Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Versioning Hierarchies >

Comparing Versioned Hierarchies

A user can use this use case to compare hierarchies. Table 84 lists and describes the use case functions.

Table 84. Compare Versioned Hierarchy


Comparing Versioned Hierarchies


Business administrator user and manager user


Compare tab

Business Rules

Compares to versions of the same hierarchy type and hierarchy name only.

Main Path for Comparing Versioned Hierarchies

The following path describes the Comparing Versioned Hierarchies use case:

1 The user selects the Compare tab.
  1. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing returns a page displaying:

    Display with Hierarchy Type, Hierarchy Name and Period.

  2. The user specifies a Hierarchy Name and an alternate for period 1 or for Period 2 from the current period from the Period drop down box.
  3. Oracle Self-Service E-Billing determines query parameters, based upon the specified hierarchy search criteria, and redisplays page as follows:
    • Top Pane: Hierarchy Search Criteria form with context updated by specified search criteria.
    • Bottom Left Pane: Tree view of current hierarchy tree opened to Period 1 context.
    • Bottom Right Pane: Graphical view of current hierarchy tree opened to Period 2 context.

Alternate Paths for Comparing Versioned Hierarchies


Exceptions for Comparing Versioned Hierarchies

Exceptions can occur in this use case.

The User Encounters a Validation Error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the validation error message use case.

The User Encounters a Server System Error

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing invokes the error message use case.

Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.