Copying and Creating Package Repositories in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: September 2014


index iconCreating a Self-Signed Server Certificate Authority
index iconCreating a Certificate Authority for Client Certificates
index iconConfiguring HTTPS Repository Access
creatingindex iconCreating a Certificate Authority for Client Certificates
extractingindex iconCreating a Certificate Authority for Client Certificates
cachingindex iconConfiguring Caching for the Depot Server
catalog.attrs fileindex iconCache Considerations for the Catalog Attributes File
certificate authority (CA)  Seeindex iconCA
certificate chainindex iconConfiguring HTTPS Repository Access
certificate key
extractingindex iconExtracting the Certificate Key
certificate management  See alsoindex iconpktool command
creating a certificate authorityindex iconCreating a Certificate Authority for Client Certificates
creating a client certificateindex iconCreating Client Certificates Used for Accessing the Repository
creating a keystoreindex iconCreating a Keystore
generating a certificate signing requestindex iconCreating Client Certificates Used for Accessing the Repository
certificate policyindex iconViewing Properties that Apply to the Entire Repository
certificate signing request (CSR)  Seeindex iconCSR
certificate, client  Seeindex iconclient certificate
certification authority  Seeindex iconCA
checksumsindex iconHow to Copy a Repository From a zip File
client certificateindex iconConfiguring HTTPS Repository Access
repositoryindex iconHow to Clone a Local IPS Package Repository
ZFS file systemindex iconHow to Update a Local IPS Package Repository
using a zip fileindex iconHow to Copy a Repository From a zip File
using an iso fileindex iconHow to Copy a Repository From an iso File
using mirror serviceindex iconHow to Automatically Copy a Repository From the Internet
using pkgrecvindex iconHow to Explicitly Copy a Repository From the Internet
crt.pem fileindex iconEnabling Client Systems to Access the Protected Repository
index iconCreating a Self-Signed Server Certificate Authority
index iconCreating Client Certificates Used for Accessing the Repository
generatingindex iconGenerating a Certificate Signing Request
signingindex iconSigning the CSR