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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use FromObject
oracle.ide.db.panels.sql UI classes for declaratively editing a SQL query. 
oracle.ide.db.util Utility classes for dealing with database objects in UI in the IDE. 
oracle.javatools.db.sql Contains an API for declaratively parsing SQL queries (SELECT statements). 


Uses of FromObject in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql


Methods in oracle.ide.db.panels.sql with parameters of type FromObject
static boolean JoinObjectEditDialog.editJoin(FromObject from, java.awt.Component parent, SQLQueryBuilder builder)
          Fires a dialog to edit the properties of the given join.
protected  void FromJoinToPicker.setSelectedObject(FromObject from)
 void WhereEditor.setTemplates(FromObject[] froms, FKUsage[] fks)
          Sets the template FromObjects to include.


Uses of FromObject in oracle.ide.db.util


Methods in oracle.ide.db.util with parameters of type FromObject
static java.util.Map ExpressionEditSupport.createInsightMap(FromObject[] froms)
static java.util.Collection ExpressionEditSupport.getColumns(FromObject from)


Uses of FromObject in oracle.ide.db.util.insight


Methods in oracle.ide.db.util.insight with parameters of type FromObject
static java.util.Collection OracleSqlQueryInsightProvider.getColumns(FromObject from)


Uses of FromObject in oracle.javatools.db.sql


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql that return FromObject
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObject(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String alias)
 FromObject SQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObject(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String alias)
          Creates a FromObject using the given alias and expression, parsing the expression into an appropriate set of SQLFragments.
protected  FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createFromObject(Relation rel, java.util.List extraNames)
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createJoinObject(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
 FromObject SQLQueryBuilder.createJoinObject(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
          Creates a FromObject that joins using a JoinCondition matching the given FK and joins the two from objects.
protected  FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.doConstructFromObject(Relation relation, java.util.List baseRelIDs, java.util.List relNames, java.util.Map newRels, java.util.List cols, java.util.List fks)
protected  FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.doConstructJoin(FKConstraint fk, java.util.Map relsIDsToUse, java.util.List newFroms, FromObject left, FromObject right)
 FromObject FromObjectUsage.getFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use resolveFromObject() instead.
 FromObject AbstractFromObjectUsage.getFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID() instead
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getFromObject(java.lang.String usableAlias)
 FromObject SQLQueryBuilder.getFromObject(java.lang.String usableAlias)
          Returns the from object that can be referenced by this alias.
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getFromObject(java.lang.String usableAlias, FromObject extrafrom)
          Gets a FromObject with the given alias.
 FromObject[] AbstractSQLQuery.getFromObjects()
 FromObject[] SQLQuery.getFromObjects()
          Get all the from objects for this query.
 FromObject[] SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet.getFromObjects()
 FromObject JoinObject.getLeftExpression()
 FromObject FKUsage.getLeftFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use getLeftFromObjectID or resolveLeftFromObject
 FromObject JoinObject.getRightExpression()
 FromObject FKUsage.getRightFromObject()
          Deprecated. - use getRightFromObjectID or resolveRightFromObject
 FromObject[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.listAllFromObjects()
 FromObject[] SQLQueryBuilder.listAllFromObjects()
          Returns all FromObjects in the FROM clause including those nested in JOIN conditions.
 FromObject[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.listAllFromObjects(boolean includeJoins)
 FromObject[] SQLQueryBuilder.listAllFromObjects(boolean includeJoins)
          Returns all FromObjects in the FROM clause including those nested in JOIN conditions.
 FromObject FromObjectUsage.resolveFromObject()
          Returns the FromObject that this object is dependent on.
 FromObject AbstractFromObjectUsage.resolveFromObject()
          Convenience method for resolving the stored FROM object id.
protected  FromObject AbstractFromObjectUsage.resolveFromObject(DBObjectID fromId)
 FromObject FKUsage.resolveLeftFromObject()
          Resolves the ID for the left From Object of this usage and writes any DBExceptions to the console -- do not use unless you are happy to ignore any DBExceptions.
 FromObject FKUsage.resolveRightFromObject()
          Resolves the ID for the left From Object of this usage and writes any DBExceptions to the console -- do not use unless you are happy to ignore any DBExceptions.


Methods in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type FromObject
 void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.addFromObject(FromObject from)
 void AbstractSQLQuery.addFromObject(FromObject f)
 void DeclarativeSQLQuery.addFromObject(FromObject f)
          Add a from object to the end of the list.
 void SQLQueryBuilder.addFromObject(FromObject from)
          Adds the given FromObject to the query.
 void AbstractSQLQuery.addFromObject(int index, FromObject f)
 void DeclarativeSQLQuery.addFromObject(int index, FromObject f)
          Add a from object to the given position in the list.
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.addFromObjects(FromObject[] froms)
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.addJoinObject(FromObject from)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructFKJoin(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructFKJoin(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
          Creates a JOIN in the query's FROM clause to represent the given FKConstraint.
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructFKJoins(FKConstraint[] fks, FromObject[] usagesToUse)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructFKJoins(FKConstraint[] fks, FromObject[] usagesToUse)
          Creates a set of nested JOINs in the query's FROM clause to represent each given FKConstraint.
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObject(Relation relation, boolean createSelectObjects, boolean createJoins, FromObject[] includeInJoins)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObject(Relation relation, boolean createSelectObjects, boolean createJoins, FromObject[] includeInJoins)
          Creates a FromObject for the query.
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObjects(Relation[] baseRelations, boolean createSelectObjects, boolean createJoins, FromObject[] includeInJoins)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructFromObjects(Relation[] baseRelations, boolean createSelectObjects, boolean createJoins, FromObject[] includeInJoins)
          Creates one or more FromObjects for the query.
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructSelectObject(Column col, FromObject usageToUse)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructSelectObject(Column col, FromObject usageToUse)
          Creates a SelectObject for the query based on the column passed in.
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.constructSelectObjects(Column[] baseCols, FromObject[] usagesToUse)
 SQLQueryBuilder.SQLQueryObjectSet SQLQueryBuilder.constructSelectObjects(Column[] baseCols, FromObject[] usagesToUse)
          Creates a set of SelectObjects for the query based on the columns passed in.
protected  FKUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createFKUsage(DBObjectID fkID, FromObject left, FromObject right)
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createJoinObject(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
 FromObject SQLQueryBuilder.createJoinObject(FKConstraint fk, FromObject left, FromObject right)
          Creates a FromObject that joins using a JoinCondition matching the given FK and joins the two from objects.
protected  SelectObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.createSelectObject(DBObjectID colId, FromObject from, java.lang.String alias)
protected  FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.doConstructJoin(FKConstraint fk, java.util.Map relsIDsToUse, java.util.List newFroms, FromObject left, FromObject right)
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInColumnUsage(java.lang.String colName, ColumnUsage colu, FromObject from)
 FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromExpression(java.lang.String colName, SQLFragment exp, boolean allowDuplicates, FromObject from, SQLFragment creating)
protected  FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromObjects(java.lang.String colName, FromObject[] froms, boolean allowDuplicates, boolean enforceInAll, SQLFragment creating)
          Finds a Column of given name amongst the given FromObjects.
 FromObjectUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInFromObjects(java.lang.String colName, SQLFragment creating, FromObject... extraFroms)
          Finds a Column of given name amongst the RelationUsages in the query.
 ColumnUsage AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.findColumnInStarSubQuery(java.lang.String colName, FromObject from)
          The from object is of the form (SELECT * FROM <rel>) <alias>
 SQLFragment[] AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(FromObject from)
          Gets the objects in the query that are dependent on the given from object.
 SQLFragment[] SQLQueryBuilder.getDependentObjects(FromObject from)
          Returns all objects that are dependent on the given FromObject.
 FromObject AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getFromObject(java.lang.String usableAlias, FromObject extrafrom)
          Gets a FromObject with the given alias.
protected  java.util.Map AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.getRelIDs(FromObject[] usagesToUse)
static Relation SQLFragmentUtils.getTable(FromObject from)
static boolean SQLFragmentUtils.hasPKCols(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> colNames, FromObject from)
          Tests whether the list of columns contains a PK column for the table referenced by the given given FromObject
 int AbstractSQLQuery.indexOf(FromObject f)
 int DeclarativeSQLQuery.indexOf(FromObject f)
          Returns the index of the given FromObject in the query's FROM clause, or -1 if it isn't in the clause.
static java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> SQLFragmentUtils.listCommonColumns(FromObject left, FromObject right)
          Lists the names of columns common to both FromObjects.
 void AbstractSQLQuery.moveFromObject(FromObject f, int newIndex)
 void DeclarativeSQLQuery.moveFromObject(FromObject f, int newIndex)
          Moves the given FromObject within the query's FROM clause.
protected  SQLFragment AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.parseFromExpression(java.lang.String expression, FromObject creating)
 boolean AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.removeFromObject(FromObject obj)
 boolean AbstractSQLQuery.removeFromObject(FromObject f)
 boolean DeclarativeSQLQuery.removeFromObject(FromObject f)
          Remove a from object from the list.
 boolean SQLQueryBuilder.removeFromObject(FromObject obj)
          Removes the given FromObject from the SQLQuery.
 boolean AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.removeJoinObject(FromObject obj)
 boolean SQLQueryBuilder.removeJoinObject(FromObject obj)
          If the expression for the given obj is a JoinObject the join is removed and the two FromObjects that were joined are added to the top level of the query.
 void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.replaceFromObject(FromObject oldFrom, FromObject newFrom)
 void SQLQueryBuilder.replaceFromObject(FromObject oldFrom, FromObject newFrom)
          Replaces the existing from object with a new one.
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.replaceWithAliases(FromObject[] froms)
          replace any From Objects in the list that are aliases for a subquery_factoring_clause
 void FromObjectUsage.setFromObject(FromObject from)
          Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID().
 void AbstractFromObjectUsage.setFromObject(FromObject from)
          Deprecated. - use setFromObjectID() instead
 void AbstractSQLQuery.setFromObjects(FromObject[] froms)
 void DeclarativeSQLQuery.setFromObjects(FromObject[] froms)
          Set all the from objects for this query.
 void JoinObject.setLeftExpression(FromObject left)
 void FKUsage.setLeftFromObject(FromObject obj)
          Deprecated. - use getLeftFromObjectID or resolveLeftFromObject
protected  void AbstractSQLQueryBuilder.setNewFromObject(DBObject frag, FromObject oldFrom, FromObject newFrom)
 void JoinObject.setRightExpression(FromObject right)
 void FKUsage.setRightFromObject(FromObject obj)
          Deprecated. - use setRightFromObjectID


Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.sql with parameters of type FromObject
AbstractFromObjectUsage(FromObject from)
          Deprecated. - use ID based constructor instead
AsteriskUsage(FromObject from)
ColumnKeywordUsage(java.lang.String columnName, FromObject from)
ColumnUsage(DBObjectID colID, FromObject from)
          Create a ColumnUsage using the given Column ID and FromObject to reference.
JoinObject(FromObject left, FromObject right, JoinCondition condition)
          Creates a default join for the given FromObjects and condition.
JoinObject(FromObject left, FromObject right, java.lang.String type, boolean natural, JoinCondition condition)
          Note: If using existing FromObjects for the left or right parameters, it is the responsibility of the API user to remove these FromObjects from the query.
SelectObjectUsage(DBObjectID selectID, FromObject from)
SelectObjectUsage(SelectObject select, FromObject from)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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