This API supports the Endeca infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespace:  Endeca.Web.UI
Assembly:  Endeca.Web (in Endeca.Web.dll) Version: (


public abstract class EndecaCommandDataSource<TCommand, TDataSource, TCommandView> : BaseEndecaDataSource, 
	ICommandStateAccessor, ICommandSource<TCommand>, ICommandSource, IUrlStateExtension
where TCommand : new(), EndecaCommand
where TDataSource : new(), EndecaCommandDataSource<TCommand, TDataSource, TCommandView>
where TCommandView : EndecaCommandDataSourceView<TCommand, TDataSource>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public MustInherit Class EndecaCommandDataSource(Of TCommand As {New, EndecaCommand}, TDataSource As {New, EndecaCommandDataSource(Of TCommand, TDataSource, TCommandView)}, TCommandView As EndecaCommandDataSourceView(Of TCommand, TDataSource)) _
	Inherits BaseEndecaDataSource _
	Implements ICommandStateAccessor, ICommandSource(Of TCommand),  _
	ICommandSource, IUrlStateExtension
Visual C++
generic<typename TCommand, typename TDataSource, typename TCommandView>
where TCommand : gcnew(), EndecaCommand
where TDataSource : gcnew(), EndecaCommandDataSource<TCommand, TDataSource, TCommandView>
where TCommandView : EndecaCommandDataSourceView<TCommand, TDataSource>
public ref class EndecaCommandDataSource abstract : public BaseEndecaDataSource, 
	ICommandStateAccessor, ICommandSource<TCommand>, ICommandSource, IUrlStateExtension

Type Parameters

Type of command used to retrieve data for this view.
Type of data source that owns this view.
Type of parent data source view associated with TDataSource.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also