Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

Uses of Class

Packages that use Key
oracle.kv This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database. 
oracle.kv.hadoop Support for loading Oracle NoSQL Database into Hadoop. 
oracle.kv.lob The KVLargeObject interface defines the operations used to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files. 

Uses of Key in oracle.kv

Methods in oracle.kv that return Key
static Key Key.createKey(List<String> majorPath)
          Creates a Key from a Major Path list; the Minor Path will be empty.
static Key Key.createKey(List<String> majorPath, List<String> minorPath)
          Creates a Key from a Major Path list and a Minor Path list.
static Key Key.createKey(List<String> majorPath, String minorComponent)
          Creates a Key from a Major Path list and a single component Minor Path.
static Key Key.createKey(String majorComponent)
          Creates a Key from a single component Major Path; the Minor Path will be empty.
static Key Key.createKey(String majorComponent, List<String> minorPath)
          Creates a Key from a single component Major Path and a Minor Path list.
static Key Key.createKey(String majorComponent, String minorComponent)
          Creates a Key from a single component Major Path and a single component Minor Path.
static Key Key.fromByteArray(byte[] keyBytes)
          Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by toByteArray() and returns the resulting Key.
static Key Key.fromString(String pathString)
          Decodes a key path string and returns the resulting Key object.
 Key Operation.getKey()
          Returns the Key associated with the operation.
 Key KeyValueVersion.getKey()
          Returns the Key part of the KV pair.

Methods in oracle.kv that return types with arguments of type Key
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth).
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit).
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.

Methods in oracle.kv with parameters of type Key
 int Key.compareTo(Key otherKey)
          Compares this Key with the specified Key for order.
 Operation OperationFactory.createDelete(Key key)
          Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createDelete(Key key, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createDeleteIfVersion(Key key, Version version)
          Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createDeleteIfVersion(Key key, Version version, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPut(Key key, Value value)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPut(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfAbsent(Key key, Value value)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfAbsent(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfPresent(Key key, Value value)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfPresent(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfVersion(Key key, Value value, Version version)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 Operation OperationFactory.createPutIfVersion(Key key, Value value, Version version, ReturnValueVersion.Choice prevReturn, boolean abortIfUnsuccessful)
          Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
 boolean KVStore.delete(Key key)
          Delete the key/value pair associated with the key.
 boolean KVStore.delete(Key key, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Delete the key/value pair associated with the key.
 boolean KVStore.deleteIfVersion(Key key, Version matchVersion)
          Delete a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
 boolean KVStore.deleteIfVersion(Key key, Version matchVersion, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Delete a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
 ValueVersion KVStore.get(Key key)
          Get the value associated with the key.
 ValueVersion KVStore.get(Key key, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Get the value associated with the key.
 boolean KeyRange.inRange(Key parentKey, Key checkKey)
          Returns true if a Key is within the bounds of this range with respect to a parent Key.
 boolean Key.isPrefix(Key otherKey)
          Returns true if this key is a prefix of the key supplied as the argument.
 int KVStore.multiDelete(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 int KVStore.multiDelete(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 SortedMap<Key,ValueVersion> KVStore.multiGet(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.multiGetIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth).
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.multiGetIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit).
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 SortedSet<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth).
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.multiGetKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          The iterator form of KVStore.multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit).
 Version KVStore.put(Key key, Value value)
          Put a key/value pair, inserting or overwriting as appropriate.
 Version KVStore.put(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/value pair, inserting or overwriting as appropriate.
 Version KVStore.putIfAbsent(Key key, Value value)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if no value for the given key is present.
 Version KVStore.putIfAbsent(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if no value for the given key is present.
 Version KVStore.putIfPresent(Key key, Value value)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if a value for the given key is present.
 Version KVStore.putIfPresent(Key key, Value value, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if a value for the given key is present.
 Version KVStore.putIfVersion(Key key, Value value, Version matchVersion)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
 Version KVStore.putIfVersion(Key key, Value value, Version matchVersion, ReturnValueVersion prevValue, Durability durability, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.storeIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<KeyValueVersion> KVStore.storeIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
 Iterator<Key> KVStore.storeKeysIterator(Direction direction, int batchSize, Key parentKey, KeyRange subRange, Depth depth, Consistency consistency, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.

Constructors in oracle.kv with parameters of type Key
KeyValueVersion(Key key, Value value, Version version)
          Creates a KeyValueVersion with non-null properties.

Uses of Key in oracle.kv.hadoop

Methods in oracle.kv.hadoop with parameters of type Key
static void KVInputFormatBase.setParentKey(Key parentKey)
          Specifies the parent key whose "child" KV pairs are to be returned by the InputFormat.

Uses of Key in oracle.kv.lob

Methods in oracle.kv.lob with parameters of type Key
 boolean KVLargeObject.deleteLOB(Key lobKey, Durability durability, long lobTimeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Deletes the LOB associated with the key.
 InputStreamVersion KVLargeObject.getLOB(Key lobKey, Consistency consistency, long lobTimeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Returns an InputStream representing the underlying LOB value associated with the key.
 Version KVLargeObject.putLOB(Key lobKey, InputStream lobStream, Durability durability, long lobTimeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/LOB value pair, inserting new value or overwriting an existing pair as appropriate.
 Version KVLargeObject.putLOBIfAbsent(Key lobKey, InputStream lobStream, Durability durability, long lobTimeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/LOB value pair, but only if no value or a partial LOB for the given key is present.
 Version KVLargeObject.putLOBIfPresent(Key lobKey, InputStream lobStream, Durability durability, long lobTimeout, TimeUnit timeoutUnit)
          Put a key/LOB value pair, but only if a complete value for the given key is present.

Oracle NoSQL Database
version 11gR2.2.0.26

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