Deprecated API

Deprecated Classes
          This class may not be available in future 

Deprecated Fields
          Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant. 
          Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant. 
          Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant. 
          Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant. 
          Later versions of the Endeca API may not support this constant. 

Deprecated Methods
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.addERecSpec(String) instead. Adds a record ID to the list. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.getAggrERecSpec() instead. Gets the ID of the aggregated record to be queried for. 
          This method may not be available in future. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use GlobalDimSearchRefinementConfig.getNumResults() instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.getERecSpec(int) instead. Gets the record ID at position index. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use Navigation.getESearchReportsComplete() instead. Gets the Map of ESearchReports for this navigation query result. Returns an empty set if there are no ESearchReports. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use DimensionSearchResult.getESearchReportsComplete() instead. Gets the Map of ESearchReports for this dimension search result. Returns an empty set if there are no ESearchReports. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERec.getSpec() instead. Gets the ID for this record. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use AggrERec.getSpec() instead. Gets the id of the aggregated record. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.getNavRelRankERecRank() instead. Gets the navigation record search specified with relevance ranking. 
          This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.getNavActiveSortKeys() instead. 
          This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.getNavActiveSortKeys() instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The best way to determine whether a sort key is in use is to determine if it is in the sort criteria list returned by Navigation.getActiveSortKeys(). 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setAggrERecSpec(String) instead. Sets the ID of the aggregated record to be queried for. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use GlobalDimSearchRefinementConfig.setNumResults(OptionalInt) instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use UrlENEQuery.setDrc(String) instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setERecSpec(String) instead. Sets the ID of the record to be queried for. This method is shorthand for the setERecs(ERecIdList) method used when only requesting one record. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ENEQuery.setNavRelRankERecRank(ERecRank) instead. Sets the relevance ranking record search to perform on the records of the navigation query. 
          This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.setNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) instead. 
          This method may not be available in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. Use ENEQuery.setNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList) instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method should be used instead. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API. The ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method should be used instead. 
          Use the version that takes an encoding instead. 

Deprecated Constructors
          Future versions of the MDEX Engine API may not support this constructor. Instead, implement this functionailty by calling the basic constructor ENEQueryInfo.ENEQueryInfo() followed by the ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method with the session ID and query ID and their respective keys. 
com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryInfo(String, String)
          Future versions of the MDEX Engine API may not support this constructor. Instead this functionailty is preserved by calling the basic constructor ENEQueryInfo.ENEQueryInfo() followed by the ENEQueryInfo.add(String,String) method with the IDs and their respective keys. 
          This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use ERecIdList.ERecIdList(String) instead. Constructor that takes a single id and makes a record id list with only one element. 
          Use the two-argument constructor with an explicit encoding of "windows-1252" and a null queryString, instead. 
          Use the two-argument constructor with an explicit encoding of "windows-1252" instead. 
          Use the two-argument version with an explicit encoding and a null queryString, instead. 
          Use the two-argument version with an explicit encoding, instead. 

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