What's New

This section summarizes the new features of TimesTen supported in Oracle SQL Developer Release 4.0. There are some features that are only supported in TimesTen Release or later. If a feature is only supported in TimesTen Release or later, it will be noted.

New features for release of SQL Developer 4.0

  • When you create a named connection to connect to a TimesTen database, the User specified connection type is now called Advanced.

  • You can set the Autocommit option directly from the New/Select Database Connection dialog. This new autocommit option is set at the connection level. In previous releases the autocommit option is set at the running instance level.

Features supported in TimesTen Release or later:

  • You can capture ttStats snapshots and generate ttStats reports that compare two snapshots. A ttStats snapshot is a collection of performance metrics. TimesTen collects performance metrics from TimesTen system tables, system views, and built-in procedures. For more information, see "Working with TimesTen Performance Metrics".

  • There are new pre-defined Performance reports. Performance reports are reports that show statistics information for the TimesTen database and statistics snapshots of the database. These reports are available in the Performance category of the TimesTen Reports. For more information, see "Performance".

Features supported in TimesTen Release or later:

  • SQL Developer supports the TimesTen Index Advisor which can evaluate a SQL workload and recommend indexes. The indexes that the TimesTen Index Advisor recommends can improve the performance for the following: joins, single table scans, and ORDER BY or GROUP BY operations. For more information, see "Working with the TimesTen Index Advisor".

  • You can load data using parallel threads from an Oracle database into a TimesTen database without creating a cache grid, cache group, or cache table. For more information, see "Loading data from an Oracle database into a TimesTen database".

New features for release of SQL Developer 3.1

Features supported in TimesTen Release 11.2.2 or later:

  • You can define and use LOB data types. This includes defining columns with LOB data types, adding columns with LOB data types, displaying LOB data types, and defining LOB data types in IN, OUT, and IN OUT parameters in PL/SQL editors. For more information, see "Specifying and displaying LOB data types".

  • You can compute table size information. For more information on computing table size information, see "Computing table size information".

  • For table reports, there are reports for Table Sizes and Column reports will display LOB data types if applicable. For information on table reports, see "Table".

Features supported in TimesTen Release or later: