The ExpressionBase Complex Type

Subtypes (18)
AdditiveExpressionderived by extension AndExpressionderived by extension AttributeRefExpressionderived by extension BetweenExpressionderived by extension BooleanLiteralderived by extension CaseExpressionderived by extension ComparisonExpressionderived by extension ConstantKeywordderived by extension DoubleLiteralderived by extension FunctionCallExpressionderived by extension InExpressionderived by extension IntegerLiteralderived by extension LookupExpressionderived by extension MultiplicativeExpressionderived by extension NotExpressionderived by extension NullnessExpressionderived by extension OrExpressionderived by extension StringLiteralderived by extension
Complex Type ExpressionBase
ExpressionBase is an abstract type and cannot be used in XML instance. The ExpressionBase type does not allow mixed content. There is no restriction on type derivation. 
 CollapseClick here to hide comment XML Instance
 Collapse Attributes
Name Type Summary
No Attributes
 Collapse XML
-<complexType  abstract="true"  name="ExpressionBase">
<documentation />
-<extension  base="lql_parser_types:Node">
<sequence> </sequence>
 Collapse Uses
 Collapse Type (1)
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