Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: OpenMP API User's Guide

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Updated: December 2014

6.6 Restrictions When Using Autoscoping

  • To enable autoscoping, the program must be compiled with the -xopenmp option at an optimization level of -xO3 or higher. Autoscoping is not enabled if the program is compiled with -xopenmp=noopt.

  • Parallel and task autoscoping in C and C++ can handle only basic data types: integer, floating point, and pointer.

  • Task autoscoping cannot handle arrays.

  • Task autoscoping in C and C++ cannot handle global variables.

  • Task autoscoping cannot handle untied tasks.

  • Task autoscoping cannot handle tasks that are lexically enclosed in some other tasks. For example:

         #pragma omp task /* task 1 */
           #pragma omp task /* task 2 */

    In this example, the compiler does not attempt autoscoping for task 2 because it is lexically nested in task 1. The compiler will scope all variables referenced in task 2 as shared and will treat task 2 as if an if(0) (if(.false.) in Fortran) clause is specified on the task.

  • Only OpenMP directives are recognized and used in the analysis. Calls to OpenMP runtime routines are not recognized. For example, if a program uses omp_set_lock() and omp_unset_lock() to implement a critical section, the compiler is not able to detect the existence of the critical section. Use the critical directive if possible.

  • Only synchronizations specified using OpenMP synchronization directives, such as barrier and master, are recognized and used in the data race analysis. User-implemented synchronizations such as busy-waiting are not recognized.