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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use SourceClass The parser API. Classes common to model implementations. The parser model API. The parser model API for expressions. Various utilities for use with the parser. 
oracle.jdeveloper.builder.enumtype Public API for the java model. Public implementations of the JavaFileProvider interface. Public utilities for use with the java model, including the parser. 


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass SourceFactory.createClass(int tyKind, java.lang.String name)
          Creates a plain and simple ol' class.
 SourceClass SourceFactory.createClass(int tyKind, java.lang.String name, SourceSuperclassClause superclassClause, SourceInterfacesClause interfacesClause, SourceClassBody body)
          Creates a class declaration.
abstract  SourceClass SourceFactory.createClass(int tyKind, java.lang.String name, SourceTypeParameter[] tyParameters, SourceSuperclassClause superclassClause, SourceInterfacesClause interfacesClause, SourceClassBody body)
          Creates a class declaration.
 SourceClass SourceFactory.createClass(java.lang.String text)
          See SourceFactory.createClassFromText(java.lang.String).
abstract  SourceClass SourceFactory.createClassFromText(java.lang.String text)
          Attempts to create a class with the given text.
 SourceClass JavaProvider.getSourceClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the SourceClass for the fully-qualified class name.
 SourceClass JavaProvider2.getSourceClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the SourceClass for the fully-qualified class name.


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
static SourceClass CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaClass target, SourceClass searchSpace)
          Searches for the target type as a member of the search class.
static SourceClass CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaClass target, SourceFile searchSpace)
          Searches for the target type as a member of the search class.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceClass
static SourceClass CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaClass target, SourceClass searchSpace)
          Searches for the target type as a member of the search class.
static SourceMemberVariable CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaField target, SourceClass searchSpace)
          Searches for the target field as a member of the search class.
static SourceMethod CommonUtilities.getSourceElement(JavaMethod target, SourceClass searchSpace)
          Searches for the target method as a member of the search class.


Uses of SourceClass in


Fields in declared as SourceClass
static SourceClass[] SourceClass.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass SourceEnumConstant.getAnonymousClass()
          Gets the anonymous class if one was defined.
 SourceClass SourceMember.getEnclosingClass()
          Gets the enclosing class.
 SourceClass SourceFile.getSourceClass(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the matching top-level source class.
 SourceClass SourceClass.getSourceClass(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the matching declared member class, null if none.
 SourceClass SourceFile.getSourcePrimaryClass()
          Gets the primary class.


Methods in that return types with arguments of type SourceClass
 java.util.List<SourceClass> SourceBlock.getLocalClasses()
          Gets the collection of local classes.
 java.util.List<SourceClass> SourceClassBody.getSourceClasses()
          Gets the list of declared member class declarations.
 java.util.List<SourceClass> SourceFile.getSourceClasses()
          Gets the list of top-level source classes.
 java.util.List<SourceClass> SourceClass.getSourceClasses()
          Gets the list of declared member class declarations.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceClass
 void SourceEnumConstant.setAnonymousClass(SourceClass anonymousClass)
          Attempts to set the anonymous class.


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass SourceNewClassExpression.getAnonymousClass()


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass NullProvider.getSourceClass(java.lang.String fqName)


Methods in with parameters of type SourceClass
 void Usages.declareClass(SourceClass s)
          Declares a class.
 void SourceVisitor.whenEnterClass(SourceClass sourceClass)
 void SourceVisitor.whenExitClass(SourceClass sourceClass)


Uses of SourceClass in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.annotation


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.annotation with parameters of type SourceClass
protected  void AnnotationBuilderModel.generate(SourceFile file, SourceClass cls)


Uses of SourceClass in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.enumtype


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.builder.enumtype with parameters of type SourceClass
protected  void EnumBuilderModel.generate(SourceFile file, SourceClass cls)


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass JavaModel.getSourceClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          Fetch the SourceClass instance for the given fully-qualified class name.


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
 SourceClass BaseFileProvider.getSourceClass(java.lang.String fqName)
          Retrieves the matching top-level SourceClass in the search space.
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.BaseClass.getSourceClass(java.lang.String sourceFileNameHint)
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.getSourceClassByHint(JavaClass searchClass, java.lang.String sourceFileHint)
          Retrieves the matching top-level SourceClass in the search space.
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.getSourceClassImpl(java.lang.String fqName, boolean interruptibly)
          Retrieves the matching top-level SourceClass in the search space.
 SourceClass BaseFileProvider.getSourceClassInterruptibly(java.lang.String fqName)
          Retrieves the matching top-level SourceClass in the search space.
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.locateSourceClass(SourceClass sourceClass, java.lang.String fqName)
          Source version of locateClass() for locating SourceClass instances.
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.locateSourceClass(SourceFile sourceFile, java.lang.String fqName)
          Source version of locateClass() for locating a SourceClass instance within a SourceFile.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceClass
protected  SourceClass BaseFileProvider.locateSourceClass(SourceClass sourceClass, java.lang.String fqName)
          Source version of locateClass() for locating SourceClass instances.


Uses of SourceClass in


Methods in that return SourceClass
static SourceClass SourceUtils.addClass(SourceFile file, java.lang.String name, int modifiers)
          Adds (append) a class to the file.
static SourceClass SourceUtils.addInterface(SourceFile file, java.lang.String name, int modifiers)
          Adds (append) an interface to the file.


Methods in with parameters of type SourceClass
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.addConstructor(SourceClass cls, int modifiers)
          Adds a constructor to the class.
static SourceFieldDeclaration SourceUtils.addField(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int modifiers, java.lang.String initText)
          Adds a field to the class with the given type, modifiers, and initializer text.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.addMainMethod(SourceClass cls)
          Adds (append) a "public static void main( String[] args )" method to the class.
static SourceMember SourceUtils.addMember(SourceClass cls, SourceMember member, SourceMember sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a member into the class by the specified sibling.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.addMethod(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int modifiers)
          Adds (append) a method to the class.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.addMethod(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int modifiers, SourceMember sibling, boolean before)
          Inserts a method into the class by the specified sibling.
static SourceClassInitializer SourceUtils.addStaticClassInitializer(SourceClass cls, SourceBlock block)
          Adds (append) a static class initializer to the class.
static void SourceUtils.addSuperInterface(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String fqName)
          Adds the given super interface to the specified class or interface.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.createConstructor(SourceClass cls, int modifiers)
          Creates a new constructor.
static SourceFieldDeclaration SourceUtils.createField(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String fieldText)
          Creates a field to the class with the given text.
static SourceFieldDeclaration SourceUtils.createField(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String fieldText, int modifiers)
          Creates a field to the class with the given text, sets the given modifiers on the result.
static SourceFieldDeclaration SourceUtils.createField(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int modifiers, java.lang.String initText)
          Creates a field to the class with the given type, modifiers, and initializer text.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.createMainMethod(SourceClass cls)
          Creates a "public static void main( String[] args )" method.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.createMethod(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, int modifiers)
          Constructs a new method.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.getDefaultConstructor(SourceClass cls)
          Fetch the default constructor for this class.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.getMainMethod(SourceClass cls)
          Find the main method in the cls.
static SourceMethod SourceUtils.getMethod(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] paramTypes)
          Find the method in the cls with the given name and parameter types.
static void SourceUtils.setSuperclass(SourceClass cls, java.lang.String fqName)
          Set the super class for the given class


Uses of SourceClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces that return SourceClass
 SourceClass FacesMethodBindingPanel.getManagedBeanSourceClass()
          Returns the SourceClass for the managed bean.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces with parameters of type SourceClass
protected  void FacesMethodBindingPanel.handleNewMethodCodeGeneration(SourceClass sourceClass, java.lang.String methodName)


Uses of SourceClass in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces.backingfile with parameters of type SourceClass
GetUniquePropertyNameCache(oracle.bali.xml.gui.jdev.JDevXmlContext jdevXmlContext, SourceClass sourceClass, org.w3c.dom.Document document)


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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