Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Analytic Reports >

Service Billing Trend

This report tracks monthly summary charge information over a user-defined reporting period for a selected billing contract in a billing or group hierarchy. The Service Billing Trend report analyzes trends and identifies anomalies.

Table 36 lists and describes the use case functions.

Table 36. Service Billing Trend


Service Billing Trend Report


  • Report List
  • Drill-down: Service Billing Overview
  • Report Drop-down


Chart Type Bar:

  • Y axis: User defined value
  • Y axis: Total Value

Standard Features

  • Printer-friendly view
  • Download CSV or XML

Configuration Points

Report Threshold Value for Batch Mode. Determines the number of result set lines above which a report must process in batch mode instead of as an online download. You can set values for each type of download file:

  • CSV. The maximum number of output lines.
  • XML. A percentage of the CSV threshold value (Default is 20%).

For example, if the CSV report threshold is set to 3,000 result set lines, then an XML threshold value set at 20% must process in batch mode when there are 600 or more result set lines in the CSV file.

Main Path for Configuring Service Billing Trend

The following path describes the Configuring Service Billing Trend use case:

1 The user selects the report from the List of Billing Reports.
  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing determines query parameters, using the report context or the default values, and it displays the report.
  2. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing returns:
    • Bar Chart
    • Summary tabular report

Alternate Paths for Service Billing Trend

Alternate paths can occur in this use case.

Change Report Selection Criteria

The user changes any of the query parameters on the Report tab or his or her hierarchy context position and clicks display to execute the report.

The Result Set Returns More than 20 Chart Bars

The user receives a message that the chart was suppressed because of this condition.

The User Selects the Printer-Friendly Action

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the Printer-Friendly use case.

The User Selects the Download Action (CSV or XML)

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing downloads the report in the selected format.

Exceptions for Service Billing Trend

The following exceptions can occur with this use case.

The User Encounters an Error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the error message use case.

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