Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Enrolling and Managing Users >

Managing Email Notifications

Users can configure personal event-based notification preferences that control the delivery of email messages. Users can receive email notifications for events, such as when a new bill is ready for viewing online or confirmation of a payment.

Notification can be generated by a batch process following an event, called batch notifications, or generated in response to a user action within Oracle Self-Service E-Billing, called instant notifications. For instructions on configuring a Notifier job, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Table 15 lists the features and descriptions of the available email notifications.

Table 15. Managing Email Notifications


Managing Email Notifications

Functional Area


Primary User

Business user or consumer user


User options: My Account, Personal, Notifications

Roles and Permissions

This use case can be performed by users with the following roles and permissions:

  • A user's personal notification settings can only be manually modified by the user who set them.
  • The Oracle Self-Service E-Billing administrator can override the user's notification preferences, which can be set at the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing level.
  • The Oracle Self-Service E-Billing administrator can configure any single notification type to be required for all users. This notification can be set at the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing level if the notification is available as a user-configured option.
  • All users receive notifications for accounts for which they have access.
  • Notifications are controlled by individual user preferences. If an administrator selects payment notification, then the administrator receives notifications for all accounts to which the administrator has access. If a notification preference is deactivated, then no notifications are made to the user. These notifications include notifications that are generated from the user's own actions.

Notification Types

Email notification types are as follows:

  • Bill Ready. Informs a user that his or her bills are ready for viewing online.
  • Bill Ready with PDF Attachment. Informs a user that his or her bills are ready for viewing in the attached PDF file.
  • Bill Ready with DAISY Attachment. Informs a user that his or her bills are ready for listening in the attached audio file.
  • Enrollment (B2B User). Informs a B2B user that he or she has been enrolled by a company administrator and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (B2C User). Confirms that the consumer user has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (CSR User). Confirms that the CSR user has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (CSR Administrator User). Confirms that the CSR administrator has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.

Notification Types, continued

  • Enrollment (ORG Administrator User). Confirms that the ORG administrator has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (Migrated B2B User). Confirms that the migrated B2B user has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (Migrated B2C User). Confirms that the migrated B2C user has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Enrollment (Migrated CSR User). Confirms that the migrated CSR user has successfully enrolled and that he or she must log in to complete the enrollment process.
  • Job Alert Success. Confirms that a batch job was successful.
  • Job Alert Failure. Notifies the administrator that a batch job failed.
  • Recurring Payment Confirmation. Confirms that the user has been successfully enrolled in the automated bill payment program.
  • Recurring Payment Configuration Update. Confirms that the user's recurring payment configuration has been updated.
  • Recurring Payment Delete. Confirms that the user's recurring payment configuration has been deleted.
  • Quick Payment. Confirms that the user submitted a one-time payment.
  • Quick Payment Failure. Notifies the user that a one-time payment failed.
  • Payment Due. Reminds the user that a payment is due in a configurable number of days in advance of the due date.

Notification Table

  • Payment Scheduled. Informs a user that a scheduled payment is due.
  • Payment Success. Confirms that a payment has been completed successfully.
  • Payment Failure. Notifies a user that a payment transaction failed to process successfully.
  • Payment Threshold. Notifies a user that the amount due exceeds the threshold he or she set for automated payment.
  • Credit Card Expiration. Notifies a user that his or her credit card for payment is about to expire.
  • Payment Account Create. Confirms that a payment account was successfully created.
  • Payment Account Update. Confirms that a payment account was successfully updated.
  • Payment Account Delete. Confirms that a payment account was successfully deleted.
  • Batch Report Ready. Notifies the user that a report is ready for viewing.
  • Login Password Changed. Confirms that a password as been changed successfully.
  • End User Account Reactivated. Notifies an end-user that his or her suspended account has been reactivated.
  • CSR User Account Reactivated. Notifies a CSR user that his or her suspended account has been reactivated.
  • Migrated End-User Account Reactivated. Notifies a migrated end-user that his or her account has been reactivated.
  • Migrated CSR User Account Reactivated. Notifies a migrated CSR user that his or her account has been reactivated.
  • Password Expired. Notifies a user that his or her password has expired.

Standard Features

  • Form validation.
  • Batch processing of notifications.
  • Instant processing of notifications (not in scope).

    NOTE:  For notifications that might typically require instant notification, such as User Enrollment, handle as a batch notification, when possible.

  • API for instant notifications excludes consolidation of messages.


  • The message content for a notification is configurable.
  • The service provider can configure any notification to be required for all users, for example, bill notification.

Notification Consolidation

  • If a notification is generated by a user's action, then there is one email for each user action.
  • When a payment is made for multiple accounts, a single notification must have all account information for the scheduled payment. Notification is sent for each event, not for each account.
  • Multiple batch notifications are consolidated by notification type to avoid multiple emails for a user. Consolidation occurs on an account basis so that all account activity by multiple users is consolidated into a single notification.

Personal Notification Preferences

Send an email if:

  • My bill is ready for viewing.
  • My payment is due in X days.
  • My payment was submitted.
  • My recurring payment is set up or modified.
  • My recurring payment is less than the total amount due (threshold exceeded).
  • My payment was made successfully.
  • My payment failed.
  • My credit card is about to expire.

Main Path for Managing Email Notifications

For details about managing email notifications, see Implementation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.