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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class EnumBuilder

  extended by oracle.ide.wizard.Wizard
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizard
          extended by oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder
              extended by oracle.jdeveloper.builder.enumtype.EnumBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Invokable, TriggerInvokable

public class EnumBuilder
extends oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder
implements TriggerInvokable

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizard
_dlg, largeIcon, state, wizName


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel _buildModel(Context context)
protected  EnumBuilderModel _createModel(Context context)
protected  java.lang.String _getTitleString()
protected  oracle.bali.ewt.dialog.JEWTDialog buildDialog(Context context, BaliWizardState state)
          Create and fill in JEWTDialog instances.
protected  BaliWizardPanel buildPanel(Context context, BaliWizardState state)
          The returned Panel should be a JPanel that implements the BaliWizardPanel interface.
 boolean canInvoke(Context context)
          Called to determine whether this Invokable should be enabled or disabled.
protected  java.lang.String getHeaderDescription()
protected  java.awt.Image getHeaderImage()
 javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
          Gets the Icon to use in the Object Gallery.
 java.lang.Object getInvalidStateMessage(Context context)
          Returns a message that indicates why the Invokable cannot be invoked in the active context.
 java.lang.String getLongLabel()
          Provides a description of the Wizard that appears in the hint text area of the Object Gallery.
 java.lang.String getShortLabel()
          Gets the name of the Wizard; the code can be inherited, as it returns the abstracted variable wizName.


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder
buildState, getDialogTitle


Methods inherited from class oracle.jdeveloper.wizard.common.BaliWizard
cancel, commitAndFinish, displayErrorMessage, finish, getHeaderTitle, invoke, isAvailable


Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.wizard.Wizard
getLegacyParams, getMenuSpecification, getToolTipText, getWizardId, setLegacyParams, setWizardId, toString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.wizard.Invokable


Constructor Detail


public EnumBuilder()

Method Detail


protected java.lang.String _getTitleString()
_getTitleString in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder


protected oracle.bali.ewt.dialog.JEWTDialog buildDialog(Context context,
                                                        BaliWizardState state)
Description copied from class: BaliWizard
Create and fill in JEWTDialog instances.

Important note: All panels must implement the BaliWizardPanel interface in order for this BaliWizard to work!

buildDialog in class BaliWizard
context - The Context describing the conditions of the call.
state - The state.
A JEWTDialog that is ready to be run.
See Also:
Context, JEWTDialog


protected BaliWizardPanel buildPanel(Context context,
                                     BaliWizardState state)
Description copied from class: BaliWizard
The returned Panel should be a JPanel that implements the BaliWizardPanel interface.
Specified by:
buildPanel in class BaliWizard


protected oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilderModel _buildModel(Context context)
Specified by:
_buildModel in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder


protected EnumBuilderModel _createModel(Context context)


public java.lang.String getLongLabel()
Description copied from class: Wizard
Provides a description of the Wizard that appears in the hint text area of the Object Gallery. This is usually a verb phrase starting with "Creates a...". The default implementation uses a format string for "Creates a new ____", filling in the blank with the value from Wizard.getShortLabel().
getLongLabel in class Wizard


public java.lang.String getShortLabel()
Description copied from class: BaliWizard
Gets the name of the Wizard; the code can be inherited, as it returns the abstracted variable wizName.
getShortLabel in class BaliWizard
The human readable label of the Wizard.


public javax.swing.Icon getIcon()
Description copied from class: Wizard
Gets the Icon to use in the Object Gallery. If this Wizard is not accessed from the Object Gallery, the Wizard should return null.
getIcon in class BaliWizard
The Icon to be displayed in the Object Gallery.


protected java.lang.String getHeaderDescription()
getHeaderDescription in class oracle.jdeveloper.builder.AbstractBuilder


protected java.awt.Image getHeaderImage()
getHeaderImage in class BaliWizard


public boolean canInvoke(Context context)
Description copied from interface: TriggerInvokable
Called to determine whether this Invokable should be enabled or disabled.
Specified by:
canInvoke in interface TriggerInvokable
context - the Context in which Invokable.invoke(oracle.ide.Context) may be called on this object
true if the object can be invoked, false otherwise


public java.lang.Object getInvalidStateMessage(Context context)
Description copied from interface: TriggerInvokable
Returns a message that indicates why the Invokable cannot be invoked in the active context. If called from the gallery, the message will be displayed by MessageDialog.
Specified by:
getInvalidStateMessage in interface TriggerInvokable
a message to display; must be non-null.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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