A data source that performs a navigation query against an MDEX Engine.

Namespace:  Endeca.Web.UI
Assembly:  Endeca.Web (in Endeca.Web.dll) Version: (


public class NavigationDataSource : EndecaCommandDataSource<NavigationCommand, NavigationDataSource, NavigationResultView>
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class NavigationDataSource _
	Inherits EndecaCommandDataSource(Of NavigationCommand, NavigationDataSource, NavigationResultView)
Visual C++
public ref class NavigationDataSource : public EndecaCommandDataSource<NavigationCommand^, NavigationDataSource^, NavigationResultView^>


This data source supports many views. The primary view has the name NavigationResultView and returns a NavigationResult instance providing full access to the results of the navigation query.

All of the other views provide 'shortcuts' to commonly-used objects and collections made available by NavigationResult. There is one view for each public property (with the same name as the property) of NavigationResult. These views return the value of the corresponding property. Additionally, there is one view for each property of these sub-objects that returns an IEnumerable instance. These additional views have names with the format [NavigationResult property name].[IEnumerable property name].

For example, NavigationResult defines a RecordsResult property; therefore, there is a view named 'RecordsResult' that returns a RecordsResult instance. Because RecordsResult has a Records property that is IEnumerable, there is also a view named 'RecordsResult.Records' that returns this collection.

Inheritance Hierarchy

        Endeca.Web.UI..::.EndecaCommandDataSource<(Of <(NavigationCommand, NavigationDataSource, NavigationResultView>)>)

See Also