abort() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
abort() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
ABS - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Absolute value function.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Inserts a Statement object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Inserts an expression object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Inserts a Filter object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Inserts a Filter object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Inserts a GroupBy object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Inserts a lookup expression object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Inserts an OrderBy object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Inserts a Select object at position index.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfigList
Inserts the specified DimSearchRefinementConfig at the specified position in this list.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Adds a key/value pair to the ENEQueryInfo object.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Inserts the specified ERecSearch object at the specified position in this list.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Inserts the specified RangeFilter at the specified position in this list.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigList
Inserts the specified RefinementConfig at the specified position in this list.
add(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimValList
Inserts the specified StratifiedDimVal at the specified position in this list.
addDimValue(DimVal) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Adds a dimension value ID to the DimValIdList list.
addDimValueId(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Adds a dimension value ID to the DimValIdList list.
addERecId(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.addERecSpec(String) instead. Adds a record ID to the list.
addERecSpec(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Adds a record specification to the list.
addField(Dimension) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Appends the name of the specified dimension to the end of this list.
addField(Property) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Appends the name of the specified property to the end of this list.
addField(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Appends the specified dimension or property name to the end of this list.
addHttpHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Add an HTTP header to the query request.
addParam(String, String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Manipulates the resultant URL by adding this key/value pair.
addParams(Collection) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Bulk add of parameter key/value pairs.
AGGR_EREC_NAV_DESCRIPTORS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record descriptors.
AGGR_EREC_NAV_RANGE_FILTERS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record navigation range filters.
AGGR_EREC_NAV_RECORD_FILTER_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record navigation record filter.
AGGR_EREC_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated records.
AGGR_EREC_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record rollup keys.
AGGR_EREC_SORT_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record sort key.
AGGR_EREC_STRUCTURE_EXPR_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for aggregated record structure expression.
AggrERec - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A class composed of multiple records all sharing a similarity.
AggrERecList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of aggregated records (AggrERec objects) exposed as a List.
ALL_ERECS_PER_AGGR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
All records that compose a aggregated record will be returned.
ALPHA_NUM_SORT_KEY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
This is a sort key for a non-Geocode typed property.
ANALYTICS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for Analytics query
AnalyticsQuery - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
An AnalyticsQuery is an ordered list of Statement objects.
AnalyticsQuery() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Construct a new, empty AnalyticsQuery.
AnalyticsStatementResult - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Contains the result of executing an Analytics statement.
appendParam(String, String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Manipulates the resultant URL by adding a key/value pair.
appendParams(Collection) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Bulk append of parameter key/value pairs.
ARB - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Arbitrary function.
ASCENDING - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Sort key application in ascending direction.
AssocDimLocations - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class encapsulating a list of dimension locations (DimLocation objects) associated by their dimension.
AssocDimLocationsList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
The class encapsulates a list of associated dimension location groups (AssocDimLocations objects).
AssocNavigationRefs - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions.
AssocNavigationRefsList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of value intersection groups exposed as a java.util.List.
AuthHttpENEConnection - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Extends HttpENEConnection to provide a connection over to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP that requires authentication.
AuthHttpENEConnection() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Default empty constructor.
AuthHttpENEConnection(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Constructor for connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
AuthHttpENEConnection(String, int) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Constructor for connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
AVG - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Average function.


CEIL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Ceiling function.
Cell - Class in com.endeca.navigation.charting
Represents a value in a Grid.
CoalesceList - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
CoalesceList instances represent a list of expressions used to return the the first non-null value in the list.
CoalesceList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Constructs an empty CoalesceList.
com.endeca.navigation - package com.endeca.navigation
Provides an interface to query the Endeca MDEX Engine and a structure of objects to handle the data returned from the query.
com.endeca.navigation.analytics - package com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Provides an interface for Endeca Analytics queries.
com.endeca.navigation.charting - package com.endeca.navigation.charting
Provides helpers to build charts and tables from analytics results.
commit() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
commit() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Compares this object to other Property o.
containsAggrERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains an Endeca aggregated record.
containsAggrERecQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns if this query includes a aggregated record query.
containsDimensionSearch() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains a dimension search results object.
containsDimSearch() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains a dimension search results object.
containsDimSearchQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns if this query includes a dimension search query.
containsERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains an Endeca record.
containsERecQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns if this query includes a record query.
containsERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains one or more Endeca records.
containsERecsQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns if this query includes a query for records.
containsNavigation() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Indicates whether this query results object contains a Navigation object.
containsNavQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns whether the query includes a navigation query.
containsQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Returns whether the query is querying for any of a navigation, record, dimension search, or a value set search.
CordaChartBuilder - Class in com.endeca.navigation.charting
A helper class to build Corda PopChart charts from Endeca data.
CordaChartBuilder(String, Grid) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.charting.CordaChartBuilder
COS - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Cosine function.
COUNT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Count function.
COUNTDISTINCT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Count Distinct function.


DATE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Date constant.
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Day-of-month constant.
DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Day-of-week constant.
DAY_OF_YEAR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Day-of-year constant.
DESCENDING - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Sort key application in descending direction.
didSuggestionIncludeAutomaticPhrasing() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchAutoSuggestion
Determines whether this suggestion includes one or more contiguous subsequences of terms that were phrased by the Automatic Phrasing feature of the Endeca MDEX Engine.
didSuggestionIncludeAutomaticPhrasing() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchDYMSuggestion
Determines whether this suggestion includes one or more contiguous subsequences of terms that were phrased by the Automatic Phrasing feature of the Endeca MDEX Engine.
didSuggestionIncludeSpellingCorrection() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchAutoSuggestion
Determines whether this suggestion includes one or more terms that were spell-corrected by the Spelling Correction feature of the Endeca MDEX Engine.
didSuggestionIncludeSpellingCorrection() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchDYMSuggestion
Determines whether this suggestion includes one or more terms that were spell-corrected by the Spelling Correction feature of the Endeca MDEX Engine.
DIM_SEARCH_ALL_DIM_VALUES - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
All matches from dimension search will be returned from each dimension.
DIM_SEARCH_DIMENSIONS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search dimension.
DIM_SEARCH_NAV_DESCRIPTORS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search navigation descriptors.
DIM_SEARCH_NAV_RANGE_FILTERS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search navigation range filters.
DIM_SEARCH_NAV_RECORD_FILTER_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search navigation record filter.
DIM_SEARCH_NAV_RECORD_STRUCTURE_EXPR_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search navigation structure expressions.
DIM_SEARCH_NUM_DIM_VALUES_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for number of dimension values to return.
DIM_SEARCH_OPTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search options.
DIM_SEARCH_RANK_RESULTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for ranking dimension search results.
DIM_SEARCH_REFINEMENT_CONFIGS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search refinement configs.
DIM_SEARCH_RESULTS_OFFSET_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search results offset.
DIM_SEARCH_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search rollup key.
DIM_SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for dimension search terms.
Dimension - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Core component of a navigation state query encapsulating all information known about a dimension at the navigation state.
DimensionList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of dimensions (Dimension objects).
DimensionSearchResult - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Result class for a value search query.
DimensionSearchResultGroup - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class encapsulating a group of value intersection references that all share a similar set of dimensions, corresponding to the a result group for a dimension search.
DimensionSearchResultGroupList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of dimension search result groups exposed as a java.util.List.
DimGroup - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class encapsulating a group of dimensions.
DimGroupList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of dimension groups (DimGroup objects) exposed as a java.util.List.
DimLocation - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A class representing a specific location in a dimension.
DimLocationList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List containing dimension locations (DimLocation objects).
DimSearchRefinementConfig - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a refinement config for dimension search for a dimension value.
DimSearchRefinementConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfig
Default constructor where the dimValId sets the dimension value this dynamic refinement config is associated with.
DimSearchRefinementConfigList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that encapsulates a collection of refinement configs for dimension value search (DimSearchRefinementConfig objects).
DimSearchRefinementConfigList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfigList
Default constructor that creates an empty list.
DimSearchResult - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Deprecated. This class may not be available in future
DimVal - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A dimension value is the lowest-level building block that compose dimensions, navigations, and classifications of records.
DimValIdList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Every dimension value (DimVal object) has a unique ID.
DimValIdList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Default constructor that will contain an empty list.
DimValIdList(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Constructor that takes a string-based set of dimension value IDs, and parses and populates the list with the string.
DimValIdList(DimValList) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Constructor that takes a dimension value list and extracts the IDs from the DimVal objects in the list.
DimValList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A list of dimension values (DimVal objects).
DisabledRefinementsConfig - Class in com.endeca.navigation
This class represents the configuration of the Disabled Refinement results that will be returned with the query results.
DisabledRefinementsConfig() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
DIVIDE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Division operator.
Drilldown - Interface in com.endeca.navigation.charting
This callback interface tells CordaChartBuilder the URLs to use for drilldown.
DVAL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
DVAL operator.


EmptyENEQueryException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception signalling that the query method was called with an empty query object.
enableSSL() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Enabling SSL specifies that a secure connection must be made between the API and the dgraph.
enableSSL(KeyStore, String, KeyStore) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Enabling SSL specifies that a secure connection must be made between the API and the dgraph.
ENEAuthenticationException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Abstract exception representing a general error while attempting to query the MDEX Engine.
ENEConnection - Interface in com.endeca.navigation
A connection with an Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEConnectionException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception represents an error dealing with the communication with the MDEX Engine from an ENEConnection.
ENEConnectionException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.navigation.ENEConnectionException
ENEConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.navigation.ENEConnectionException
ENEException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception represents an exception that comes from the MDEX Engine.
ENEException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.navigation.ENEException
ENEException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.navigation.ENEException
ENEPrincipal - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing the abstract notion of a principal, which can be used to represent any entity, such as an individual, a corporation, or a login ID.
ENEPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ENEPrincipal
Creates a new ENEPrincipal object.
ENEQuery - Class in com.endeca.navigation
An object used for expressing queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEQuery() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Zero argument default constructor.
ENEQueryException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Abstract exception representing a general error while attempting to query the Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEQueryInfo - Class in com.endeca.navigation
An object used to store logging-specific query information, such as a session ID and query ID.
ENEQueryInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. Future versions of the MDEX Engine API may not support this constructor. Instead this functionailty is preserved by calling the basic constructor ENEQueryInfo.ENEQueryInfo() followed by the ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method with the IDs and their respective keys.
ENEQueryInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. Future versions of the MDEX Engine API may not support this constructor. Instead, implement this functionailty by calling the basic constructor ENEQueryInfo.ENEQueryInfo() followed by the ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method with the session ID and query ID and their respective keys.
ENEQueryInfo() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
ENEQueryResults - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Result object returned from a query to an Endeca MDEX Engine.
ENEQueryToolkit - Class in com.endeca.navigation
ENEQueryToolkit provides static methods for managing the value of the primary URL query parameter in a navigation query.
entrySet() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.PropertyMap
Gets the set of all properties in this property map
EQ - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
EQUAL TO operator.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Indicates whether this GroupBy has an equivalence to a reference GroupBy specified by obj.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Label
Indicates whether this Label has an equivalence to a reference Label specified by obj.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Compares the specified object with this for equality.
ERec - Class in com.endeca.navigation
ERec class is composed of properties and values it is tagged by.
ERecCompoundSearchKey - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Key with which a record set can be or is text group searched by.
ERecCompoundSearchKeyList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Collection of record compound search keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecIdList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of record specifications.
ERecIdList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Default constructor.
ERecIdList(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Constructor that takes a string-based set of record specs and parses and populates the list with the string.
ERecIdList(long) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.ERecIdList(String) instead. Constructor that takes a single id and makes a record id list with only one element.
ERecList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of Endeca records exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecRank - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a relevance ranking on a navigation record set.
ERecRank() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Default constructor that creates an empty ERecSearch object.
ERecRank(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Constructor specifying the key and the terms of the search.
ERecRank(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Constructor specifying the key, terms, and options of the search.
ERecRollupKey - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Key with which a record set can or is rolled up by.
ERecRollupKeyList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Collection of record rollup keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERECS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for records.
ERecSearch - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a search on a navigation record set.
ERecSearch() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Default constructor that creates an empty ERecSearch object.
ERecSearch(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Constructor specifying the key and the terms of the search.
ERecSearch(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Constructor specifying the key, terms, and options of the search.
ERecSearchKey - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Key with which a record set can be or is text searched by.
ERecSearchKeyList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Collection of record search keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecSearchList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that encapsulates a collection of ERecSearch objects, each of which represents a record search.
ERecSearchList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Default constructor that creates an empty ERecSearchList list.
ERecSortKey - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Key with which a record set can or is sorted by.
ERecSortKey(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Create a new alpha-numeric sort key that specifies a sort on a property and the order with which to sort with regard to that property.
ERecSortKey(String, boolean, double, double) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Create a new geocode sort key that specifies a sort on a geocode property, the reference geocode and the order with which to sort with regard to that property.
ERecSortKey(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Create a new relevance rank key that specifies a sort using a relevance ranking module.
ERecSortKeyList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Collection of record sort keys exposed as a java.util.List.
ERecSortKeyList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
ESearchAutoSuggestion - Class in com.endeca.navigation
ESearchAutoSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the MDEX Engine when a record search is performed.
ESearchDYMSuggestion - Class in com.endeca.navigation
ESearchDYMSuggestion represents a single alternate spelling suggestion made by the MDEX Engine when a record search is performed.
ESearchReport - Class in com.endeca.navigation
ESearchReport objects contain detailed information about record searches.
ESearchReport.Mode - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Enumeration of Endeca search modes.
ESearchReport.Mode() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport.Mode
ETInstrumentor - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that instruments HTML pages for use with the web-based tools package.
ETInstrumentor() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.ETInstrumentor
Construt a new ETinstromentor
EXP - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Exponential function.
Expr - Interface in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Expr is the base class for various types of composable expressions (that is, definitions of derived properties and table lookup parameters).
ExprAggregate - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Instances of the ExprAggregate class represent aggregate functions over the members of the associated aggregated record.
ExprAggregate(ExprAggregate.ExprAggregateOp, Expr) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Creates a new ExprAggregate.
ExprAggregate.ExprAggregateOp - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Enumeration of Endeca aggregate functions.
ExprBinary - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
An ExprBinary is a type of Expr that represents a binary scalar expression.
ExprBinary(ExprBinary.ExprBinaryOp, Expr, Expr) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Creates a new ExprBinary expression node.
ExprBinary.ExprBinaryOp - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Enumeration of Endeca mathematical operators.
ExprCoalesce - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
ExprCoalesce instances represent a coalesce expression holding multiple keys.
ExprCoalesce(CoalesceList) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Constructs a new ExprCoalesce.
ExprConstant - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Instances of ExprConstant represent constants.
ExprConstant(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Creates a new ExprConstant expression node representing the specified constant value.
ExprFunction - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
ExprFunction instances represent unary scalar function expressions.
ExprFunction(ExprFunction.ExprFunctionOp, Expr, int) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Creates a new ExprFunction of the specified subexpression subExpr.
ExprFunction.ExprFunctionOp - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Enumeration of Endeca unary scalar functions.
ExprKey - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Instances of ExprKey represent record field names.
ExprKey(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Creates a new ExprKey expression node representing the specified record field name.
ExprLookup - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
ExprLookup instances represent an access to a derived property of a record in a foreign table.
ExprLookup(String, String, LookupList) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Constructs a new ExprLookup.
EXTRACT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Date Extraction function.


FieldList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A list of Endeca property or dimension names that will be used to specify which values will be returned for each record in the result set of a navigation query.
FieldList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Constructs a new, empy FieldList.
FileLoginModule - Class in com.endeca.navigation
FileLoginModule() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
Filter - Interface in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Filter is the interface for various types of composable record filter operators.
FilterAnd - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A FilterAnd is a Filter implementing a Boolean n-way AND operation.
FilterAnd() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Creates a new FilterAnd with no sub-filters (no Filter elements).
FilterCompare - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A FilterCompare is a type of Filter that performs a value comparison.
FilterCompare(String, FilterCompare.FilterCompareOp, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Creates a new FilterCompare object.
FilterCompare.FilterCompareOp - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Enumeration of Endeca comparison operators.
FilterIn - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A FilterIn is a Filter that checks membership of a given set of values in a table.
FilterIn(String, LookupList) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Constructs a new FilterIn.
FilterNot - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A FilterNot is a Filter implementing a Boolean NOT operation.
FilterNot(Filter) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Creates a new FilterNot.
FilterOr - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A FilterOr is a Filter implementing a Boolean n-way OR operation.
FilterOr() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Creates a new FilterOr with no child sub-filters (no Filter elements).
finalize() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
FLOOR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Floor function.


GEOCODE_SORT_KEY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
This is a sort key for a Geocode typed property.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERecList
Gets the aggregated record at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Gets the Statement object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Gets the expression at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Gets the Filter object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Gets the Filter object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Gets the GroupBy object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Gets the lookup expression at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Gets the OrderBy object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Gets the Select object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocations
Gets the dimension location at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocationsList
Gets the associated dimension location group at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocNavigationRefs
Gets the navigation reference at position i.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocNavigationRefsList
Gets the value intersection group at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionList
Gets the Dimension at index index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the result group at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroup
Gets the navigation reference at position i.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroupList
Gets the result group at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the dimension at position index in the list.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroupList
Gets the dimension group at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimLocationList
Gets the dimension location at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfigList
Gets the DimSearchRefinementConfig at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Gets the element at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValList
Gets the DimVal at index i.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKeyList
Gets record compound search key at offset index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Gets the element at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecList
Gets the ERec at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKeyList
Gets rollup key at offset index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKeyList
Gets record search key at offset index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Gets the ERecSearch object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Gets sort key at offset index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Gets the object at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.NavigationRefsList
Gets the dimension value list at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Gets the RangeFilter at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigList
Gets the RefinementConfig at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimValList
Gets the StratifiedDimVal at position index.
get(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.SupplementList
Gets the Supplement at position index.
getActiveSortKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the sort keys in use for this navigation.
getAggrERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.getAggrERecSpec() instead. Gets the ID of the aggregated record to be queried for.
getAggrERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Gets the Endeca aggregated record object result.
getAggrERecActiveSortKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Get the list of sort keys with which the aggregated records representative records will be sorted.
getAggrERecNavDescriptors() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation values which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
getAggrERecNavRangeFilters() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation range filters which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
getAggrERecNavRecordFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the record filter which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
getAggrERecRollupKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the rollup key the aggregated record is composed by.
getAggrERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the composite records associated with this navigation query, which come from the original records consolidated by a rollup key.
getAggrERecsOffset() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the offset of the first aggregated record in the aggregated record list with respect to the total number of aggregated records in the dataset that match this navigation query.
getAggrERecSpec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the specification of the aggregated record to be queried for.
getAggrERecStructureExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the structure expression used to filter members of the aggregated record.
getAnalyticsQuery() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the AnalyticsQuery instance (if any) at the root of the AST that represents the Latitude Analytics query string.
getAnalyticsQueryError() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the error message, if any, associated with the evaluation of the Analytics portion of the query results.
getAnalyticsStatementNames() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Get the set of statement names included in the Analytics results associated with this Navigation.
getAnalyticsStatementResult(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets an AnalyticsStatementResult that provides access to the data associated with the named Analytics query.
getAncestors() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the ancestors pertinent to this dimension.
getAncestors() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimLocation
Gets the ancestors of the dimension location.
getAssocDimLocations(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocationsList
Gets the associated dimension group that is from the dimension whose ID is dimensionId.
getAssocDimLocations(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocationsList
Gets the associated dimension group that is from the dimension named dimensionName.
getAutoSuggestions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the list of automatic spelling corrections and/or alternative phrasing suggestions made by the Endeca MDEX Engine.
getBoolean() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalBoolean
Accessor that returns the boolean of this OptionalBoolean.
getBulkAggrERecIter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets an Iterator that provides access to the bulk composite records associated with this navigation query, which come from the original records consolidated by a rollup key.
getBulkERecIter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets an Iterator that provides access to the bulk records associated with this navigation query.
getCoalesceList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Gets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.
getCompleteDimensions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the complete dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions, the descriptor dimensions, and those that are completely implicit.
getCompleteDimGroups() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimension groups of the complete dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions, the descriptor dimensions, and those that are completely implicit.
getCompletePath() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Returns the complete path of dimension values consolidating ancestors, descriptor, and implicits in this order.
getDefault() - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory
Returns a SocketFactory that is configured to use SSL with the KeyStore provided through the setKeyStore method.
getDepth() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Gets the dimension depth for the aggregates defined by this GroupBy.
getDescriptor() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the descriptor for this dimension.
getDescriptorDimensions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimensions for the descriptors for this navigation.
getDescriptorDimGroups() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions for the descriptors for this navigation.
getDimension(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionList
Gets the dimension with the ID dimensionId from this list.
getDimension(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionList
Gets the dimension with the name dimensionName from this list.
getDimension(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the dimension with the ID dimensionId from this list.
getDimension(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the dimension with the name dimensionName from this list.
getDimensionId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Gets the ID of the dimension to which this value belongs.
getDimensionInBase(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Are nav selections from the dimension specified by dimensionId part of the base nav state.
getDimensionName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Gets the name of the dimension to which this dimension value belongs.
getDimensionSearch() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Gets the dimension search object result.
getDimensionSearchResultGroup(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the single-dimension result group with id dimensionId.
getDimensionSearchResultGroup(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the dimension result group with ids in the list dimIds.
getDimGroup(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroupList
Gets the dimension group with the name dimensionGroupName from this list.
getDimGroupId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the ID of the dimension group (DimGroup object) to which this dimension belongs.
getDimGroupName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the name of the dimension group (DimGroup object) to which this dimension belongs.
getDimRoot() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocations
Gets the root dimension value of the dimension all the locations these assocatiated locations are from.
getDimRoots() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocNavigationRefs
Gets the roots of the set of dimensions that all the intersections in this group share and are from.
getDimSearch() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Deprecated. This method may not be available in future.
getDimSearchCompound() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets whether that dimension search will include compound results.
getDimSearchDimension() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
If calling ENEQuery.getDimSearchDimensions() would return a list with a single value, that value will be returned by this function.
getDimSearchDimensions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the dimensions from which the dimension search can search from.
getDimSearchNavDescriptors() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation values that restrict the dimension search.
getDimSearchNavRangeFilters() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation range filters that restrict the dimension search.
getDimSearchNavRecordFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the record filter for the current dimension search.
getDimSearchNavRecordStructureExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the structure expression for this dimension search.
getDimSearchNumDimValues() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the number of values returned from each dimension for value search.
getDimSearchOpts() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the search options that dimension search will use.
getDimSearchRankResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets how the dimension search results will be sorted.
getDimSearchRefinementConfigs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the list of refinement configs for dimension search to be used by the MDEX Engine.
getDimSearchResultsOffset() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the offset with which the dimension search will return values per dimension.
getDimSearchRollupKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the rollup key that the dimension search will to generate aggregated counts.
getDimSearchTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the search terms the dimension search will use.
getDimVal() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Label
Returns the dimension value if this is a dimension.
getDimValId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
Gets the dimension value ID.
getDimValId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Gets the dimension value ID.
getDimValue() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimLocation
Gets the dimension value of this dimension location.
getDimValue(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValList
Gets the DimVal at index i.
getDimValueId(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Gets a dimension value ID from the DimValIdList object.
getDimValues() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERec
Gets the values tagged to the record.
getDYMSuggestions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the list of "Did You Mean" suggestions made by the Endeca MDEX Engine.
getDynamicRefinementCount() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets the maximum number of dimension values to return.
getEQLFilterInBase() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Is the EQL filter part of the base nav state.
getERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Gets the Endeca record for the result.
getERecCompoundSearchKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the text search group keys applicable for this navigation.
getERecId(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.getERecSpec(int) instead. Gets the record ID at position index.
getERecIter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AnalyticsStatementResult
Returns an Iterator that provides access to the records associated with the statement.
getERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Gets the erecs of this aggregated record.
getERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the IDs of the records being queried for.
getERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Gets the Endeca records for the result.
getERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the records associated with this navigation query.
getERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Supplement
Gets the Endeca records of this Supplement.
getERecSearchKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the text search keys applicable for this navigation.
getERecsOffset() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the offset of the first record in the endeca record list with respect to the total number of records in the dataset that match this navigation query.
getERecSpec(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Gets the record specification at position index.
getError() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AnalyticsStatementResult
Returns the String error message associated with the Analytics statement, if any.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the MDEX Engine's error message if the search was not valid.
getESearchReports() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the Map of ESearchReports for this dimension search result.
getESearchReports() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the Map of ESearchReports for this navigation query result.
getESearchReportsComplete() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the Map of Lists of ESearchReports for this dimension search result.
getESearchReportsComplete() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the Map of Lists of ESearchReports for this navigation query result.
getExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Gets the subexpression for this ExprAggregate.
getExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Gets the subexpression for this ExprFunction.
getExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Gets the derived property expression for this Select.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Gets the field name for this ExprKey.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Gets the field name for this ExprLookup.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Gets the fieldName for this FilterCompare.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Gets the name of the grouping property or dimension for this GroupBy.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Get the name of the sorting property or dimension for this OrderBy.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Gets the name of the derived property that this Select should produce.
getFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Gets the Filter associated with this Expr.
getFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Gets the filter sub-expression for this FilterNot.
getFirstPage() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
If the Statement is paged, returns the first row-number requested.
getFromStatementName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the name of the FROM statement.
getFunction() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Gets the aggregate function for this ExprAggregate.
getFunction() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Gets the mathematical function for this ExprBinary.
getFunction() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Gets the comparison function for this FilterCompare.
getGroupByList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the GroupByList for this Statement.
getHavingFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the "HAVING clause" Filter for this Statement.
getHostname() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Gets the specified hostname of the MDEX Engine.
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use AggrERec.getSpec() instead. Gets the id of the aggregated record.
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the ID of the dimension.
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the ID of the dimension group.
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Gets the ID of this dimension value.
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERec
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERec.getSpec() instead. Gets the ID for this record.
getImplicitLocations() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the implicit dimension locations contained in this dimension.
getInt() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalInt
Accessor that returns the int of this OptionalInt.
getIntegratedDimensions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimensions integrated from the refinement dimensions and the descriptor dimensions.
getIntegratedDimGroups() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions integrated from the refinement and descriptor dimensions.
getIntermediates() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the intermediate non-navigable refinements that have been selected and do not affect the query terms.
getKey(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKeyList
Gets record compound search key at offset index.
getKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKeyList
Gets record compound search key with the name name.
getKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Accessor that returns the key of this ERecRank.
getKey(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKeyList
Gets rollup key at offset index.
getKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKeyList
Gets rollup key with the name name.
getKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Accessor that returns the key of this ERecSearch.
getKey(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKeyList
Gets record search key at offset index.
getKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKeyList
Gets record search key with the name name.
getKey(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Gets sort key at offset index.
getKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Gets sort key with the name name.
getKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the key used in the record search.
getKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.KeyProperties
Gets the name of this Endeca Dimension or Property key.
getKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Gets the name of the property.
getKeyProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the Map of KeyProperties for this navigation query result.
getLabel(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Cell
Returns the specified label.
getLabels() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Cell
Returns the labels.
getLabels(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Returns the List of Labels for the specified axis.
getLabelURL(Label, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.charting.Drilldown
Returns the drilldown URL for the specified label.
getLanguageId() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the ISO639 language ID to be used for this query.
getLhs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Gets the left-hand side of this ExprBinary expression node..
getLookupList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Gets the LookupList for this ExprLookup.
getLookupList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Gets the LookupList for this FilterIn.
getMatchedMode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the matched search mode that was selected by the MDEX Engine.
getMatchMode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Accessor that returns the match mode of this ERecRank.
getMaxUrl() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Gets the value of maxUrl.
getMode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the requested search mode used in the search.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the name of the current Statement.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AnalyticsStatementResult
Returns the statement name.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the name of the dimension.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the name of the dimension group.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Gets the name of this dimension value.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEPrincipal
Returns the name of this principal.
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKey
Get the name of this text group search key
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKey
Get the name of this rollup key
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKey
Get the name of this text search key
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Get the name of this sort key
getNavActiveSortKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Get the list of sort keys with which the navigation query's records will be sorted.
getNavAggrERecsOffset() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the offset into the navigation aggregated record list for navigation query.
getNavAllRefinements() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets whether all the navigational refinements should be returned without explictly setting them.
getNavDescriptors() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the descriptor IDs of the navigation being queried for.
getNavDisabledRefinementsConfig() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the disabled refinements config.
getNavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets whether the Endeca MDEX Engine should compute alternative phrasings for the end user's original record search query.
getNavERecSearchDidYouMean() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets whether if the "Did You Mean" feature will be returned in the supplements with the record search feature.
getNavERecSearches() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation record searches on the records of the navigation query.
getNavERecSearchRewriteQueryWithAnAlternativePhrasing() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets whether the Endeca MDEX Engine should use one of the alternative phrasings it has computed instead of the end user's original record search query.
getNavERecsOffset() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the offset into the navigation record list for the navigation query.
getNavERecsPerAggrERec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the number of records returned for each aggregated record.
getNavExposedRefinements() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the set of refinement parents that indicate which refinements should be returned with the navigation query.
getNavigation() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Gets the navigation object result.
getNavigationRefs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Supplement
Gets the navigation state queries referenced by this Supplement.
getNavKeyProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation key properties request.
getNavMerchPreviewTime() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the merch preview-time string.
getNavMerchRuleFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the merch rule filter.
getNavNumAggrERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the maximum number of aggregated records to be returned from a navigation query.
getNavNumBulkAggrERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the maximum number of aggregated records to be returned in bulk format from a navigation query.
getNavNumBulkERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the maximum number of records to be returned in bulk format from a navigation query.
getNavNumERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the maximum number of records to be returned from a navigation query.
getNavOpts() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation options the navigation query will use.
getNavRangeFilters() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the range filters to be applied to this navigation query.
getNavRecordFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the record filter for this navigation query.
getNavRecordStructureExpr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the structure expression for this navigation query.
getNavRefinementConfigs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the list of dynamic refinement configs to be used by the MDEX Engine.
getNavRelRankERecRank() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the navigation record search specified with relevance ranking.
getNavRelRankERecSearch() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.getNavRelRankERecRank() instead. Gets the navigation record search specified with relevance ranking.
getNavRollupKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the rollup key the navigation will be rolled up by to generate aggregated records.
getNavSortKey() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.getNavActiveSortKeys() instead.
getNavSortOrder() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.getNavActiveSortKeys() instead.
getNavStratifiedDimVals() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of stratified dimension values for use during refinement ranking by the MDEX engine.
getNumAxes() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Returns the number of "axes" (that is, the number of labels) in the grid.
getNumMatchedTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the number of search terms that were sucessfully matched when the search was performed.
getNumMatchingResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchDYMSuggestion
Returns the number of results that will match if this suggestion is used in a search.
getNumMatchingResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the number of records that matched the search.
getNumResultGroups() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the number of result groups.
getOpts() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Accessor that returns the options of this ERecSearch.
getOrder() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Gets the direction the sort key has been applied to record set if the sort key has been applied, is active.
getOrderByList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the OrderByList for this Statement.
getPagesRequested() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
If the Statement is paged, returns the number of rows requested.
getPCXML() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.CordaChartBuilder
Returns the PCXML for the chart.
getPort() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Gets the specified port of the MDEX Engine.
getProfiles() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the profiles that describe characteristics of an application end user.
getProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Gets the properties of the aggregated record.
getProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Gets the properties associated with this dimension value.
getProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERec
Gets the properties for this record.
getProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.KeyProperties
Gets the properties for this Endeca Dimension or Property key.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.PropertyContainer
Gets the properties for this container.
getProperties() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Supplement
Gets the properties of this Supplement.
getProperty() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Label
Returns the property value if this is a property.
getQueryIdentifier() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API.
getQueryInfo() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the ENEQueryInfo object.
getRangeFilters() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the range filters applied to this navigation query result.
getRangeFiltersInBase() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Are range filters part of the base nav state.
getReferenceLatitude() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Gets the latitude of the point relative to which this sort specifies a distance sort.
getReferenceLongitude() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Gets the longitude of the point relative to which this sort specifies a distance sort.
getRefinementDimensions() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimensions of that still have refinements available with respect to this query.
getRefinementDimGroups() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the dimension groups of the dimensions that still have refinements available with respect to this navigation query.
getRefinementParent() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the refinements' parent value in this dimension.
getRefinements() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the refinements available and retrieved in this dimension.
getRepresentative() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Gets the representative record of the aggregated record.
getResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the results grouped by dimension roots.
getResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchResult
Deprecated. Gets the results grouped by dimension.
getResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.NavStateSearchResult
Gets the intersection grouped by the intersections that share the same intersection of dimensions.
getReturnedNumERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AnalyticsStatementResult
Returns the number of records returned in this particular request.
getRhs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Gets the right-hand side of this ExprBinary expression node..
getRollupKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the rollup keys applicable for this navigation.
getRoot() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Gets the root value of this dimension.
getRoots() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroup
Gets the roots of this result group.
getSelection() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Gets the fields that should be returned for each record in the result set.
getSelectList() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the list of Select operations for this Statement.
getSessionIdentifier() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API.
getShowCounts() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
Gets whether the config will show counts.
getSortKeys() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the sort keys applicable for this navigation.
getSpec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Gets the specification of the aggregated record.
getSpec() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERec
Gets the specification for this record.
getStrategy() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Accessor that returns the strategy of this ERecRank.
getStratum() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Gets the stratum for this dim val.
getSupplements() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the supplements to this navigation query result.
getSupplements() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the supplements to this navigation query result.
getTableName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Gets the table name for this ExprLookup.
getTableName() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Gets the table name for this FilterIn.
getTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
Accessor that returns the terms of this ERecRank.
getTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
Accessor that returns the terms of this ERecSearch.
getTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchAutoSuggestion
Returns the terms for the spelling suggestion.
getTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchDYMSuggestion
Returns the terms for the spelling suggestion
getTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the terms specified in the record search.
getTextSearchesInBase() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Are text searches part of the base nav state.
getTotalNetworkAndComputeTime() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults
Returns the total number of seconds spent waiting for the MDEX Engine to respond to all queries.
getTotalNumAggrERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the total number of aggregated records matching navigation query.
getTotalNumERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
Gets the total number of ERecs aggregated in this aggregated erecord.
getTotalNumERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AnalyticsStatementResult
Returns the total number of records that match the Analytics statement.
getTotalNumERecs() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Navigation
Gets the total number of records matching navigation query.
getTotalNumLocations() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocations
Gets the total number of dimension locations belonging to this dimension.
getTotalNumResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResult
Gets the total number of value results found even if not all of them were returned because of the parameters of the query.
getTotalNumResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroup
Return the total number of results for this result group, which may be larger than the number of results actually included, depending on the dimension search query parameters.
getTotalNumResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchResult
Deprecated. Gets the total number of value results found even if not all of them were returned because of the parameters of the query.
getTotalNumResults() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.NavStateSearchResult
Gets the total number of results from this query.
getTruncatedTerms() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns a set of search terms after truncation.
getType() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Indicates the type of the sort key.
getValue() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Gets the constant value for this ExprConstant.
getValue() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Gets the comparison value for this FilterCompare.
getValue() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Cell
Returns the value.
getValue(Label) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Convenience method - same as passing in a List containing the Label.
getValue(Label, Label) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Convenience method - same as passing in a List containing the two Labels.
getValue(List) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Returns the value at the location indicated by the labels.
getValue() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Gets the value of the property.
getValues(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.PropertyMap
Gets the values associated with this key.
getValueURL(Cell, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.charting.Drilldown
Returns the drilldown URL for this value.
getWhereFilter() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Gets the "WHERE clause" Filter for this Statement.
getWordInterps() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns the word interpretations for the record search.
Grid - Class in com.endeca.navigation.charting
This class represents a grid (or multidimensional array) that is built from Endeca analytics data.
Grid(Iterator, String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Convenience constructor for a one-axis Grid - same as passing in a List containing the strings.
Grid(Iterator, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Convenience constructor for a two-axis Grid - same as passing in a List containing the two strings.
Grid(Iterator, String, List) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Constructs a Grid from the specified Endeca analytics data.
GroupBy - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A GroupBy defines a single dimension of record grouping for a containing Statement operation.
GroupBy(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Constructs a new GroupBy which will request aggregation of records into groups based on the Endeca property or dimension named groupingKey.
GroupBy(String, int) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Constructs a new GroupBy which will request aggregation of records into groups based on the Endeca property or dimension named groupingKey.
GroupByList - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A GroupByList is a list of GroupBy instances, each of which represent a single dimension of record grouping.
GroupByList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Constructs a new, empty GroupByList.
GT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
GREATER THAN operator.
GTE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare


handle(Callback[]) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StaticCallbackHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Label
Returns a unique hash code value of this Label.
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Generates the hash code for this object.
HOUR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Hour constant.
htmlInstrumentNavigation(Navigation) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ETInstrumentor
Instrument an html navigation page with hidden forms that act as hooks to work with the web tools package.
htmlInstrumentRecord(ERec, String, String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ETInstrumentor
Instrument an html record page with hidden forms that act as hooks to work with the web tools package.
HttpENEConnection - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Provides a connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
HttpENEConnection() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Default empty constructor.
HttpENEConnection(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Constructor for connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
HttpENEConnection(String, int) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Constructor for connection to an Endeca MDEX Engine over HTTP.
HttpENEConnection.HttpHeader - Class in com.endeca.navigation
HttpENEConnection.HttpHeader(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection.HttpHeader


id - Variable in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
initialize(Subject, CallbackHandler, Map, Map) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
InternalException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception signalling that an internal error has occured in the system.
IS_NOT_NULL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
NON-NULL operator.
IS_NULL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
NULL operator.
isActive() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKey
Returns whether the key is active.
isActive() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKey
Returns whether the key is active.
isActive() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKey
Returns whether the key is active.
isActive() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The best way to determine whether a sort key is in use is to determine if it is in the sort criteria list returned by Navigation.getActiveSortKeys().
isAscending() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Indicates the sort direction of this OrderBy.
isDynamicRankingDefault() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value has Dynamic Ranking set to use default.
isDynamicRankingDisabled() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value has Dynamic Ranking disabled.
isDynamicRankingEnabled() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value has Dynamic Ranking enabled.
isDynamicRankOrderDefault() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value is sorted using the default.
isDynamicRankOrderDynamic() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value is sorted dynamically (ordered by refinement count).
isDynamicRankOrderStatic() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value is sorted statically (ordered by refinement sort order).
isEmpty() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalBoolean
Returns whether this OptionalBoolean is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalInt
Returns whether this OptionalInt is empty.
isExplicit() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Determines if the dimension group is an explicit or implicit dimension group.
isExposed() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Gets whether the dimension value is exposed.
isImplicit() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Dimension
Determines if the dimension is fully implicit.
isImplicitRefinement(Dimension, DimVal) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryToolkit
Determines if a dimension value refinement is an implicit refinement within the context of a given dimension.
isLeaf() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Indicates if this dimension value is a leaf.
isMerchDebugOn() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
isMultiSelectAnd() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select and" functionality.
isMultiSelectOr() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Indicates if this dimension value supports "multi-select or" functionality.
isNavigable() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimVal
Indicates if this dimension value is navigable.
isPaged() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Tests whether this Statement is paged.
isShown() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Tests whether the Statement is a Return or Define Statement.
isValid() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Returns true if the search was a valid search.


KEY_PROPS_ALL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Request all key properties be returned.
KEY_PROPS_NONE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Request no key properties be returned.
KeyProperties - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class providing access to a collection of properties associated with a given Dimension or Property key.


Label - Class in com.endeca.navigation.charting
This class represents a Grid label that came from either a dimension value or a property value.
LAG - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Lag function.
LDAPLoginModule - Class in com.endeca.navigation
LDAPLoginModule() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
LEAD - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Lead function.
LN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Natural logarithm function.
LOG - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Logarithm operator.
login(CallbackHandler) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Authenticate a user.
login() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
login() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
logout() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Logout an authenticated user.
logout() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FileLoginModule
logout() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.LDAPLoginModule
LookupList - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
LookupList instances represent a list of expressions used to uniquely identify a record in a table (foreign or local).
LookupList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Constructs an empty LookupList.
LT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
LESS THAN operator.
LTE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare


MAX - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Maximum function.
MAX_BULK_ERECS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
All the records that are associated with the current navigation state should be returned through the bulk record iterator.
MEDIAN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Median function.
MIN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Minimum function.
MINUS - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Subtraction operator.
MINUTE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Minute constant.
MOD - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Modulo (remainder) operator.
MODE_ALL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match all user search terms (i.e., perform a conjunctive search).
MODE_ALL_ANY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match all user search terms if possible, otherwise match at least one.
MODE_ALL_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match all user search terms if possible, otherwise match some.
MODE_ANY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match at least one user search term.
MODE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match using a Boolean query.
MODE_PARTIAL - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match some user search terms.
MODE_PARTIAL_MAX - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
Match a maximal subset of user search terms.
MODE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ESearchReport
The mode is unknown.
MONTH - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Month constant.
MULTIPLY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Multiplication operator.


name - Variable in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection.HttpHeader
NAV_AGGR_ERECS_OFFSET_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation aggregated record list offset.
NAV_DESCRIPTORS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation values.
NAV_DISABLED_REFINEMENTS_CONFIGS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for disabled refinements config.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_DID_YOU_MEAN_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search Did You Mean.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_KEYS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search keys.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_OPTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search option sets.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_PHRASING_COMPUTE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search to compute alternative phrasings.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_PHRASING_REWRITE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search to rewrite the query to an alternative phrasing.
NAV_EREC_SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record search term sets.
NAV_ERECS_OFFSET_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record list offset.
NAV_ERECS_PER_AGGR_EREC_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation number of records per aggregated record.
NAV_KEY_PROPERTIES_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation key properties.
NAV_MERCH_PREVIEW_TIME_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
NAV_MERCH_RULE_FILTER_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
NAV_OPTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation query options (other than options for record search, which are handled by Ntx).
NAV_RANGE_FILTERS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation range filters.
NAV_RECORD_FILTER_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record filters.
NAV_RECORD_STRUCTURE_EXPR_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation record structure expressions.
NAV_REFINEMENT_CONFIGS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation refinement configs.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_RANK_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for relevnace ranking record search key.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_RANK_MATCHMODE_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for relevnace ranking record match mode.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_RANK_STRATEGY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for relevnace ranking record search strategy.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_RANK_TERMS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for relevnace ranking record search terms.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_SEARCH_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_SEARCH_STRATEGY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant.
NAV_RELRANK_EREC_SEARCH_TERMS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant.
NAV_ROLLUP_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation rollup key.
NAV_SORT_ASCENDING - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sort the navigation query's matching records in ascending order.
NAV_SORT_DESCENDING - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sort the navigation query's matching records in descending order.
NAV_SORT_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation sort key.
NAV_SORT_ORDER_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation sort order.
NAV_SPECIFIC_REFINEMENTS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation exposed refinements.
NAV_STRATIFIED_DIM_VALS_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Parameter name for navigation stratified dim vals.
Navigation - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Top level object returned from an Endeca MDEX Engine.
NavigationRefsList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of navigation refinement values exposed as a java.util.List.
NavStateSearchResult - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class encapsulating the results from a dimension value intersection search.
NEQ - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
NOT EQUAL TO operator.
NOT_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
Sort key not applied.


ONE_EREC_PER_AGGR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
One of the records that compose a aggregated record will be returned.
OptionalBoolean - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing an boolean or an unset value.
OptionalBoolean() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalBoolean
Default constructor that creates an empty OptionalBoolean object.
OptionalBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalBoolean
Constructor specifying an boolean.
OptionalInt - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing an int or an unset value.
OptionalInt() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalInt
Default constructor that creates an empty OptionalInt object.
OptionalInt(int) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.OptionalInt
Constructor specifying an int.
OrderBy - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
An OrderBy defines an ordering on a set of records, based on the natural ordering of the specified field.
OrderBy(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Constructs a new OrderBy that specifies a sort on an Endeca property or dimension indicated by _field in a sort direction specified by isAscending.
OrderByList - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
An OrderByList is a list of OrderBy instances.
OrderByList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Constructs a new, empy OrderByList.


parseDimValId(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
parseQuery(String) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Parses a String form of a Statement query and returns an instance of AnalyticsQuery if the query is well-formed.
parseShowCounts(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
PartialENEQueryException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception that is triggered if there is a query that does not completely express a query with all necessary parameter.
PLUS - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Addition operator.
POWER - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Exponentiation operator.
printStackTrace() - Method in exception com.endeca.navigation.InternalException
Prints the stack trace to the standard error stream.
Property - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a name/value Endeca property pair.
PropertyContainer - Interface in com.endeca.navigation
Interface for an object that has properties and has those properties exposed as a PropertyMap.
PropertyMap - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class providing access to a collection of properties.


QUARTER - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Quarter year constant.
query(ENEQuery) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AuthHttpENEConnection
Issues a query against the MDEX Engine.
query(ENEQuery) - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.ENEConnection
Makes a query against the MDEX Engine.
query(ENEQuery) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Issues a query against the MDEX Engine.
QUERY_ID_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant.
QueryNode - Interface in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
QueryNode is the interface for all parts of an Analytics query.


RangeFilter - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a range filter on a navigation record set.
RangeFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilter
Constructor creating a filter.
RangeFilterList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that encapsulates a collection of range filters (RangeFilter objects).
RangeFilterList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Default constructor that creates an empty list.
RefinementConfig - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing a dynamic refinement config for a dimension value.
RefinementConfig(long) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Default constructor where the dimValId sets the dimension value this dynamic refinement config is associated with.
RefinementConfigBase - Class in com.endeca.navigation
RefinementConfigBase(long) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
Default constructor where the dimValId sets the dimension value this configuration is associated with.
RefinementConfigList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that encapsulates a collection of dynamic refinement configs (RefinementConfig objects).
RefinementConfigList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigList
Default constructor that creates an empty list.
RELRANK_SORT_KEY - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKey
This is a sort key for a relevance ranking module
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Removes the Statement object at the specified position in this AnalyticsQuery.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Removes the coalesce expression element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Removes the Filter element at the specified position in this FilterAnd.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Removes the Filter element at the specified position in this FilterOr.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Removes the GroupBy at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Removes the lookup expression element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Removes the OrderBy at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Removes the Select element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Removes the ERecSearch object at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Removes the Endeca property or dimension at the specified position in this list.
remove(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Removes the RangeFilter at the specified position in this list.
removeDescriptor(Navigation, DimVal) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryToolkit
Generates the navigation descriptors of the ENEQuery after removing a descriptor.
removeParam(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Removes any key/value parameter pair from the outputted URL.
removeParams(Collection) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Removes any key/value parameter with the keys specified in the collection.
ROUND - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Round operator.
ROUND - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Round function.


SECOND - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Second constant.
Select - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A Select operation represents the assignment of a named derived value to a record produced as the result of a Statement.
Select(String, Expr) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Constructs a new Select which will associate the result of expr with the derived property named field.
selectAncestor(Navigation, DimVal, DimVal) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryToolkit
Generates the navigation descriptors of the ENEQuery for a selected ancestor.
SelectList - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A SelectList is a list of Select expressions.
SelectList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Constructs a new, empy SelectList.
selectRefinement(Navigation, DimVal) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryToolkit
Generates the navigation descriptors of the ENEQuery for a selected refinement.
SESSION_ID_PARAM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Replaces the Statement object at position index with the the Statement object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Replaces the expression object at position index with the the expression object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Replaces the Filter object at position index with the the Filter object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Replaces the Filter object at position index with the the Filter object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Replaces the GroupBy object at position index with the the GroupBy object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Replaces the lookup expression object at position index with the the lookup expression object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Replaces the OrderBy object at position index with the the OrderBy object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Replaces the Select object at position index with the the Select object specified by obj.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Replaces the ERecSearch at the specified position in this list with a new ERecSearch.
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element
set(int, Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Replaces the RangeFilter object at the specified position in this list with the specified RangeFilter.
setA(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record for the query.
setAf(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record navigation range filters.
setAggrERec(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setAggrERecSpec(String) instead. Sets the ID of the aggregated record to be queried for.
setAggrERecActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of keys that will be used to sort representative records.
setAggrERecNavDescriptors(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation values which the aggregated record will be aggregated in relation to.
setAggrERecNavRangeFilters(RangeFilterList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation range filters which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
setAggrERecNavRecordFilter(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the record filter which the aggregated record will be composed in relation to.
setAggrERecRollupKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the rollup key the aggregated record is composed by.
setAggrERecSpec(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the specification of the aggregated record to be queried for.
setAggrERecStructureExpr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the structure expression used to filter members of the aggregated record.
setAn(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record navigation values for the query.
setAnalyticsQuery(AnalyticsQuery) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the AnalyticsQuery instance that represents the Latitude query that will be sent to the Endeca MDEX Engine.
setAr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record navigation record filter.
setArs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record structure expression.
setAs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the sort key for the aggregated record representative records.
setAscending(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Sets the sort direction of this OrderBy.
setAu(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the aggregated record rollup key with which the aggregated record is derived.
setCoalesceList(CoalesceList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Sets the CoalesceList for this ExprCoalesce.
setD(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the string dimension search query terms.
setDepth(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Sets the dimension depth for the aggregates defined by this GroupBy.
setDf(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimension search navigation range filters.
setDi(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimensions with which to dimension search in.
setDimensionInBase(long, boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Sets whether nav selections from the dimension specified by dimensionId are part of the base nav state.
setDimSearchCompound(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets whether dimension search will include compound results.
setDimSearchDimension(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the dimension which the dimension search can search from.
setDimSearchDimensions(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the dimensions which the dimension search can search from.
setDimSearchNavDescriptors(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation values that describe a navigation state that restrict the number of values that can be searched from.
setDimSearchNavRangeFilters(RangeFilterList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation range filters that restrict the dimension search.
setDimSearchNavRecordFilter(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the record filter that will restrict the dimension search results.
setDimSearchNavRecordStructureExpr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the structure expression on this dimension search.
setDimSearchNumDimValues(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the number of values returned from each dimension for value search.
setDimSearchOpts(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the option set that dimension search will use.
setDimSearchRankResults(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets how the dimension search results are sorted.
setDimSearchRefinementConfigs(DimSearchRefinementConfigList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of refinement configs for dimension search to be used by the MDEX Engine.
setDimSearchResultsOffset(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the offset with which the dimension search will begin returning results per dimension.
setDimSearchRollupKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the rollup key which the records of the dimension search query should use to create aggregated counts.
setDimSearchTerms(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the search terms the dimension search will use.
setDimValId(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Sets the dim val for this stratified dim val.
setDk(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimension search behavior to order results.
setDn(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the navigation restriction for the dimension search.
setDo(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimension search results offset.
setDp(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the number of results to return per dimension.
setDr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimension search navigation record filter.
setDrc(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the list of refinement configs for the dimension search query.
setDrilldown(Drilldown, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.CordaChartBuilder
Enables drilldown for this chart.
setDrs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the structure expression for the dimension search query.
setDu(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the rollup key for the dimension search query.
setDx(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the dimension search options.
setDynamicRankingDefault() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets Dynamic Ranking to be enabled or disabled depending on the dimension's setting in Developer Studio.
setDynamicRankingDisabled() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Disables Dynamic Ranking for the dimension value.
setDynamicRankingEnabled() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Enables Dynamic Ranking for the dimension value.
setDynamicRankOrderDefault() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets the dimension value to be sorted statically or dynamically depending on the dimension's setting in Developer Studio.
setDynamicRankOrderDynamic() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets the dimension value to be sorted dynamically (ordered by refinement count).
setDynamicRankOrderStatic() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets the dimension value to be sorted statically (ordered by refinement sort order).
setDynamicRefinementCount(OptionalInt) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets the maximum dimension values to return.
setEQLFilterInBase(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Sets whether the EQL filter is part of the base nav state.
setERec(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setERecSpec(String) instead. Sets the ID of the record to be queried for. This method is shorthand for the setERecs(ERecIdList) method used when only requesting one record.
setERecs(ERecIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the IDs of the records to be queried for.
setERecSpec(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the specification of the record to be queried for.
setExposed(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Sets whether the dimension value is exposed.
setExpr(Expr) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Sets the subexpression for this ExprAggregate.
setExpr(Expr) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Sets the subexpression for this ExprFunction.
setExpr(Expr) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Sets the derived property expression for this Select.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Sets the field name for this ExprKey.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Sets the field name for this ExprLookup.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Sets the name of the Endeca property or dimension for this FilterCompare.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Sets the name of the grouping property or dimension for this GroupBy.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Sets the name of the sorting property or dimension for this OrderBy.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Sets the name of the derived property that this Select should produce.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Adds a Filter to this expression, causing only records that satisfy the filter to be taken into account by this aggregate.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Sets the filter sub-expression for this FilterNot.
setFromStatementName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Specifies the name of the statement whose records are scanned as input to the current Statement.
setFunction(ExprAggregate.ExprAggregateOp) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Sets the aggregate function for this ExprAggregate.
setFunction(ExprBinary.ExprBinaryOp) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Sets the mathematical function for this ExprBinary.
setFunction(ExprFunction.ExprFunctionOp) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Sets the function for this ExprFunction.
setFunction() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Gets the mathematical function for this ExprFunction.
setFunction(FilterCompare.FilterCompareOp) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Sets the comparison function for this FilterCompare.
setGroupByList(GroupByList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Sets the GroupByList for this Statement.
setHavingFilter(Filter) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Adds a "HAVING clause" to this Statement.
setHostname(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Sets the hostname of the MDEX Engine.
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Sets the hostname verifier that will be used to check the server certificate's CN for an SSL connection.
setKeyStore(KeyStore, String) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory
Sets the keystore information to use when using client certificates with SSL.
setKeyStore(KeyStore, char[]) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory
Sets the keystore information to use when using client certificates with SSL.
setLanguageId(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the ISO639 language code to be used for this query.
setLhs(Expr) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Sets the left-hand side of this binary expression.
setLookupList(LookupList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Sets the LookupList for this ExprLookup.
setLookupList(LookupList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Sets the LookupList for this FilterIn.
setMaxUrl(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Sets the value of maxUrl.
setMerchDebugOn(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
This method is for internal Endeca use only, and should never be called
setN(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the navigation field of the query.
setNa(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the analytics query.
setName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Sets the name of the current Statement.
setNao(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the navigation aggregated record list offset.
setNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of keys that will be used to sort records.
setNavAggrERecsOffset(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the offset into the navigation aggregated record list for navigation query.
setNavAllRefinements(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the query such that the navigation query will return with all the refinements possible for all dimensions.
setNavDescriptors(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation descriptor IDs that describe the navigation object to be queried for.
setNavDisabledRefinementsConfig(DisabledRefinementsConfig) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the disabled refinements config.
setNavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets whether the Endeca MDEX Engine will compute alternative phrasings for the current record search query.
setNavERecSearchDidYouMean(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets whether the record search should turn on the "Did You Mean" feature.
setNavERecSearches(ERecSearchList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation record searches to perform on the records of the navigation query.
setNavERecSearchRewriteQueryWithAnAlternativePhrasing(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets whether the Endeca MDEX Engine will use one of the the alternative phrasings it has computed instead of the end user's original record search query when computing the set of documents to return.
setNavERecsOffset(long) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the offset into the navigation record list for the navigation query.
setNavERecsPerAggrERec(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the maximum number of records to be returned in each aggregated record.
setNavExposedRefinements(DimValIdList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the set of refinements that should be exposed/returned with the navigation query.
setNavKeyProperties(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Set the navigation key properties request.
setNavMerchPreviewTime(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the merch preview-time string.
setNavMerchRuleFilter(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the merch rule filter.
setNavNumAggrERecs(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the maximum number of aggregated records returned for the navigation query.
setNavNumBulkAggrERecs(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the maximum number of aggregated records returned in bulk format for the navigation query.
setNavNumBulkERecs(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the maximum number of records returned in bulk format for the navigation query.
setNavNumERecs(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the maximum number of records that can be returned for the navigation query.
setNavOpts(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation options the navigation query will use.
setNavRangeFilters(RangeFilterList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the navigation range filters on this navigation query.
setNavRecordFilter(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the record filter on this navigation query.
setNavRecordStructureExpr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the structure expression on this navigation query.
setNavRefinementConfigs(RefinementConfigList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of dynamic refinement configs to be used by the MDEX Engine.
setNavRelRankERecRank(ERecRank) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query.
setNavRelRankERecSearch(ERecSearch) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setNavRelRankERecRank(ERecRank) instead. Sets the relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query.
setNavRollupKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the rollup key with which the records of the navigation query should be rolled up with to create aggregated records.
setNavSortKey(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.setNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) instead.
setNavSortOrder(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Deprecated. This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.setNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) instead.
setNavStratifiedDimVals(StratifiedDimValList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the list of stratified dimension values for use during refinement ranking by the MDEX engine.
setNdr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the Disabled Refinements config for the navigation query.
setNe(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the exposed navigation refinements.
setNf(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the range filters for the navigation query.
setNk(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the key properties request for the navigation query.
setNmpt(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
setNmrf(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
setNo(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the navigation record list offset.
setNp(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the number of records per aggregated record.
setNr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the record filter for the navigation query.
setNrc(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the list of dynamic refinement configs for the navigation query.
setNrcs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the list of stratified dim vals used by this navigation query.
setNrk(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the key of the navigation query for record search using a specified relevance ranking strategy.
setNrm(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the relevance ranking match mode of the navigation query for the record search.
setNrr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the relevance ranking strategy of the navigation query for the record search.
setNrs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the structure expression for the navigation query.
setNrt(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the terms of the navigation query for record search using a specified relevance ranking strategy.
setNs(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the sort key for the record list of the navigation.
setNso(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the sort order for the record list of the navigation.
setNtk(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the keys of the record search of the navigation query.
setNtpc(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets whether the MDEX Engine should compute phrasing suggestions for the record search query.
setNtpr(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets whether the MDEX Engine should rewrite the record search query to an alternative phrasing.
setNtt(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the terms of the record search of the navigation query.
setNtx(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the options for the record search of the navigation query.
setNty(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets whether the did you mean record search functionality is on in the query.
setNu(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the rollup key for the navigation query.
setNx(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the navigation query options.
setOrderByList(OrderByList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Sets the OrderByList for this Statement.
setPort(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Sets the port of the MDEX Engine.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection
Sets the port of the MDEX Engine.
setProfiles(Set) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the profiles that describe characteristics of an application end user.
setQueryIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method should be used instead.
setQueryInfo(ENEQueryInfo) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the ENEQueryInfo object.
setR(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Sets the records for query.
setRangeFiltersInBase(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Sets whether range filters are part of the base nav state.
setReturnRows(int, int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Sets the paging parameters for the Statement.
setRhs(Expr) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Sets the right-hand side of this binary expression.
setSelection(FieldList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
Sets the fields that should be returned for each record in the result set of this navigation query.
setSelectList(SelectList) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Sets the list of Select expressions for this Statement.
setSessionIdentifier(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method should be used instead.
setShowCounts(OptionalBoolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
Sets whether the config will show counts.
setShown(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Specifies whether the Statement is Return or Define.
setStratum(int) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Sets the stratum for this dim val.
setTableName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Sets the table name for this ExprLookup.
setTableName(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Sets the table name for this FilterIn.
setTextSearchesInBase(boolean) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Sets whether text searches are part of the base nav state.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Sets the value for the constant represented by this ExprConstant.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Sets the comparison value for this FilterCompare.
setValue(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.Property
Unsupported method for Map.Entry interface compatibility.
setWhereFilter(Filter) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Adds the "WHERE clause" for this Statement.
showCounts - Variable in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
SIGN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Sign function.
SIN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Sine function.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AggrERecList
Returns the number of aggregated records in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Returns the number of Statement objects in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Returns the number of coalesce expressions in this CoalesceList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Returns the number of Filter objects in this FilterAnd.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Returns the number of Filter objects in this FilterOr.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Returns the number of GroupBy objects in this GroupByList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Returns the number of lookup expressions in this LookupList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Returns the number of OrderBy expressions in this OrderByList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Returns the number of Select expressions in this SelectList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocations
Returns the number of DimLocation objects in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocDimLocationsList
Gets the number of associated dimension location groups in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocNavigationRefs
Gets the number of navigation refs there are in this associated collection of navigation refs.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.AssocNavigationRefsList
Gets the number of value intersection groups in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionList
Returns the number of dimensions in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroup
Gets the number of results actually stored in the group.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimensionSearchResultGroupList
Returns the number of result groups in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroup
Gets the number of dimensions enclosed by this dimension group.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimGroupList
Returns the number of dimension groups in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimLocationList
Returns the number of DimLocation objects in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfigList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Returns the number of dimension value IDs in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValList
Gets the size of the list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecCompoundSearchKeyList
Gets the number of record compound search keys.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecList
Returns number of records in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRollupKeyList
Gets the size of lists or the number of rollup keys in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchKeyList
Gets the number of record search keys.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearchList
Returns the number of ERecSearch objects in this ERecSearchList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSortKeyList
Gets the number of record sort keys.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.FieldList
Returns the number of Endeca property or dimension elements in this FieldList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.NavigationRefsList
Returns the number of dimension value lists in this NavigationRefsList.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilterList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimValList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.SupplementList
Returns the number of Supplement objects in this list.
sortLabels(int, Comparator) - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Grid
Causes the labels in the specified axis to be sorted by the specified comparator.
SQRT - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Square root function.
Statement - Class in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
A Statement represents a pass over a set of input records (those of the FROM table) to generate a set of output records.
Statement() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Constructs a new, empty Statement, which in its initial state will act as a simple pass-through of records.
StaticCallbackHandler - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Implements a simple CallbackHandler that only provides user name and password.
StaticCallbackHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.StaticCallbackHandler
Creates the CallbackHandler.
StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A SocketFactory implementation that takes a KeyStore to be used for SSL connections in place of any environment or JVM-specific class.
StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.StaticKeyStoreSocketFactory
STDDEV - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Standard Deviation function.
StratifiedDimVal - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing the assignment of a dimension value to a specific stratum for sorting.
StratifiedDimVal(int, long) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Constructor used to assign a dim val to a strata.
StratifiedDimValList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class that encapsulates a collection of stratified dimension values (StratifiedDimVal objects).
StratifiedDimValList() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimValList
Default constructor that creates an empty list.
SUM - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Sum function.
Supplement - Class in com.endeca.navigation
Class representing supplemental information and data for a navigation query.
SupplementList - Class in com.endeca.navigation
List of supplements (Supplement objects) exposed as a java.util.List.
SyntaxException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation.analytics
Analytics Syntax Exception representing an error due to a malformed query.


TAN - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Tangent function.
TO_DURATION - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Duration function.
toQueryString(ENEQuery) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Use the version that takes an encoding instead.
toQueryString(ENEQuery, String) - Static method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Takes a ENEQuery and serializes the object into URL query string format.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Returns the string form of the syntax tree rooted at this AnalyticsQuery.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Returns the string form of this CoalesceList.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate.ExprAggregateOp
Returns the string form of the aggregate function.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Returns the string form of this ExprAggregate.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary.ExprBinaryOp
Returns the string form of the mathematical operator.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Returns the string form of this ExprBinary.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Returns the string form of this ExprCoalescep.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Returns the string form of this ExprConstant.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction.ExprFunctionOp
Returns the string form of the function.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Returns the string form of this ExprFunction.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Returns the string form of this ExprKey.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Returns the string form of this ExprLookup.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Returns the string form of this FilterAnd.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare.FilterCompareOp
Returns the string form of the operator.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Returns the string form of this this FilterCompare.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Returns the string form of this FilterIn.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Returns the string form of this FilterNot.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Returns the string form of this FilterOr.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Returns the string form of this GroupBy.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Returns the string form of this GroupByList.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Returns the string form of this LookupList.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Returns the string form of this OrderBy.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Returns the string form of this OrderByList.
toString() - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.analytics.QueryNode
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Returns the string form of this Select.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Returns the string form of this SelectList.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Returns the string form of this Statement.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Cell
Returns a user-readable string representation of the value.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.charting.Label
Returns the property value if this is a property.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimSearchRefinementConfigList
Returns the string representation of the dynamic refinement config list.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DimValIdList
Generates the string-based representation of the list by returning a space-delimited sequence of dimension value IDs.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.DisabledRefinementsConfig
Return a string representation of this object suitable for UrlENEQuery.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecIdList
Generates the string-based representation of the this by returning a space delimited sequence of record ids.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecRank
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.ERecSearch
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RangeFilter
Returns the string representation of the filter.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfig
Returns the string representation of the dynamic refinement config.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigBase
Returns the string representation of the config
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.RefinementConfigList
Returns the string representation of the dynamic refinement config list.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimVal
Returns the string representation of the stratified dim val
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.StratifiedDimValList
Returns the string representation of the list of stratified dimension values.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Returns a string representation of this query.
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
The output method on this class.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Returns the wire form of the query.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Returns the wire format of this CoalesceList.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate.ExprAggregateOp
Returns the wire form of the aggregate function.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Returns the wire form of this ExprAggregate.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary.ExprBinaryOp
Returns the wire form of the mathematical operator.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Returns the wire form of this ExprBinary.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Returns the wire form of this ExprCoalesce.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Returns the wire form of this ExprConstant.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction.ExprFunctionOp
Returns the wire form of the function.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Returns the wire form of this ExprFunction.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Returns the wire form of this ExprKey.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Returns the wire form of this ExprLookup.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Returns the wire form of this FilterAnd.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare.FilterCompareOp
Returns the wire form of the operator.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Returns the wire form of this FilterCompare.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Returns the wire format of this FilterIn.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Returns the wire format of this FilterNot.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Returns the wire format of this FilterOr.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Returns the wire format of this GroupBy.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Returns the wire format of this GroupByList.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Returns the wire format of this LookupList.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Returns the wire format of this OrderBy.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Returns the wire format of this OrderByList.
toWire() - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.analytics.QueryNode
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Returns the wire format of this Select.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Returns the wire format of this SelectList.
toWire() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Prints the wire format of this Statement.
TRUNC - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Truncation operator.
TRUNC - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Date Truncation function.


UrlENEQuery - Class in com.endeca.navigation
An object used for formulating queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine through the use of an input URL.
UrlENEQuery() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Use the two-argument constructor with an explicit encoding of "windows-1252" and a null queryString, instead.
UrlENEQuery(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Deprecated. Use the two-argument constructor with an explicit encoding of "windows-1252" instead.
UrlENEQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlENEQuery
Constructor where the queryString gets parsed into the individual query fields.
UrlENEQueryParseException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception representing an error while parsing a URL for a UrlENEQuery.
UrlGen - Class in com.endeca.navigation
A generic toolkit for manipulating and generating URL query strings.
UrlGen() - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Deprecated. Use the two-argument version with an explicit encoding and a null queryString, instead.
UrlGen(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Deprecated. Use the two-argument version with an explicit encoding, instead.
UrlGen(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.navigation.UrlGen
Constructor where the start URL will be the one specified in this constructor.


validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.AnalyticsQuery
Validates an AnalyticsQuery.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.CoalesceList
Validates the syntax of this CoalesceList.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Validates the syntax of this ExprAggregate.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprBinary
Validates the syntax of this ExprBinary.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprCoalesce
Validates the syntax of this ExprCoalesce.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprConstant
Validates the syntax of this ExprConstant.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Validates the syntax of this ExprFunction.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprKey
Validates the syntax of this ExprKey.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprLookup
Validates the syntax of this ExprLookup.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterAnd
Validates the syntax of this FilterAnd.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterCompare
Validates the syntax of this FilterCompare.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterIn
Validates the syntax of this FilterIn.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterNot
Validates the syntax of this FilterNot.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.FilterOr
Validates the syntax of this FilterOr.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupBy
Validates the syntax of this GroupBy.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.GroupByList
Validates the syntax of this GroupByList.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.LookupList
Validates the syntax of this LookupList.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderBy
Validates the syntax of this OrderBy.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.OrderByList
Validates the syntax of this OrderByList.
validateSyntax() - Method in interface com.endeca.navigation.analytics.QueryNode
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Select
Validates the syntax of this Select.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.SelectList
Validates the syntax of this SelectList.
validateSyntax() - Method in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.Statement
Validates the syntax of this Statement.
value - Variable in class com.endeca.navigation.HttpENEConnection.HttpHeader
VARIANCE - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprAggregate
Variance function.
VersionMismatchException - Exception in com.endeca.navigation
Exception signalling the mismatch of two incompatible modules in the system while processing the query.


WEEK - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Week constant.


YEAR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.analytics.ExprFunction
Year constant.


ZERO_ERECS_PER_AGGR - Static variable in class com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery
None of the records that compose a aggregated record will be returned.


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