B Plug-in Reference


About Oracle AVDF Plug-ins

Oracle AVDF supports different types of secured targets by providing a plug-in for each secured target type. Oracle AVDF ships with a set of plug-ins out-of-the-box. These plug-ins are packaged and deployed with the Audit Vault Server.

You can also develop your own plug-ins, or get new available plug-ins, and add them to your Oracle AVDF installation. For more information on this topic, see "Deploying Plug-ins and Registering Plug-in Hosts".

This appendix contains high-level data for each plug-in shipped with Oracle AVDF. The appendix also contains look-up information you will need to complete the procedures for registering secured targets and configuring audit trails. These procedures link directly to the relevant section of this appendix.


Oracle AVDF also supports Oracle Big Data Appliance as a secured target. For details, see Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide.

Plug-ins Shipped with Oracle AVDF

This section describes each plug-in shipped with Oracle AVDF.

See Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Installation Guide for the latest detailed platform support for the current release.

In addition, you can find platform information for prior releases in Article 1536380.1 at this website: https://support.oracle.com">>


Out-of-the Box Plug-ins at a Glance

Oracle AVDF out-of-the-box plug-ins support the secured target versions listed in Table B-1. Click the link for each secured target to get detailed information.

Table B-1 Out-of-the-Box Plug-ins and Features Supported in Oracle AVDF

Secured Target Version Audit Trail Collection Audit Policy Creation, Entitlement Auditing Stored Procedure Auditing Audit Trail Cleanup Database Firewall
Host Monitor Database Interrogation

Oracle Database





Oracle Database

10g, 11g, 12c


(except Unified Audit Policies)






Microsoft SQL Server








Microsoft SQL Server







Yes (on Windows 2008)


Microsoft SQL Server

2008, 2008 R2






Yes (on Windows 2008, 2008 R2)


Microsoft SQL Server








Sybase ASE

12.5.4 to 15.7








Sybase SQL Anywhere


















5.0, 5.1








5.5, 5.6

5.5.29 to 5.6.12







Oracle Solaris

Version 10 and 11, on SPARC64 and x86-64 platforms



Oracle Solaris - other versions, see Note below.



Oracle Linux - Version 5

Versions OL 5.8, with auditd package 1.8 (run rpm -q audit to get audit package version)



Oracle Linux - Version 6

Version OL 6.0 with auditd package 2.0 (run rpm -q audit to get audit package version)



Oracle Linux - Version 6

Versions OL 6.1 to OL 6.4 with auditd package 2.2.2 (run rpm -q audit to get audit package version)



Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows Server 2008, and 2008 R2, on x86-64



Microsoft Active Directory

Version 2008, and 2008 R2 on 64 bit



Oracle ACFS

12c Release 1 (12.1)




Audit data can also be collected from Solaris version 2.3 or later (contact Oracle Support for guidance).

Oracle Database

Table B-2 lists features of the Oracle Database Plug-in.

Table B-2 Oracle Database Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

Oracle 10g, 11g, 12c Release 1 (12.1)

Secured Target Platforms


Solaris /x86-64

Solaris /SPARC64


Windows /86-64

HP-UX Itanium

Setup Script(s)

Yes. See "Oracle Database Setup Scripts" for instructions.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attribute(s)


See Table B-15 for details.

AVDF Audit Trail Types




SYSLOG (Linux only)

EVENT LOG (Windows only)


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

For TABLE audit trails: sys.aud$, Sys.fga_log$, dvsys.audit_trail$, v$unified_audit_trail

For DIRECTORY audit trails: Full path to directory containing AUD or XML files.

For SYSLOG audit trails: Full path to directory containing the syslog file.

For TRANSACTION LOG, EVENT LOG and NETWORK audit trails: no trail location required.

Audit Trail Cleanup Support

Yes. See "Oracle Database Audit Trail Cleanup" for instructions.

Microsoft SQL Server

Table B-3 lists the features of the Microsoft SQL Server plug-in.

Table B-3 Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

2000, 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012

Secured Target Platforms


Setup Script(s)

Yes. "Microsoft SQL Server Setup Scripts" for instructions.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types




See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

For DIRECTORY audit trail: *.sqlaudit files, or *.trc (trace) files. Examples:




For prefix, you can use any prefix for the .trc or *.sqlaudit files.

#C2_DYNAMIC and #TRACE_DYNAMIC are only supported for SQL Server 2000, 2005, and 2008 versions.

For EVENT LOG audit trail:

  • application

  • security (SQL Server 2008 and 2012 only)

Audit Trail Cleanup Support

Yes. See "SQL Server Audit Trail Cleanup" for instructions.

Sybase ASE

Table B-4 lists the features of the Sybase ASE plug-in.

Table B-4 Sybase ASE Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

12.5.4 to 15.7

Secured Target Platforms

All platforms

Setup Script(s)

Yes. See "Sybase ASE Setup Scripts" for instructions.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types



See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location


Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Sybase SQL Anywhere

Table B-5 lists the features of the Sybase SQL Anywhere plug-in.

Table B-5 Sybase SQL Anywhere Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions


Secured Target Platforms

All platforms

Setup Script(s)

Yes. See "Sybase SQL Anywhere Setup Scripts" for instructions.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attributes


AVDF Audit Trail Types

NETWORK (used for host monitoring only)

See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

Not required

Audit Trail Cleanup Support



Table B-6 lists the features of the IBM DB2 for LUW plug-in.

Table B-6 IBM DB2 for LUW Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions


Secured Target Platforms

All platforms

Setup Script(s)

Yes. See "IBM DB2 for LUW Setup Scripts" for instructions.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attribute(s)

av.collector.databasename (case sensitive) - (Required) Specifies the IBM DB2 for LUW database name.

AVDF Audit Trail Types



See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

Path to a directory, for example: d:\temp\trace

Audit Trail Cleanup Support



Table B-7 lists the features of the MySQL plug-in.

Table B-7 MySQL Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

For Database Firewall: 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6.

For audit data collection: 5.5.29 to 5.6.12

Secured Target Platforms


Windows 2008, 2008 R2 64-bit

Setup Script(s)

Yes. See "MySQL Setup Scripts".

Secured Target Location (Connect String)


Collection Attribute(s)

av.collector.securedTargetVersion - (Required) Specifies the MySQL version.

av.collector.AtcTimeInterval - (Optional) Specifies the audit trail cleanup file update time interval in minutes. Default is 20.

AVDF Audit Trail Types



See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

The path to the directory where converted XML files are created when you run the MySQL XML transformation utility. See "(Required for MySQL) Running the XML Transformation Utility".

Audit Trail Cleanup Support

Yes. See "MySQL Audit Trail Cleanup" for instructions.

Oracle Solaris

Table B-8 lists the features of the Oracle Solaris plug-in.

Table B-8 Oracle Solaris Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

Version 10 update 6 or later, Version 11, on SPARC64 and x86-64 platforms

Secured Target Platforms



Setup Script(s)


Secured Target Location (Connect String)

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location


The hostname matches the hostname in the audit log names, which look like this:


Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Oracle Linux

Table B-9 lists the features of the Oracle Linux plug-in.

Table B-9 Oracle Linux Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

  • OL 6.1 - 6.4 with auditd package 2.2.2

  • OL 6.0 with auditd package 2.0

  • OL 5.8 with auditd package 1.8

Run rpm -q audit to get the audit package version.

Secured Target Platforms


Setup Script(s)

No. However, the following user/group access rights are needed to start Linux audit trail:

If the agent process is started with root user, no changes to access rights are needed.

If the agent process is started with a user other than root:

  1. Assign the group name of the Agent user (the one who will start the Agent process) to the log_group parameter in the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file.

  2. The Agent user and group must have read and execute permissions on the folder that contains the audit.log file (default folder is /var/log/audit).

  3. Restart the Linux audit service after you make the above changes.

Secured Target Location (Connect String)

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

Default location of audit.log (/var/log/audit/audit*.log) or any custom location configured in the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file

Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Microsoft Windows

Table B-10 lists the features of the Microsoft Windows plug-in.

Table B-10 Microsoft Windows Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

Microsoft Windows Server 2008, and 2008 R2

Secured Target Platforms


Setup Script(s)


Secured Target Location (Connect String)

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

security (case-sensitive)

Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Microsoft Active Directory

Table B-11 lists the features of the Microsoft Active Directory plug-in.

Table B-11 Microsoft Active Directory Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

2008, and 2008 R2 on 64 bit

Secured Target Platforms


Setup Script(s)


Secured Target Location (Connect String)

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attribute(s)


AVDF Audit Trail Types


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

directory service or security (case-sensitive)

Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Oracle ACFS

Table B-12 lists the features of the Oracle ACFS plug-in.

Table B-12 Oracle ACFS Plug-in

Plug-in Specification Description

Plug-in directory


Secured Target Versions

12c Release 1 (12.1)

Secured Target Platforms




Windows 2008, 2008 R2 64-bit

Setup Script(s)


Secured Target Location (Connect String)

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attribute(s)

av.collector.securedtargetversion - (Required) Specify the Oracle ACFS version.

AVDF Audit Trail Types


See Table B-13 for descriptions of audit trail types.

Audit Trail Location

The path to the directory containing XML audit files. For example, for a file system mounted at $MOUNT_POINT, the audit trail location is:


Audit Trail Cleanup Support


Summary of Data Collected for Each Audit Trail Type

When you configure an audit trail for a secured target, you select the type of audit trail in the Audit Trail Type field. The audit trail type depends on your secured target type. Table B-13 describes the types of audit trails that can be configured for each secured target type.

Refer to the product documentation for your secured target type for details on its auditing features and functionality. Refer to the following documentation for Oracle products:

Table B-13 Summary of Audit Trail Types Supported for Each Secured Target Type

Secured Target Type Trail Type Description

Oracle Database


Releases 10.1.x, 10.2.x, 11.x, and 12c

Collects from the following audit trails:

  • Oracle Database audit trail, where standard audit events are written to the SYS.AUD$ dictionary table

  • Oracle Database fine-grained audit trail, where audit events are written to the SYS.FGA_LOG$ dictionary table

  • Oracle Database Vault audit trail, where audit events are written to the DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ dictionary table

  • Oracle database 12c Unified Audit trail, where audit events are written to v$unified_audit_trail

Oracle Database


Releases 10.1.x, 10.2.x, 11.x, and 12c

Collects data from the following audit trails:

  • On Linux and UNIX platforms: The Oracle database audit files written to the operating system (.aud and .xml) files

  • On Windows platforms: The operating system Windows Event Log and operating system logs (audit logs) XML (.xml) files

Oracle Database


Enterprise Edition Releases and later, and later

11.2 for REDO connection

Collects audit data from logical change records (LCRs) from the REDO logs. If you plan to use this audit trail type, you can define the data to audit by creating capture rules for the tables from which the Transaction Log trail type will capture audit information. See Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall Auditor's Guide for more information.

Note: For Oracle Database 12c, the Transaction Log audit trail is only supported when not using a PDB/CDB.

Oracle Database


Collects Oracle audit records from syslog files on Linux and Unix platforms only

Oracle Database


Collects Oracle audit records from Microsoft Windows Event Log on Windows platforms only

Oracle Database


Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection). Used for host monitor.

Microsoft SQL Server


Collects audit data from C2 audit logs, server-side trace logs, and sqlaudit log files

Microsoft SQL Server


Collects audit data from Windows Event Logs. For Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and 2012, collection from the Security Event Log is also supported.

Microsoft SQL Server


Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection). Used for host monitor.

Sybase ASE


Collects audit data from system audit tables (sysaudits_01 through sysaudits_08) in the sybsecurity database

Sybase ASE


Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection). Used for host monitor.

Sybase SQL Anywhere


(For host monitoring only) Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection).



Collects audit data from ASCII text files extracted from the binary audit log (db2audit.log). These files are located in the security subdirectory of the DB2 database instance.



Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection). Used for host monitor.



Collects XML-based audit data from a specified location



Collects network traffic (all database operations using a TCP connection). Used for host monitor.

Oracle Solaris


Collects Solaris Audit records (version 2) generated by the audit_binfile plug-in of Solaris Audit



Collects audit data from audit.log

Windows OS


Collects audit data from Windows Security Event Log

Microsoft Active Directory


Collects audit data from Windows Directory Service, and Security Event Logs

Oracle ACFS


Collects audit data from ACFS encryption and ACFS security sources.

Scripts for Oracle AVDF Account Privileges on Secured Targets


About Scripts for Setting up Oracle AVDF Account Privileges

You must set up a user account with appropriate privileges on each secured target for Oracle AVDF to use in performing functions related to monitoring and collecting audit data. Oracle AVDF provides setup scripts for database secured targets. Depending on the type of secured target, the scripts set up user privileges that allow Oracle AVDF to do the following functions:

  • Audit data collection

  • Audit policy management

  • Stored procedure auditing

  • User entitlement auditing

  • Database interrogation

  • Audit trail cleanup (for some secured targets)

When you deploy the Audit Vault Agent on a host computer (usually the same computer as the secured target), the setup scripts for creating the user permissions for Oracle AVDF are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


Oracle Database Setup Scripts

The Oracle AVDF setup scripts for an Oracle Database secured target,
oracle_user_setup.sql and oracle_drop_db_permissions.sql, are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


These scripts are used to set up or revoke user privileges on the Oracle Database in order for Oracle AVDF to do the following functions:

  • Audit data collection

  • Audit policy management

  • Stored procedure auditing (SPA)

  • User entitlement auditing

To set up or revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges on an Oracle Database secured target:

  1. Create a user account for Oracle AVDF on the Oracle Database. For example:

    SQL> CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password

    You will use this username and password when registering this Oracle Database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. Connect as user SYS with the SYSDBA privilege. For example:


  3. To set up Oracle AVDF user privileges, run the setup script as follows:

    SQL> @oracle_user_setup.sql username mode

    • username: Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

    • mode: Enter one of the following:

      • SETUP: To set up privileges for managing the Oracle Database audit policy from Oracle AVDF, and for collecting data from any audit trail type except the REDO logs. For example, use this mode for a TABLE audit trail in Oracle AVDF.

      • REDO_COLL: To set up privileges for collecting audit data from the REDO logs. Use this mode only for a TRANSACTION LOG audit trail in Oracle AVDF.

      • SPA: To enable stored procedure auditing for this database

      • ENTITLEMENT: To enable user entitlement auditing for this database

  4. If Database Vault is installed and enabled on the Oracle database, log in as a user who has been granted the DV_OWNER role do the following:

    1. Grant the Oracle AVDF user the DV_SECANALYST role on this Oracle Database. For example:


      For username, enter the user name you created in Step 1.

      The DV_SECANALYST role enables Oracle AVDF to monitor and collect audit trail data for Oracle Database Vault, and run Oracle Database Vault reports.

    2. For REDO_COLL mode (TRANSACTION LOG audit trail) only, execute one of these procedures depending on your Oracle Database version:

      For Oracle Database 12c:


      For username, enter the user name you created in Step 1.

      For all other supported Oracle Database versions:

      SQL> EXEC DBMS_MACADM.ADD_AUTH_TO_REALM('Oracle Data Dictionary', 'username', null, dbms_macutl.g_realm_auth_participant);
      SQL> COMMIT;

      For username, enter the user name you created in Step 1.

  5. To revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges, connect to this database as user SYS with the SYSDBA privilege, and run the following script:

    SQL> @oracle_drop_db_permissions.sql username mode

    • username - Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

    • mode - Enter one of the following:

      • SETUP: To revoke privileges for managing the Oracle Database audit policy from Oracle AVDF, and for collecting data from any audit trail type except the REDO logs.

      • REDO_COLL: To revoke privileges for collecting audit data from the REDO logs.

      • SPA: To disable stored procedure auditing for this database

      • ENTITLEMENT: To disable user entitlement auditing for this database

Sybase ASE Setup Scripts


About the Sybase ASE Setup Scripts

The following scripts are provided for configuring necessary user privileges for Oracle AVDF in a Sybase ASE secured target:


The scripts are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


These scripts allow Oracle AVDF to perform the following functions for Sybase ASE:

  • Audit data collection

  • Stored procedure auditing (SPA)

Setting Up Audit Data Collection Privileges for a Sybase ASE Secured Target

To set up or revoke audit data collection privileges on a Sybase ASE secured target:

  1. Create a user account for Oracle AVDF in Sybase ASE with the user name
    avdf_sybuser. For example:

    sp_addlogin avdf_sybuser, password

    You will use the user name av_sybuser and password when registering this Sybase ASE database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. Run the setup sybase_auditcoll_user_setup.sql script as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sybase_auditcoll_user_setup.sql
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

  3. When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

  4. To revoke the Oracle AVDF user privileges, run the sybase_auditcoll_drop_db_permissions.sql script as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sybase_auditcoll_drop_db_permissions.sql
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

Setting Up Stored Procedure Auditing Privileges for a Sybase ASE Secured Target

To set up or revoke stored procedure auditing privileges on a Sybase ASE secured target:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a user account for Oracle AVDF in Sybase ASE with the user name avdf_sybuser. For example:

    sp_addlogin avdf_sybuser, password

    You will use the user name av_sybuser and password when registering this Sybase ASE database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. Run the sybase_spa_user_setup.sql script as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sybase_spa_user_setup.sql
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

  3. When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

  4. To revoke the SPA user privileges, run the sybase_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql script as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sybase_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

Sybase SQL Anywhere Setup Scripts

The Oracle AVDF setup scripts for a Sybase SQL Anywhere secured target,
and sqlanywhere_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql, are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


These scripts are used to set up or revoke user privileges on the SQL Anywhere database for Oracle AVDF to do stored procedure auditing (SPA).

To set up or revoke stored procedure auditing for a SQL Anywhere secured target:

  1. Log in to the database as a user who has privileges to create users and set user permissions.

  2. Run the sqlanywhere_spa_user_setup.sql script as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sqlanywhere_spa_user_setup.sql -v username="username" password="password"
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • username: Enter the name of the user you want to create for Oracle AVDF to use for SPA. Enclose this user name in double quotation marks.

    • password: Enter a password for the Oracle AVDF SPA user you are creating. Enclose the password in double quotation marks.

    After running the script, the user is created with privileges for SPA.

  3. When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

  4. To revoke these privileges and remove this user from the database, run the
    sqlanywhere_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql as follows:

    isql -S server_name -U sa -i sqlanywhere_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql -v username="username"
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • username: Enter the name of the user you want to create for Oracle AVDF to use for SPA. Enclose this user name in double quotation marks.

    • When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

Microsoft SQL Server Setup Scripts


About the SQL Server Setup Script

The Oracle AVDF setup scripts for a Microsoft SQL Server secured target,
mssql_user_setup.sql and mssql_drop_db_permissions.sql, are located in the following directory:


The scripts set up or revoke user privileges for Oracle AVDF to perform the following functions for SQL Server:

  • Audit data collection

  • Stored procedure auditing (SPA)

Setting Up Audit Data Collection Privileges for a SQL Server Secured Target

To set up or revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges for audit data collection:

  1. Create a user account for Oracle AVDF in SQL Server. For example:

    In SQL Server 2000:

    exec sp_addlogin 'username', 'password'

    In SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012:

    exec sp_executesql N'create login username with password = ''password'', 
    check_policy= off'
    exec sp_executesql N'create user username for login username'

    You will use this user name and password when registering this SQL Server database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. Run the mssql_user_setup.sql script as follows:

    sqlcmd -S server_name -U sa -i mssql_user_setup.sql -v username="username" mode="AUDIT_COLL" all_databases="NA" database="NA"
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • username: Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

  3. When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

  4. To revoke audit data collection privileges run the
    mssql_drop_db_permissions.sql script as follows:

    sqlcmd -S server_name -U sa -i mssql_drop_db_permissions.sql -v username="username" mode="AUDIT_COLL" all_databases="NA" database="NA"
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • username: Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

    • When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

Setting Up Stored Procedure Auditing Privileges for a SQL Server Secured Target

To set up or revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges for stored procedure auditing:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a user account for Oracle AVDF in SQL Server. For example:

    In SQL Server 2000:

    exec sp_addlogin 'username', 'password'

    In SQL Server 2005 and 2008:

    exec sp_executesql N'create login username with password = ''password'', 
    check_policy= off'
    exec sp_executesql N'create user username for login username'

    You will use this user name and password when registering this SQL Server database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. Run the mssql_user_setup.sql script as follows:

    sqlcmd -S server_name -U sa -i mssql_user_setup.sql -v username="username" mode="SPA" all_databases="Y/N" 
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • username: Enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

    • Y/N: Enter Y if all databases should be audited for stored procedures. Enter N to specify one database name in the database parameter.

    • NA/database_name: If you entered Y for all_databases, enter NA. If you entered N for all_databases, enter the database name that should be audited for stored procedures.

  3. When prompted for a password, enter the system administrator password.

  4. To revoke SPA privileges run the mssql_drop_db_permissions.sql script as follows:

    sqlcmd -S server_name -U sa -i mssql_drop_db_permissions.sql -v username="username" mode="SPA" all_databases="Y/N" 
    • server_name: Only use this argument if the database is remote. Enter the name of the remote server or its IP address. If you are running the script locally, then omit the -S server_name argument.

    • sa: Enter the system administrator user name.

    • sa_password: Enter the system administrator password.

    • Y/N: Enter Y if SPA privileges for all databases should be revoked. Enter N to specify one database name in the database parameter.

    • NA/database_name: If you entered Y for all_databases, enter NA. If you entered N for all_databases, enter the database name for which SPA privileges should be revoked.

    • When prompted for a password, enter the name of the user you created in Step 1.

IBM DB2 for LUW Setup Scripts


About the IBM DB2 for LUW Setup Scripts

The Oracle AVDF setup scripts for a DB2 secured target,
db2_auditcoll_user_setup.sql and db2_spa_user_setup.sql, are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


These scripts are used to set up or revoke user privileges on the DB2 database for Oracle AVDF to do the following functions:

  • Audit data collection

  • Stored procedure auditing (SPA)

Setting Up Audit Data Collection Privileges for IBM DB2 for LUW

To set up or revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges for audit data collection:

  1. Create a new user account in DB2 to be used by Oracle AVDF for audit data collection.

    You will use this user name and password when registering this DB2 database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. In the $AGENT_HOME/av/plugins/com.oracle.av.plugin.db2/config/ directory, locate the db2_auditcoll_user_setup.sql script and open it for editing.

  3. In the script, put the user name of the account from Step 1 in the grant statement, then save the modified script.

  4. Execute the modified script as follows:

    $> db2 -tvf db2_auditcoll_user_setup.sql

  5. To revoke audit collection privileges:

    1. Modify the db2_auditcoll_drop_db_permissions.sql script as in Step 3 above.

    2. Run the script as follows:

      $> db2 -tvf db2_auditcoll_drop_db_permissions.sql

Setting Up SPA Privileges for an IBM DB2 for LUW Secured Target

To set up or revoke Oracle AVDF user privileges for stored procedure auditing:

  1. Create a new user account in DB2 to be used by Oracle AVDF for stored procedure auditing.

    You will use this user name and password when registering this DB2 database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  2. In the $AGENT_HOME/av/plugins/com.oracle.av.plugin.db2/config/ directory, locate the db2_spa_user_setup.sql script and open it for editing.

  3. In the script, put the user name of the account from Step 1 in the grant statement, then save the modified script.

  4. Execute the modified script as follows:

    $> db2 -tvf db2_spa_user_setup.sql

  5. To revoke SPA privileges:

    1. Modify the db2_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql script as in Step 3 above.

    2. Run the script as follows:

      $> db2 -tvf db2_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql

MySQL Setup Scripts

The Oracle AVDF setup scripts for a MySQL secured target,
and mysql_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql, are located in the following directory (Linux example below):


These scripts are used to set up or revoke user privileges on the MySql database for Oracle AVDF to do stored procedure auditing (SPA).

To set up or revoke stored procedure auditing for a MySql secured target:

  1. Log in to MySQL as a user who can create users and set user privileges.

  2. Create a user for stored procedure auditing. For example:

    create user 'username'@'hostname' identified by 'password'

    You will use this user name and password when registering this MySQL database as a secured target in the Audit Vault Server.

  3. In the $AGENT_HOME/av/plugins/com.oracle.av.plugin.mysql/config/ directory, locate the mysql_spa_user_setup.sql script and open it for editing.

  4. Modify the script to provide the same values for username, hostname, and password that you used in Step 1.

  5. Execute the mysql_spa_user_setup.sql script.

  6. To revoke SPA privileges:

    1. Modify the mysql_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql script as in Step 4 above.

    2. Execute the mysql_spa_drop_db_permissions.sql script.

Audit Trail Cleanup

Some Oracle AVDF plug-ins support audit trail cleanup. This section describes the available audit trail cleanup (ATC) utilities:

Oracle Database Audit Trail Cleanup


About Purging the Oracle Database Secured Target Audit Trail

You can use the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT PL/SQL package to purge the database audit trail.

The DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT package lets you perform audit trail cleanup tasks such as scheduling purge jobs, moving the audit trail to a different tablespace, setting archive timestamps in the audit trail, and so on. You must have the EXECUTE privilege for DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT before you can use it.

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) or higher, includes the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT package and its associated data dictionary views installed by default. If your secured target database does not have this package installed, then you can download the package and data dictionary views from My Oracle Support, from the following Web site:


Search for Article ID 731908.1.

For details about using the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT PL/SQL package and views, refer to the following Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) documentation:

Scheduling an Automated Purge Job

Oracle AVDF is integrated with the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT package on an Oracle Database. This integration automates the purging of audit records from the AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ files, and from the operating system .aud and .xml files after they have been successfully inserted into the Audit Vault Server repository.

After the purge is completed, the Audit Vault Agent automatically sets a timestamp on audit data that has been collected. Therefore, you must set the USE_LAST_ARCH_TIMESTAMP property to TRUE to ensure that the right set of audit records are purged. You do not need to manually set a purge job interval.

To schedule an automated purge job for an Oracle Database secured target:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus on the secured target database as a user who has been granted the EXECUTE privilege for the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT PL/SQL package.

    For example:

    sqlplus tjones
    Enter password: password
  2. Initialize the audit trail cleanup operation.

    In the following example, the DEFAULT_CLEANUP_INTERVAL setting runs the job every two hours:

  3. Verify that the audit trail is initialized for cleanup.

    For example:

       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Database and OS audit are initialized for cleanup');
       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Database and OS audit are not initialized for cleanup.');
     END IF;
  4. Use the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.CREATE_PURGE_JOB procedure to create and schedule the purge job.

    In this procedure, ensure that you set the USE_LAST_ARCH_TIMESTAMP property to TRUE, so all records older than the timestamp can be deleted.

    The following procedure creates a purge job called CLEANUP_OS_DB_AUDIT_RECORDS that will run every two hours to purge the audit records.


SQL Server Audit Trail Cleanup

If the SQL Server audit trail has collected data from a trace or sqlaudit file and that file is inactive, then you can clean up this file. The SQL Server audit trail writes the names of the SQL Server audit text files to a plain text file with the .atc extension. The .atc file resides in the AGENT_HOME\av\atc directory on the computer on which the agent is installed.

To manually clean up files that Oracle AVDF has completed extracting audit records from:

  1. Go to the AGENT_HOME\av\plugins\com.oracle.av.plugin.mssql\bin directory of the computer where the Audit Vault Agent is installed.

    Ensure that the AGENT_HOME environment variable is correctly set to the directory path where the agent.jar file is extracted.

  2. Run the following utility:

    SQLServerCleanupHandler secured_target_name

    For example:

    SQLServerCleanupHandler mssqldb4

    If you do not set the AGENT_HOME environment variable, you can provide the agent home location in the command line using the following syntax:

    SQLServerCleanupHandler -securedtargetname secured_target_name agent_home_location

    For example:

    SQLServerCleanupHandler mssqldb4 c:\AV_agent_installation

    Important: If the name of the Audit Vault Agent installation directory contains spaces, enclose the name in double quotes, for example "C:\Agent Directory".

To automate the cleanup of SQL Server trace files, you can use the Windows Scheduler.


If the SQL Server trace definition is redefined or reinitialized, then you must ensure that the file names of the trace files do not overlap with trace files that were created earlier.

For example, suppose you start SQL Server with a trace definition in which the trace files names use the following format:


Then you restart the SQL Server with a new trace definition. This new trace definition must use a different file name from the current trace files (for example, the current one named c:\serversidetraces.trc). If you do not, then when you purge the audit trail, the new trace files that have same names as the old ones will be deleted.

MySQL Audit Trail Cleanup

To run the MySQL audit trail cleanup utility:

  1. On the host machine, go to the directory

  2. Run the following command:

    MySQLServerCleanupHandler.bat secured_target_name AGENT_HOME

    The above command has the following variables:

    • secured_target_name - the name of the MySQL secured target

    • AGENT_HOME - the path to the directory where the Audit Vault Agent is deployed.

Procedure Look-ups: Connect Strings, Collection Attributes, Audit Trail Locations

This section contains reference information you will need to complete procedures in this manual for registering secured targets and configuring audit trails. The procedural steps include links to the topics in this section.


Secured Target Locations (Connect Strings)

When registering a secured target in the Audit Vault Server console, you enter a connect string in the Secured Target Location field (see "Registering or Removing Secured Targets in the Audit Vault Server"). Use a connect string format from Table B-14 depending on the secured target type.

Note: A connect string is not required for a Database Firewall-only deployment.

Table B-14 Secured Target Connect Strings (for Secured Target Location Field)

Secured Target Type Connect String

Oracle Database


Sybase ASE


Sybase SQL Anywhere


Microsoft SQL Server






Oracle Solaris

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Oracle Linux

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Microsoft Windows

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Microsoft Active Directory Server

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Oracle ACFS

hostname (fully qualified machine name or IP address)

Collection Attributes


About Collection Attributes

Some types of secured targets have optional or required audit trail collection attributes. You can specify collection attributes when registering or modifying a secured target in the Collection Attributes fields. See "Registering or Removing Secured Targets in the Audit Vault Server".

The following secured target types do not require collection attributes:

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Sybase ASE

  • Oracle Solaris

  • Windows

  • Linux

  • Microsoft Active Directory Server

Oracle Database Collection Attributes

You can specify collection attributes for a DIRECTORY audit trail for Oracle Database. Table B-15 describes the collection attributes you can use if you select DIRECTORY as the Audit Trail Type when registering an Oracle Database secured target in Oracle AVDF.

Table B-15 Collection Attributes for DIRECTORY Audit Trail for Oracle Database

Attribute Name and Description Required? Default Comments


The NLS language of the data source

Yes: If the started audit trail cannot establish a connection to the Oracle secured target (e.g., secured target is not running)

No: If the started audit trail is able to connect to the Oracle secured target and get these parameter values from the secured target (e.g., the secured target is running when the trail is started)


The value is not case sensitive.


The NLS territory of the data source

Yes: If the started audit trail cannot establish a connection to the Oracle secured target (e.g., secured target is not running)

No: If the started audit trail is able to connect to the Oracle secured target and get these parameter values from the secured target (e.g., the secured target is running when the trail is started)


The value is not case sensitive.


The NLS character set of the data source

Yes: If the started audit trail cannot establish a connection to the Oracle secured target (e.g., secured target is not running)

No: If the started audit trail is able to connect to the Oracle secured target and get these parameter values from the secured target (e.g., the secured target is running when the trail is started)


The value is not case sensitive.


The maximum processing time, in centiseconds, for each call to process the audit trail



A valid value is an integer value from 10 to 10000. Cannot be reconfigured at run time.

Indicates the maximum time for which the collection process records before sending a batch of records to the Audit Vault Server. If the value is too low it can affect performance. If the value is too high, it will take a longer time to stop the audit trail.


The maximum number of records to be processed during each call to process the audit trail



A valid value is an integer value from 10 to 10000.

Cannot be reconfigured at run time.

Indicates the maximum number of records processed before sending a batch of records to the Audit Vault Server. If the value is too low it can affect performance. If the value is too high, it will take a longer time to stop the audit trail.


The instance ID in an Oracle RAC environment





The interval, in seconds, to store the metric information



Cannot be reconfigured at run time.

This interval determines how frequently metric information is updated. If the value is too low it creates overhead for sending metrics to the Audit Vault Server. If the value is too high it will skew the average metric information.


The Oracle SID name on a Microsoft Windows systems


No default

The value is not case sensitive. If no value is specified then the audit trail queries the value from the secured target.

IBM DB2 for LUW Collection Attribute

Table B-16 describes the collection attribute required when you register an IBM DB2 for LUW secured target in Oracle AVDF.

Table B-16 Collection Attribute for IBM DB2 for LUW Database

Attribute Name and Description Required? Default Comments


The IBM DB2 for LUW database name



This parameter is case sensitive.

MySQL Collection Attributes

Table B-17 describes the required and optional collection attributes when you register a MySQL secured target in Oracle AVDF.

Table B-17 Collection Attributes for MySQL Database

Attribute Name and Description Required? Default Comments


The MySQL database version





Specifies a time interval, in minutes, at which the audit trail cleanup time is updated



Example: If this value is 20, the audit trail cleanup time is updated every 20 minutes. Audit log files that have a time stamp before the audit trail cleanup time will be cleaned from the source folder when you run the audit trail cleanup utility. See also "MySQL Audit Trail Cleanup".

Oracle ACFS Collection Attributes

Table B-18 describes the collection attribute required when you register an Oracle ACFS secured target in Oracle AVDF.

Table B-18 Collection Attribute for Oracle ACFS

Attribute Name and Description Required? Default Comments


The version number of Oracle ACFS



Five integer values separated by dots, for example

Audit Trail Locations

When you configure an audit trail for a secured target in the Audit Vault Server, you must specify a Trail Location (see "Adding an Audit Trail in the Audit Vault Server"). The trail location depends on the type of secured target. Use the format below that corresponds to your secured target type.

Important: Trail locations are case sensitive. To avoid duplicate data collection, we recommend that you provide the entire trail location either in all capital letters or all small letters.

Note: If you selected DIRECTORY for Audit Trail Type, the Trail Location must be a directory mask.

Table B-19 Supported Trail Locations for Secured Targets

Secured Target Type Supported Trail Locations

Oracle Database

For TABLE audit trails: sys.aud$, Sys.fga_log$,
, v$unified_audit_trail

For DIRECTORY audit trails: Full path to directory containing AUD or XML files.

For SYSLOG audit trails: Full path to directory containing the syslog file.

For TRANSACTION LOG, EVENT LOG and NETWORK audit trails: no trail location required.

Microsoft SQL Server

For DIRECTORY audit trail: *.sqlaudit files, or *.trc (trace) files. Examples:




For prefix, you can use any prefix for the .trc or *.sqlaudit files.

#C2_DYNAMIC and #TRACE_DYNAMIC are only supported for SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012.

For EVENT LOG audit trail:

  • application

  • security (SQL Server 2008 and 2012 only)

Sybase ASE



Path to a directory, for example: d:\temp\trace


The path to the directory where converted XML files are created when you run the MySQL XML transformation utility. See "(Required for MySQL) Running the XML Transformation Utility".

Oracle Solaris


The hostname matches the hostname in the audit log names, which look like this:


Microsoft Windows

security (case-insensitive)

You can use any case combination in the word security. However, once you start collecting a trail using a particular case case combination, you must use the same combination in subsequent collections, otherwise, a new audit trail will start collecting records from the start of the security event log.

Microsoft Active Directory Server

directory service or security (case-insensitive)

You can use any case combination in the words directory service or security. However, once you start collecting a trail using a particular case combination, you must use the same combination in subsequent collections, otherwise, a new audit trail will start collecting records from the start of the security event log.

Oracle ACFS

The path to the directory containing XML audit files. For example, for a file system mounted at $MOUNT_POINT, the audit trail location is:



Default location of audit.log (/var/log/audit/audit*.log) or any custom location configured in the /etc/audit/auditd.conf file