EAC Toolkit 3.2.1

Class Application

  extended by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.base.EacElement
      extended by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.base.Provisionable
          extended by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.application.Application

public class Application
extends Provisionable

This class represents an application in the EAC. This class does not interact with, or know about, hosts or components associated with a provisioned application in the EAC. Instead, this class interacts with the application as an empty shell, and handles provisioning from that perspective.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.base.EacElement
appName, dataPrefix, eacHost, eacPort, elementId, lockManager, logDir, sslEnabled, workingDir
Constructor Summary
          Default construcor.
Method Summary
 boolean isDefined()
          Checks whether the application is defined in the EAC.
 boolean isDefinitionChanged()
          Returns true if the application definition has changed.
 void removeDefinition()
          Removes the application from the EAC, forcing the termination and removal of components.
 void setDefinition()
          Defines the (empty) application in the EAC.
 void updateDefinition()
          Updates the application definition.
Methods inherited from class com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.base.Provisionable
getAppDefinitionFromEac, getCachedAppDefinition, getProvisioningPort, invalidateCachedAppDefinition, setCachedAppDefinition
Methods inherited from class com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.base.EacElement
getAppName, getDataPrefix, getEacHost, getEacPort, getElementId, getLockManager, getLogDir, getWorkingDir, isSslEnabled, setAppName, setDataPrefix, setEacHost, setEacPort, setElementId, setLockManager, setLogDir, setSslEnabled, setWorkingDir
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Application()
Default construcor.

Method Detail


public boolean isDefined()
                  throws EacCommunicationException,
Checks whether the application is defined in the EAC.

Specified by:
isDefined in class Provisionable
Returns true if the application is provisioned.
EacCommunicationException - If a communication error occurs while retrieving the provisioning port.
EacProvisioningException - If an error occurs while trying to retrieve the app definition from the EAC.


public void setDefinition()
                   throws EacCommunicationException
Defines the (empty) application in the EAC.

Specified by:
setDefinition in class Provisionable
EacCommunicationException - If a communication error occurs while retrieving the provisioning port.


public void removeDefinition()
                      throws EacCommunicationException
Removes the application from the EAC, forcing the termination and removal of components.

Specified by:
removeDefinition in class Provisionable
EacCommunicationException - If a communication error occurs while retrieving the provisioning port.


public boolean isDefinitionChanged()
                            throws EacCommunicationException,
Returns true if the application definition has changed. As an application is either defined or not defined, this method only returns true if the application is undefined. This method does not check for changes in the hosts/components associated with this application in the EAC.

Specified by:
isDefinitionChanged in class Provisionable
True if the object's definition has changed.
EacCommunicationException - If a communication error occurs while retrieving the provisioning port.
EacProvisioningException - If an error occurs while trying to retrieve the app definition from the EAC.


public void updateDefinition()
                      throws EacCommunicationException
Updates the application definition. This method simply removes and re-adds an app definition. Note that this method makes no attempt to identify hosts/components associated with the application and will not re-define or re-start components after the app is re-defined.

Specified by:
updateDefinition in class Provisionable
EacCommunicationException - If a communication error occurs while retrieving the provisioning port.

EAC Toolkit 3.2.1

Copyright © 2011 Endeca Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PRODUCT: EAC Toolkit (eacToolkit)
VERSION: 3.2.1
ARCH_OS: n/a
DATE:    2011-11-10T16:21:05-0500