Optimizing the Oracle® Solaris Desktop for a Multi-User Environment

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Updated: July 2014

group/feature/multi-user-desktop IPS Package

The group/feature/multi-user-desktop IPS package contains the optimization packages for the desktop. When you install this package, the following packages are installed on the system:

  • web/browser/firefox/multi-user-desktop

  • gnome/config/gconf/multi-user-desktop

The following table describes the optimization packages.

Contains optimal values for desktop preferences.
When this package is installed, the application/gconf/multi-user-desktop SMF service is created. Apart from the SMF service, the following files are also created:
  • /usr/share/multi-user-desktop/gconf-optimizations.xml

  • /usr/share/multi-user-desktop/gconf-mandatory-optimizations.xml

Contains optimal values for the Mozilla Firefox web browser. These optimal values improve the performance of the Firefox web browser. The optimal values are enabled for all users including administrators.
When this package is installed, the /usr/lib/firefox/greprefs/all-multi-user-desktop.js file is created. This file contains settings for Mozilla Firefox preferences. To view the contents of this file, see Customizing Mozilla Firefox Optimizations.
Also, a symbolic link to the all-multi-user-desktop.js file is created in the /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/pref/ directory.

Note - The preferences of the Mozilla Firefox web browser cannot be managed by using the GConf framework. Hence, there is a separate optimization package for the Mozilla Firefox web browser.