Remote Administration Daemon Developer Guide

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Updated: July 2014

API Guidelines

Designing a rad API requires judgement and the application of domain knowledge.

Target Audience

The users of the API fall into two broad categories:

  • Administrators

  • Developers

Unfortunately, accommodating the desires of consumers in these two categories within one interface is difficult. The first group desire task-based APIs which match directly onto well-understood and defined administrative activities. The second group desire detailed, operation-based interfaces which may be aggregated to better support unusual or niche administrative activities.

For any given subsystem, you can view existing command-line utilities (CLIs) and libraries (APIs) as expressions of the rad APIs which are required. The CLIs represent the task-based administrative interfaces and the APIs represent the operation-based developer interfaces.

The goal in using rad is to provide interfaces that address the lowest-level objectives of the target audience. If targeting administrators (task-based), this effort could translate to matching existing CLIs. If targeting developers, this effort could mean significantly less aggregation of the lower-level APIs.

Legacy Constraints

Many subsystems present incomplete interfaces to the world. Some CLIs contain processing capabilities that are not accessible from an existing API. This situation is another motivation for providing task-based administrative interfaces before introducing more detailed interfaces.

Such constraints must be considered in the rad API design. Consider migrating functionality from the CLI into the API to facilitate the creation of the new interface. Also consider presenting an interface which wraps the CLI and takes advantage of the existing functionality. Do not simply duplicate the functionality in the new rad interface, which would introduce redundancy and significantly increase maintenance complexity. One particular area where rad interface developers need to be careful is to avoid duplication around parameter checking and transformation. This duplication is likely to be a sign that existing CLI functionality should be migrated to an API.

rad modules must be written in C. Some subsystems, for instance, those written in other languages, have no mechanism for a C module to access API functionality. In these cases, rad module creators must access whatever functionality is available in the CLI or make a potentially significant engineering effort to access the existing functionality, for example, rewriting existing code in C, embedding a language interpreter in their C module, and the like.

Conservative Design

Designing a rad interface is very similar to designing a library interface. The same general principles of design apply: be conservative, start small, consider evolutionary paths and carefully consider commitment levels.

Once an interface is established, the use of versioning and considered, incremental improvements will expand the functionality.