Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Deploying a System From a Unified Archive Using AI

You must have a compatible AI service and AI manifest to deploy an archive using the Automated Installer (AI). A compatible service is one that is created from a version of the OS or an SRU, which is the same as or newer than the version from which the archive was created. For example, if the archived system is Oracle Solaris 11.2 FCS, any Oracle Solaris 11.2 version AI service is compatible. Each archive does not require its own service. The specific archive deployed is determined by the manifest used for a specific deployment.

To specify the Unified Archive location and image to deploy, use the ARCHIVE software type in an AI manifest. In Oracle Solaris 11.2, use the AI configuration all_services/webserver_files_dir property. This property sets a file system location that is served by the Automated Installer's web services and identifies a convenient location for files that support AI deployments.

For more information about customizing an AI manifest see Appendix A, Example XML Manifests for Archive Recovery and Customizing an XML AI Manifest File in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.2 Systems .