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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SystemObject
oracle.ide.db Classes for representing database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.controls Reusable UI controls to used to show or list database objects. 
oracle.ide.db.dialogs Dialogs for working with database objects in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer Contains an API for transfering database object from one DBObjectProvider to another. 
oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate Contains classes that control the targets available for generating database objects to in the IDE. 
oracle.ide.db.util Utility classes for dealing with database objects in UI in the IDE. 
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ddl API for generating DDL in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.dictionary Contains a Database implementation (DictionaryDatabase) that retrieves information for retrieving object information using dictionary queries (instead of the JDBC metadata). 
oracle.javatools.db.diff Contains a metadata driven differ of database objects. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Classes for dealing with PL/SQL objects. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 
oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator Utilities for using the "Database Navigator" that SQL Developer provides in JDeveloper, to avoid referencing SQL Developer code directly. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb Database API extension for saving database object definitions in XML files. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler Utilities for handling complicated offline database actions, for example delete. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard Wizard and dialogs that can used when working with the offline database. 


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db


Methods in oracle.ide.db that return SystemObject
 SystemObject SchemaObjectDescriptor.getObject()
          If this is a wrapper for an existing object, this will return the object.
 SystemObject SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapSystemObjectDescriptor(DBObjectProvider source)
static SystemObject[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.unwrapSystemObjectDescriptors(SchemaObjectDescriptor[] descs, DBObjectProvider source)
          Unwraps a set of descriptors and returns an array of SystemObjects.


Methods in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type SystemObject
static SchemaObjectDescriptor[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.createDescriptors(SystemObject[] objs)
          Wraps up a set of SystemObjects into SchemaObjectDescriptors.
static SchemaObjectDescriptor[] SchemaObjectDescriptor.createDescriptors(SystemObject[] objs, boolean saveObj)
          Wraps up a set of SystemObjects into SchemaObjectDescriptors.
abstract DBURLFactory.URLHelper.createURL(DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject obj)
          Returns the URL for the given SystemObject that is from the given provider.
static DBURLFactory.getURL(DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject obj)


Constructors in oracle.ide.db with parameters of type SystemObject
SchemaObjectDescriptor(SystemObject obj)
          Create a descriptor for the given schema object.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.controls


Classes in oracle.ide.db.controls with type parameters of type SystemObject
 class NameEditor<T extends SystemObject>
          Resuable widget for editing a SystemObject's name.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return SystemObject
protected  SystemObject[] DBObjectSourcePicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)
          Called by the picker when querying the database.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls that return types with arguments of type SystemObject
 DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectChooser.getDBObjectCriteria()


Methods in oracle.ide.db.controls with parameters of type SystemObject
protected  SystemObject[] DBObjectSourcePicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)
          Called by the picker when querying the database.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with type parameters of type SystemObject
<T extends SystemObject>
DBEditorFactory.createDBObject(Schema schema, DBObjectProvider pro, T template, boolean commitToProvider)
          Deprecated. use DBEditorFactory.launchDialog(DBEditorConfig)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs that return SystemObject
 SystemObject DBEditorConfig.getNewObject()
          Gets the "newObject".
 SystemObject DBEditorConfig.getOriginalObject()
          For an edit operation, this returns the original objec that the DBObjectProvider has in memory.
static SystemObject TemplateObjectChooser.getTemplate(DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String[] supportedTypes)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs that return types with arguments of type SystemObject
 java.util.List<SystemObject> DBEditorConfig.getAdditionalObjects()
          Gets any additional objects that have been created as part of the create or edit operation.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.dialogs with parameters of type SystemObject
 void DBEditorConfig.setNewObject(SystemObject newObject)
          Sets the newObject - i.e.
 void DBEditorConfig.setOriginalObject(SystemObject originalObject)
          Sets the original object for an edit operation.
static boolean CascadeConfirmDialog.updateObjects(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Performs an updateObject operation.
static boolean CascadeConfirmDialog.updateObjects(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Performs an updateObject operation.
static boolean CascadeConfirmDialog.updateObjects(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects, boolean replace)
          Performs an updateObject operation.
static boolean CascadeConfirmDialog.updateObjects(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, DBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects, boolean replace)
          Performs an updateObject operation.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql that return SystemObject
protected  SystemObject[] FromFromPicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)
protected  SystemObject[] QuickPickSourcePicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql with parameters of type SystemObject
protected  SystemObject[] FromFromPicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)
protected  SystemObject[] QuickPickSourcePicker.filterAndSort(SystemObject[] objs)


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.transfer


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer that return SystemObject
 SystemObject[] TransferPolicy.copyForTransfer(TransferDescriptor td, SystemObject[] existingObjects)
          Copy the objects for transfer.
 SystemObject[] TransferPolicy.findExistingObjects(TransferDescriptor td)
          Find any existing objects in the transfer target.
 SystemObject[] TransferState.getCopiedObjects()
 SystemObject[] TransferState.getExistingObjects()
 SystemObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjects()
          Deprecated. this method does not let the caller know if the database connection is lost.
 SystemObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjects(boolean ignorErrors)
          convenience method to return the source objects.
 SystemObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjectsAndDependencies()
          Deprecated. Use getSystemObjectsAndDependencies( true ) if you dont want to get a DBException. Or better, getSystemObjectsAndDependencies( false ) if the caller will handle the exception. A DBException will be throw if the database connection is lost.
 SystemObject[] TransferDescriptor.getSystemObjectsAndDependencies(boolean ignorErrors)
          Convenience method to return the source objects and dependencies.
 SystemObject[] TransferManager.prepareAndTransfer(TransferDescriptor td)
          Transfer the objects as described by the TransferDescriptor.
 SystemObject[] TransferTarget.transfer(ResultSet rs)
          Complete the transfer by applying the given result set to the transfer target.
 SystemObject[] TransferManager.transfer(TransferDescriptor td)
          Do the transfers described by the TransferDescriptor.


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer with parameters of type SystemObject
 SystemObject[] TransferPolicy.copyForTransfer(TransferDescriptor td, SystemObject[] existingObjects)
          Copy the objects for transfer.
 ResultSet TransferPolicy.getDifferences(TransferDescriptor td, SystemObject[] existingObjects, SystemObject[] copiedObjects)
          Get a ResultSet describing the differences between any existing objects and the objects which have been copied for transfer.
 ResultSet TransferPolicy.getDifferences(TransferDescriptor td, SystemObject[] existingObjects, SystemObject[] copiedObjects)
          Get a ResultSet describing the differences between any existing objects and the objects which have been copied for transfer.
 void TransferState.setExistingObjects(SystemObject[] existing)
          Should only be used by the TransferManager and RefreshController.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate


Methods in oracle.ide.db.transfer.generate that return SystemObject
 SystemObject[] GenerateController.doTransfer(TransferDescriptor td)
          Performs the actual transfer of the given TransferDescriptor.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.ide.db.util


Methods in oracle.ide.db.util with parameters of type SystemObject
static java.util.Map ExpressionEditSupport.createInsightMap(SystemObject[] sysObjs)
 boolean SchemaObjectBuilder.ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject... objs)
          Ensures that all of the given SystemObjects are fully loaded from their metadata source (e.g.
 boolean SchemaObjectBuilder.ensureObjectBuiltEx(SystemObject... objs)
          Ensures that all of the given SystemObjects are fully loaded from their metadata source (e.g.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db


Classes in oracle.javatools.db with type parameters of type SystemObject
 class DBObjectCriteria<T extends SystemObject>
          A DBObjectCriteria is used when listing objects from a DBObjectProvider to specify the criteria by which the list should be restricted.


Subinterfaces of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db
 interface BinaryObject
          Interface for an object from the db that has a binary representation (e.g.
 interface SchemaObject
          A SchemaObject represents a database object that can exist within the context of a schema.
 interface SourceObject
          Any object in the database that can contain a block of source code - for example java or PL/SQL.


Classes in oracle.javatools.db that implement SystemObject
 class AbstractSchemaObject
          Provides a base implementation of the SchemaObject interface.
 class AbstractSystemObject
          Abstract superclass for all SystemObject implementations.
 class Index
          Model of a database index.
 class Java
          Abstract SchemaObject implementation for the different Java objects available in a database.
 class JavaClass
          Model of a Java Class.
 class JavaResource
          Model of a Java Resource object.
 class JavaSource
          Model of a Java Source object.
 class PlSql
          Deprecated. use SourceObject instead
 class PlSqlSubprogram
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSubProgram instead
 class Relation
          A Relation represents the basic entity of a relational database.
 class Schema
          Model of a database schema.
 class Sequence
          Model of a database sequence.
 class SpecPlSql
          Deprecated. use PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec instead
 class Synonym
          Model of a database synonym.
 class Table
          Model of a database table.
 class Tablespace
          Model of a Tablespace in a database.
 class View
          Represents a database View.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with type parameters of type SystemObject
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.checkCachedObject(T object)
          Use by getObjectImpl to verify that the given object in the cache is still valid.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBObjectProvider.getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Retrieves the SystemObject representing a specific database object.
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObject(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDatabase.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
<T extends SystemObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.
<T extends SystemObject>
DatabaseDescriptor.listBuiltInObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          A built-in object is a SystemObject definition that we define in the database descriptor for well-known objects.
<T extends SystemObject>
DatabaseDescriptor.listBuiltInObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Implementation for listing built-in objects.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBObjectProvider.listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> filter)
          Lists the objects from this provider that match the given criteria.
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsFromCache(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Lists the objects that are in the internal memory cache for this provider.
protected abstract
<T extends SystemObject>
AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Internal listObjects implementation.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return SystemObject
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer, boolean copyIfCascadeRequired)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Uses listObjectsImpl to find or create an object with the given type, schema and name.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findObject(DBObjectID id)
          Looks for the specified object id in the cache.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDBObjectProvider.findObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Looks for the specified object in the cache.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.findOrCreateObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object idVal)
          Checks the cache for an existing object and if there isn't one creates a new object using the registered builder and marks it for lazy initialization.
protected  SystemObject AbstractDatabase.getCreatedObject(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Used by finishCreate() to get the object that's just been created back from the database so that it can be verified before returning to the user.
static SystemObject[] SchemaObjectManager.getDependencies(SystemObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, boolean recurse)
          Deprecated. use CascadeManager.listReferencedObjects(SystemObject,boolean) on a manager instance.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.
static SystemObject DBUtil.getSystemObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SystemObject, it is returned.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return types with arguments of type SystemObject
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria()
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria(java.lang.String[] types, Schema schema, java.lang.String nameLike)
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String nameLike)
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
static DBObjectCriteria<SystemObject> DBObjectCriteria.createCriteria(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String nameLike)
          Creates a new, blank criteria that isn't tied to a specific SystemObject subclass.
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> AbstractDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)
          Internal listObjects implementation.
 java.util.Collection<SystemObject> CascadeManager.listReferencedObjects(SystemObject obj, boolean recurse)
          Returns the SystemObjects that this SystemObject, or any of its children, are dependent on (reference).
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> DBUtil.sortIntoSchemas(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> DBUtil.sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject... objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type SystemObject
 void DBObjectProvider.addObjectListener(DBObjectListener list, SystemObject obj)
          Adds a listener that is notified of any updates to the given object.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.addObjectListener(DBObjectListener list, SystemObject obj)
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.cacheObject(SystemObject object, boolean loadOperation)
          Adds an object to the cache.
 boolean DBObjectProvider.canCreate(SystemObject object, boolean replace)
          Whether an attempt to create the specified object is likely to succeed.
 boolean DBObjectProvider.canDelete(SystemObject object, boolean cascade)
          Checks to see whether a specific object can be deleted.
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
 SystemObject CascadeManager.cascadeDelete(DBObject deleted, SystemObject referer, boolean copyIfCascadeRequired)
          Cascades the delete of the given object to the given referer by taking a copy of the referer and performing any necessary updates.
 void DBObjectProvider.createObject(SystemObject object, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of the object described by the specified meta data.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.createObject(SystemObject obj, boolean replace)
 void DBObjectProvider.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
          Causes the creation of the objects described by the specified meta data.
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteObject(SystemObject object, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the object.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.deleteObject(SystemObject obj, boolean cascade)
 void DBObjectProvider.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the objects.
 void CascadeManager.doCascadeDelete(SystemObject deleted, SystemObject referer)
static void DBUtil.ensureDerivedPropertiesBuilt(SystemObject object, DBObjectProvider pro)
          INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.
static void DBUtil.ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject object, java.lang.String... props)
          Ensures that the given object is loaded from its DBObjectProvider.
protected  boolean AbstractDatabase.exists(SystemObject obj)
          Whether the specified object exists.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.finishCreate(SystemObject[] objects, SystemObject[] oldObjects)
          Use to finish the create or update of objects after the changes have been made in the db.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.finishCreate(SystemObject[] objects, SystemObject[] oldObjects)
          Use to finish the create or update of objects after the changes have been made in the db.
protected  void AbstractDatabase.finishDelete(SystemObject[] objs)
          Use to finish the delete of the given objects after the operation has been performed against the db.
static void DBUtil.forceObjectReset(SystemObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Forces the provider to reset the given object so that its properties will all be rebuilt from the underlying provider.
static SystemObject[] SchemaObjectManager.getDependencies(SystemObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, boolean recurse)
          Deprecated. use CascadeManager.listReferencedObjects(SystemObject,boolean) on a manager instance.
protected  java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getExistingTimestamp(SystemObject object)
protected  java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getExternalTimestamp(SystemObject object)
protected  java.lang.Long AbstractDBObjectProvider.getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject object)
          Retrieves the external timestamp for the specified object.
<T extends SystemObject>
DBUtil.getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.
 DBObjectID[] SchemaObjectManager.getSchemaObjectReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Deprecated. use CascadeManager.listTopLevelReferers(oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject,boolean)
 boolean DBObjectProvider.hasObjectPrivilege(SystemObject object, java.lang.String priv)
          Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation on the given object.
 boolean AbstractDBObjectProvider.hasObjectPrivilege(SystemObject object, java.lang.String priv)
          Checks to see whether the user has the requisite permissions to perform the specified operation on the given object.
 boolean SchemaObjectManager.hasUnresolvedReference(SystemObject obj, java.lang.String refType)
          Returns true if the given schema object (or any of its children) has an unresolved reference to an object of the given type.
protected  void DatabaseDescriptor.initialiseBuiltInObject(SystemObject obj)
          Called on every object returned by listBuiltInObjects to set any specific properties that mark the object as "built-in".
protected  boolean AbstractDBObjectProvider.isRequestedObject(SystemObject object, java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Returns true if SchemaObject object is of type type, owned by schema schema, and named name.
 java.util.Collection<SystemObject> CascadeManager.listReferencedObjects(SystemObject obj, boolean recurse)
          Returns the SystemObjects that this SystemObject, or any of its children, are dependent on (reference).
abstract  java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> CascadeManager.listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).
 java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> SchemaObjectManager.listTopLevelReferers(SystemObject obj, boolean deep)
          Gets the ids for the SystemObjects who reference (either directly or via their children) the given SystemObject (or one of its children).
static boolean DBUtil.needsDerivedPropertiesBuilding(SystemObject obj)
          INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.
protected  boolean SchemaObjectManager.needsInitialization(SystemObject obj)
          Returns true if the given schema object isn't built yet (i.e.
 void SchemaObjectManager.registerObject(SystemObject obj)
          Register the given SystemObject with this manager.
 void SchemaObjectManager.registerObject(SystemObject obj, boolean loadOnly)
          Registers an object on the understanding that this is a load of the object, not a create or update.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.resetObject(SystemObject object, SystemObject listed, java.lang.Long timestamp)
          If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.resetObject(SystemObject object, SystemObject listed, java.lang.Long timestamp, boolean updated)
          If it has been noticed that the timestamp has changed on an object, or we have updated it in the database, we want to turn it back into an object that needs building again.
 java.util.Collection<Difference> CascadeManager.resolveUnresolvedReferences(SystemObject obj)
          If this manager supports unresolved references and the given object could potentially fix those references then this method finds any objects that have an unresolved reference and looks to resolve it.
 java.util.Collection<Difference> SchemaObjectManager.resolveUnresolvedReferences(SystemObject obj)
protected  boolean SchemaObjectManager.shouldRegister(SystemObject obj, boolean loadOnly)
          Online we register objects as they are loaded because all we care about is keeping our cache up-to-date (i.e.
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> DBUtil.sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject... objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.uncacheObject(SystemObject object)
          Removes an object from the cache.
 void SchemaObjectManager.unregisterObject(SystemObject obj)
          Unregisters the given object from the object manager.
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObject(SystemObject oldObject, SystemObject newObject)
          Updates the definition of an object.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateObject(SystemObject oldObject, SystemObject newObject)
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Updates the definition of a set of objects.
 void DBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
          Updates the definition of a set of objects.
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)
 void AbstractDBObjectProvider.updateObjects(SystemObject[] oldObjects, SystemObject[] newObjects)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db with type arguments of type SystemObject
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsAdded(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> sysObjs)
protected  void AbstractDBObjectProvider.fireObjectsRemoved(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> sysObjs)
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> DBUtil.sortIntoSchemas(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
protected  void CascadeManager.updateObjects(java.util.List<SystemObject> originals, java.util.List<SystemObject> updates, boolean bulkOperation)
protected  void CascadeManager.updateObjects(java.util.List<SystemObject> originals, java.util.List<SystemObject> updates, boolean bulkOperation)


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that implement SystemObject
 class ComplexType
          Deprecated. use Type instead
 class ObjectType


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.ddl


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl that return types with arguments of type SystemObject
protected  java.util.Collection<SystemObject> DDLDatabase.listObjectsImpl(java.lang.String[] objectTypes, Schema schema, java.lang.String ref)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.ddl with parameters of type SystemObject
 boolean DDLDatabase.canCreate(SystemObject object, boolean replace)
 boolean DDLDatabase.canDelete(SystemObject obj, boolean cascade)
 void DDLDatabase.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
 void DDLDatabase.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
protected  void DDLDatabase.processCreateException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
protected  void DDLDatabase.processDeleteException(DBException dbe, SystemObject object)
          When an exception is encountered during delete of an object it may be for legitimate reasons that we want to ignore (e.g.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary with type parameters of type SystemObject
<T extends SystemObject>
DictionaryDatabase.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary that return SystemObject
protected  SystemObject DictionaryDatabase.createByIDImpl(DBObjectID id)


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary with parameters of type SystemObject
protected  java.lang.Long DictionaryDatabase.getExternalTimestampImpl(SystemObject obj)
          Retrieves the timestamp for this object from the database.


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.dictionary with type arguments of type SystemObject
protected  QueryWrapper[] DictionaryDatabase.getListQueries(DBObjectCriteria<? extends SystemObject> criteria)
          Retruns a number of query wrapper objects that will list the given object types in the given schema.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.diff


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff that return SystemObject
 SystemObject DifferenceApplier.getCopyOfOrigWithDiffApplied(Difference rs)
          Gets a new temporary copy of the original object in the given difference and applys all the changes in the difference to that object.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.diff with parameters of type SystemObject
static DBObjectChange DifferenceApplier.fireLazyChangeEvent(SystemObject obj, SystemObject copyOfOriginal, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Creates and fires a DBObjectChange event for the given object.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.event


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.event with parameters of type SystemObject
static void DBObjectChange.fireChildrenAdded(SystemObject obj, java.util.List added)
static void DBObjectChange.fireChildrenRemoved(SystemObject obj, java.util.List removed)
static void DBObjectChange.fireChildUpdated(SystemObject obj, DBObject child)
static void DBObjectChange.fireObjectUpdated(SystemObject obj)
          Fires an empty change message on the given object.
static void DBObjectChange.fireObjectUpdated(SystemObject obj, java.util.List<DBObject> added, java.util.List<DBObject> removed, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent> props)
static void DBObjectChange.firePropertiesChanged(SystemObject obj, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent> props)
static void DBObjectChange.firePropertyChanged(SystemObject obj, java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent... pces)


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.event with type arguments of type SystemObject
 void DBObjectProviderListener.systemObjectsAdded(DBObjectProvider provider, java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
          Notifies the listener that SystemObjects have been added to the provider.
 void DBObjectProviderListener.systemObjectsRemoved(DBObjectProvider provider, java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
          Notifies the listener that SystemObjects have been removed from the provider.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.ora


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement SystemObject
 class DatabaseLink
          Model of a database DatabaseLink.
 class Directory
          Model of an Oracle Directory object.
 class Indextype
 class MaterializedView
          A MaterializedView represents a Materialized View in the database.
 class MaterializedViewLog
 class RecycledObject
          Model of an object that has been dropped and is now in the Oracle recycle bin.
 class XMLSchema
          Object to represent an XML Schema held in the database.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.plsql


Classes in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that implement SystemObject
 class Function
          Representation of a PL/SQL Function.
 class Package
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Spec
 class PackageBody
          Representation of a PL/SQL Package Body
 class PlSqlSchemaObject
          Abstract superclass of all Schema level PL/SQL objects (ie SourceObjects) other than Procedure and Function as they extend PlSqlSubProgram.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectBody
          Abstract superclass of PackageBody and TypeBody.
 class PlSqlSchemaObjectSpec
          Abstract superclass of object types that can have bodies, ie Package and Type.
 class Procedure
          Representation of a PL/SQL Procedure.
 class Trigger
          Representation of a Database Trigger
 class Type
 class TypeBody
          Representation of a Type Body


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Method parameters in oracle.javatools.db.sql with type arguments of type SystemObject
 void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.setExtraObjects(java.util.Collection<SystemObject> objs)


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.db.navigator with parameters of type SystemObject
static DBObjectNode DatabaseNavigatorHelper.findObjectNode(Database db, SystemObject obj)
          Gets the node in the Database Navigator for the given object within the given Database.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with type parameters of type SystemObject
<T extends SystemObject>
OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObjectImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
protected abstract
<T extends SystemObject>
OfflineDBObjectProvider.listAllObjects(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)
          Lists the objects by type, schema and name (can include wildcard '%') from this provide only, not its dependencies.
<T extends SystemObject>
OfflineDBObjectProvider.listObjectsImpl(DBObjectCriteria<T> criteria)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb that return SystemObject
protected  SystemObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.createObjectImpl(java.lang.String type, Schema schema, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a schema object by looking on the filesystem (using listAllObjects) for the appropriate filename.
abstract  SystemObject OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObject( url)
          Retrieves the SchemaObject from the given URL ensuring that the object's ID is correctly setup for this provider.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with parameters of type SystemObject
 boolean OfflineDBObjectProvider.canCreate(SystemObject object, boolean replace)
          Returns true if the schema for this object exists, and the file representing this object can be saved.
static void OfflineDBUtil.canCreateFile(SystemObject obj, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Checks that create is available on the given object url.
 boolean OfflineDBObjectProvider.canDelete(SystemObject object, boolean cascade)
          Returns true if a delete operation on the given schema object is likely to succeed.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.createObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean replace)
          Used to create (or replace) the given SystemObjects.
static OfflineDBUtil.createObjectURL(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject obj)
          Creates a URL for the given object in the given project.
 void OfflineDBObjectProvider.deleteObjects(SystemObject[] objects, boolean cascade)
          Deletes a set of objects together.
 Node OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObjectNode(SystemObject obj)
          Gets the Node for the given object id if it exists within the current provider. OfflineDBObjectProvider.getObjectURL(SystemObject obj)
          Gets the URL for the given object id if it exists within the current provider.
 void OfflineDBUpdateManager.Processor.processObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SystemObject original, SystemObject update)
          Implementations of this method may make any changes to the update SystemObject and these will be commmited to the Offline Database, provided they do not fail the validation phase that follows.


Method parameters in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb with type arguments of type SystemObject
static void OfflineDBUtil.buildView(SQLQueryOwner sqo, DBObjectProvider pro, java.util.Collection<SystemObject> objs)


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.handler with parameters of type SystemObject
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(SystemObject[] objs, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro)
          Handles the delete of the given schema objects from their provider.
 void DeleteHandler.handleDelete(SystemObject[] objs, OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, boolean confirm)
          Deprecated. - confirm is automatically controlled by the offline database.


Uses of SystemObject in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard with type parameters of type SystemObject
<T extends SystemObject>
SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, T obj, Context c)
          Fires the wizard to create an object in given the provider taking the given object as a base and using the given Context.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.wizard that return SystemObject
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(Context c, java.lang.String type)
          Fires the wizard to create an object of given type, getting the provider and schema from the given context.
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, SchemaObject obj)
          Fires the wizard to create an object in given the provider taking the given object as a base.
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema s, java.lang.String type)
          Fires the wizard to create an object of given type in the provider and schema required.
static SystemObject SchemaObjectWizard.createObject(OfflineDBObjectProvider pro, Schema s, java.lang.String type, Context c)
          Fires the wizard to create an object of given type in the provider and schema required, and also given the current wizard context.


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