Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Overview

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Updated: December 2014

dbx in dbxtool

You can also use dbx through dbxtool, a graphical tool separate from the IDE, but includes similar debugging windows and an editor. Unlike the IDE, dbxtool does not use projects, and you can use it to debug any C, C++, or Fortran executable or core file.

To start dbxtool, type:

% dbxtool executable-name

You can also omit the executable name and specify it from within dbxtool instead.

As with the IDE, you can issue commands to dbx by clicking toolbar buttons or using Debug menu options in dbxtool. You can also type commands at the (dbx) prompt in the Debugger Console window.

In the following figure, dbx is running in dbxtool on the quote_1 program. The Debugger Console window is selected and you can see the (dbx) prompt and commands that have been entered by dbxtool in response to the user's selections.

image:Screen Capture of dbxtool with dbx Debugger Running

For information about using dbxtool, see the dbxtool(1) man page and the integrated help in dbxtool. The Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4: dbxtool Tutorial shows how to use dbxtool.