1.3 Software Components

1.3.1 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard
1.3.2 Password Manager (Wallet)
1.3.3 Oracle VM Manager
1.3.4 Operating Systems
1.3.5 Databases
1.3.6 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Management Software
1.3.7 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Configuration Script

This section describes the main software components the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance uses for operation and configuration.

1.3.1 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard

The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 provides its own web-based graphical user interface that can be used to perform a variety of administrative tasks specific to the appliance. The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard is a WebLogic application that is available via the active management node. It is installed on top of the Oracle WebLogic Server 11g that is packaged with Oracle VM Manager, as described in Section 1.3.3, “Oracle VM Manager”.

Use the Dashboard to perform the following tasks:

  • Appliance system monitoring and component identification

  • Monitoring and identifying physical network connections

  • Initial configuration of management node networking data

  • Resetting of the global password for Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance components

After the initial mandatory software update from Release 1.0.1 to Release 1.0.2, the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard should be used to configure the management node networking data.

Use the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard to perform regular appliance maintenance such as password resets or hardware monitoring. The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard is described in detail in Chapter 2, Monitoring and Managing Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2.

1.3.2 Password Manager (Wallet)

All components of Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 have administrator accounts with a default password. It is recommended that you modify this password after initialization through the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard. The Network Setup tab allows you to set a new password, which is applied system-wide.


The Oracle WebLogic Server password cannot be set from the Dashboard. Please change the password in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. Make sure it matches the password configured in the Dashboard. For details, see Section 5.5, “Changing Oracle WebLogic Server Passwords”.

Passwords are stored in a global Wallet in an obfuscated way. When expansion compute nodes are installed, the default password is overwritten with the current system password during the provisioning process. No further administrative action is required.

1.3.3 Oracle VM Manager

All virtual machine management tasks are performed within Oracle VM Manager, a WebLogic application that is installed on each of the management nodes and which provides a web-based management user interface and a command line interface that allows you to manage your Oracle VM infrastructure within the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

Oracle VM Manager is comprised of the following software components:

  • Oracle VM Manager application: provided as an Oracle WebLogic Server domain and container.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: including Application Development Framework (ADF) Release 11g, used to host and run the Oracle VM Manager application

  • MySQL 5.5 Enterprise Edition Server: for the exclusive use of the Oracle VM Manager application as a management repository and installed on the Database file system hosted on the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320.

Administration of virtual machines is performed using the Oracle VM Manager web user interface, as described in Chapter 3, Managing the Oracle VM Virtual Infrastructure. While it is possible to use the command line interface provided with Oracle VM Manager, this is considered an advanced activity that should only be performed with a thorough understanding of the limitations of Oracle VM Manager running in the context of an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

1.3.4 Operating Systems

Hardware components of the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 run their own operating systems:

  • Management Nodes: Oracle Linux 6 with UEK2

  • Compute Nodes: Oracle Linux 5 with UEK2

  • Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320: Oracle Solaris 11

All other components run a particular revision of their respective firmware. All operating software has been selected and developed to work together as part of the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2. When an update is released, the appropriate versions of all software components are bundled. When a new software release is activated, all component operating software is updated accordingly. You should not attempt to update individual components unless Oracle explicitly instructs you to.

1.3.5 Databases

The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance uses a number of databases to track system states, handle configuration and provisioning, and for Oracle VM Manager. All databases are stored on the Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 and are exported via an NFS file system. The databases are accessible to each management node to ensure high availability.

The following table provides a listing of each of the different databases used by the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

Table 1.2 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Databases



Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Node Database

Contains information on every compute node and management node in the rack, including the state used to drive the provisioning of compute nodes and data required to handle software updates.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/node on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/node on each management node

Oracle Fabric Interconnect Database

Contains IP and host name data for the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F1-15 Director Switches.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/infrastructure on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/infrastructure on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Netbundle Database

Predefines Ethernet and bond device names for all possible networks that can be configured throughout the system, and which are allocated dynamically.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/netbundle on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/netbundle on each management node

Oracle Switch ES1-24 Ports Database

Defines the factory-configured map of Oracle Switch ES1-24 ports to the rack unit or element to which that port is connected. It is used to map Oracle Switch ES1-24 ports to machine names.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/opus_ports on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/opus_ports on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance DHCP Database

Contains information on the assignment of DHCP addresses to newly detected compute nodes.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/dhcp on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/dhcp on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Mini Database

A multi-purpose database used to map compute node hardware profiles to onboard disk size information. It also contains valid hardware configurations that servers must comply with in order to be accepted as an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance component.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/mini_db on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/mini_db on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Setup Database

Contains the data set by the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard setup facility. The data in this database is automatically applied by both the active and passive management nodes when a change is detected.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/setup on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/setup on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Task Database

Contains state data for all of the asynchronous tasks that have been dispatched within the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/task on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/task on each management node

Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Update Database

Used to track the two-node coordinated management node update process.

Type: BerkeleyDB

Location: MGMT_ROOT/db/update on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/db/update on each management node

Oracle VM Manager Database

Used on each management node as the management database for Oracle VM Manager. It contains all configuration details of the Oracle VM environment (including servers, pools, storage and networking), as well as the virtualized systems hosted by the environment.

Type: MySQL Database

Location: MGMT_ROOT/ovmm_mysql/data/ on the ZFS, accessible via /nfs/shared_storage/ovmm_mysql/data/ on each management node

1.3.6 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Management Software

The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance includes software that designed for the provisioning, management and maintenance of all of the components within the appliance.


This software is not designed for human interaction. All configuration and management tasks must be performed using the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard. Do not attempt to run any of these processes directly without explicit instruction from an Oracle Support representative. Attempting to do so may render your appliance unusable.

This software largely consists of a number of Python applications that run on the active management node. These applications are found in /usr/sbin on each management node and are listed as follows:

  • ovca-backup: the script responsible for performing backups of the appliance configuration as described in Section 1.6, “Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 Backup”

  • ovca-daemon: the core provisioning and management daemon for the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance

  • ovca-dhcpd: a helper script to assist the DHCP daemon with the registration of compute nodes

  • ovca-factory-init: the appliance initialization script used to set the appliance to its factory configuration

  • ovca-helper: a support script used to perform particular configuration tasks and to assist with appliance configuration

  • ovca-node-db: a script used to maintain and update the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Node Database described in Section 1.3.5, “Databases”

  • ovca-redirect: a script to redirect HTTP or HTTPS requests to the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard described in Section 1.3.1, “Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard”

  • ovca-remote-rpc: a script that allows other components to communicate with the various management scripts available on the management node

  • ovca-rpc: a script that allows the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard to communicate directly with the underlying management scripts running on the management node

  • ovca-updater: the script that allows you to download updated software for the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance. It also allows you to activate the update, as described in Section 1.7, “Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance X3-2 Software Update”

  • ovca-update-password: a script that controls password updates for each different component on the appliance

Many of these applications use a specific Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance library that is installed in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ovca/ on each management node.

1.3.7 Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Configuration Script

The Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance includes a configuration script that can be run to configure additional settings that are not catered for within the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Dashboard. This script is located at /usr/sbin/ovca-config.py on each management node.

The script allows you to configure proxy settings that allow the management nodes access to web-based or FTP-based resources on the Internet via a proxy server configured within your environment. See Section 5.1, “Adding Proxy Settings for Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Updates” for more information.

The script also allows you to configure the log level and log path for the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance. These settings can be used to help troubleshoot problems and to assist with data gathering for support queries. See Section 5.2, “Setting the Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance Log Level” for more information.