5 Installing and Deploying MetaSolv Solution on a Clustered Server

This chapter describes how to perform a full installation of an Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution (MSS) 6.2.x release, if you are a new customer or upgrading from a pre-6.2 release, and explains how to set up the MSS application server for clustered server installations. The chapter covers the Oracle WebLogic server domain configuration and the installation and deployment of the MSS application server.

Setting Up for Development or Test Environments (XML API Option Only)

Note the following issues if you are installing MSS in a development or test environment:

About Clustered Server Installation

A clustered server installation (also called an administration server with cluster-managed servers installation) is one in which one or more WebLogic Server instances are managed by a separate administration server. In this arrangement, clustering the managed servers in WebLogic allows the servers to work together as one unit, rather than several independent processing units. This is the configuration Oracle recommends because it provides protection in the event a server fails.

This section describes how to:

  • Create a WebLogic domain for clustered servers

  • Install MSS

  • Deploy MSS to the cluster

Figure 5-1 shows the detailed process for a clustered server installation.

Figure 5-1 Installing a Cluster-Managed Server

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Installing a Cluster-Managed Server"

Figure 5-2 shows an example configuration. This installation includes two clustered managed servers (mslv01 and mslv02), an administration server, and a hardware load balancer or Proxy server used for load balancing. To see complete information on the data for the installation, refer to the worksheet examples.

Figure 5-2 Example Cluster-Managed Server Configuration

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of "Figure 5-2 Example Cluster-Managed Server Configuration"

Before You Start

  • Print and complete the following planning worksheets:

  • Review "Prerequisites for MSS 6.2.x" on page 6 and make sure all tasks listed there that apply to your installation are completed.

  • You may need assistance from your system administrator or network engineering team to perform the following tasks:

    • Set up a DNS entry to include all clustered servers' listening IP addresses for cluster address during cluster domain configuration in production environment.

    • In production environment, all clustered servers must listen on the same port. If there are multiple clustered servers running on the same machine in the same cluster, the machine must have multiple network interface cards (NICs).

    • Set up a load balancer

    • Acquire the multicast IP address and port for the cluster

    • Define and verify a range of ports for each machine hosting cluster-managed servers and administration servers.

  • See "Load Balancer Configuration Example" if you are using a load balancer in your clustered server installation.

Creating the Clustered Server WebLogic Domain (XML API and Non-XML API options)

To create the domain, perform the following:


This procedure was written based on the Oracle WebLogic Integration (32-bit) software. If the Oracle WebLogic Server (32-bit) software is utilized, it follows a different installation flow. Refer to the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for more information.
  1. From the Administration Server, start the WebLogic Configuration Wizard by doing one of the following:

    • For UNIX/Linux platforms, this program (config.sh) is located in the following directory: BEA_Home/wlserver_10.3/common/bin.

    • For Windows platforms, this program (config.cmd) is located in the following directory: BEA_Home\wlserver_10.3\common\bin.

    The Welcome window appears.

  2. Select Create a new WebLogic domain and click Next.

    The Select Domain Source window appears.

  3. Select Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following products and WebLogic Integration, then click Next.

    The Configure Administrator User and Password window appears.

  4. Enter a user name and password and verify the password by retyping, then click Next.

    Worksheet references and example values:

    Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
    User name COMM-0020 weblogic
    User password COMM-0030 web_logic

    The Configure Server Start Mode and JDK window appears.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you are installing for company operations, select the Production Mode.

    • If you are installing to do integration development or testing, select Development Mode.

  6. Select the Available JDKs option in the right pane and select the Sun SDK in the list window, and click Next.

    The Sun SDK option is supported for both UNIX/Linux and Windows platforms.


    If you are using the IBM AIX operating system, select the Other Java SDK option and browse for the location of the IBM Java SDK. See "If You are Using the IBM AIX Operating System".

    The Customize Environment and Services Settings window appears.

  7. Select Yes and click Next.

    The Configure RDBMS Security Store Database window appears.

  8. Select the I don't want to change anything here option, then click Next.

    The Configure the Administration Server window appears.

  9. Do the following:

    • Enter the AdminServer name.

    • Enter a valid DNS name or IP address.

    • Enter a port number for the AdminServer.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Name Admin-0240 mslvadmin
      Listen address Admin-0250 srvrchsca1
      Listen port Admin-0260, Admin-0270 7001 (HTTP port), 7002 (HTTPS port)

  10. Click Next.

    The Configure Managed Servers window appears.

  11. Click Add and do the following:

    1. Enter the name of a server.

    2. Select an address by clicking the arrow and selecting a name from the list that appears.

    3. Enter the listen port number.


      You can also add a proxy server at this point, if the WebLogic proxy is used.

      For example:

      • Name: M62Proxy;

      • Listen address: servrchosal;

      • Listen port: 7001.

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Name Cluster-0520 mslv01, mslv02
      Listen address Cluster-0550 srvrchosa1, srvrchosa2
      Listen port Cluster-0570, Cluster-0580 6001, 6001 (HTTP port); 6002, 6002 (HTTPS port) (2-node cluster)

  12. Repeat step 11 for each server that is to be included in the cluster, then click Next.

    The Configure Clusters window appears. This window allows you to name the cluster and provide information about it.

  13. Click Add and do the following:

    1. Enter the name of the cluster.

    2. Enter the multicast address.

    3. Enter the multicast port number.

    4. Enter the cluster address.

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Name Cluster-0410 MSLVCluster
      Multicast address Cluster-0430
      Multicast port Cluster-0440 6060
      Cluster address Cluster-0420 Test/development environment:

      srvrchosa1:6001 (HTTPS port), srvrchosa1:6002 (HTTPS port)

      srvrchosa2:6001 (HTTP port), srvrchosa2:6002 (HTTPS port) (2-node cluster).

      Production environment requires a DNS entry:

      m62cluster: (srvrchosa1),


  14. Click Next.

    The Assign Servers to Clusters window appears.

  15. Select the cluster to which servers are being added in the right pane, then select the servers in the left pane to add to the cluster and click the right arrow button.

    The servers are added to the cluster. The Assign Servers In Clusters window displays the clustered servers in the right pane.

  16. Click Next.

    The Create HTTP Proxy Applications window appears.

  17. Select Create HTTP proxy for cluster Clustername and select the managed server by clicking the arrow and selecting a name from the list that appears, then click Next.

    The Configure Machines window appears.

  18. Click the Machine tab.

  19. Click Add and do the following:

    1. Enter the name of a machine.

    2. Select an address by clicking the arrow and selecting a name from the list that appears.

    3. Enter the listen port number.

  20. Repeat step 19 until all machine names for the domain are added, including the machine name for the administration server, then click Next.

    The Assign Servers to Machines window appears.

  21. In the right pane, select the machine to which a server is being assigned, and in the left pane, select the server you want to assign, then click the right arrow button.

  22. When all servers have been assigned to a machine, do one of the following:

    For XML API installations, continue with step 23.

    For non-XML API installations, proceed to step 27.

  23. Click Next.

    The Configure JDBC Data Sources window appears.

  24. Enter the configuration information for the JDBC data sources, click on each data source tab. Perform the following steps:

    1. Click the cgDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:

      • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

      • In the Driver list, select Oracle's Driver (Thin XA) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.

      • Select the Supports global transactions and the Emulate two phase commit options.

      • For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).

      • For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.

      • For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.

      • For the User name, enter APP_INT.

      • For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.


        Other fields on this tab already contain defaulted values. You can make any additional changes required.
      Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz.gif.
    2. Click the portalDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:

      • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

      • In the Driver list, select Oracle's Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.

      • Select the Supports global transactions and the One phase commit options.

      • For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).

      • For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.

      • For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.

      • For the User name, enter APP_INT.

      • For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

        Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz2.gif.


        Other fields on this tab already contain defaulted values. You can make any additional changes required.
    3. Click the p13nDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:

      • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

      • In the Driver list, select Oracle's Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.

      • Select the Supports global transactions and the One phase commit options.

      • For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).

      • For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.

      • For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.

      • For the User name, enter APP_INT.

      • For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.


        Other fields on this tab already contain defaulted values. You can make any additional changes required.
      Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz3.gif.
    4. Click the cgDataSource-nonXA tab, enter values in the following fields:

      • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

      • In the Driver list, select Oracle's Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.

      • Select the Supports global transactions and the Emulate two phase commit options.

      • For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).

      • For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.

      • For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.

      • For the User name, enter APP_INT.

      • For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.

        Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz4.gif.


        Other fields on this tab already contain defaulted values. You can make any additional changes required.
    5. Click the bpmArchDataSource tab, enter values in the following fields:

      • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

      • In the Driver list, select Oracle's Driver (Thin) Versions: 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10, 11.

      • Select the Supports global transactions and the Emulate two phase commit options.

      • For the DBMS name, enter the Oracle system ID (SID).

      • For the DBMS host, enter the name of your database server.

      • For the DBMS port, enter the port number for the database server.

      • For the User name, enter APP_INT.

      • For the User password (and Confirm user password), enter the Oracle user password.


        Other fields on this tab already contain defaulted values. You can make any additional changes required.
      Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz5.gif.

      After the data sources have been configured, click Test Connections.

    The Test Data Source Connections window appears.

  25. Test each data source by clicking Test next to each data source. After all the tests have passed, click Ok and then Next.

    The Run Database Scripts window appears.

    Surrounding text describes ins_config_wiz_rundb.gif.
  26. For each data source, select the available files and the DB Version, then click Run Scripts. After all the scripts have been run for each data source, click Next.


    For the cgDataSource-nonXA data source, select the 11g database version and for the p13nDataSource, select the 10g database version.

    The Configure JMS File Stores window appears.

  27. Click Next.

    The Review WebLogic Domain window appears.

  28. Review the summary information displayed and verify that all the information is correct and click Next.

    The Create WebLogic Domain window appears.

  29. Do the following:

    • Enter the Domain name. (Oracle recommends m62domain.)

    • In the Domain location field, click the Browse button to select the location where the domain is to be created.

    • In the Application location field, click the Browse button to select the location where the application directory is to be created.

    Worksheet references and example values:

    Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
    Domain Name COMM-0010 m62domain
    Domain Location COMM-0110 /opt/m62Cluster/cluster
    Application Location COMM-0115 /opt/m62Cluster/cluster

  30. Click Create.

    The Creating Domain window appears, indicating the progress during the creation of the domain.

  31. Click Done when the configuration creation is complete.

  32. To verify the domain setup, start the server by completing the following steps:

    1. Run startWebLogic.sh (UNIX/Linux) or startWebLogic.cmd (Windows) in the domain directory.

      The domain directory is the name you specified during configuration.

      For example: /opt/m62Cluster/cluster/m62domain

    2. Enter your administrator user name and password, when prompted.

      The server takes a few moments to start. You will see information scroll on the screen. When the server has successfully started, you will see the words RUNNING mode at the prompt.

Installing and Deploying MSS

You must run the installer and install MSS on each machine that will host a clustered server.


  • The instructions for creating the domain configuration included starting the server after the configuration was complete. Leave the server running until you are instructed to shut it down.

  • Ensure that the following environmental variables are set:

    PATH= JAVA_HOME/jdk_version/bin $PATH

To install and deploy MSS, do the following:

  1. From MSLV_Home, enter the following command:

    java -jar releaseNo_buildNo_AppServerInstaller.jar

    For example:

    java -jar MSS_R6_2_1.b56_AppServerInstaller.jar


    For 64-bit systems, use the following java_options parameter: -d64.

    The Select MetaSolv home directory window appears.

  2. From the Look In list, select a directory in which to store the installer files then click Select.

    A directory named installer is automatically created in the selected directory. Oracle recommends choosing your MSLV_Home directory for this task.

    The installer auto-launches the installation process by invoking setup.sh (UNIX/Linux) or setup.cmd (Windows) in the MSLV_Home/installer directory.

    Worksheet reference and example value:

    Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
    File Name


    COMM-0090 /opt/m62Cluster/cluster

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Choose Install Type window appears.

  4. For non-XML API installations: select Full Installation on WebLogic Server Domain (WLS) and click Next.

    For XML API installations: select Full Installation on WebLogic Integration Domain (WLI) and click Next.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation - Select Server window appears.

  5. Do the following:

    1. Enter the Admin Host name or the physical IP address.


      The MetaSolv Solution installer does not support the use of virtual IP address during installation. If you specify a virtual IP address during installation, the installer does not display the following:
      • The check box to select the server you want MSS installed on.

      • The following configuration tabs:

        • Directory

        • Oracle Database

        • Oracle RAC

        • Gateway

        • Port

        • Proxy

      If your configuration requires the use of virtual IP address, you must specify the physical IP address during installation. After the installation is complete, you can change each managed server's listen address and port to the virtual IP address, and then restart the WebLogic server. See "Changing an IP Address" for more information.

    2. Enter a port number for the Admin Host.

    3. Enter a user name and password.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Admin Host Admin-0250 srvrchscal
      Port# Admin-0260, Admin-0270 7001 (HTTP port), 7002 (HTTPS port)
      User ID COMM-0020 weblogic
      Pass COMM-0030 web_logic

    4. (Optional) If you want to install and deploy MSS using the SSL port, select the Connect to WebLogic using SSL check box. In the Key Store Location field, enter the path or click Browse to search for the keystore location.

      See the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for information about configuring keystores.

  6. Click Go.

    The installer queries the Admin Host machine and returns with values you entered during the configuration of the WebLogic domain. This process can take a few moments.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears with the domain and any servers in the domain appearing in the left pane.

  7. In the tree view on the left, select the check box next to the server you want MSS installed on.

    Tabs appear in the right pane for information to be entered for the selected cluster.

    Surrounding text describes ins_cluster_dir.gif.
  8. Complete domain information by selecting and completing the following tabs:

    1. Click the Directory tab and type the path and name of the MetaSolv home directory, WebLogic Domain directory, and WebLogic Home directory or click Browse to search for the directories.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      MetaSolv Home Directory COMM-0090 /opt/m62Cluster/cluster
      WebLogic Domain Directory COMM-0010 /opt/m62Cluster/cluster/m62domain

    2. Depending on your database configuration, do one of the following (Option 1 or Option 2):

      Option 1:

      Click the Oracle Database tab and either specify values in the Oracle Server Name, Oracle Port#, and the Oracle Service Name fields or enter your own free-form JDBC connect string in the JDBC URL field:

      Example of a JDBC URL string:


      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Oracle Database Server Name COMM-0130 srvrchscal2
      Oracle Database Port COMM-0140 1521
      Oracle Database Service Name COMM- 0150 BEN6
      APP_MSLV Password COMM-0040 mss6mslv
      APP_API Password COMM-0050 mss6api
      XML API integration user id

      Note: This parameter applies to the XML API Option only.

      COMM-0057 APP_INT
      XML API integration password

      Note: This parameter applies to the XML API Option only.

      COMM-0059 mss6int

      Option 2:

      Click the Oracle RAC tab (MSS 6.2.1 only). The Remote Listener check box is selected by default. Deselect this check box if remote listener is turned off in the Oracle RAC database. In the Number of RAC Nodes field, specify the number of RAC nodes and click GO.

      Do one of the following (Option A or Option B):

      Option A:

      Specify values in the fields: Oracle DBService Name, Oracle Server1, Oracle Port#1, Oracle Instance name1, Oracle Server2, Oracle Port#2, Oracle Instance name2.....Oracle Servern, Oracle Port#n, Oracle Instance namen, and so on, where n is the number of nodes specified in the Number of RAC Nodes field.

      Option B:

      • Specify the JDBC URLs in the following fields:

        JDBC URL#1

        (Remote listener turned off)


        (Remote listener turned on)

        jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip1)(PORT=port1))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice1)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance1)))

        JDBC URL#2

        (Remote listener turned off)


        (Remote listener turned on)

        jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ip2)(PORT=port2))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservice2)(INSTANCE_NAME=instance2)))

        JDBC URL#n

        (Remote listener turned off)


        (Remote listener turned on)

        jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=v-ipn)(PORT=portn))(CONNECT_DATA= (SERVICE_NAME=dbservicen)(INSTANCE_NAME=instancen)))


        n is the number of nodes specified in the Number of RAC Nodes field.

        v-ip is the IP address of the node.

        port is the port address of the node.

        dbservice is the database service name.

        instance is the instance name.


        You must specify values in either the Oracle Database tab or the Oracle RAC tab (MSS 6.2.1 only). If you specify values in both the Oracle Database and the Oracle RAC tabs, you get an error message.

        If you specify the incorrect number of nodes in the Number of RAC Nodes field and click GO on the Oracle RAC tab, do the steps in "Correcting the Specified Number of RAC Nodes".

      Worksheet references and example values for a two-node RAC:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Oracle Database Service Name COMM- 0150 BEN6
      Oracle Database Server Name1 COMM-0160 srvrchscal1
      Oracle Database Port#1 COMM-0165 1521
      Oracle Instance Name1 COMM-0170 drac1
      Oracle Database Server Name2 COMM-0175 srvrchscal2
      Oracle Database Port#2 COMM-0180 1521
      Oracle Instance Name2 COMM-0185 drac2
      APP_MSLV Password COMM-0040 mss6mslv
      APP_API Password COMM-0050 mss6api
      XML API integration user id

      Note: This parameter applies to the XML API Option only.

      COMM-0057 APP_INT
      XML API integration password

      Note: This parameter applies to the XML API Option only.

      COMM-0059 mss6int

    3. For multiple WebLogic Integration domains pointing to the same database, use different XML API integration user IDs and corresponding passwords. See "Multiple WebLogic Integration Domains Pointing to the Same Database".

    4. Click the Gateway tab, check the default selections for event servers that are to be activated, and make any necessary changes.


      For XML API installations, the INTEGRATIONSERVER option must be checked.

      If you are unsure, leave the default settings. You can manually edit these settings through the gateway.ini file. The check boxes that appear on the tab are for APIs. When you select a check box, modifications are made to the gateway.ini file used to configure MSS APIs. See MetaSolv Solution System Administrator's Guide for more information on the gateway.ini file.

    5. Click the Proxy tab if you use a proxy server or an external load balancer and provide the URL of the proxy server.

      Worksheet references and example values:

      Field name Worksheet reference number Example value
      Proxy Server URL Cluster-0450 http://srvplosa1:7001

    6. Click the Info tab to see a summary of the selected server's properties.

  9. When all tabs have correct information for the single server, click Next.

    The Installation Summary window appears.

  10. After checking the information in the summary for accuracy, click Install.

    The installer installs the appropriate MSS files to the server. When the files are installed, the location of the startup file created for the server is displayed.


    Do not exit the installer.
  11. Note the location of the startup file for the application server.

  12. Shut down the server by navigating to the m62domain directory and entering the following command:

    • For UNIX/Linux:

    • For Windows:

  13. Restart the server by entering the command:

    • For UNIX/Linux:

    • For Windows:

  14. (Optional) If you are in Development mode, you should also start the Debug Proxy server using the following command:

    • For Windows:

    • For UNIX/Linux:

  15. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console by entering the following information into the Address field of Internet Explorer:

    http://host_admin:port number/console

    where host_admin is the IP address or host name of the Administration Server.

    You can monitor the deployment from the console. To check the servers, click Servers in the left pane of the Console, and the right pane will show the status of all servers.

  16. After the startup commands have been run and the application server has been started, maximize the installer window and click Deploy Application.

    The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Installation window appears listing the server you can select for deployment.

    This process can take a few moments. If the server is not started, a status appears on the window indicating the installer is waiting for the server to be in running mode. When the server is in running mode, you can begin the deployment.

  17. From the Target Servers list, select a server and click Deploy.

    The deployment process begins. You can follow the progress of the deployment by viewing the text that appears in the right pane of the installation window.

    When the deployment is complete, the Deployment Completed window appears.

  18. Click OK.

  19. Click Exit.

    The Exit? window appears.

  20. Click OK.

  21. When all clustered servers have been deployed, shut down all servers, and restart them from the locations given using the start command listed on the window.

    Start the administration server first, then bring up the remaining servers using the commands listed in the window. For example, using the servers from the procedures, the first server to be started would be mslvadmin, then mslv01, and then mslv02.

    To shut down the admin, manage, and proxy servers, use the stop server scripts in the m6domain directory.

    For example:



    For non-XML API installations, proceed to step 22.

    For XML API installations, proceed to "Configuring WebLogic Integration (XML API option only)".

  22. (Non-XML install only, optional) Configure the load balancer.

    See "Load Balancer Configuration Example" for more information.

  23. (Non-XML install only, optional) Configure the proxy server set up.

    See "Proxy Server Setup" for more information.

  24. (Non-XML install only, optional) Do performance tuning on the servers.

    See "Tuning Servers For Performance" for more information.

    For non-XML API installations, proceed to "Gateway Events".

Configuring WebLogic Integration (XML API option only)

This section describes how to set configuration parameters in WebLogic Integration. WebLogic Integration has a separate console that allows configuration to be done. Do not confuse this console with the WebLogic Server Administration Console which allows you to do WebLogic domain maintenance.

The configuration that will be set in the WebLogic Integration Administration Console includes:

  • Setting up JMS event generators

  • Setting up parameters for purging data

Logging on to the WebLogic Integration Administration Console

To start the WebLogic Integration Administration Console, do the following:

  1. Start the web browser.

  2. In the Address field, enter the following:

    http://host_admin:port number/wliconsole

    Where host_admin is the IP address or host name of the Administration Server.

The Console window appears.

Setting Up a JMS Event Generator

To set up an event generator, do the following:

  1. Click Event Generators.

    The View All File Event Generators window appears.

  2. On the left panel under JMS, click Create New.

    The Create a New JMS Event Generator information appears in the right panel.

  3. Enter the following values on the Create a New JMS Event Generator window:

    1. Generator Name: InternalOutBoundGenerator

    2. Destination Type: javax.jms.Queue

    3. Destination JNDI Name: mss.internal.event.queue

    4. JMS Connection Factory JNDI Name: weblogic.jws.jms.QueueConnectionFactory

    5. Message Selector: Leave this field blank

    6. Default Rule Channel: /MSS/internalOutboundEventChannel (xml)

  4. Click Submit.

    The JMS Event Generator Definition summary appears.

Setting Parameters for Purging Data

To set up purge parameters:

  1. Start the WebLogic Integration Administration Console.

    For more information, see "Logging on to the WebLogic Integration Administration Console".

    The Console window appears.

  2. Click System Configuration.

    The Current Tracking and Reporting Data Settings window appears.

  3. Click Configure in the Purge Schedule section that appears in the right pane.

    The Tracking Data Purge and Reporting Data Policy Settings information appears in the right pane.

  4. Set the purging policy by completing the following fields on the window:

    1. Enter a start time and date, for the first (or next) purge.

    2. Enter a unit of time (days, for example) and a number to indicate the length of time between purges.

    3. Enter the unit of time and a number to indicate how long a purge can be delayed.

  5. Click Submit.

    The change is processed and the right pane returns to Current Tracking and Reporting Data Settings.

  6. In the Default Reporting Data Policy and Tracking Level for Processes section, click Configure.

    The Default Tracking Level and Reporting Data Policy for Processes window appears.

  7. In the right pane, select Minimum in the Default Tracking Level field and click Submit.

    The changes are processed and the Current Tracking and Reporting Data Settings reappear showing the changes.

Verifying the Deployment and Configuration

To verify deployment:

  1. From a client workstation, close all open applications and start Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  2. Enter the following information into the Address field:

    http://host_admin:port number/main

    The Zero Admin Client (ZAC) Start page appears.

Surrounding text describes ins_zac_startpage.gif.

The ZAC Start page allows a workstation user to automatically download the client files from the application server and install them on a workstation. If the page appears, the deployment was successful.

To verify the configuration:

  1. Start the WebLogic Server Administration Console by typing the following information into the Address field of Internet Explorer and pressing ENTER:

    http://<host_admin:port number>/console
  2. Type your user name and password, then click Sign in.

  3. Compare the values shown in Table 5-1 to your installation screen to make sure you have configured WebLogic correctly for your installation.

Table 5-1 Data Sources and Connection Pools

Data Sources Connection Pools WLI only





cgDataSource, weblogic.jdbc.jts.commercePool, contentDataSource, contentVersioningDataSource, portalFrameworkPool





















p13n.trackingDataSOurce, p13n.sequencerDataSource, cm.sequencerDataSource, p13n.leasemanager, p13n.dataSyncDataSource, p13n.entitlementsDataSource, p13n.quiesenceDataSource, p13n.credentialsDataSource


JMS Connection Factories and Distributed Destinations

To view the JMS connection factories and distributed destinations:

  1. Select DOMAIN_NAME>Services>Messaging>JMS Modules>conversational-jms.

    Figure 5-3 shows the list of connection factories and distributed destinations.

Figure 5-3 Summary of Resources Web Page

Description of Figure 5-3 follows
Description of "Figure 5-3 Summary of Resources Web Page"

Connection Factories:

  • cgQueue

  • com.bea.wli.b2b.server.TopicConnectionFactory

  • MSS.QueueConnectionFactory

  • wli.internal.egrdbms.XAQueueConnectionFactory

Distributed Destinations:


The following queues in the list of Distributed Destinations have a separate queue configured for each clustered server for load balancing.
  • API.queue.AsyncDispatcher

  • API.queue.AsyncDispatcher_error

  • mss.external.event.queue

  • mss.internal.event.queue

JMS Servers

To view JMS Servers:

  1. Select DOMAIN_NAME>Services>JMS>Servers

The installer creates queues under each JMS server.

Figure 5-4 shows JMS servers for the installation example.

Figure 5-4 JMS Servers Web Page

Description of Figure 5-4 follows
Description of "Figure 5-4 JMS Servers Web Page"

Configuration Parameters for the XML API Option

This section contains configuration tasks that you must complete after installation is complete.

Gateway Events

In addition to the configuration required to make the XML APIs functional at installation, you must configure MSS to receive data and return data.

The Integration server continuously checks the MSS database for events that are ready to be sent to an external application. The Integration server also monitors the external application for updates to the status of a gateway event. When an external application sends a status update, the Integration server records the new status in the MSS database.

The following sections describe how create a gateway event for communication between MSS and an external application.

Creating a Gateway Event

To create a gateway event:

  1. Create a new gateway event.

    For example: xxx_xml_order_event.

    This is done in the Gateway window in MSS. MSS creates a gateway event and assigns an event ID.

  2. Query for the event ID associated with the gateway event, using the following SQL:

    gateway_event_id, gateway_event_nm 
    asap.gateway_event ge 
    gateway_event_nm like = <XMLAPIGatewayName> 

    In this case, XMLAPIGatewayName is the name associated with the event.

  3. Configure the event by make the following entries in the integration.xml file located at MSLV_Home/appserver:

    <handler enabled="true">

    YourGatewayEventID is the gateway eventID generated in step 2.

  4. Restart the MSS application server.

Outbound Events

All outbound events are published to a JMS queue, mss.external.event.queue, using the JMS Factory MSS.QueueConnectionFactory. The following list indicates how outbound events can be subscribed to:

  • Clients (both, third-party systems not on WebLogic 10.3.1 and Oracle clients) can subscribe to the JMS queue externally and receive all events.

  • Products using WebLogic Workshop can subscribe to the queue through a channel and use event-name-based filtering to trigger appropriate workflows.

    The sample files provided with the XML APIs contain an outbound event that demonstrates how to accomplish this task. The outbound event is contained in the GetCustomerHttpSample.java workflow. See XML API Developer's Reference for more information about the sample files.

Locating Help Information on Gateway Events

  1. Open the Gateway Events window in MSS.

  2. Click Application Setup>Work Management Setup on the navigation bar, then click Gateway Events from the Work Management window..

  3. Press F1 for Help.

    The Help window that appears is for the Gateway Events window. You will find a number of links on this window that explain gateway events and how to create them.

Multiple Single Server Instances on the Same Machine

Complete the following steps for each single server being set up on a machine.


Create each single server under a different logon user ID.

To set up one single server instance on a machine:

  1. Create an MSLV_Home directory for the single server.

  2. Install Oracle WebLogic under the MSLV_Home directory.

  3. Follow the steps in "Creating a Single Server WebLogic Domain (XML API and Non-XML API Options)" for the WebLogic configuration of single servers.


    You only need to perform the Load Database action one time per database, regardless of the number of servers on the machine.
  4. After configuration, start the WebLogic Server Administration Console and change cgJMSStore Prefix Name.

    This value should be unique for each server. You can find this field at the following location in the console:

    DOMAIN_NAME>Services>Persistent Stores>cgJMSStore>Configuration tab

  5. Restart the server.

Multiple WebLogic Integration Domains Pointing to the Same Database

Multiple WebLogic Integration domains cannot use the same database schema. WebLogic Integration system tables represent part of a single domain's internal state. This assumption is embedded in the WebLogic Integration operations and management algorithms. Because there is no way to distinguish the two sets of data, results are unpredictable.

There is a work around solution. You must modify the mssint.sql file for each standalone server domain or clustered server domain.

On the Database Server:

  1. Locate the mssint.sql file in the directory where you downloaded the database installation files and complete the following actions:

    1. Change all occurrences of the tablespace INTDATA (both upper and lower case occurrences) to indicate the target standalone server domain or clustered server domain.

      For example, MSLV01DATA or CLUSTER01DATA.

    2. Change the data file location.

      A DBA should decide where the data file will reside, based on disk space. The minimal requirement is 1.5 GB.

    3. Change all occurrences of the user name APP_INT to be specific for the standalone server domain or clustered server domain.

      For example, MSLV_INT or CLST_INT


      MetaSolv Solution only supports user IDs of 8 characters or less.
  2. Log on to the database server as ASAP and run the mssint.sql file.

  3. Repeat this procedure for each WebLogic Integration domain that will point to the database.

On each standalone server or clustered serve:

Run the Oracle WebLogic configuration wizard on each standalone server or clustered server. See one of the following procedures on configuring a domain:

In the Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard, make sure that the new value for APP_INT created in the previous procedure is entered on all tabs on the Configure JDBC Connection Pools window.

Figure 5-5 shows where to enter the value in the Configure JDBC Data Sources window of the Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

Figure 5-5 Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard

Description of Figure 5-5 follows
Description of "Figure 5-5 Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard"

Copying a Production Database to a WLI Development or Test Environment

To copy the production database to a WebLogic Integration development or test environment:

  1. Copy the production database to the new database server host machine.

  2. Drop the APP_INT user in the new database, including all contents associated with the user.

  3. Download the database installation files from the Oracle software delivery Web site and locate the mssint.sql file in the directory where you downloaded.

  4. Edit mssint.sql and change all occurrences of the user name APP_INT to be specific for the new development or test domain.

    For example, MSLV_INT or CLST_INT.


    MSS only supports user IDs of 8 characters or less.
  5. Log on to the database server as ASAP and run the mssint.sql file.

  6. Recreate the necessary WebLogic Integration tables by completing the following actions:

    1. In the BEA_Home directory (for example, /opt2/bea), navigate to the bea directory using the cd command.

      For example: cd /opt/bea/wli_10.3/dbscripts/oracle

    2. Enter sqlplus app_int/mss6@yourSIDname.

      If you have multiple standalone server or clustered server domains that must point to the development/test database, repeat this procedure for each user that you identify. The mssint.sql file must be modified for each user name. See "Multiple WebLogic Integration Domains Pointing to the Same Database" for more information.

    3. Run the following SQL files:

      • wli_runtime.sql

      • wli_archive.sql

    4. Enter commit.

    5. Enter quit.

    6. Restart the application server(s).

Web Service Character Set

If you are using Web Services with extended character codes, the Web service character set must be specified in the startup properties. Use the following directives.

  • Add a directive in the WebLogic Server domain environment configuration file to force the proper encoding for Web services. For example:

    setDomainEnv.cmd (Windows)

    @REM Added to force webservices to use utf-8 encoding
    set EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES=%EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES% -Dweblogic.webservice.i18n.charset=utf-8

    setDomainEnv.sh (UNIX/Linux)

    # To force webservices to use UTF-8 encoding
    EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES=${EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES} -Dweblogic.webservice.i18n.charset=utf-8
  • Add a directive in the WebLogic Server domain startup file to force the proper encoding for Web services. For example:

    startWebLogic.cmd (Windows)

    @REM Added to force webservices to use utf-8 encoding
    set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=%SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS% -Iweblogic.webservice.i18n.charset=utf-8

    startWebLogic.sh (UNIX/Linux)

    # To force webservices to use UTF-8 encoding
    SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS="${SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dweblogic.webservice.i18n.charset=utf-8"


    Adding this property causes a warning during startup. According to Oracle WebLogic documentation, this warning can safely be ignored.

Setting Memory for WebLogic Workshop

You must increase the memory allotment for the IDE process. The workshop.ini file in the BEA_Home/workshop_10.3 directory contains the memory parameters for the IDE process (-Xmx and -Xms). Set the default memory parameters for your specific requirements.

Changes Made During Installation for XML APIs

The following changes were made to the MSS setup by the installer for the XML API option:

  • clusters.script was copied to MSLV_Home/domain/script.

  • To change message logging from info to error, workshopLogCfg.xml was copied to BEA_Home/wlserver_10.3/common/lib.

  • The Enable Default JMS Connection Factories was turned on.

The following change must be made manually for the XML API option:

  • For process archiving and documentation store cleanup for high availability, MDB targets need to be set to cluster by commenting out the following two lines in cluster.script:

    unassign application ”WLI System EJBs.WLI Admin: from target  &rsquor;%Cluster%';
    assign application ”WLI System EJBs.WLI Admin: to target &rsquor;%AManagedServer%';