatabase.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
 void DDLDatabase.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.event


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.event with type arguments of type SchemaObject
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, java.util.Collection<? extends SchemaObject> objs)
          Notifies the listener that SchemaObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.schemaObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, Schema schema, java.util.Collection<? extends SchemaObject> objs)
          Notifies the listener that the given SchemaObjects have been removed from the provider.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement SchemaObject
 class DatabaseLink
          Model of a database DatabaseLink.
 class Directory
          Model of an Oracle Directory object.
 class Indextype
 class MaterializedView
          A MaterializedView represents a Materialized View in the database.
 class MaterializedViewLog
 class RecycledObject
          Model of an object that has been dropped and is now in the Oracle recycle bin.
 class XMLSchema
          Object to represent an XML Schema held in the database.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.plsql


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that implement SchemaObject
 class Function
          Representation of a PL/SQL Function.
 class Package
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Spec
 class PackageBody
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Body
 class PlSqlSchemaObject
          Abstract superclass of all Schema level PL/SQL objects (ie SourceObjects) other than Procedure and Function as they extend PlSqlSubProgram.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectBody
          Abstract superclass of PackageBody and TypeBody.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec
          Abstract superclass of object types that can have bodies, ie Package and Type.
 class Procedure
          Representation of a PL/SQL Procedure.
 class Trigger
          Representation of a Database Trigger
 class Type
 class TypeBody
          Representation of a Type Body


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that return SchemaObject
protected  SchemaObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getObject(java.lang.String type, Schema sch, java.lang.String relation)
 SchemaObject SynonymUsage.getReferencedObject()
          Returns the object referenced by the synonym.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject(SchemaObjectNode node)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject from the given node ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type SchemaObject
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.undeleteObject(SchemaObject object)
          This method is not currently supported in the offline provider.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.undeleteObjects(SchemaObject[] objects)
          This method is not currently supported in the offline provider.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser that return SchemaObject
 SchemaObject SchemaObjectNode.getSchemaObject()
          Gets the SchemaObject for this node.


Uses of SchemaObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard with parameters of type SchemaObject
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj)
          Fires the wizard to create an object in given the provider taking the given object as a base.
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, Context c)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, DBObject child)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.
static boolean SchemaObjectWizard.editObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj, DBObject child, Context c)
          Fires the edit dialog for the given object from the given provider.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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