Oracle® VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Reference Manual

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Updated: March 2015

ldm (1M)


ldm - command-line interface for the Logical Domains Manager


ldm or ldm --help [subcommand]
ldm -V 
ldm add-domain -i file
ldm add-domain [cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1] [mac-addr=num]
  [hostid=num] [failure-policy=ignore|panic|reset|stop] [extended-mapin-space=off]
  [master=master-ldom1,...,master-ldom4] [max-cores=[num|unlimited]]
  [uuid=uuid] [threading=max-ipc] [shutdown-group=num] [rc-add-policy=[iov]] 
  [perf-counters=counter-set] domain-name
ldm add-domain domain-name...
ldm set-domain -i file
ldm set-domain [cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1] [mac-addr=num] 
  [hostid=num] [failure-policy=ignore|panic|reset|stop] [extended-mapin-space=[on|off]]
  [master=[master-ldom1,...,master-ldom4]] [max-cores=[num|unlimited]]
  [threading=[max-ipc|max-throughput]] [shutdown-group=num] [rc-add-policy=[iov]]
  [perf-counters=[counter-set]] domain-name
ldm remove-domain -a
ldm remove-domain domain-name...
ldm list-domain [-e] [-l] [-o format] [-p] [-S] [domain-name...] 
ldm migrate-domain [-f] [-n] [-p filename] source-ldom [user@]target-host[:target-ldom] 
ldm migrate-domain [-f] [-n] -c source-ldom target-host[:target-ldom] 
ldm add-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm add-vcpu -c core-count domain-name
ldm set-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm set-vcpu -c core-count domain-name
ldm remove-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm remove-vcpu -c core-count domain-name
ldm add-core num domain-name
ldm add-core cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name
ldm set-core num domain-name
ldm set-core cid=[core-ID[,core-ID[,...]]] domain-name
ldm remove-core [-f] num domain-name
ldm remove-core cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name
ldm remove-core -g resource-group [-n number-of-cores] domain-name
ldm add-crypto number domain-name
ldm set-crypto [-f] number domain-name
ldm remove-crypto [-f] number domain-name 
ldm add-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name 
ldm add-memory mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name 
ldm set-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name 
ldm set-memory mblock=[PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]]] domain-name 
ldm remove-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name 
ldm remove-memory mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name 
ldm remove-memory -g resource-group [-s size[unit]] domain-name
ldm start-reconf domain-name
ldm cancel-reconf domain-name
ldm cancel-operation (migration | reconf | memdr) domain-name 
ldm add-io (device | vf-name) domain-name 
ldm add-io [iov=on|off] bus domain-name 
ldm set-io name=value [name=value...] pf-name
ldm set-io iov=on|off bus
ldm set-io [mac-addr=num] [alt-mac-addrs=[auto|num1,[auto|num2,...]]]
  [pvid=[pvid]] [vid=[vid1,vid2,...]] [mtu=size]
  [name=value...] net-vf-name
ldm set-io name=[value...] ib-pf-name
ldm set-io [bw-percent=[value]] [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] fc-vf-name
ldm remove-io [-n] (bus | device | vf-name) domain-name 
ldm list-io [-l] [-p] [bus | device | pf-name]
ldm list-io -d pf-name
ldm add-vsw [-q] [default-vlan-id=VLAN-ID] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...]
  [linkprop=phys-state] [mac-addr=num] [net-dev=device] [mode=sc] [mtu=size]
  [id=switch-ID] [inter-vnet-link=on|off] vswitch-name domain-name 
ldm set-vsw [-q] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...] [mac-addr=num]
  [net-dev=device] [linkprop=[phys-state]] [mode=[sc]] [mtu=size]
  [inter-vnet-link=[on|off]] vswitch-name 
ldm remove-vsw [-f] vswitch-name
ldm add-vnet [mac-addr=num] [mode=hybrid] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] 
  [allowed-ips=ipaddr[,ipaddr]...] [priority=high|medium|low] [cos=0-7]
  [alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1[,auto|num2,...]] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...]
  [linkprop=phys-state] [id=network-ID] [mtu=size]
  [maxbw=value] if-name vswitch-name domain-name 
ldm set-vnet [mac-addr=num] [vswitch=vswitch-name] [mode=[hybrid]]
  [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [pvlan=[secondary-vid,pvlan-type]]
  [allowed-ips=[ipaddr[,ipaddr]...]] [priority=high|medium|low] [cos=0-7]
  [alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1[,auto|num2,...]] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...]
  [linkprop=[phys-state]] [mtu=size]
  [maxbw=[value]] if-name domain-name
ldm remove-vnet [-f] if-name domain-name 
ldm add-vds service-name domain-name 
ldm remove-vds [-f] service-name 
ldm add-vdsdev [-f] [-q] [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup] backend
ldm set-vdsdev [-f] options=[{ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup]
ldm remove-vdsdev [-f] volume-name@service-name 
ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [id=disk-ID] disk-name volume-name@service-name domain-name 
ldm set-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [volume=volume-name@service-name] disk-name domain-name 
ldm remove-vdisk [-f] disk-name domain-name 
ldm add-vdpcs vdpcs-service-name domain-name 
ldm remove-vdpcs [-f] vdpcs-service-name 
ldm add-vdpcc vdpcc-name vdpcs-service-name domain-name 
ldm remove-vdpcc [-f] vdpcc-name domain-name 
ldm add-vcc port-range=x-y vcc-name domain-name 
ldm set-vcc port-range=x-y vcc-name 
ldm remove-vcc [-f] vcc-name 
ldm set-vcons [port=[port-num]] [group=group] [service=vcc-server] 
  [log=[on|off]] domain-name
ldm create-vf -n number | max pf-name
ldm create-vf [mac-addr=num] [alt-mac-addrs=[auto|num1,[auto|num2,...]]]
  [pvid=pvid] [vid=vid1,vid2,...] [mtu=size] 
  [name=value...] net-pf-name
ldm create-vf [name=value...] ib-pf-name
ldm create-vf [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] [bw-percent=[value]] fc-pf-name
ldm destroy-vf vf-name 
ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name
ldm add-variable var-name=[value]... domain-name
ldm set-variable var-name=[value]... domain-name
ldm remove-variable var-name... domain-name 
ldm list-variable [var-name...] domain-name 
ldm start-domain (-a | -i file | domain-name...) 
ldm stop-domain [[-f | -q] | [[-h | -r | -t sec] [-m msg]]] (-a | domain-name...)
ldm panic-domain domain-name 
ldm bind-domain [-f] [-q] (-i file | domain-name) 
ldm unbind-domain domain-name 
ldm list-bindings [-e] [-p] [domain-name...] 
ldm add-spconfig config-name
ldm add-spconfig -r autosave-name [new-config-name]
ldm set-spconfig config-name 
ldm set-spconfig factory-default 
ldm remove-spconfig [-r] config-name 
ldm list-spconfig [-r [autosave-name]]
ldm list-constraints ([-x] | [-e] [-p]) [domain-name...] 
ldm list-devices [-a] [-p] [-S] [cmi] [core] [cpu] [crypto] [io] [memory]
ldm list-hvdump
ldm list-permits
ldm list-services [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]
ldm set-hvdump [hvdump=on|off] [hvdump-reboot=on|off]
ldm start-hvdump
ldm add-policy [enable=yes|no] [priority=value] [attack=value] [decay=value]
  [elastic-margin=value] [sample-rate=value] [tod-begin=hh:mm[:ss]]
  [tod-end=hh:mm[:ss]] [util-lower=percent] [util-upper=percent] [vcpu-min=value]
  [vcpu-max=value] name=policy-name domain-name...
ldm set-policy [enable=[yes|no]] [priority=[value]] [attack=[value]] [decay=[value]]
  [elastic-margin=[value]] [sample-rate=[value]] [tod-begin=[hh:mm:ss]]
  [tod-end=[hh:mm:ss]] [util-lower=[percent]] [util-upper=[percent]] [vcpu-min=[value]]
  [vcpu-max=[value]] name=policy-name domain-name...
ldm remove-policy [name=]policy-name... domain-name
ldm init-system [-frs] -i file
ldm list-netdev [-b] [-l] [-o net-device] [-p] [domain-name...]
ldm list-netstat [-o net-device] [-p] [-t interval [-c count]] [-u unit] [domain-name]
ldm list-dependencies [-l] [-p] [-r] [domain-name]
ldm list-rsrc-group [-a] [-d domain-name] [-l] [-o core|memory|io] [-p] [resource-group]
ldm add-cmi num domain-name
ldm add-cmi cmi_id=id[,id[,...]] domain-name
ldm set-cmi [-f] num domain-name
ldm set-cmi [-f] cmi_id=[id[,id[,...]]] domain-name
ldm remove-cmi num domain-name
ldm remove-cmi cmi_id=id[,id[,...]] domain-name
ldm grow-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm evict-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm evict-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm list-cmi [-l] [-p] [cmi_id=id[,id[,...]]] [domain-name...]
ldm grow-socket vcpus=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-socket cores=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-socket memory=size[unit] socket_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-socket vcpus=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-socket cores=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-socket memory=size[unit] socket_id=id domain-name
ldm list-socket [-l] [-p] [socket_id=id[,id[,...]]] [domain-name...]


The ldm command interacts with the Logical Domains Manager and is used to create and manage logical domains. The Logical Domains Manager runs on the control domain, which is the initial domain created by the service processor. For those platforms that have physical domains, the Logical Domains Manager runs only in the control domain of each physical domain. The control domain is named primary.

A logical domain is a discrete logical grouping with its own operating system, resources, and identity within a single computer system. Each logical domain can be created, destroyed, reconfigured, and rebooted independently, without requiring a power cycle of the server. You can use logical domains to run a variety of applications in different domains and keep them independent for security purposes.

All logical domains are the same and can be distinguished from one another based on the roles that you specify for them. The following are the roles that logical domains can perform:

Control domain

Creates and manages other logical domains and services by communicating with the hypervisor.

Service domain

Provides services to other logical domains, such as a virtual network switch or a virtual disk service.

I/O domain

Has direct access to a physical I/O device, such as a network card in a PCI EXPRESS (PCIe) controller or a single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) virtual function. An I/O domain can own a PCIe root complex, or it can own a PCIe slot or on-board PCIe device by using the direct I/O feature and an SR-IOV virtual function by using the SR-IOV feature.

An I/O domain can share physical I/O devices with other domains in the form of virtual devices when the I/O domain is also used as a service domain.

Root domain

Has a PCIe root complex assigned to it. This domain owns the PCIe fabric and all connected devices, and provides all fabric-related services, such as fabric error handling. A root domain owns all of the SR-IOV physical functions from which you can create virtual functions and assign them to I/O domains. A root domain is also an I/O domain, as it owns and has direct access to physical I/O devices.

The number of root domains that you can have depends on your platform architecture. For example, if you are using a Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 server from Oracle, you can have up to four root domains.

The default root domain is the primary domain. Starting with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1 release, you can use non-primary domains to act as root domains.

Guest domain

Uses services from the I/O and service domains and is managed by the control domain.

You can use the Logical Domains Manager to establish dependency relationships between domains.

Master domain

A domain that has one or more domains that depend on it. A slave domain enacts a failure policy when the master domain fails. For instance, a slave can be left as-is, panicked, rebooted, or stopped when the master domain fails.

Slave domain

A domain that depends on another domain. A domain can specify up to four master domains. When one or more of the master domains fail, the failure policy dictates the slave domain's behavior.

Subcommand Summaries

Following are the supported subcommands along with a description and required authorization for each. For information about setting up authorization for user accounts, see Using Rights Profiles and Roles in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

Adds a resource to an existing logical domain. See RESOURCES for resource definitions.
Creates a logical domain.
Adds a resource management policy to an existing logical domain.
Adds a logical domain configuration to the service processor (SP).
Adds one or more variables to a logical domain.
Binds resources to a created logical domain.
Cancels an operation, such as a delayed reconfiguration (reconf), memory dynamic reconfiguration removal (memdr), or domain migration (migration).
Cancels a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
Creates one or more virtual functions.
Destroys one or more virtual functions.
Removes virtual CPUs or virtual CPU cores that are associated with a specific CMI device from the logical domain that owns the device.
Adds virtual CPUs or virtual CPU cores that are associated with a specific CMI device to the logical domain that owns the device.
Adds virtual CPUs, virtual CPU cores, or virtual memory that is associated with a specific CPU socket to an existing logical domain.
Configures one or more guest domains, the control domain, or both, by using an existing configuration.
Lists server bindings for logical domains.
Lists devices for logical domains.
Lists resource constraints for logical domains.
Lists dependencies.
Lists devices for logical domains.
Lists logical domains and their states.
Lists hypervisor data collection property values.
Lists I/O devices for logical domains.
Lists network devices for logical domains.
Lists network device statistics for logical domains.
Lists CPU core activation information.
Lists resource group information.
Lists services for logical domains.
Lists CPU socket information.
Lists configurations for logical domains.
Lists variables for logical domains.
Migrates a logical domain from one machine to another.
Panics the Oracle Solaris OS on a specified logical domain.
Removes a resource from an existing logical domain. See RESOURCES for resource definitions.
Deletes a logical domain.
Removes a resource management policy from an existing logical domain.
Removes a logical domain configuration from the service processor.
Removes one or more variables from an existing logical domain.
Specifies a resource for an existing logical domain. This can be either a property change or a quantity change. This represents a quantity change when applied to the resources cmi, core, vcpu, memory, or crypto. For a quantity change, the subcommand becomes a dynamic or a delayed reconfiguration operation, where the quantity of the specified resource is assigned to the specified logical domain. If there are more resources assigned to the logical domain than are specified in this subcommand, some are removed. If there are fewer resources assigned to the logical domain than are specified in this subcommand, some are added. See RESOURCES for resource definitions.
Sets properties on a logical domain.
Sets property values for the hypervisor data collection process.
Modifies a physical function or a virtual function.
Sets properties for a resource management policy to an existing logical domain.
Specifies a logical domain configuration to use.
Sets one or more variables for an existing logical domain.
Removes virtual CPUs or virtual CPU cores that are associated with a specific CMI device from the logical domain that owns the device.
Removes virtual CPUs, virtual CPU cores, or virtual memory that is associated with a specific CPU socket from an existing logical domain.
Starts one or more logical domains.
Manually starts the hypervisor data collection process.
Enters delayed reconfiguration mode on a root domain.
Stops one or more running domains.
Unbinds or releases resources from a logical domain.

Note - Not all subcommands are supported on all resource types.


This section includes tables that show the short form and long form of the ldm subcommand actions (verbs), resource names (nouns), and full subcommands.

The following table shows the short form and long form of subcommand actions.

Short Form
Long Form

The following table shows the short form and long form of resource names.

Short Form
Long Form

The following table shows the short form and long form of subcommands.

Short Form
Long Form

Note - In the syntax and examples in the remainder of this man page, the short forms of the action and resource aliases are used.

Subcommand Usage

This section contains descriptions of every supported command-line interface (CLI) operation, that is, every subcommand and resource combination.

Add, Set, Remove, and Migrate Domains

Add Domains

The add-domain subcommand adds one or more logical domains by specifying one or more logical domain names or by using an XML configuration file. You can also specify property values to customize the domain, such as the MAC address, the host ID, a list of master domains, and a failure policy. If you do not specify these property values, the Logical Domains Manager automatically assigns default values.

The syntax for the add-domain subcommand is:

ldm add-domain -i file
ldm add-domain [cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1] [mac-addr=num] 
  [hostid=num] [failure-policy=ignore|panic|reset|stop] [extended-mapin-space=off]
  [master=master-ldom1,...,master-ldom4] [max-cores=[num|unlimited]]
  [uuid=uuid] [threading=max-ipc] [shutdown-group=num] [rc-add-policy=[iov]]
  [perf-counters=counter-set] domain-name
ldm add-domain domain-name...


  • –i file specifies the XML configuration file to use in creating the logical domain.

  • cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1 specifies one of the following values:

    • generic configures a guest domain for a CPU-type-independent migration.

    • native configures a guest domain to migrate only between platforms that have the same CPU type. native is the default value.

    • migration-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 platforms that supports hardware cryptography across these migrations so that there is a lower bound to the supported CPUs.

      This value is not compatible with UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, or SPARC T3 platforms, or Fujitsu M10 servers.

    • sparc64-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC64 platforms. The sparc64-class1 value is based on SPARC64 instructions, so it has a greater number of instructions than the generic value. Therefore, the sparc64-class1 value does not have a performance impact compared to the generic value.

      This value is not compatible with UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, SPARC T3, SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, or SPARC M6 platforms.

  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address for this domain. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

  • hostid specifies the host ID for a particular domain. If you do not specify a host ID, the Logical Domains Manager assigns a unique host ID to each domain.

  • failure-policy specifies the failure policy, which controls how slave domains behave when the master domain fails. This property is set on a master domain. The default value is ignore. Following are the valid property values:

    • ignore ignores failures of the master domain (slave domains are unaffected).

    • panic panics any slave domains when the master domain fails (similar to running the ldm panic command).

    • reset stops and restarts any slave domains when the master domain fails (similar to running the ldm stop -f command and then the ldm start command).

    • stop immediately stops any slave domains when the master domain fails (similar to running the ldm stop -f command).

  • extended-mapin-space=off disables the extended mapin space for the specified domain. By default, the extended mapin space is enabled.

  • master specifies the name of up to four master domains for a slave domain. This property is set on a slave domain. By default, there are no masters for the domain. The master domain must exist prior to an ldm add-domain operation.

    Note - The Logical Domains Manager does not permit you to create domain relationships that result in a dependency cycle.
  • rc-add-policy specifies whether to enable or disable the direct I/O and SR-IOV I/O virtualization operations on any root complex that might be added to the specified domain. Valid values are iov and no value (rc-add-policy=). When rc-add-policy=iov, the direct I/O and SR-IOV features are enabled for a root complex that is being added. When rc-add-policy=, the iov property value is cleared to disable the I/O virtualization features for the root complex (unless you explicitly set iov=on by using the add-io command). The default value is no value.

  • perf-counters=counter-set specifies the types of access to grant to the performance counter. If no perf-counters value is specified, the value is htstrand. You can specify the following values for the perf-counters property:


    Grants the domain access to the global performance counters that its allocated resources can access. Only one domain at a time can have access to the global performance counters. You can specify this value alone or with either the strand or htstrand value.


    Grants the domain access to the strand performance counters that exist on the CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You cannot specify this value and the htstrand value together.


    Behaves the same as the strand value and enables instrumentation of hyperprivilege mode events on the CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You cannot specify this value and the strand value together.

    To disable all access to any of the performance counters, specify perf-counters=.

  • Setting the threading property specifies the workflow throughput of the domain. However, using this property is deprecated in favor of relying on the Critical Threads API, which is automatically enabled. See Complete Power.

      The following are valid values for the threading property:

    • max-ipc. Only one thread is active for each CPU core that is assigned to the domain, which maximizes the number of instructions per cycle. Selecting this mode requires that the domain is also configured with the whole-core constraint. See the add-vcpu and set-vcpu subcommand descriptions.

    • max-throughput. Activates all threads that are assigned to the domain, which maximizes throughput. This mode is used by default and is also selected if you do not specify any mode (threading=).

  • uuid=uuid specifies the universally unique identifier (UUID) for the domain. uuid is a hexadecimal string, such as 12345678-1234-abcd-1234-123456789abc, which consists of five hexadecimal numbers separated by dashes. Each number must have the specified number of hexadecimal digits: 8, 4, 4, 4, and 12, as follows:

  • max-cores=[num|unlimited] specifies the maximum number of cores that are permitted to be assigned to a domain. If the value is unlimited, there is no constraint on the number of CPU cores that can be allocated.

  • shutdown-group=num specifies the shutdown group number for a domain. This value is used by the SP on a Fujitsu M10 server when an ordered shutdown is performed.

    When the SP initiates an ordered shutdown, domains are shut down in descending order of their shutdown group number. That is, the domain with the highest number is shut down first, and the domain with the lowest number is shut down last. When more than one domain shares a shutdown group number, the domains shut down concurrently. If a master domain and a slave domain share a shutdown group number, the domains shut down concurrently even though a master-slave relationship exists. Therefore, when establishing a dependency relationship between a master domain and a slave domain, assign a different shutdown group number to each domain.

    Valid values are from 1 to 15. The control domain's shutdown group number is zero (0) and cannot be changed. The default value for any other domain is 15.

    For the new shutdown-group property values to take effect, you must use the ldm add-spconfig command to save the configuration to the SP.

    This property pertains only to the Fujitsu M10 platform.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to be added.

Set Options for Domains

The set-domain subcommand enables you to modify only the mac-addr, hostid, failure-policy, extended-mapin-space, master, max-cores, and threading properties of each domain. You cannot use this command to update resource properties.

Note - If the slave domain is bound, all of its specified master domains must also be bound prior to invoking the ldm set-domain command.

The syntax for the set-domain subcommand is:

ldm set-domain -i file
ldm set-domain [cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1] [mac-addr=num] 
  [hostid=num] [failure-policy=ignore|panic|reset|stop] [extended-mapin-space=[on|off]]
  [master=[master-ldom1,...,master-ldom4]] [max-cores=[num|unlimited]] 
  [threading=[max-throughput|max-ipc]] [shutdown-group=num] [rc-add-policy=[iov]]
  [perf-counters=[counter-set]] domain-name


  • –i file specifies the XML configuration file to use in creating the logical domain.

    Only the ldom_info nodes specified in the XML file are parsed. Resource nodes, such as vcpu, mau, and memory, are ignored.

  • cpu-arch=generic|native|migration-class1|sparc64-class1 specifies one of the following values:

    • generic configures a guest domain for a CPU-type-independent migration.

    • native configures a guest domain to migrate only between platforms that have the same CPU type. native is the default value.

    • migration-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 platforms that supports hardware cryptography across these migrations so that there is a lower bound to the supported CPUs.

      This value is not compatible with UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, or SPARC T3 platforms, or Fujitsu M10 servers.

    • sparc64-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC64 platforms. The sparc64-class1 value is based on SPARC64 instructions, so it has a greater number of instructions than the generic value. Therefore, the sparc64-class1 value does not have a performance impact compared to the generic value.

      This value is not compatible with UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, SPARC T3, SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, or SPARC M6 platforms.

  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address for this domain. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

  • hostid specifies the host ID for a particular domain. If you do not specify a host ID, the Logical Domains Manager assigns a unique host ID to each domain.

  • failure-policy specifies the failure policy, which controls how slave domains behave when the master domain fails. This property is set on a master domain. The default value is ignore. Following are the valid property values:

    • ignore ignores failures of the master domain (slave domains are unaffected).

    • panic panics any slave domains when the master domain fails.

    • reset stops and restarts any slave domains when the master domain fails.

    • stop stops any slave domains when the master domain fails.

  • extended-mapin-space enables or disables the extended mapin space for the specified domain. By default, the extended-mapin-space=on, which is equivalent to setting extended-mapin-space=.

  • master specifies the name of up to four master domains for a slave domain. This property is set on a slave domain. By default, there are no masters for the domain. The master domain must already exist prior to this operation.

    Note - The Logical Domains Manager does not permit you to create domain relationships that result in a dependency cycle.
  • rc-add-policy specifies whether to enable or disable the direct I/O and SR-IOV I/O virtualization operations on any root complex that might be added to the specified domain. Valid values are iov and no value (rc-add-policy=). When rc-add-policy=iov, the direct I/O and SR-IOV features are enabled for a root complex that is being added. When rc-add-policy=, the iov property value is cleared to disable the I/O virtualization features for the root complex (unless you explicitly set iov=on by using the add-io command). The default value is no value.

  • perf-counters=counter-set specifies the types of access to grant to the performance counter. You can specify the following values for the perf-counters property:


    Grants the domain access to the global performance counters that its allocated resources can access. Only one domain at a time can have access to the global performance counters. You can specify this value alone or with either the strand or htstrand value.


    Grants the domain access to the strand performance counters that exist on the CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You cannot specify this value and the htstrand value together.


    Behaves the same as the strand value and enables instrumentation of hyperprivilege mode events on the CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You cannot specify this value and the strand value together.

    To disable all access to any of the performance counters, specify perf-counters=.

  • Setting the threading property specifies the workflow throughput of the domain. However, using this property is deprecated in favor of relying on the Critical Threads API, which is automatically enabled. See Complete Power.

      The following are valid values for the threading property:

    • max-ipc. Only one thread is active for each CPU core that is assigned to the domain, which maximizes the number of instructions per cycle. Selecting this mode requires that the domain is also configured with the whole-core constraint. See the add-vcpu and set-vcpu subcommand descriptions.

    • max-throughput. Activates all threads that are assigned to the domain, which maximizes throughput. This mode is used by default and is also selected if you do not specify any mode (threading=).

  • max-cores=[num|unlimited] specifies the maximum number of cores that are permitted to be assigned to a domain. If the value is unlimited, there is no constraint on the number of CPU cores that can be allocated.

  • shutdown-group=num specifies the shutdown group number for a domain. This value is used by the SP on a Fujitsu M10 server when an ordered shutdown is performed.

    When the SP initiates an ordered shutdown, domains are shut down in descending order of their shutdown group number. That is, the domain with the highest number is shut down first, and the domain with the lowest number is shut down last. When more than one domain shares a shutdown group number, the domains shut down concurrently. If a master domain and a slave domain share a shutdown group number, the domains shut down concurrently even though a master-slave relationship exists. Therefore, when establishing a dependency relationship between a master domain and a slave domain, assign a different shutdown group number to each domain.

    Valid values are from 1 to 15. The control domain's shutdown group number is zero (0) and cannot be changed. The default value for any other domain is 15.

    For the new shutdown-group property values to take effect, you must use the ldm add-spconfig command to save the configuration to the SP.

    This property pertains only to the Fujitsu M10 platform.

  • domain-name specifies the name of the logical domain for which you want to set options.

Remove Domains

The remove-domain subcommand removes one or more logical domains.

ldm remove-domain -a
ldm remove-domain domain-name...


  • –a deletes all logical domains except the control domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to be deleted.

    In the event that the domain to be destroyed is specified as a master domain, references to this domain are removed from all slave domains.

Migrate Logical Domains

The migrate-domain subcommand migrates a domain from one location to another.

ldm migrate-domain [-f] [-n] [-p filename] source-ldom [user@]target-host[:target-ldom]
ldm migrate-domain [-f] [-n] -c source-ldom target-host[:target-ldom]


  • –f attempts to force the migration of the domain.

  • –n performs a dry run on the migration to determine whether it will succeed. It does not actually migrate the domain.

  • –p filename reads the password needed on the target machine from the first line of filename. This option enables you to perform non-interactive migrations that do not require you to provide the target machine password at a prompt.

    If you plan to store passwords in this manner, ensure that the file permissions are set so that only the root owner or a privileged user can read or write the file (400 or 600).

    This option cannot be used with the –c option.

  • –c uses SSL trusted certificates to perform a domain migration. This option cannot be used with the –p filename option. You cannot specify a user name if you use the –c option.

    To use this option, you must first ensure that certificates are installed and configured on the source and target machines. When the –c option is specified, the source machine does not prompt for a password. The migration request is rejected if the target certificate cannot be verified.

    When the SSL trusted certificates are accessed successfully, they are cached for the lifetime of the ldmd instance. When changing or removing the certificates, you must restart the ldmd daemon to make the changes take effect.

  • source-ldom is the logical domain that you want to migrate.

  • user is the user name that is authorized to run the Logical Domains Manager on the target host. If no user name is specified, the name of the user running the command is used by default.

  • target-host is the host where you want to place the target-ldom.

  • target-ldom is the logical domain name to be used on the target machine. The default is to keep the domain name used on the source domain (source-ldom).

Reconfiguration Operations

    Logical Domains supports the following types of reconfiguration operations:

  • Dynamic reconfiguration operations. Dynamic reconfiguration is the ability to add, set, or remove resources to or from an active domain. The ability to perform dynamic reconfiguration of a particular resource type is dependent on having support in the particular version of the OS running in the logical domain. If a dynamic reconfiguration cannot be performed on the control domain, initiate a delayed reconfiguration operation. Sometimes, the delayed reconfiguration is automatically initiated.

  • Delayed reconfiguration operations. In contrast to dynamic reconfiguration operations that take place immediately, delayed reconfiguration operations take effect after the next reboot of the OS or stop and start of the logical domain if no OS is running. You manually enter delayed reconfiguration mode on the root domain by running the ldm start-reconf primary command. When you initiate a delayed reconfiguration on a non-primary root domain, you can only perform a limited set of I/O operations (add-io, set-io, remove-io, create-vf, and destroy-vf). Other domains must be stopped prior to modifying resources that cannot be dynamically configured.

See Resource Reconfiguration in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide for more information about dynamic reconfiguration and delayed reconfiguration.

CPU Operations

You can allocate either CPU threads or CPU cores to a domain. To allocate CPU threads, use the add-vcpu, set-vcpu, and remove-vcpu subcommands. To allocate CPU cores, use the add-core, set-core, and remove-core subcommands.

Add CPU Threads

The add-vcpu subcommand adds the specified number of CPU threads or CPU cores to a logical domain. Note that a domain cannot be configured simultaneously with CPU cores and CPU threads. CPU core configurations and CPU thread configurations are mutually exclusive.

The syntax for the add-vcpu subcommand is:

ldm add-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm add-vcpu -c core-count domain-name


  • –c is a deprecated option that performs the following discrete CPU operations:

    • Sets the allocation unit for the domain from threads to cores, if not already set, and adds the specified number of cores to the domain.

    • If the domain is inactive, sets a cap on the number of cores that can be allocated to the domain when it is bound or active. A cap is set on the primary domain only if the domain is in a delayed reconfiguration.

    If any allocation request results in more cores being assigned to a domain than is permitted by the cap, the command fails.

    This option configures hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system. See Configuring the System With Hard Partitions in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

    You can change the allocation unit from cores to threads and remove the cap. Make these changes by issuing an add-vcpu, set-vcpu, or remove-vcpu command without the –c option on an inactive domain or on the primary domain that is in delayed reconfiguration mode.

    Starting with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 release, the CPU cap and the allocation of CPU cores is handled by separate commands. By using these commands you can independently allocate CPU cores, set a cap, or both. The allocation unit can be set to cores even when no cap is in place. However, running the system when no cap is in place is not acceptable for configuring hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system.

    • Allocate the specified number of CPU cores to a domain by using the add-core, set-core, and remove-core subcommands.

    • Set the cap by using the create-domain or set-domain subcommand to specify the max-cores property value.

  • When the –c option is not specified, CPU-count is the number of CPU threads to be added to the logical domain. When the –c option is specified, core-count is the number of CPU cores to be added to the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the CPU threads are to be added.

Set CPU Threads

The set-vcpu subcommand specifies the number of CPU threads or CPU cores to be set in a logical domain. Note that a domain cannot be configured simultaneously with CPU cores and CPU threads. CPU core configurations and CPU thread configurations are mutually exclusive.

The syntax for the set-vcpu subcommand is:

ldm set-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm set-vcpu -c core-count domain-name


  • –c is a deprecated option that performs the following discrete CPU operations:

    • Sets the allocation unit for the domain from threads to cores, if not already set, and sets the allocation to the specified number of cores.

    • If the domain is inactive, sets a cap on the number of cores that can be allocated to the domain when it is bound or active. A cap is set on the primary domain only if the domain is in a delayed reconfiguration.

    If any allocation request results in more cores being assigned to a domain than is permitted by the cap, the command fails.

    This option configures hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system. See Configuring the System With Hard Partitions in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

    You can change the allocation unit from cores to threads and remove the cap. Make these changes by issuing an add-vcpu, set-vcpu, or remove-vcpu command without the –c option on an inactive domain or on the primary domain that is in delayed reconfiguration mode.

    Starting with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 release, the CPU cap and the allocation of CPU cores is handled by separate commands. By using these commands you can independently allocate CPU cores, set a cap, or both. The allocation unit can be set to cores even when no cap is in place. However, running the system when no cap is in place is not acceptable for configuring hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system.

    • Allocate the specified number of CPU cores to a domain by using the add-core, set-core, and remove-core subcommands.

    • Set the cap by using the create-domain or set-domain subcommand to specify the max-cores property value.

  • When the –c option is not specified, CPU-count is the number of CPU threads to be set in a logical domain. When the –c option is specified, core-count is the number of CPU cores to be set in a logical domain.

  • domain-name is the logical domain where the number of CPU threads are to be set.

Remove CPU Threads

The remove-vcpu subcommand removes the specified number of CPU threads or CPU cores from a logical domain. Note that a domain cannot be configured simultaneously with CPU cores and CPU threads. CPU core configurations and CPU thread configurations are mutually exclusive.

The syntax for the remove-vcpu subcommand is:

ldm remove-vcpu CPU-count domain-name
ldm remove-vcpu -c core-count domain-name


  • –c is a deprecated option that performs the following discrete CPU operations:

    • Sets the allocation unit for the domain from threads to cores, if not already set, and removes the specified number of cores from the domain.

    • If the domain is inactive, sets a cap on the number of cores that can be allocated to the domain when it is bound or active. A cap is set on the primary domain only if the domain is in a delayed reconfiguration.

    If any allocation request results in more cores being assigned to a domain than is permitted by the cap, the command fails.

    This option configures hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system. See Configuring the System With Hard Partitions in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

    You can change the allocation unit from cores to threads and remove the cap. Make these changes by issuing an add-vcpu, set-vcpu, or remove-vcpu command without the –c option on an inactive domain or on the primary domain that is in delayed reconfiguration mode.

    Starting with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 release, the CPU cap and the allocation of CPU cores is handled by separate commands. By using these commands you can independently allocate CPU cores, set a cap, or both. The allocation unit can be set to cores even when no cap is in place. However, running the system when no cap is in place is not acceptable for configuring hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC system.

    • Allocate the specified number of CPU cores to a domain by using the add-core, set-core, and remove-core subcommands.

    • Set the cap by using the create-domain or set-domain subcommand to specify the max-cores property value.

  • When the –c option is not specified, CPU-count is the number of CPU threads to be removed from the logical domain. When the –c option is specified, core-count is the number of CPU cores to be removed from the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the CPU threads are to be removed.

Add CPU Cores

The add-core subcommand adds the specified number of CPU cores to a domain. When you specify the number of CPU cores, the cores to be assigned are automatically selected. However, when you specify a core-ID value to the cid property, the specified cores are explicitly assigned.

The cid property should only be used by an administrator who is knowledgeable about the topology of the system to be configured. This advanced configuration feature enforces specific allocation rules and might affect the overall performance of the system.

Note that you cannot use the ldm add-core command to add named core resources to a domain that already uses automatically assigned (anonymous) core resources.

The syntax for the add-core subcommand is:

ldm add-core num domain-name
ldm add-core cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name


  • num specifies the number of CPU cores to assign to a domain.

  • cid=core-ID[,...] specifies one or more physical CPU cores to assign to a domain.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the CPU cores are assigned.

Set CPU Cores

The set-core subcommand specifies the number of CPU cores to assign to a domain. When you specify the number of CPU cores, the cores to be assigned are automatically selected. However, when you specify a core-ID value to the cid property, the specified cores are explicitly assigned.

The syntax for the set-core subcommand is:

ldm set-core num domain-name
ldm set-core cid=[core-ID[,core-ID[,...]]] domain-name


  • num specifies the number of CPU cores to assign to a domain.

  • cid=core-ID[,...] specifies one or more physical CPU cores to assign to a domain. cid= removes all named CPU cores.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the CPU cores are assigned.

Remove CPU Cores

The remove-core subcommand specifies the number of CPU cores to remove from a domain. When you specify the number of CPU cores, the cores to be removed are automatically selected. However, when you specify a core-ID value to the cid property, the specified cores are explicitly removed.

When you specify a resource group by using the –g option, the cores that are selected for removal all come from that resource group.

The syntax for the remove-core subcommand is:

ldm remove-core [-f] num domain-name
ldm remove-core cid=[core-ID[,core-ID[,...]]] domain-name
ldm remove-core -g resource-group [-n number-of-cores] domain-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of one or more cores from an active domain.

  • –g resource-group specifies that the operation is performed on the resources in the specified resource group.

  • –n number-of-cores specifies the number of cores to remove. If this option is not specified, all cores are removed from the specified resource group that belongs to the specified domain. This option can be used only when the –g option is specified.

  • num specifies the number of CPU cores to remove from a domain.

  • cid=core-ID[,...] specifies one or more physical CPU cores to remove from a domain.

  • domain-name specifies the domain from which the CPU cores are removed.

Cryptographic Unit Operations

The cryptographic unit subcommands only pertain to SPARC platforms that have discrete cryptographic units. Newer platforms, starting with the SPARC T4 platform, have integrated cryptographic instructions and do not use discrete cryptographic units.

Add Cryptographic Units

The add-crypto subcommand specifies the number of cryptographic units to be added to a logical domain. Currently, the supported cryptographic units on supported servers are the Modular Arithmetic Unit (MAU) and the Control Word Queue (CWQ).

The syntax for the add-crypto subcommand is:

ldm add-crypto number domain-name


  • number is the number of cryptographic units to be added to the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the cryptographic units are to be added.

Set Cryptographic Units

The set-crypto subcommand specifies the number of cryptographic units to be set in a logical domain. If you want to remove all cryptographic units from an active domain, you must specify the –f option.

    To remove the last cryptographic unit from the primary domain when domains are active, you must do one of the following:

  • Use dynamic reconfiguration and specify the –f option

  • Use delayed reconfiguration

The syntax for the set-crypto subcommand is:

ldm set-crypto [-f] number domain-name


  • –f forces the removal of the last cryptographic unit in the domain if number is 0.

      The –f option is only necessary in the following situations:

    • When the guest domain is active

    • On the primary domain, but only if at least one active guest domain exists on the system

  • number is the number of cryptographic units to be set in the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the number of cryptographic units are to be set.

Remove Cryptographic Units

The remove-crypto subcommand removes the specified number of cryptographic units from a logical domain. If you want to remove all cryptographic units from an active domain, you must specify the –f option.

    To remove the last cryptographic unit from the primary domain when domains are active, you must do one of the following:

  • Use dynamic reconfiguration and specify the –f option

  • Use delayed reconfiguration

The syntax for the remove-crypto subcommand is:

ldm remove-crypto [-f] number domain-name


  • –f forces the removal of the last cryptographic unit in the domain if number is equal to the number of cryptographic units in the domain.

      The –f option is only necessary in the following situations:

    • When the guest domain is active

    • On the primary domain, but only if at least one active guest domain exists on the system

  • number is the number of cryptographic units to be removed from the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the cryptographic units are to be removed.

Memory Operations

Add Memory

The add-memory subcommand adds the specified amount of memory to a domain. When you specify a memory block size, the memory block to be assigned is automatically selected. However, when you specify a PA-start:size value to the mblock property, the specified memory blocks are explicitly assigned.

The mblock property should only be used by an administrator who is knowledgeable about the topology of the system to be configured. This advanced configuration feature enforces specific allocation rules and might affect the overall performance of the system.

The syntax for the add-memory subcommand is:

ldm add-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name
ldm add-memory mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name


  • –-auto-adj specifies that the amount of memory to be added to an active domain is automatically 256Mbyte-aligned, which might increase the requested memory size. If the domain is inactive, bound, or in a delayed reconfiguration, this option automatically aligns the resulting size of the domain by rounding up to the next 256-Mbyte boundary.

  • size is the size of memory in bytes to be set in the logical domain.

    If you want a different unit of measurement, specify unit as one of the following values using either uppercase or lowercase:

    • G for gigabytes

    • K for kilobytes

    • M for megabytes

  • mblock=PA-start:size specifies one or more physical memory blocks to assign to a domain. PA-start specifies the starting physical address of the memory block in hexadecimal format. size is the size of the memory block, including a unit, to be assigned to the domain. Note that you cannot use this property to specify the physical addresses of DIMMs.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the memory is to be added.

Set Memory

The set-memory subcommand sets a specific amount of memory in a domain. Depending on the amount of memory specified, this subcommand is treated as an add-memory or remove-memory operation.

When you specify a memory block size, the memory block to be assigned is automatically selected. However, when you specify a PA-start:size value to the mblock property, the specified memory blocks are explicitly assigned.

The syntax for the set-memory subcommand is:

ldm set-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name
ldm set-memory mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name


  • –-auto-adj specifies that the amount of memory to be added to or removed from an active domain is automatically 256Mbyte-aligned, which might increase the requested memory size. If the domain is inactive, bound, or in a delayed reconfiguration, this option automatically aligns the resulting size of the domain by rounding up to the next 256-Mbyte boundary.

  • size is the size of memory in bytes to be set in the logical domain.

    If you want a different unit of measurement, specify unit as one of the following values using either uppercase or lowercase:

    • G for gigabytes

    • K for kilobytes

    • M for megabytes

  • mblock=PA-start:size specifies one or more physical memory blocks to assign to a domain. PA-start specifies the starting physical address of the memory block in hexadecimal format. size is the size of the memory block, including a unit, to be assigned to the domain. Note that you cannot use this property to specify the physical addresses of DIMMs.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the memory is to be modified.

Remove Memory

The remove-memory subcommand removes the specified amount of memory from a logical domain. When you specify a memory block size, the memory block to be removed is automatically selected. However, when you specify a PA-start:size value to the mblock property, the specified memory blocks are explicitly removed.

When you specify a resource group by using the –g option, the memory that is selected for removal all comes from that resource group.

The syntax for the remove-memory subcommand is:

ldm remove-memory [--auto-adj] size[unit] domain-name
ldm remove-memory mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name
ldm remove-memory -g resource-group [-s size[unit]] domain-name


  • –-auto-adj specifies that the amount of memory to be removed from an active domain is automatically 256Mbyte-aligned, which might increase the requested memory size. If the domain is inactive, bound, or in a delayed reconfiguration, this option automatically aligns the resulting size of the domain by rounding up to the next 256-Mbyte boundary.

  • size is the size of memory in bytes to be set in the logical domain.

    If you want a different unit of measurement, specify unit as one of the following values using either uppercase or lowercase:

    • G for gigabytes

    • K for kilobytes

    • M for megabytes

  • mblock=PA-start:size specifies one or more physical memory blocks to remove from a domain. PA-start specifies the starting physical address of the memory block in hexadecimal format. size is the size of the memory block, including a unit, to be removed from the domain. Note that you cannot use this property to specify the physical addresses of DIMMs.

  • –g resource-group specifies that the operation is performed on the resources in the specified resource group.

  • –s size[unit] specifies the amount of memory to remove. If this option is not specified, the command attempts to remove all memory from the specified resource group that is bound to the specified domain. This option can be used only when the –g option is specified.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the memory is to be removed.

Enter Delayed Reconfiguration Mode

The start-reconf subcommand enables the domain to enter delayed reconfiguration mode. Only root domains support delayed reconfiguration.

Note - When a non-primary root domain is in a delayed reconfiguration, you can perform only the add-io, set-io, remove-io, create-vf, and destroy-vf operations.

The syntax for the start-reconf subcommand is:

ldm start-reconf domain-name

Cancel a Delayed Reconfiguration Operation

The cancel-reconf subcommand cancels a delayed reconfiguration. Only root domains support delayed reconfiguration.

The syntax for the cancel-reconf subcommand is:

ldm cancel-reconf domain-name

Cancel Operations

The cancel-operation subcommand cancels a delayed reconfiguration (reconf), memory dynamic reconfiguration removal (memdr), or domain migration (migration) for a logical domain. Only root domains support the reconf operation.

The syntax for the cancel-operation subcommand is:

ldm cancel-operation migration domain-name
ldm cancel-operation reconf domain-name
ldm cancel-operation memdr domain-name

Input/Output Devices

Add Input/Output Device

The add-io subcommand attempts to dynamically add a PCIe bus, device, or virtual function to the specified logical domain. If the domain does not support dynamic configuration, the command fails, and you must initiate a delayed reconfiguration or stop the domain before you can add the device.

If you add a root complex to the root domain when iov=off, you cannot successfully use the create-vf, destroy-vf, add-io, or remove-io subcommand to assign direct I/O and SR-IOV devices.

The syntax for the add-io subcommand is:

ldm add-io [iov=on|off] bus domain-name
ldm add-io (device | vf-name) domain-name


  • iov=on|off enables or disables I/O virtualization (direct I/O and SR-IOV) operations on the specified PCIe bus (root complex). When enabled, I/O virtualization is supported for devices in that bus. The ldm add-io command rebinds the specified PCIe bus to the root domain. The default value is off.

    Note that this command fails if the PCIe bus that you want to add is already bound to a domain.

  • bus, device, and vf-name are a PCIe bus, a direct I/O-assignable device, and a PCIe SR-IOV virtual function, respectively. Although the operand can be specified as a device path or as a pseudonym, using the device pseudonym is recommended. The pseudonym is based on the ASCII label that is printed on the chassis to identify the corresponding I/O card slot and is platform specific.

      The following are examples of the pseudonyms that are associated with the device names:

    • PCIe bus. The pci_0 pseudonym matches the pci@400 device path.

    • Direct I/O-assignable device. The PCIE1 pseudonym matches the pci@400/pci@0/pci@c device path.

    • PCIe SR-IOV virtual function. The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 pseudonym matches the pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0 device path.

    The specified guest domain must be in the inactive or bound state. If you specify the primary domain, this command initiates a delayed reconfiguration.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the bus or device is to be added.

Set a Property for a Virtual Function

The set-io subcommand modifies the current configuration of a virtual function by changing the property values or by passing new properties. This command can modify both the class-specific properties and the device-specific properties.

    You can change most network class-specific properties without requiring a reboot of the root domain. However, to change the mtu and mac-addresses properties of a virtual function that is bound to a domain, you must first stop the domain or initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

  • All device-specific properties initiate a delayed reconfiguration so that those properties can be updated during the attach operation of the physical function device driver. As a result, the root domain must be rebooted.

  • This command only succeeds when the physical function driver can successfully validate the resulting configuration.

The syntax for the set-io subcommand is:

ldm set-io name=value [name=value...] pf-name
ldm set-io iov=on|off bus
ldm set-io [mac-addr=num] [alt-mac-addrs=[auto|num1,[auto|num2,...]]] 
  [pvid=[pvid]] [vid=[vid1,vid2,...]] [mtu=size] [name=value...] net-vf-name
ldm set-io name=[value...] ib-pf-name
ldm set-io [bw-percent=[value]] [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] fc-vf-name


  • alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1,[auto|num2,...] is a comma-separated list of alternate MAC addresses. Valid values are numeric MAC addresses and the auto keyword, which can be used one or more times to request that the system generate an alternate MAC address. The auto keyword can be mixed with numeric MAC addresses. The numeric MAC address must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

    You cannot change this property value on a virtual network device in a bound domain. You must first stop the domain or initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

    You can assign one or more alternate MAC addresses to create one or more virtual NIC (VNICs) on this device. Each VNIC uses one alternate MAC address, so the number of MAC addresses assigned determines the number of VNICs that can be created on this device. If no alternate MAC addresses are specified, attempts to create VNICs on this device fail. For more information, see the Oracle Solaris 11 networking documentation and Chapter 11, Using Virtual Networks, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • iov=on|off enables or disables I/O virtualization (direct I/O and SR-IOV) operations on the specified PCIe bus (root complex). When enabled, I/O virtualization is supported for devices in that bus. The default value is off.

    To modify the iov property value, the root complex must be bound to the domain and the domain must be in a delayed reconfiguration.

  • bw-percent=[value] specifies the percentage of the bandwidth to be allocated to the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are from 0 to 100. The total bandwidth value assigned to a Fibre Channel physical function's virtual functions cannot exceed 100. The default value is 0 so that the virtual function gets a fair share of the bandwidth that is not already reserved by other virtual functions that share the same physical function.

  • node-wwn=value specifies the node world-wide name for the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated automatically. If you manually specify this value, you must also specify a value for the port-wwn property.

    The IEEE format is a two-byte header followed by an embedded MAC-48 or EUI-48 address that contains the OUI. The first two bytes are either hexadecimal 10:00 or 2x:xx where x is vendor-specified) followed by the three-byte OUI and three-byte vendor-specified serial number.

  • port-wwn=value specifies the port world-wide name for the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated automatically. If you manually specify this value, you must also specify a value for the node-wwn property.

    The IEEE format is a two-byte header followed by an embedded MAC-48 or EUI-48 address that contains the OUI. The first two bytes are either hexadecimal 10:00 or 2x:xx where x is vendor-specified) followed by the three-byte OUI and three-byte vendor-specified serial number.

  • name=value is the name-value pair of a property to set.

  • pf-name is the name of the physical function.

  • bus is the name of the PCIe bus.

  • net-vf-name is the name of the network virtual function.

  • ib-pf-name is the name of the InfiniBand physical function.

  • fc-vf-name is the name of the Fibre Channel virtual function.

Set a Property for a Physical Function

The set-io subcommand modifies the physical function configuration. Only the physical function device-specific properties are supported. Any change to the properties causes a delayed reconfiguration because the properties are applied during the attach operation of the physical function device driver.

The property values must be an integer or a string. Run the ldm list-io -d command to determine the property value type and whether a particular property can be set.

Note that the ldm set-io command succeeds only when the physical function driver successfully validates the resulting configuration.

The syntax for the set-io subcommand is:

ldm set-io name=value [name=value...] pf-name


  • name=value is the name-value pair of a property to set.

  • pf-name is the name of the physical function.

Remove Input/Output Device

The remove-io subcommand removes a PCIe bus, device, or virtual function from a specified domain.

The syntax for the remove-io subcommand is:

ldm remove-io [-n] (bus | device | vf-name) domain-name


  • –n performs a dry run of the command to determine whether it will succeed. It does not actually remove the I/O device.

  • bus, device, and vf-name are a PCIe bus, a direct I/O-assignable device, and a PCIe SR-IOV virtual function, respectively. Although the operand can be specified as a device path or as a pseudonym, using the device pseudonym is recommended. The pseudonym is based on the ASCII label that is printed on the chassis to identify the corresponding I/O card slot and is platform specific.

      The following are examples of the pseudonyms that are associated with the device names:

    • PCIe bus. The pci_0 pseudonym matches the pci@400 device path.

    • Direct I/O-assignable device. The PCIE1 pseudonym matches the pci@400/pci@0/pci@c device path.

    • PCIe SR-IOV virtual function. The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 pseudonym matches the pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6/network@0 device path.

    The specified guest domain must be in the inactive or bound state. If you specify the primary domain, this command initiates a delayed reconfiguration.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain where the bus or device is to be removed.

Virtual Network Server

Add a Virtual Switch

The add-vsw subcommand adds a virtual switch to a specified logical domain.

The syntax for the add-vsw subcommand is:

ldm add-vsw [-q] [default-vlan-id=VLAN-ID] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...] 
  [linkprop=phys-state] [mac-addr=num] [net-dev=device] [mode=sc] [mtu=size]
  [id=switch-ID] [inter-vnet-link=on|off] vswitch-name domain-name


  • –q disables the validation of the path to the network device that is specified by the net-dev property. This option enables the command to run more quickly, especially if the logical domain is not fully configured.

  • default-vlan-id=VLAN-ID specifies the default VLAN to which a virtual switch and its associated virtual network devices belong to implicitly, in untagged mode. It serves as the default port VLAN ID (pvid) of the virtual switch and virtual network devices. Without this option, the default value of this property is 1. Normally, you would not need to use this option. It is provided only as a way to change the default value of 1.

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual switch device needs to be a member, in untagged mode. This property also applies to the set-vsw subcommand. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • linkprop=phys-state specifies whether the virtual device reports its link status based on the underlying physical network device. When linkprop=phys-state is specified on the command line, the virtual device link status reflects the physical link state. By default, the virtual device link status does not reflect the physical link state.

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device or virtual switch needs to be a member, in tagged mode. This property also applies to the set-vsw subcommand. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide for more information.

  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address to be used by this switch. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66. If you do not specify a MAC address, the switch is automatically assigned an address from the range of public MAC addresses allocated to the Logical Domains Manager.

  • net-dev=device is the path to the network device or aggregation over which this switch operates. The system validates that the path references an actual network device unless the –q option is specified.

    When setting this property on a path that includes VLANs, do not use the path name that has any VLAN tags.

  • mode=sc enables virtual networking support for prioritized processing of Oracle Solaris Cluster heartbeat packets in a Logical Domains environment. Applications like Oracle Solaris Cluster need to ensure that high priority heartbeat packets are not dropped by congested virtual network and switch devices. This option prioritizes Oracle Solaris Cluster heartbeat frames and ensures that they are transferred in a reliable manner.

    You must set this option when running Oracle Solaris Cluster in a Logical Domains environment and using guest domains as Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes. Do not set this option when you are not running Oracle Solaris Cluster software in guest domains because you could impact virtual network performance.

  • mtu=size specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a virtual switch device. Valid values are in the range of 1500-16000.

  • id=switch-ID is the ID of a new virtual switch device. By default, ID values are generated automatically, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS.

  • inter-vnet-link=on|off specifies whether to assign a channel between each pair of virtual network devices that are connected to the same virtual switch. This behavior improves guest-to-guest performance. The default value is on.

  • vswitch-name is the unique name of the switch that is to be exported as a service. Clients (network) can attach to this service.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to add a virtual switch.

Set Options for a Virtual Switch

The set-vsw subcommand modifies the properties of a virtual switch that has already been added.

The syntax for the set-vsw subcommand is:

ldm set-vsw [-q] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...] [mac-addr=num]
  [net-dev=device] [linkprop=[phys-state]] [mode=[sc]] [mtu=size]
  [inter-vnet-link=[on|off]] vswitch-name


  • –q disables the validation of the path to the network device that is specified by the net-dev property. This option enables the command to run more quickly, especially if the logical domain is not fully configured.

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual switch device needs to be a member, in untagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device or virtual switch needs to be a member, in tagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address used by the switch. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

  • net-dev=device is the path to the network device or aggregation over which this switch operates. The system validates that the path references an actual network device unless the –q option is specified.

    When setting this property on a path that includes VLANs, do not use the path name that has any VLAN tags.

    Note that using the ldm set-vsw command to specify or update the net-dev property value causes the primary domain to enter a delayed reconfiguration.

  • linkprop=phys-state specifies whether the virtual device reports its link status based on the underlying physical network device. When linkprop=phys-state is specified on the command line, the virtual device link status reflects the physical link state. By default, the virtual device link status does not reflect the physical link state. The default situation occurs when the linkprop property is unspecified or when you run the ldm set-vsw command with the linkprop= argument.

  • mode=sc enables virtual networking support for prioritized processing of Oracle Solaris Cluster heartbeat packets in a Logical Domains environment. Applications like Oracle Solaris Cluster need to ensure that high priority heartbeat packets are not dropped by congested virtual network and switch devices. This option prioritizes Oracle Solaris Cluster heartbeat frames and ensures that they are transferred in a reliable manner.

    mode= (left blank) stops special processing of heartbeat packets.

    You must set this option when running Oracle Solaris Cluster in a Logical Domains environment and using guest domains as Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes. Do not set this option when you are not running Oracle Solaris Cluster software in guest domains because you could impact virtual network performance.

  • mtu=size specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a virtual switch device. Valid values are in the range of 1500-16000.

  • inter-vnet-link=on|off specifies whether to assign a channel between each pair of virtual network devices that are connected to the same virtual switch. This behavior improves guest-to-guest performance. The default value is on.

  • vswitch-name is the unique name of the switch that is to exported as a service. Clients (network) can be attached to this service.

Remove a Virtual Switch

The remove-vsw subcommand removes a virtual switch.

The syntax for the remove-vsw subcommand is:

ldm remove-vsw [-f] vswitch-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of a virtual switch. The removal might fail.

  • vswitch-name is the name of the switch that is to be removed as a service.

Virtual Network – Client

Add a Virtual Network Device

The add-vnet subcommand adds a virtual network device to the specified logical domain.

ldm add-vnet [mac-addr=num] [mode=hybrid] [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] 
  [allowed-ips=ipaddr[,ipaddr]...] [priority=high|medium|low] [cos=0-7]
  [alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1[,auto|num2,...]] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...]
  [linkprop=phys-state] [id=network-ID] [mtu=size]
  [maxbw=value] if-name vswitch-name domain-name


  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address for this network device. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

  • alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1,[auto|num2,...] is a comma-separated list of alternate MAC addresses. Valid values are numeric MAC addresses and the auto keyword, which can be used one or more times to request that the system generate an alternate MAC address. The auto keyword can be mixed with numeric MAC addresses. The numeric MAC address must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

    You can assign one or more alternate MAC addresses to create one or more virtual NIC (VNICs) on this device. Each VNIC uses one alternate MAC address, so the number of MAC addresses assigned determines the number of VNICs that can be created on this device. If no alternate MAC addresses are specified, attempts to create VNICs on this device fail. For more information, see the Oracle Solaris 11 networking documentation and Chapter 11, Using Virtual Networks, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • mode=hybrid requests the system to use NIU Hybrid I/O on this vnet if possible. If it is not possible, the system reverts to virtual I/O. This hybrid mode is considered a delayed reconfiguration if set on an active vnet on a control domain.

    Note that the NIU Hybrid I/O feature is deprecated in favor of the SR-IOV feature. See Chapter 8, Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual network device needs to be a member, in untagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type configures a private VLAN (PVLAN). A primary VLAN forwards traffic downstream to its secondary VLANs, which can be either isolated or community. You must also specify the pvid property. The pvlan property specifies a PVLAN's secondary-vid, which is a value from 1-4094, and a pvlan-type, which is one of the following values:

    • isolated The ports that are associated with an isolated PVLAN are isolated from all of the peer virtual networks and Oracle Solaris virtual NICs on the back-end network device. The packets reach only the external network based on the values you specified for the PVLAN.

    • community The ports that are associated with a community PVLAN can communicate with other ports that are in the same community PVLAN but are isolated from all other ports. The packets reach the external network based on the values you specified for the PVLAN.

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device needs to be a member, in tagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • mtu=size specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a virtual network device. Valid values are in the range of 1500-16000.

  • linkprop=phys-state specifies whether the virtual network device reports its link status based on the underlying physical network device. When linkprop=phys-state is specified on the command line, the virtual network device link status reflects the physical link state. By default, the virtual network device link status does not reflect the physical link state.

  • maxbw=value specifies the maximum bandwidth limit for the specified port in megabits per second. This limit ensures that the bandwidth from the external network (specifically the traffic that is directed through the virtual switch) does not exceed the specified value. This bandwidth limit does not apply to the traffic on the inter-vnet links. You can set the bandwidth limit to any high value. The value is ignored when it is higher than the bandwidth supported by the network back-end device.

  • id=network-ID is the ID of a new virtual network device. By default, ID values are generated automatically, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS.

  • allowed-dhcp-cids=macaddr|hostname,macaddr|hostname,...

    Specifies a comma-separated list of MAC addresses or host names. hostname can be a host name or a fully qualified host name with a domain name. This name must begin with an alphabetic character. macaddr is the numeric MAC address in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66. For more iinformation, see dhcp_nospoof.

  • allowed-ips=ipaddr[,ipaddr,...]

    Specifies a comma-separated list of IP addresses. For more information, see ip_nospoof.

  • cos=0-7

    Specifies the class of service (802.1p) priority that is associated with outbound packets on the link. When this property is set, all outbound packets on the link have a VLAN tag with its priority field set to this property value. Valid values are 0-7, where 7 is the highest class of service and 0 is the lowest class of service. The default value is 0.

  • priority=value

    Specifies the relative priority of the link, which is used for packet processing scheduling within the system. Valid values are high, medium, and low. The default value is medium.

  • protection=protection-type[,protection-type]...]

    Specifies the types of protection (protection-type) in the form of a bit-wise OR of the protection types. By default, no protection types are used. The following values are separated by commas:

    • mac_nospoof enables MAC address anti-spoofing. An outbound packet's source MAC address must match the link's configured MAC address. Non-matching packets are dropped. This value includes datalink MAC configuration protection.

    • ip_nospoof enables IP address anti-spoofing. This protection type works in conjunction with the allowed-ips link property, which specifies one or more IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6). An outbound IP packet can pass if its source address is specified in the allowed-ips list. An outbound ARP packet can pass if its sender protocol address is in the allowed-ips list. This value includes IP address configuration protection.

    • dhcp_nospoof enables DHCP client ID (CID) and hardware address anti-spoofing. By default, this value enables anti-spoofing for the configured MAC address of the device port node. If the allowed-dhcp-cids property is specified, DHCP anti-spoofing is enabled for the DHCP client IDs for that node.

    • restricted enables packet restriction, which restricts outgoing packet types to only IPv4, IPv6, and ARP packets.

  • if-name is a unique interface name to the logical domain, which is assigned to this virtual network device instance for reference on subsequent set-vnet or remove-vnet subcommands.

  • vswitch-name is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to connect.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to which to add the virtual network device.

Set Options for a Virtual Network Device

The set-vnet subcommand sets options for a virtual network device in the specified logical domain.

ldm set-vnet [mac-addr=num] [vswitch=vswitch-name] [mode=[hybrid]]
  [pvid=port-VLAN-ID] [pvlan=[secondary-vid,pvlan-type]]
  [allowed-ips=[ipaddr[,ipaddr]...]] [priority=[high|medium|low]] [cos=[0-7]]
  [alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1[,auto|num2,...]] [vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2,...]
  [linkprop=[phys-state]] [mtu=size]
  [maxbw=[value]] if-name domain-name


  • mac-addr=num is the MAC address for this network device. The number must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

  • alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1,[auto|num2,...] is a comma-separated list of alternate MAC addresses. Valid values are numeric MAC addresses and the auto keyword, which can be used one or more times to request that the system generate an alternate MAC address. The auto keyword can be mixed with numeric MAC addresses. The numeric MAC address must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

    You can assign one or more alternate MAC addresses to create one or more virtual NIC (VNICs) on this device. Each VNIC uses one alternate MAC address, so the number of MAC addresses assigned determines the number of VNICs that can be created on this device. If no alternate MAC addresses are specified, attempts to create VNICs on this device fail. For more information, see the Oracle Solaris 11 networking documentation and Chapter 11, Using Virtual Networks, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • vswitch=vswitch-name is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to connect.

  • mode=hybrid enables NIU Hybrid I/O operations on this vnet. This option is considered a delayed reconfiguration if set on an active vnet on a control domain. Leave the mode= argument blank to disable NIU Hybrid I/O.

    Note that the NIU Hybrid I/O feature is deprecated in favor of the SR-IOV feature. See Chapter 8, Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID specifies the VLAN to which the virtual network device needs to be a member, in untagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type configures a PVLAN. A PVLAN forwards traffic downstream to its secondary VLANs, which can be either isolated or community. You must have at least one pvid specified. The pvlan property specifies a PVLAN's secondary-vid, which is a value from 1-4094, and a pvlan-type, which is one of the following values:

    • isolated The ports that are associated with an isolated PVLAN are isolated from all of the peer virtual networks and Oracle Solaris virtual NICs on the back-end network device. The packets reach only the external network based on the values you specified for the PVLAN.

    • community The ports that are associated with a community PVLAN can communicate with other ports that are in the same community PVLAN but are isolated from all other ports. The packets reach the external network based on the values you specified for the PVLAN.

  • linkprop=phys-state specifies whether the virtual device reports its link status based on the underlying physical network device. When linkprop=phys-state is specified on the command line, the virtual device link status reflects the physical link state. By default, the virtual device link status does not reflect the physical link state. The default situation occurs when the linkprop property is unspecified or when you run the ldm set-vnet command with the linkprop= argument.

  • vid=VLAN-ID specifies one or more VLANs to which a virtual network device needs to be a member, in tagged mode. See Using VLAN Tagging in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • mtu=size specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a virtual network device. Valid values are in the range of 1500-16000.

  • maxbw=value specifies the maximum bandwidth limit for the specified port in megabits per second. This limit ensures that the bandwidth from the external network (specifically the traffic that is directed through the virtual switch) does not exceed the specified value. This bandwidth limit does not apply to the traffic on the inter-vnet links. You can set the bandwidth limit to any high value. The value is ignored when it is higher than the bandwidth supported by the network back-end device.

  • allowed-dhcp-cids=macaddr|hostname,macaddr|hostname,...

    Specifies a comma-separated list of MAC addresses or host names. hostname can be a host name or a fully qualified host name with a domain name. This name must begin with an alphabetic character. macaddr is the numeric MAC address in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66. For more information, see dhcp_nospoof.

  • allowed-ips=ipaddr[,ipaddr,...]

    Specifies a comma-separated list of IP addresses. For more information, see ip_nospoof.

  • cos=0-7

    Specifies the class of service (802.1p) priority that is associated with outbound packets on the link. When this property is set, all outbound packets on the link have a VLAN tag with its priority field set to this property value. Valid values are 0-7, where 7 is the highest class of service and 0 is the lowest class of service. The default value is 0.

  • priority=value

    Specifies the relative priority of the link, which is used for packet processing scheduling within the system. Valid values are high, medium, and low. The default value is medium.

  • protection=protection-type[,protection-type]...]

    Specifies the types of protection (protection-type) in the form of a bit-wise OR of the protection types. By default, no protection types are used. The following values are separated by commas:

    • mac_nospoof enables MAC address anti-spoofing. An outbound packet's source MAC address must match the link's configured MAC address. Non-matching packets are dropped. This value includes datalink MAC configuration protection.

    • ip_nospoof enables IP address anti-spoofing. This protection type works in conjunction with the allowed-ips link property, which specifies one or more IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6). An outbound IP packet can pass if its source address is specified in the allowed-ips list. An outbound ARP packet can pass if its sender protocol address is in the allowed-ips list. This value includes IP address configuration protection.

    • dhcp_nospoof enables DHCP client ID (CID) and hardware address anti-spoofing. By default, this value enables anti-spoofing for the configured MAC address of the device port node. If the allowed-dhcp-cids property is specified, DHCP anti-spoofing is enabled for the DHCP client IDs for that node.

    • restricted enables packet restriction, which restricts outgoing packet types to only IPv4, IPv6, and ARP packets.

  • if-name is the unique interface name assigned to the virtual network device that you want to set.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to modify the virtual network device.

Remove a Virtual Network Device

The remove-vnet subcommand removes a virtual network device from the specified logical domain.

The syntax for the remove-vnet subcommand is:

ldm remove-vnet [-f] if-name domain-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of a virtual network device from a logical domain. The removal might fail.

  • if-name is the unique interface name assigned to the virtual network device that you want to remove.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain from which to remove the virtual network device.

Virtual Disk – Service

Add a Virtual Disk Server

The add-vds subcommand adds a virtual disk server to the specified logical domain.

The syntax for the add-vds subcommand is:

ldm add-vds service-name domain-name


  • service-name is the service name for this instance of the virtual disk server. The service-name must be unique among all virtual disk server instances on the server.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to add the virtual disk server.

Remove a Virtual Disk Server

The remove-vds subcommand removes a virtual disk server.

The syntax for the remove-vds subcommand is:

ldm remove-vds [-f] service-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of a virtual disk server. The removal might fail.

  • service-name is the unique service name for this instance of the virtual disk server.


Caution  - The –f option attempts to unbind all clients before removal, which might cause loss of disk data if writes are in progress.

Add a Device to a Virtual Disk Server

The add-vdsdev subcommand adds a device to a virtual disk server. The device can be an entire disk, a slice on a disk, a file, or a disk volume. See Chapter 10, Using Virtual Disks, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

The syntax for the add-vdsdev subcommand is:

ldm add-vdsdev [-f] [-q] [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup] backend


  • –f attempts to force the creation of an additional virtual disk server when specifying a block device path that is already part of another virtual disk server. If specified, the –f option must be the first in the argument list.

  • –q disables the validation of the virtual disk back end that is specified by the backend operand. This option enables the command to run more quickly, especially if the logical domain or the back end is not fully configured.

  • options= are as follows:

    • ro – Specifies read-only access

    • slice – Exports a back end as a single slice disk

    • excl – Specifies exclusive disk access

    Omit the options= argument to have the default values of disk, not exclusive, and read/write. If you add the options= argument, you must specify one or more of the options for a specific virtual disk server device. Separate two or more options with commas and no spaces, such as ro,slice,excl.

  • mpgroup=mpgroup is the disk multipath group name used for virtual disk failover support. You can assign the virtual disk several redundant paths in case the link to the virtual disk server device currently in use fails. To do this, you would group multiple virtual disk server devices (vdsdev) into one multipath group (mpgroup), all having the same mpgroup name. When a virtual disk is bound to any virtual disk server device in a multipath group, the virtual disk is bound to all the virtual disk server devices that belong to the mpgroup.

  • backend is the location where data of a virtual disk are stored. The back end can be a disk, a disk slice, a file, a volume (including ZFS, Solaris Volume Manager, or VxVM), or any disk pseudo device. The disk label can be SMI VTOC, EFI, or no label at all. A back end appears in a guest domain either as a full disk or as single slice disk, depending on whether the slice option is set when the back end is exported from the service domain. When adding a device, the volume-name must be paired with the backend. The system validates that the location specified by backend exists and can be used as a virtual disk back end unless the –q option is specified.

  • volume-name is a unique name that you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk server. The volume-name must be unique for this virtual disk server instance because this name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a device, the volume-name must be paired with the backend.

  • service-name is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.

Set Options for a Virtual Disk Server Device

The set-vdsdev subcommand sets options for a virtual disk server. See the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

The syntax for the set-vdsdev subcommand is:

ldm set-vdsdev [-f] options=[{ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup]


  • –f removes the read-only restriction when multiple volumes in the same logical domain are sharing an identical block device path in read-only mode (option=ro). If specified, the –f option must be the first in the argument list.

  • options= are as follows:

    • ro – Specifies read-only access

    • slice – Exports a back end as a single slice disk

    • excl – Specifies exclusive disk access

    • Leave the options= argument blank to turn off any previous options specified. You can specify all or a subset of the options for a specific virtual disk server device. Separate two or more options with commas and no spaces, such as ro,slice,excl.

  • mpgroup=mpgroup is the disk multipath group name used for virtual disk failover support. You can assign the virtual disk several redundant paths in case the link to the virtual disk server device currently in use fails. To do this, you would group multiple virtual disk server devices (vdsdev) into one multipath group (mpgroup), all having the same mpgroup name. When a virtual disk is bound to any virtual disk server device in a multipath group, the virtual disk is bound to all the virtual disk server devices that belong to the mpgroup.

  • volume-name is the name of an existing volume exported by the service named by service-name.

  • service-name is the name of the virtual disk server being modified.

Remove a Device From a Virtual Disk Server

The remove-vdsdev subcommand removes a device from a virtual disk server.

The syntax for the remove-vdsdev subcommand is:

ldm remove-vdsdev [-f] volume-name@service-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of the virtual disk server device. The removal might fail.

  • volume-name is the unique name for the device being removed from the virtual disk server.

  • service-name is the name of the virtual disk server from which to remove this device.


Caution  - Without the –f option, the remove-vdsdev subcommand does not allow a virtual disk server device to be removed if the device is busy. Using the –f option can cause data loss for open files.

Virtual Disk – Client

Add a Virtual Disk

The add-vdisk subcommand adds a virtual disk to the specified logical domain. An optional timeout property allows you to specify a timeout for a virtual disk if it cannot establish a connection with the virtual disk server.

    When disk-name is an mpgroup disk, the ldm add-vdisk command does the following:

  • Adds the virtual disk to the specified domain

  • Selects volume-name@service-name as the first path to access the virtual disk

The syntax for the add-vdisk subcommand is:

ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [id=disk-ID] disk-name volume-name@service-name domain-name


  • timeout=seconds is the number of seconds for establishing a connection between a virtual disk client (vdc) and a virtual disk server (vds). If there are multiple virtual disk (vdisk) paths, then the vdc can try to connect to a different vds, and the timeout ensures that a connection to any vds is established within the specified amount of time.

    Omit the timeout= argument or set timeout=0 to have the virtual disk wait indefinitely.

  • id=disk-ID is the ID of a new virtual disk device. By default, ID values are generated automatically, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS.

  • disk-name is the name of the virtual disk.

  • volume-name is the name of the existing virtual disk server device to which to connect.

  • service-name is the name of the existing virtual disk server to which to connect.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to add the virtual disk.

Set Options for a Virtual Disk

The set-visk subcommand sets options for a virtual disk in the specified logical domain. An optional timeout property allows you to specify a timeout for a virtual disk if it cannot establish a connection with the virtual disk server.

Except when used for mpgroup disks, this command can be used only when the domain is bound or inactive.

When disk-name is an mpgroup disk, you can use the ldm set-vdisk command to specify the first path to the virtual disk as the value of the volume property. The path that you specify as the selected path must already belong to the mpgroup.

Dynamic path selection is available when updated virtual disk drivers are running. To determine the version of the Oracle Solaris OS that contains these updated drivers, see Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

Dynamic path selection occurs when the first path in an mpgroup disk is changed by using the ldm set-vdisk command to set the volume property to a value in the form volume-name@service-name. Only an active domain that supports dynamic path selection can switch to the selected path. If the updated drivers are not running, this path is selected when the Oracle Solaris OS reloads the disk instance or at the next domain reboot.

The syntax for the set-vdisk subcommand is:

ldm set-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [volume=volume-name@service-name] disk-name domain-name


  • timeout=seconds is the number of seconds for establishing a connection between a virtual disk client (vdc) and a virtual disk server (vds). If there are multiple virtual disk (vdisk) paths, then the vdc can try to connect to a different vds, and the timeout ensures that a connection to any vds is established within the specified amount of time.

    Set timeout=0 to disable the timeout.

    Do not specify a timeout= argument to have the virtual disk wait indefinitely.

  • volume=volume-name is the name of the virtual disk server device to which to connect. service-name is the name of the virtual disk server to which to connect.

  • disk-name is the name of the existing virtual disk.

  • domain-name specifies the existing logical domain where the virtual disk was previously added.

Set Options for a Virtual Disk

The remove-vdisk subcommand removes a virtual disk from the specified logical domain.

The syntax for the remove-vdisk subcommand is:

ldm remove-vdisk [-f] disk-name domain-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of the virtual disk. The removal might fail.

  • disk-name is the name of the virtual disk to be removed.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain from which to remove the virtual disk.

Virtual Data Plane Channel – Service

Add a Virtual Data Plane Channel Service

The add-vdpcs subcommand adds a virtual data plane channel service to the specified logical domain. This subcommand should only be used in a Netra Data Plane Software (NDPS) environment.

The syntax for the add-vdpcs subcommand is:

ldm add-vdpcs vdpcs-service-name domain-name


  • vdpcs-service-name is the name of the virtual data plane channel service that is to be added.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to which to add the virtual data plane channel service.

Remove a Virtual Data Plane Channel Service

The remove-vdpcs subcommand removes a virtual data plane channel service. This subcommand should only be used in a Netra Data Plane Software (NDPS) environment.

The syntax for the remove-vdpcs subcommand is:

ldm remove-vdpcs [-f] vdpcs-service-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of the virtual data plane channel service. The removal might fail.

  • vdpcs-service-name is the name of the virtual data plane channel service that is to be removed.

Virtual Data Plane Channel – Client

Add a Virtual Data Plane Channel Client

The add-vdpcc subcommand adds a virtual data plane channel client to the specified logical domain. This subcommand should only be used in a Netra Data Plane Software (NDPS) environment.

The syntax for the add-vdpcc subcommand is:

ldm add-vdpcc vdpcc-name vdpcs-service-name domain-name


  • vdpcc-name is the unique name of the virtual data plane channel service client.

  • vdpcs-service-name is the name of the virtual data plane channel service to which to connect this client.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to which to add the virtual data plane channel client.

Remove a Virtual Data Plane Channel Client

The remove-vdpcc subcommand removes a virtual data plane channel client from the specified logical domain. This subcommand should only be used in a Netra Data Plane Software (NDPS) environment.

The syntax for the remove-vdpcc subcommand is:

ldm remove-vdpcc [-f] vdpcc-name domain-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of the virtual data plane channel client. The removal might fail.

  • vdpcc-name is the unique name assigned to the virtual data plane channel client that is to be removed.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain from which to remove the virtual data plane channel client.

Virtual Console

Add a Virtual Console Concentrator

The add-vcc subcommand adds a virtual console concentrator to the specified logical domain.

The syntax for the add-vcc subcommand is:

ldm add-vcc port-range=x-y vcc-name domain-name


  • port-range=x-y is the range of TCP ports to be used by the virtual console concentrator for console connections.

  • vcc-name is the name of the virtual console concentrator that is to be added.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to which to add the virtual console concentrator.

Set Options for a Virtual Console Concentrator

The set-vcc subcommand sets options for a specific virtual console concentrator.

The syntax for the set-vcc subcommand is:

ldm set-vcc port-range=x-y vcc-name


  • port-range=x-y is the range of TCP ports to be used by the virtual console concentrator for console connections. Any modified port range must encompass all the ports assigned to clients of the concentrator.

  • vcc-name is the name of the virtual console concentrator that is to be set.

Remove a Virtual Console Concentrator

The remove-vcc subcommand removes a virtual console concentrator from the specified logical domain.

The syntax for the remove-vcc subcommand is:

ldm remove-vcc [-f] vcc-name


  • –f attempts to force the removal of the virtual console concentrator. The removal might fail.

  • vcc-name is the name of the virtual console concentrator that is to be removed.


Caution  - The –f option attempts to unbind all clients before removal, which might cause loss of data if writes are in progress.

Set Options for a Virtual Console

The set-vcons subcommand sets a specific port number and group in the specified logical domain. You can also set the attached console's service. This subcommand can be used only when a domain is inactive.

The syntax for the set-vcons subcommand is:

ldm set-vcons [port=[port-num]] [group=group] [service=vcc-server] 
  [log=[on|off]] domain-name


  • port=port-num is the specific port to use for this console. Leave the port-num blank to have the Logical Domains Manager automatically assign the port number.

  • group=group is the new group to which to attach this console. The group argument allows multiple consoles to be multiplexed onto the same TCP connection. Refer to the Oracle Solaris OS vntsd(1M) man page for more information about this concept. When a group is specified, a service must also be specified.

  • service=vcc-server is the name for the existing virtual console concentrator that should handle the console connection. A service must be specified when a group is specified.

  • log=[on|off] enables or disables virtual console logging. Valid values are on to enable logging, off to disable logging, and a null value (log=) to reset to the default value. The default value is on.

    Log data is saved to a file called /var/log/vntsd/domain-name/console-log on the service domain that provides the virtual console concentrator service. Console log files are rotated by using the logadm command. See the logadm(1M) and logadm.conf(4) man pages.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to set the virtual console.

    You can enable virtual console logging for any guest domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or Oracle Solaris 11 OS. The service domain must run the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS.

Physical Functions and Virtual Functions

Virtual Functions

The PCIe single-root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) standard enables the efficient sharing of PCIe devices among I/O domains. This standard is implemented in the hardware to achieve near-native I/O performance. SR-IOV creates a number of virtual functions that are virtualized instances of the physical device or function. The virtual functions are directly assigned to I/O domains so that they can share the associated physical device and perform I/O without CPU and hypervisor overhead.

PCIe physical functions have complete access to the hardware and provide the SR-IOV capability to create, configure, and manage virtual functions. A PCIe component on the system board or a PCIe plug-in card can provide one or more physical functions. An Oracle Solaris driver interacts with the physical functions that provide access to the SR-IOV features.

PCIe virtual functions contain the resources that are necessary for data movement. An I/O domain that has a virtual function can access hardware and perform I/O directly by means of an Oracle Solaris virtual function driver. This behavior avoids the overhead and latency that is involved in the virtual I/O feature by removing any bottlenecks in the communication path between the applications that run in the I/O domain and the physical I/O device in the root domain.

Some of these commands require that you specify an identifier for a physical function or virtual function as follows:

pf-name ::= pf-pseudonym | pf-path
vf-name ::= vf-pseudonym | vf-path

Use the pseudonym form when referring to a corresponding device. This is the form of the name that is shown in the NAME column of the ldm list-io output. When you run the ldm list-io -l command, the path form of the name appears in the output. The ldm list-io -p output shows the pseudonym form as the value of the alias= token and the path form as the value of the dev= token.

Create a Virtual Function

The create-vf subcommand creates a virtual function from a specified physical function by incrementing the number of virtual functions in the specified physical function by one. The new virtual function is assigned the highest number in the sequence of virtual function numbers.

To dynamically create virtual functions, ensure that you set the iov property for the parent root complex.

Network class virtual functions must have a MAC address assigned, which is assigned by default. To override the default MAC address value, specify another value for the mac-addr property.

You can also set class-specific properties and device-specific properties when you create a virtual function. This command succeeds only when the physical function driver successfully validates the resulting configuration. By default, a new virtual function is not assigned to any domain. The virtual function can only be assigned (bound) to an I/O domain after the root domain is rebooted and the virtual function is instantiated in the hardware. Plan ahead by determining whether you want to create multiple virtual functions. If you do, create them one after the other to avoid performing multiple reboots.

The device-specific properties depend on the properties that are exported by the physical function driver. For more information, use the ldm list-io -d command. When the command is successful, you see a message about a delayed reconfiguration.

The syntax for the create-vf subcommand is:

ldm create-vf -n number | max pf-name
ldm create-vf [mac-addr=num] [alt-mac-addrs=[auto|num1,[auto|num2,...]]] [pvid=pvid]
  [vid=vid1,vid2,...] [mtu=size] [name=value...] net-pf-name
ldm create-vf [name=value...] ib-pf-name
ldm create-vf [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] [bw-percent=[value]] fc-pf-name


  • –n creates number virtual functions. If you specify max instead of number, the maximum number of virtual functions are created for the specified physical function.

  • mac-addr=num is the primary MAC address of the Ethernet virtual function

  • alt-mac-addrs=auto|num1,[auto|num2,...] is a comma-separated list of alternate MAC addresses for the Ethernet virtual function. Valid values are numeric MAC addresses and the auto keyword, which can be used one or more times to request that the system generate an alternate MAC address. The auto keyword can be mixed with numeric MAC addresses. The numeric MAC address must be in standard octet notation, for example, 80:00:33:55:22:66.

    You can assign one or more alternate MAC addresses to create one or more virtual NIC (VNICs) on this device. Each VNIC uses one alternate MAC address, so the number of MAC addresses assigned determines the number of VNICs that can be created on this device. If no alternate MAC addresses are specified, attempts to create VNICs on this device fail. For more information, see the Oracle Solaris 11 networking documentation and Chapter 11, Using Virtual Networks, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide .

  • pvid=port-VLAN-ID is the port VLAN ID (no default value) for the Ethernet virtual function

  • vid=VLAN-ID1,VLAN-ID2... is a comma-separated list of integer VLAN IDs for the Ethernet virtual function.

  • mtu=size is the maximum transmission unit (in bytes) for the Ethernet virtual function.

  • name=value is the name-value pair of a property to specify.

  • bw-percent=[value] specifies the percentage of the bandwidth to be allocated to the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are from 0 to 100. The total bandwidth value assigned to a Fibre Channel physical function's virtual functions cannot exceed 100. The default value is 0 so that the virtual function gets a fair share of the bandwidth that is not already reserved by other virtual functions that share the same physical function.

  • node-wwn=value specifies the node world-wide name for the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated automatically. If you manually specify this value, you must also specify a value for the port-wwn property.

    The IEEE format is a two-byte header followed by an embedded MAC-48 or EUI-48 address that contains the OUI. The first two bytes are either hexadecimal 10:00 or 2x:xx where x is vendor-specified) followed by the three-byte OUI and three-byte vendor-specified serial number.

  • port-wwn=value specifies the port world-wide name for the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated automatically. If you manually specify this value, you must also specify a value for the node-wwn property.

    The IEEE format is a two-byte header followed by an embedded MAC-48 or EUI-48 address that contains the OUI. The first two bytes are either hexadecimal 10:00 or 2x:xx where x is vendor-specified) followed by the three-byte OUI and three-byte vendor-specified serial number.

  • pf-name is the name of the physical function.

  • net-pf-name is the name of the network physical function.

  • ib-pf-name is the name of the InfiniBand physical function.

  • fc-pf-name is the name of the Fibre Channel physical function.

Destroy a Virtual Function

    The destroy-vf subcommand destroys a virtual function from the specified physical function. This command succeeds only if the following are true:

  • The specified virtual function is not currently assigned to any domain.

  • The specified virtual function is the last virtual function in the corresponding physical function.

  • The resulting configuration is successfully validated by the physical function driver.

  • A successful operation triggers a delayed reconfiguration, as the change to the number of virtual functions can only be done as part of rebooting. See the create-vf subcommand for more information.

The syntax for the destroy-vf subcommand is:

ldm destroy-vf vf-name
ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name


  • vf-name is the name of the virtual function.

  • –n destroys number virtual functions. If you specify max instead of number, the maximum number of virtual functions are destroyed for the specified physical function.

  • pf-name is the name of the physical function.


Add Variable

The add-variable subcommand adds one or more variables for a logical domain.

The syntax for the add-variable subcommand is:

ldm add-variable var-name=[value]... domain-name


  • var-name=value is the name-value pair of a variable to add. The value is optional.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to add the variable.

Set Variable

The set-variable subcommand sets variables for a logical domain.

The syntax for the set-variable subcommand is:

ldm set-variable var-name=[value]... domain-name


  • var-name=value is the name-value pair of a variable to set. The value is optional.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain in which to set the variable.

Note - Leaving value blank, sets var-name to no value.
Remove Variable

The remove-variable subcommand removes a variable for a logical domain.

The syntax for the remove-variable subcommand is:

ldm remove-variable var-name... domain-name


  • var-name is the name of a variable to remove.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain from which to remove the variable.

Other Operations

Start Domains

The start-domain subcommand starts one or more logical domains.

The syntax for the start-domain subcommand is:

ldm start-domain -a
ldm start-domain -i file
ldm start-domain domain-name...


  • –a starts all bound logical domains.

  • –i file specifies an XML configuration file to use in starting the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies one or more logical domains to start.

Stop Domains

    The stop-domain subcommand stops one or more running domains by doing one of the following:

  • Sending a shutdown request to a domain if it runs the appropriate Logical Domains agent

  • Sending a uadmin request to a domain if the Oracle Solaris OS is booted

By default, the command first attempts to use shutdown to stop the domain. However, if the appropriate Logical Domains agent is not available, the command uses uadmin to stop the domain. See the shutdown(1M) and uadmin(1M) man pages.

You can change this default behavior by setting the ldmd/default_quick_stop SMF property. See the ldmd(1M) man page.

The syntax for the stop-domain subcommand is:

ldm stop-domain [[-f | -q] | [[-h | -r | -t sec] [-m msg]]] (-a | domain-name...)


  • –a stops all running logical domains except the control domain.

  • –f attempts to force a running logical domain to stop. Use only if the domain cannot be stopped by any other means.

  • –h uses only the shutdown command to halt the operating system and stop the domain. This option does not fall back to using the uadmin command.

  • –m msg specifies the message to send to the domains to be shut down or rebooted.

    The msg string must be enclosed within quotation marks if the string contains white space.

  • –q issues a quick stop of the specified domain by issuing a uadmin command.

  • –r uses the shutdown command to stop and reboot the operating system.

  • –t sec waits for the end of the domain shutdown sequence at least sec seconds before reissuing the command with the –q option to shut down any specified domains that are still running. The command is only reissued if the domain shutdown request does not complete in time. sec must be a value greater than 0.

    Note that if the shutdown request cannot be performed for a particular domain, the command immediately falls back to the –q option for that domain.

  • domain-name specifies one or more running logical domains to stop.

To perform a graceful Oracle Solaris shutdown on a domain that is not running the supporting Logical Domains agent version, perform a shutdown or init operation in the domain itself. See the init(1M) man page. To determine whether a domain is running a version of the Logical Domains agent that supports graceful shutdown, run the ldm stop-domain -h command, which only executes a graceful shutdown.

Panic Oracle Solaris OS

The panic-domain subcommand panics the Oracle Solaris OS on a specified logical domain, which provides a back trace and crash dump if you configure the Oracle Solaris OS to do that. The dumpadm(1M) command provides the means to configure the crash dump.

The syntax for the panic-domain subcommand is:

ldm panic-domain domain-name

domain-name specifies the logical domain to panic.

Provide Help Information

The ldm --help command provides usage for all subcommands or the subcommand that you specify. You can also use the ldm command alone to provide usage for all subcommands.

ldm --help [subcommand]

subcommand specifies the ldm subcommand about which you want usage information.

Provide Version Information

The ldm --version command provides version information.

ldm --version
ldm -V
Bind Resources to a Domain

The bind-domain subcommand binds, or attaches, configured resources to a logical domain.

The syntax for the bind-domain subcommand is:

ldm bind-domain [-f] [-q] -i file
ldm bind-domain [-f] [-q] domain-name


  • –f attempts to force the binding of the domain even if invalid network or disk back-end devices are detected.

  • –q disables the validation of network or disk back-end devices so that the command runs more quickly.

  • –i file specifies an XML configuration file to use in binding the logical domain.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain to which to bind resources.

Unbind Resources From a Domain

The unbind-domain subcommand releases resources bound to configured logical domains.

The syntax for the unbind-domain subcommand is:

ldm unbind-domain domain-name

domain-name specifies the logical domain from which to unbind resources.

Configure Operations

Add a Logical Domain Configuration

The add-spconfig subcommand adds a logical domain configuration, either based on the currently active configuration or on a previously autosaved configuration. The configuration is stored on the SP.

The syntax for the add-spconfig subcommand is:

ldm add-spconfig config-name
ldm add-spconfig -r autosave-name [new-config-name]


  • config-name is the name of the logical domain configuration to add.

  • –r autosave-name applies the autosave configuration data to one of the following:

    • Configuration on the SP that has the same name

    • Newly created configuration, new-config-name, which does not exist on the SP

    If the target configuration does not exist on the SP, a configuration of that name is created and saved to the SP based on the contents of the corresponding autosave configuration. After the autosave configuration data is applied, those autosave files are deleted from the control domain. If autosave-name does not represent the currently selected configuration, or if new-config-name is specified, the state of the current configuration on the SP and any autosave files for it on the control domain are unaffected.

    Updates the specified configuration based on the autosave information. Note that you must perform a power cycle after using this command to instantiate the updated configuration.

  • new-config-name is the name of the logical domain configuration to add.

Set a Logical Domain Configuration

The set-spconfig subcommand enables you to specify the logical domain configuration to use at the next system power cycle. The configuration is stored on the SP.

The syntax for the set-spconfig subcommand is:

ldm set-spconfig config-name

config-name is the name of the logical domain configuration to use.

The default configuration name is factory-default. To specify the default configuration, use the following:

primary# ldm set-spconfig factory-default
Remove a Logical Domain Configuration

The remove-spconfig subcommand removes a logical domain configuration that is stored on the SP, as well as any corresponding autosave configuration from the control domain.

The syntax for the remove-spconfig subcommand is:

ldm remove-spconfig [-r] config-name


  • –r only removes autosave configurations from the control domain.

  • config-name is the name of the logical domain configuration to remove.

List Operations

Flags in list Subcommand Output

The following flags can be shown in the output for a domain (ldm list). If you use the long, parseable options (–l –p) for the command, the flags are spelled out; for example, flags=normal,control,vio-service. If not, you see the letter abbreviation; for example -n-cv-. The list flag values are position dependent. Following are the values that can appear in each of the six columns from left to right.

    Column 1 – Starting or stopping domains

  • s starting or stopping

    Column 2 – Domain status

  • n normal

  • t transition

  • d degraded domain that cannot be started due to missing resources

    Column 3 – Reconfiguration status

  • d delayed reconfiguration

  • r memory dynamic reconfiguration

    Column 4 – Control domain

  • c control domain

    Column 5 – Service domain

  • v virtual I/O service domain

    Column 6 – Migration status

  • s source domain in a migration

  • t target domain in a migration

  • e error occurred during a migration

List Domains and States

The list-domain subcommand lists logical domains and their states. If you do not specify a logical domain, all logical domains are listed.

The syntax for the list-domain subcommand is:

ldm list-domain [-e] [-l] [-o format] [-p] [-S] [domain-name...]


  • –e generates an extended listing containing services and devices that are automatically set up, that is, not under your control.

  • –l generates a long listing.

  • –o limits the output format to one or more of the following subsets. If you specify more than one format, delimit each format by a comma with no spaces.

    • cmi – Output contains information about CMI devices, which includes the shared memory and the associated virtual CPUs and cores that are bound to the domain.

    • console – Output contains the virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator (vcc) service.

    • core – Output contains information about cores, core ID and physical CPU set.

    • cpu – Output contains information about the CPU thread (vcpu), physical CPU (pcpu), and core ID (cid).

    • crypto – Cryptographic unit output contains the Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any other supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ).

    • disk – Output contains the virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds).

    • domain – Output contains the variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags, universally unique identifier (UUID), software state, utilization percentage, normalized utilization percentage, a slave's master domains, and the master domain's failure policy.

    • memory – Output contains memory.

    • network – Output contains the media access control (mac) address, virtual network switch (vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device.

    • physio – Physical input/output contains the peripheral component interconnect (pci) and network interface unit (niu).

    • resmgmt – Output contains DRM policy information, indicates which policy is currently running, and indicates whether the whole-core, max-core, and threading constraints are enabled.

    • serial – Output contains the virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), and virtual data plane channel service (vdpcs).

    • status – Output contains the status of a migrating domain and a memory dynamic reconfiguration operation.

      You can use the –o status option to show the status of any migration operations or DR operations that are in progress. This information is derived from the flags in the FLAGS field. The –o status option does not relate to the STATE field.

  • –p generates the list in a parseable, machine-readable format.

  • –S generates status information about CPU-related and memory-related resources. Status values are ok to indicate that the resource is operating normally and fail to indicate that the resource is faulty.

    This status is only determined for CPU and memory resources on the Fujitsu M10 platform. On all other platforms, the status field is only shown in parseable output when the –p option is used. The status on these platforms is always shown as status=NA.

  • domain-name is the name of the logical domain for which to list state information.

List Bindings for Domains

The list-bindings subcommand lists bindings for logical domains. If no logical domains are specified, all logical domains are listed.

If you specify the name of a domain, any alternate MAC addresses for a virtual network device are shown after the MAC address of the control domain. The following command shows the three alternate MAC addresses for vnet1 on the ldg1 domain:

primary# ldm list-bindings ldg1
vnet1 primary-vsw0@primary 0  network@0 00:14:4f:f8:0c:80      1        1500

PEER                 MAC               MODE PVID VID MTU LINKPROP
primary-vsw0@primary 00:14:4f:fa:94:60      1        1500
vnet2@ldg2           00:14:4f:f9:38:d1      1        1500
vnet3@ldg3           00:14:4f:fa:60:27      1        1500
vnet4@ldg4           00:14:4f:f8:0f:41      1        1500

The following command shows the three alternate MAC addresses for vnet1 on the ldg1 domain in parseable output:

primary# ldm list-bindings -p ldg1

    The ldm list-bindings command shows the following information about mpgroup disks:

  • The STATE column shows one of the following states for each mpgroup path:

    • active indicates the current active path of the mpgroup

    • standby indicates that the path is not currently used

    • unknown indicates that the disk is unattached or in the midst of changing state, or that the specified domain does not run an OS that supports dynamic path selection

  • The list of paths are shown in the order used for the driver to choose the active path (the first path listed is chosen first)

  • The volume that is associated with the disk is the selected mpgroup path and is listed first

In this example, the selected path is vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2. The ldm list-bindings output shows that the active path is vol-ldg1@opath-vds instead of the selected path. This situation might occur if the selected path failed for some reason and the driver chose the second path from the list to be active. Even if your selected path becomes available in the meantime, the driver-chosen path continues as the active path. To make the first path active again, re-issue the ldm set-vdisk command to set the volume property to the name of the path you want, vol-ldg1@opath-vds.

primary# ldm list-bindings
    disk       disk-ldg4@primary-vds0      0  disk@0 primary
    tdiskgroup vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2         1  disk@1 ldg2    testdiskgroup
        2    vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2   ldg2           standby
        0    vol-ldg1@opath-vds    ldg1           active
        1    vol-prim@primary-vds0 primary        standby

The syntax for the list-bindings subcommand is:

ldm list-bindings [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]


  • –e generates an extended listing containing services and devices that are automatically set up, that is, not under your control.

  • –p generates the list in a parseable, machine-readable format.

  • domain-name is the name of the logical domain for which you want binding information.

List Services for Domains

The list-services subcommand lists all the services exported by logical domains. If no logical domains are specified, all logical domains are listed.

The syntax for the list-services subcommand is:

ldm list-services [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]


  • –e generates an extended listing containing services and devices that are automatically set up, that is, not under your control.

  • –p generates the list in a parseable, machine-readable format.

  • domain-name is the name of the logical domain for which you want services information.

List Constraints for Domains

The list-constraints subcommand lists the constraints for the creation of one or more logical domains. If no logical domains are specified, all logical domains are listed.

Any resource that has been evacuated from the physical domain by a recovery mode operation has an asterisk (*) in front of its resource identifier.

The syntax for the list-constraints subcommand is:

ldm list-constraints [-x] [domain-name...]
ldm list-constraints [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]


  • –x writes the constraint output in XML format to the standard output (stdout) format. This output can be used as a backup.

  • domain-name is the name of the logical domain for which you want to list constraints.

  • –e generates an extended listing containing services and devices that are automatically set up, that is, not under your control.

  • –p writes the constraint output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

List CPU Core Activation Information

The list-permits subcommand lists CPU core activation information on the Fujitsu M10 platform. The PERMITS column shows the total number of CPU core activations that have been issued. This total includes all permanent CPU core activations and pay-per-use CPU core activations. A permanent CPU core activation is a permit for a resource that can be used for an unlimited amount of time. A pay-per-use CPU core activation is a permit for a resource that can be used for a limited amount of time. The number of issued permanent CPU core activations is shown in the PERMANENT column. The IN USE column shows the number of issued CPU core activations that are in use. The REST column shows the number of CPU core activations that are available for use.

The syntax for the list-permits subcommand is:

ldm list-permits
List Devices

The list-devices subcommand lists either free (unbound) resources or all server resources. The default is to list all free resources.

The syntax for the list-devices subcommand is:

ldm list-devices [-a] [-p] [-S] [cmi] [core] [cpu] [crypto] [io] [memory]


  • –a lists all server resources, bound and unbound.

  • –p writes the constraint output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • –S generates status information about CPU-related and memory-related resources. Status values are ok to indicate that the resource is operating normally and fail to indicate that the resource is faulty.

    This status is only determined for CPU and memory resources on the Fujitsu M10 platform. On all other platforms, the status field is only shown in parseable output when the –p option is used. The status on these platforms is always shown as status=NA.

  • cmi lists information about CMI devices, which includes the shared memory and any unallocated virtual CPUs and cores that are associated with those devices.

  • core lists information about cores, the core ID and physical CPU set, and specifies which CPUs in the core are still unallocated.

  • cpu lists CPU thread and physical CPU resources.

  • crypto lists only the modular arithmetic unit resources.

  • memory lists only memory resources.

  • io lists only input/output resources, such as a PCI bus, a network, or direct I/O-assignable devices.

Note that resource IDs might have gaps in their numbering. The following example indicates that core 2 is unavailable or might have been disabled:

primary# ldm list-devices -a core
     ID      %FREE   CPUSET
     0       0      (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
     1       100    (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
     3       100    (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
     4       100    (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39)
     5       100    (40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47)
     6       100    (48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55)
List I/O Devices

The list-io subcommand lists the I/O devices that are configured on the system. The list of devices includes I/O buses (including NIUs) and direct I/O-assignable devices.

    The output is divided into the following sections:

  • I/O bus information. The IO column lists the device path of the bus or network device, and the PSEUDONYM column shows the associated pseudonym for the bus or network device. The DOMAIN column indicates the domain to which the device is currently bound.

  • Direct I/O-assignable devices. The PCIE column lists the device path of the device, and the PSEUDONYM column shows the associated pseudonym for the device.

      The STATUS column applies to slots that accept plug-in cards as well as to devices on a motherboard and can have one of the following values:

    • UNK The device in the slot has been detected by the firmware, but not by the OS.

    • OCC The device has been detected on the motherboard or is a PCIe card in a slot.

    • IOV The bus has been initialized to share its IOV resources.

    • INV The slot, virtual function, or physical function is in an invalid state and cannot be used.

    • EMP The slot is empty.

    Slots that represent on-board devices always have the status of OCC. If the root domain does not support direct I/O, the slot status is UNK.

The syntax for the list-io subcommand is:

ldm list-io [-l] [-p] [bus | device | pf-name]
ldm list-io -d pf-name

Any resource that has been evacuated from the physical domain by a recovery mode operation has an asterisk (*) in front of its resource identifier.


  • –l lists information about subdevices that are hosted by direct I/O-assignable devices. Note that this output indicates which devices will be loaned with the direct I/O-assignable device to the receiving domain. The subdevice names cannot be used for command input.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • –d pf-name lists information about the specified physical function.

  • bus, device, and pf-name are the names of a PCIe bus, a direct I/O-assignable device, and a PCIe SR-IOV physical function, respectively.

List Logical Domain Configurations

The list-spconfig subcommand lists the logical domain configurations stored on the SP.

The syntax for the list-spconfig subcommand is:

ldm list-spconfig [-r [autosave-name]]

–r [autosave-name] lists those configurations for which autosave files exist on the control domain. If autosave-name is specified, it only reports on autosave-name. The output also notes whether an autosave file is newer than the corresponding SP configuration.

Note - When a delayed reconfiguration is pending, the configuration changes are immediately autosaved. As a result, if you run the ldm list-spconfig -r command, the autosave configuration is shown as being newer than the current configuration.
List Variables

The list-variable subcommand lists one or more variables for a logical domain. To list all variables for a domain, leave the var-name blank.

The syntax for the list-variable subcommand is:

ldm list-variable [var-name...] domain-name


  • var-name is the name of the variable to list. If you do not specify any name, all variables will be listed for the domain.

  • domain-name is the name of the logical domain for which to list one or more variables.

List Network Devices

The list-netdev subcommand lists the network devices that are configured on the system. The information provided about the device includes the following:

  • CLASS One of the following network device types:

    • AGGR Network aggregation

    • EOIB Ethernet over InfiniBand

    • ESTUB Ethernet stub

    • IPMP IP network multipathing group

    • PART InfiniBand partition

    • PHYS Physical network device

    • VLAN Virtual local area network

    • VNET Virtual network device

    • VNIC Virtual network interface card

    • VSW Virtual switch device

    • VXLAN Virtual extended LAN

  • MEDIA Network media type, which can be ETHER for Ethernet or IB for InfiniBand

  • STATE State of the network device, which can be up, down, or unknown

  • SPEED Speed of the network device in megabits per second

  • OVER Physical device over which the network device is mapped

  • LOC Location of the network device

The syntax for the list-netdev subcommand is:

ldm list-netdev [-b] [-l] [-p] [-o net-device] [domain-name]


  • –b enables you to list only the valid virtual switch backend devices.

  • –l lists information about network devices, virtual switch devices, and aggregations.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • –o net-device lists information about the specified network device.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain for which to list network device information.

List Network Device Statistics

The list-netstat subcommand lists statistics for the network devices that are configured on the system. Statistical information is shown in the following fields:

  • IPACKETS shows the inbound packets

  • OPACKETS shows the outbound packets

  • RBYTES shows the raw byte count

  • OBYTES shows the transmitted (outbound) byte count

The syntax for the list-netstat subcommand is:

ldm list-netstat [-p] [-u unit] [-o net-device] [-t interval [-c count]] [domain-name]


  • –c count specifies the number of times to report statistics. A value of 0 reports statistics indefinitely. You must specify the time interval with the –t if you specify the –c.

  • –o net-device lists information about the specified network device.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • –t interval specifies an interval in seconds at which statistics are refreshed. The default value is one second.

  • –u unit specifies the unit in which to show output. Valid values are:

    • r specifies raw bytes

    • k specifies kilobytes

    • m specifies megabytes

    • g specifies gigabytes

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain for which to list network device information.

List Dependencies

The list-dependencies subcommand lists the dependencies within domains. When you specify no options, this command outputs a list of domains and the domains on which they depend.

The syntax for the list-dependencies subcommand is:

ldm list-dependencies [-l] [-p] [-r] [domain-name]


  • –l lists detailed information about dependencies.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • –r shows dependents grouped by their dependencies.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain for which to list dependency information. If domain-name is not specified, dependency information is listed for all domains.

List Resource Groups

The list-rsrc-group subcommand shows information about a resource group. When you specify no options, this command produces a short listing for all resource groups in the system.

The syntax for the list-rsrc-group subcommand is:

ldm list-rsrc-group [-a] [-d domain-name] [-l] [-o core|memory|io] [-p] [resource-group]


  • –a lists information about all resources for each resource group. The output includes resources that are not bound to any domain.

  • –d domain-name shows information only about the specified domain.

  • –l lists detailed information about each resource group.

  • –o core|memory|io lists information only about the specified resource type: core, memory, or I/O.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • resource-group specifies the resource group.

List CMI Devices

The list-cmi subcommand shows information about the CMI devices that are configured on a Fujitsu M10 server. If no CMI devices are configured on the system, no output is shown.

The output is divided into the following sections:

  • Allocation of CMI devices and the associated virtual CPUs and cores.

    • Bound. Shows domains that have CMI devices and the associated virtual CPUs and cores bound to those domains. These domains are targets for the grow-cmi and shrink-cmi subcommands.

    • Tenant. Shows domains that do not own any CMI devices and the associated virtual CPUs and cores bound to those domains. These domains are targets for the evict-cmi subcommand.

    • Free. Shows unallocated CMI devices and any unallocated virtual CPUs or cores that are associated with those devices.

  • Message queue information.

  • Shared memory information.

When you specify the –l option, additional information is shown for the virtual CPUs and cores that are associated with CMI devices. Furthermore, information about all virtual CPUs and cores that are associated with each CMI device is prepended to the output, unless domain-name is specified.

The syntax for the list-cmi subcommand is:

ldm list-cmi [-l] [-p] [cmi_id=id[,id[,...]]] [domain-name...]


  • –l lists physical CPU sets and core IDs.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • cmi_id=id[,...] specifies one or more CMI devices for which to list information.

  • domain-name specifies one or more logical domains for which to list information.

List CPU Sockets

The list-socket subcommand shows information about CPU sockets on a Fujitsu M10 server.

    The output is divided into the following sections:

  • Allocation of each CPU socket's virtual CPUs and cores.

    • Tenant. Shows logical domains and the virtual CPUs and cores bound to those domains.

    • Free. Shows any unallocated virtual CPUs or cores.

  • Allocation of each CPU socket's memory.

When you specify the -l option, additional information is shown for vcpus and cores. Furthermore, information about all virtual CPUs and cores in each CPU socket is prepended to the output, unless domain-name is specified.

The syntax for the list-socket subcommand is:

ldm list-socket [-l] [-p] [socket_id=id[,id[,...]]] [domain-name...]


  • –l lists physical CPU sets and core IDs.

  • –p writes the output in a parseable, machine-readable form.

  • socket_id=id[,...] specifies one or more CPU sockets for which to list information.

  • domain-name specifies one or more logical domains for which to list information.

Add, Set, and Remove Resource Management Policies

Add a Resource Management Policy

The add-policy subcommand enables you to add a resource management policy for one or more logical domains. A resource management policy consists of optional properties and their values.

The syntax for the add-policy subcommand is:

ldm add-policy [enable=yes|no] [priority=value] [attack=value] [decay=value]
  [elastic-margin=value] [sample-rate=value] [tod-begin=hh:mm[:ss]]
  [tod-end=hh:mm[:ss]] [util-lower=percent] [util-upper=percent] [vcpu-min=value]
  [vcpu-max=value] name=policy-name domain-name...


  • The properties are described in the Properties section.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain for which to add a resource management policy.

Modify a Resource Management Policy

The set-policy subcommand enables you to modify a resource management policy for one or more logical domains by specifying values for optional properties.

The syntax for the set-policy subcommand is:

ldm set-policy [enable=[yes|no]] [priority=[value]] [attack=[value]] [decay=[value]]
  [elastic-margin=[value]] [sample-rate=[value]] [tod-begin=[hh:mm:ss]]
  [tod-end=[hh:mm:ss]] [util-lower=[percent]] [util-upper=[percent]] [vcpu-min=[value]]
  [vcpu-max=[value]] name=policy-name domain-name...


  • The properties are described in the Properties section.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain for which to modify the resource management policy.

Remove a Resource Management Policy

The remove-policy subcommand enables you to remove a resource management policy from a logical domain by specifying one or more policy names.

The syntax for the remove-policy subcommand is:

ldm remove-policy [name=]policy-name... domain-name


  • The name property specifies the name of the resource management policy, policy-name.

  • domain-name specifies the logical domain on which to remove the resource management policy.

Configure or Reconfigure a Domain From an XML File

The init-system subcommand enables you to use an existing configuration to configure one or more guest domains, the control domain, or both types of domains. The ldm init-system command takes an XML file (such as the output of ldm list-constraints -x) as input, configures the specified domains, and reboots the control domain. Run this command with the factory default configuration.

The syntax for the init-system subcommand is:

ldm init-system [-frs] -i file


  • –i file specifies the XML configuration file to use to create the logical domain.

  • –f skips the factory-default configuration check and continues irrespective of what was already configured on the system.

    Use the –f option with caution. ldm init-system assumes that the system is in the factory-default configuration, and so directly applies the changes that are specified by the XML file. Using –f when the system is in a configuration other than the factory default will likely result in a system that is not configured as specified by the XML file. One or more changes might fail to be applied to the system depending on the combination of changes in the XML file and the initial configuration.

  • –r reboots the system after configuration.

  • –s restores only the virtual services configuration (vds, vcc, and vsw).

Collect Hypervisor Dump Data

The hypervisor dump data collection subcommands apply to the process that collects data from a hypervisor dump on the Fujitsu M10 platform only.

When a hypervisor abort event occurs, the contents of the hypervisor memory are preserved by the firmware, and the system is rebooted with the factory-default configuration. The ldmd daemon copies the preserved contents of hypervisor memory to a file on the control domain that is called /var/opt/SUNWldm/hvdump.N.gz. N is a number in the range 0-7, inclusive. This file is a binary dump of the contents of hypervisor memory at the time the hypervisor abort occurred.

List Hypervisor Dump Data

The list-hvdump subcommand shows the values of the hvdump and hvdump-reboot properties that govern the hypervisor data collection process that can be used on the Fujitsu M10 platform.

ldm list-hvdump
Set Property Values for the Hypervisor Data Collection Process

The set-hvdump subcommand modifies the Fujitsu M10 hypervisor data collection properties. You can set properties that enable or disable the automatic hypervisor data collection process. You can also set properties that enable or disable an automatic reboot to restore the original configuration after collecting the data.

The syntax for the set-hvdump subcommand is:

ldm set-hvdump [hvdump=on|off] [hvdump-reboot=on|off]


  • hvdump=on|off enables or disables the hypervisor data collection process. The default value is on.

  • hvdump-reboot=on|off enables or disables an automatic system reboot after the hypervisor data collection process completes. The default value is off.

Manually Start the Hypervisor Data Collection Process

The start-hvdump subcommand manually starts the Fujitsu M10 hypervisor data collection process if the automatic collection fails.

ldm start-hvdump

Perform CMI Operations

The CMI-related subcommands pertain only to the Fujitsu M10 platform.

In all of the CMI-related subcommands, specifying the number of CMI devices automatically selects the CMI resources to be assigned or removed. To explicitly assign or remove CMI resources, provide CMI ID values with the cmi_id property.

When you perform CMI-related operations, the domain must be inactive or, if it is the primary domain, the domain must be in a delayed reconfiguration.

Add CMI Devices

The add-cmi subcommand adds the specified number of CMI devices to a domain.

If you bind an inactive domain with a CMI constraint, unspecified virtual CPU, core, and memory constraints are automatically generated from the CMI constraint and available resources.

The syntax for the add-cmi subcommand is:

ldm add-cmi num domain-name
ldm add-cmi cmi_id=id[,id[,...]] domain-name


  • num specifies the number of CMI resources to assign to the domain.

  • cmi_id=id[,...] specifies one or more CMI devices to add to a domain.

  • domain-name specifies one or more logical domains to which to assign the CMI devices.

Modify CMI Devices

The set-cmi subcommand specifies the number of CMI devices to assign to a domain.

You can use the –f option to clear all existing virtual CPU, core, and memory constraints. When you bind an inactive domain with a CMI constraint, these constraints are then automatically generated from the CMI constraint and available resources.

The syntax for the set-cmi subcommand is:

ldm set-cmi [-f] num domain-name
ldm set-cmi [-f] cmi_id=id[,id[,...]] domain-name


  • –f clears all existing virtual CPU, core, and memory constraints.

  • num specifies the number of CMI resources to assign to the domain.

  • cmi_id=id[,...] specifies one or more CMI devices to add to a domain. cmi_id= removes all specified CMI devices.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the CMI devices are assigned.

Remove CMI Devices

The remove-cmi subcommand specifies the number of CMI devices to remove from a domain.

The syntax for the remove-cmi subcommand is:

ldm remove-cmi [-f] num domain-name
ldm remove-cmi [-f] cmi_id=id[,id[,...]] domain-name


  • num specifies the number of CMI resources to remove from the domain.

  • cmi_id=id[,...] specifies one or more CMI devices to remove from a domain.

  • domain-name specifies the domain from which the CMI devices are removed.

Add CMI Device CPU Threads or CPU Cores

The grow-cmi subcommand enables you to add virtual CPUs or cores associated with a particular CMI device to a domain with one or more CMI resources. The specified CMI device must be assigned to the domain, and the domain must be bound or active.

The syntax for the grow-cmi subcommand is:

ldm grow-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name


  • vcpus=num specifies the number of virtual CPUs to add to a domain.

  • cores=num specifies the number of cores to add to a domain.

  • cmi_id=id specifies a CMI device that is owned by the domain.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the virtual CPUs or cores are added.

Remove CMI Device CPU Threads or CPU Cores

The shrink-cmi subcommand enables you to remove virtual CPUs or cores associated with a particular CMI device from a domain with one or more CMI resources. The specified CMI device must be assigned to the domain, and the domain must be bound or active.

The syntax for the shrink-cmi subcommand is:

ldm shrink-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name


  • vcpus=num specifies the number of virtual CPUs to remove from a domain.

  • cores=num specifies the number of cores to remove from a domain.

  • cmi_id=id specifies a CMI device that is owned by the domain.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the virtual CPUs or cores are removed.

Evict CMI Device CPU Threads or CPU Cores

The evict-cmi subcommand enables you to remove virtual CPUs or cores associated with a particular CMI device from a bound or active domain that has no CMI devices assigned to it.

Run the list-cmi subcommand to determine the allocation of CMI devices and their associated virtual CPUs and cores.

The syntax for the evict-cmi subcommand is:

ldm evict-cmi vcpus=num cmi_id=id domain-name
ldm evict-cmi cores=num cmi_id=id domain-name


  • vcpus=num specifies the number of virtual CPUs to remove from a domain.

  • cores=num specifies the number of cores to remove from a domain.

  • cmi_id=id specifies a CMI device.

  • domain-name specifies the domain from which the virtual CPUs or cores are removed.

Perform CPU Socket Operations

The CPU-socket-related commands pertain only to the Fujitsu M10 platform.

Add CPU Socket Threads, Cores, or Memory

The grow-socket subcommand enables you to add virtual CPUs, cores, or memory associated with a particular CPU socket to a domain. The domain must be bound or active.

If the domain has any CMI devices assigned to it, use the grow-cmi subcommand to add virtual CPUs or cores to the domain.

The syntax for the grow-socket subcommand is:

ldm grow-socket vcpus=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-socket cores=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm grow-socket memory=size[unit] socket_id=id domain-name


  • vcpus=num specifies the number of virtual CPUs to add to a domain.

  • cores=num specifies the number of cores to add to a domain.

  • memory=num specifies the amount of memory to remove from a domain. The default amount is size in bytes. If you want a different unit of measurement, specify unit as one of the following values using either uppercase or lowercase:

    • G for gigabytes

    • K for kilobytes

    • M for megabytes

  • socket_id=id specifies the CPU socket.

  • domain-name specifies the domain to which the virtual CPUs, cores, or memory are added.

Remove CPU Socket Threads, Cores, or Memory

The shrink-socket subcommand enables you to remove virtual CPUs, cores, or memory associated with a particular CPU socket from a domain. The domain must be bound or active.

If the domain has any CMI devices assigned to it, use the shrink-cmi subcommand to remove virtual CPUs or cores from the domain.

The syntax for the shrink-socket subcommand is:

ldm shrink-socket vcpus=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-socket cores=num socket_id=id domain-name
ldm shrink-socket memory=size[unit] socket_id=id domain-name


  • vcpus=num specifies the number of virtual CPUs to remove from a domain.

  • cores=num specifies the number of cores to remove from a domain.

  • memory=num specifies the amount of memory to remove from a domain. The default amount is size in bytes. If you want a different unit of measurement, specify unit as one of the following values using either uppercase or lowercase:

    • G for gigabytes

    • K for kilobytes

    • M for megabytes

  • socket_id=id specifies the CPU socket.

  • domain-name specifies the domain from which the virtual CPUs, cores, or memory are removed.


Example 1 Create Default Services

Set up the three default services, virtual disk server, virtual switch, and virtual console concentrator so that you can export those services to the guest domains. The following example is for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and you can obtain information for Oracle Solaris 11, see How to Create Default Services in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide :

primary# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary
primary# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
Example 2 List Services

You can list services to ensure they have been created correctly or to see what services you have available.

primary# ldm list-services primary
    NAME         LDOM    PORT-RANGE
    primary-vcc0 primary 5000-5100
    primary-vsw0 primary 00:14:4f:f9:68:d0 net0  switch@0 1               1
    NAME         LDOM    VOLUME         OPTIONS      MPGROUP   DEVICE
    primary-vds0 primary
Example 3 Set Up the Control Domain Initially

The control domain, named primary, is the initial domain that is present when you install the Logical Domains Manager. The control domain has a full complement of resources, and those resources depend on what server you have. Set only those resources you want the control domain to keep so that you can allocate the remaining resources to the guest domains. Then save the configuration on the service processor. You must reboot so the changes take effect.

You must enable the virtual network terminal server daemon, vntsd(1M), to use consoles on the guest domains.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary
primary# ldm set-vcpu 8 primary
primary# ldm set-memory 8G primary
primary# ldm add-spconfig initial
primary# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
primary# svcadm enable vntsd
Example 4 List Bindings

You can list bindings to see if the control domain has the resources you specified, or what resources are bound to any domain.

primary# ldm list-bindings primary
primary  active     -n-cv-  UART    8     16G      0.2%  0.2% 1d 18h 5m






    0      (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

    0      0      0      0.4% 0.4%   100%
    1      1      0      0.2% 0.2%   100%
    2      2      0      0.1% 0.1%   100%
    3      3      0      0.1% 0.1%   100%
    4      4      0      0.2% 0.2%   100%
    5      5      0      0.5% 0.5%   100%
    6      6      0      0.2% 0.2%   100%
    7      7      0      1.2% 1.2%   100%

    RA               PA               SIZE
    0x20000000       0x20000000       8G
    0x400000000      0x400000000      8G



    DEVICE                           PSEUDONYM        OPTIONS
    pci@400                          pci_0
    niu@480                          niu_0
    pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@8        /SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE0
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@8        /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE1
    pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@6        /SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE2
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@c        /SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3
    pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@0        /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@a        /SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE5
    pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4        /SYS/MB/SASHBA0
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4        /SYS/MB/SASHBA1
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@6        /SYS/MB/NET0
    pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@7        /SYS/MB/NET2

    NAME             PORT-RANGE
    primary-vcc0     5000-5100

    NAME             MAC               NET-DEV   ID   DEVICE   LINKPROP   
    primary-vsw0     00:14:4f:fa:0b:57 net0      0    switch@0

    1               1                         1500       on

    NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS          MPGROUP        DEVICE

    NAME             SERVICE                     PORT   LOGGING
Example 5 Create a Logical Domain

Ensure that you have the resources to create the desired guest domain configuration, add the guest domain, add the resources and devices that you want the domain to have, set boot parameters to tell the system how to behave on startup, bind the resources to the domain, and save the guest domain configuration in an XML file for backup. You also might want to save the primary and guest domain configurations on the SC. Then you can start the domain, find the TCP port of the domain, and connect to it through the default virtual console service.

primary# ldm list-devices
primary# ldm add-domain ldg1
primary# ldm add-vcpu 8 ldg1
primary# ldm add-memory 8g ldg1
primary# ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 ldg1
primary# ldm set-variable auto-boot\?=false ldg1
primary# ldm set-variable boot-device=vdisk1 ldg1
primary# ldm bind-domain ldg1
primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldg1 > ldg1.xml
primary# ldm add-spconfig ldg1_8cpu_1G
primary# ldm start-domain ldg1
primary# ldm list -l ldg1
primary# telnet localhost 5000
Example 6 Use One Terminal for Many Guest Domains

Normally, each guest domain you create has its own TCP port and console. Once you have created the first guest domain (ldg1 in this example), you can use the ldm set-vcons command to attach all the other domains (second domain is ldg2 in this example) to the same console port. Note that the set-vcons subcommand works only on an inactive domain.

primary# ldm set-vcons group=ldg1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg2

If you use the ldm list -l command after performing the set-vcons commands on all guest domains except the first, you can see that all domains are connected to the same port. See the vntsd(1M) man page for more information about using consoles.

Example 7 Add a Virtual PCI Bus to a Logical Domain

I/O domains are a type of service domain that have direct ownership of and direct access to physical I/O devices. The I/O domain then provides the service to the guest domain in the form of a virtual I/O device. This example shows how to add a virtual PCI bus to a logical domain.

primary# ldm add-io pci@7c0 ldg1
Example 8 Add Virtual Data Plane Channel Functionality for Netra Only

If your server has a Netra Data Plane Software (NDPS) environment, you might want to add virtual data plane channel functionality. First, you would add a virtual data plane channel service (primary-vdpcs0, for example) to the service domain, in this case, the primary domain.

primary# ldm add-vdpcs primary-vdpcs0 primary

Now that you have added the service to the service domain (primary), you can add the virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc1) to a guest domain (ldg1).

primary# ldm add-vdpcc vdpcc1 primary-vdpcs0 ldg1
Example 9 Cancel Delayed Reconfiguration Operations for a Control Domain

A delayed reconfiguration operation blocks configuration operations on all other domains. There might be times when you want to cancel delayed configuration operations for a control domain. For example, you might do this so that you can perform other configuration commands on that domain or other domains. With this command, you can undo the delayed reconfiguration operation and do other configuration operations on this or other domains.

primary# ldm cancel-operation reconf primary
Example 10 Migrate a Domain

You can migrate a logical domain to another machine. This example shows a successful migration.

primary# ldm migrate-domain ldg1 root@dt90-187:ldg
Target password:
Example 11 List Configurations

The following examples show how to view the configurations. The first command shows the configurations that are stored on the SP. The second command shows the configurations on the SP as well as information about the autosave configurations on the control domain.

primary# ldm list-spconfig
3guests [current]
primary# ldm list-spconfig -r
3guests [newer]
data1 [newer]

Both the current 3guests configuration and the data1 configuration have autosaved changes that have not been saved to the SP. If the system performed a power cycle while in this state, the Logical Domains Manager would perform the 3guests autosave based on the specified policy. The autosave action is taken for 3guests because it is marked as current.

The reconfig_primary and split1 autosave configurations are identical to the versions on the SP, not newer versions.

The unit configuration only exists as an autosave configuration on the control domain. There is no corresponding configuration for unit on the SP. This situation might occur if the configuration was lost from the SP. A configuration can be lost if the SP is replaced or if a problem occurred with the persistent version of the configuration on the SP. Note that using the remove-spconfig command to explicitly remove a configuration also removes the autosave version on the control domain. As a result, no remnants of the configuration remain on either the control domain or on the SP.

Example 12 List I/O Devices

The following example lists the I/O devices on the system.

primary# ldm list-io
NAME                                      TYPE   BUS      DOMAIN   STATUS
----                                      ----   ---      ------   ------
pci_0                                     BUS    pci_0    primary  IOV
niu_0                                     NIU    niu_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE0                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE1                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE2                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE5                      PCIE   pci_0    primary  EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0                           PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1                           PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0                              PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2                              PCIE   pci_0    primary  OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0            PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0            PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0                   PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1                   PF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF0        VF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF1        VF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF2        VF     pci_0    iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF3        VF     pci_0    iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0        VF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1        VF     pci_0    primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2        VF     pci_0    iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3        VF     pci_0    iodom1
Example 13 List CPU Core Activation Information

The following example shows information about the CPU core activations on a Fujitsu M10 server. The PERMITS column shows that 10 CPU core activations have been issued. This total includes all permanent and pay-per-use CPU core activations. The PERMANENT column shows that there are 10 permanent CPU core activations, which means that there are no issued pay-per-use CPU core activations. The IN USE column shows that only two of the CPU core activations are currently in use. The REST column shows that eight CPU core activations are available for use.

primary# ldm list-permits
10      (10)          2           8
Example 14 List Network Devices

The following example shows network device information for the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm list-netdev ldg1

NAME               CLASS    MEDIA    STATE    SPEED    OVER     LOC
----               -----    -----    -----    -----    ----     ---
net0               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       primary-vsw0/vne t0_ldg1
net3               PHYS     ETHER    up       10000    --       /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
net4               VSW      ETHER    up       10000    --       ldg1-vsw1
net1               PHYS     ETHER    up       10000    --       /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
net5               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
net6               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
aggr2              AGGR     ETHER    unknown  0        net1,net3 --
ldoms-vsw0.vport3  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
ldoms-vsw0.vport2  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
ldoms-vsw0.vport1  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg3
ldoms-vsw0.vport0  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg2

The following example shows a detailed listing of network devices on the ldg1 domain by specifying the –l option.

primary# ldm list-netdev -l ldg1

NAME               CLASS    MEDIA    STATE    SPEED    OVER     LOC
----               -----    -----    -----    -----    ----     ---
net0               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       primary-vsw0/vnet0_ldg1
    MTU       : 1500 [1500-1500]
    IPADDR    :
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fb:9c:df

net3               PHYS     ETHER    up       10000    --       /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
    MTU       : 1500 [576-15500]
    MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2

net4               VSW      ETHER    up       10000    --       ldg1-vsw1
    MTU       : 1500 [1500-1500]
    IPADDR    :
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fb:61:6e

net1               PHYS     ETHER    up       10000    --       /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
    MTU       : 1500 [576-15500]
    MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2

net5               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
    MTU       : 1500 [1500-1500]
    IPADDR    :  /
              : fe80::214:4fff:fef8:5062/ffc0::
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:50:62

net6               VNET     ETHER    up       0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
    MTU       : 1500 [1500-1500]
    IPADDR    :  /
              : fe80::214:4fff:fef8:af92/ffc0::
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:af:92

aggr2              AGGR     ETHER    unknown  0        net1,net3 --
    MODE      : TRUNK
    POLICY    : L2,L3
    MEMBER    : net1 [PORTSTATE = attached]
    MEMBER    : net3 [PORTSTATE = attached]
    MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2

ldoms-vsw0.vport3  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
    MTU       : 1500 [576-1500]
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:af:92

ldoms-vsw0.vport2  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
    MTU       : 1500 [576-1500]
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:50:62

ldoms-vsw0.vport1  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg3
    MTU       : 1500 [576-1500]
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f9:d3:88

ldoms-vsw0.vport0  VNIC     ETHER    unknown  0        --       ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg2
    MTU       : 1500 [576-1500]
    MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fa:47:f4
              : 00:14:4f:f9:65:b5
              : 00:14:4f:f9:60:3f
Example 15 List Network Device Statistics

The following example shows the default network statistics for all the domains in the system.

primary# ldm list-netstat

NAME               IPACKETS     RBYTES       OPACKETS     OBYTES
----               --------     ------       --------     ------
net3               0            0            0            0
net0               2.72M        778.27M      76.32K       6.01M
net4               2.72M        778.27M      76.32K       6.01M
net6               2            140          1.30K        18.17K
net7               0            0            0            0
net2               0            0            0            0
net1               0            0            0            0
aggr1             0            0            0            0
ldoms-vsw0.vport0  935.40K      74.59M       13.15K       984.43K
ldoms-vsw0.vport1  933.26K      74.37M       11.42K       745.15K
ldoms-vsw0.vport2  933.24K      74.37M       11.46K       747.66K
ldoms-vsw1.vport1  202.26K      17.99M       179.75K      15.69M
ldoms-vsw1.vport0  202.37K      18.00M       189.00K      16.24M

NAME               IPACKETS     RBYTES       OPACKETS     OBYTES
----               --------     ------       --------     ------
net0               5.19K        421.57K      68           4.70K
net3               0            0            2.07K        256.93K
net4               0            0            4.37K        560.17K
net1               0            0            2.29K        303.24K
net5               149          31.19K       78           17.00K
net6               147          30.51K       78           17.29K
aggr2              0            0            0            0
ldoms-vsw0.vport3  162          31.69K       52           14.11K
ldoms-vsw0.vport2  163          31.74K       51           13.76K
ldoms-vsw0.vport1  176          42.99K       25           1.50K
ldoms-vsw0.vport0  158          40.19K       45           4.42K

NAME               IPACKETS     RBYTES       OPACKETS     OBYTES
----               --------     ------       --------     ------
net0               5.17K        418.90K      71           4.88K
net1               2.70K        201.67K      2.63K        187.01K
net2               132          36.40K       1.51K        95.07K

NAME               IPACKETS     RBYTES       OPACKETS     OBYTES
----               --------     ------       --------     ------
net0               5.16K        417.43K      72           4.90K
net1               2.80K        206.12K      2.67K        190.36K
net2               118          35.00K       1.46K        87.78K
Example 16 List Dependencies

The following example shows detailed domain dependency information by specifying the –l option.

primary# ldm list-dependencies -l
ldg0           primary         VDISK     primary-vds0/vdisk0
                               VNET      primary-vsw0/vnet0
               svcdom          VDISK     svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
                               VNET      svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
ldg1           primary         VDISK     primary-vds0/vdisk0
                               VNET      primary-vsw0/vnet0
                               IOV       /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
               svcdom          VDISK     svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
                               VNET      svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
                               IOV       /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

The following example shows shows detailed information about dependents grouped by their dependencies by specifying both the –l and –r options.

primary# ldm list-dependencies -r -l
primary        ldg0            VDISK     primary-vds0/vdisk0
                               VNET      primary-vsw0/vnet0
               ldg1            VDISK     primary-vds0/vdisk0
                               VNET      primary-vsw0/vnet0
                               IOV       /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
svcdom         ldg0            VDISK     svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
                               VNET      svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
               ldg1            VDISK     svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
                               VNET      svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
                               IOV       /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
Example 17 List Resource Groups

The following example lists information about the contents of each resource group.

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group
NAME                                    CORE  MEMORY   IO
/SYS/CMU1                               12    512G     4
/SYS/CMU2                               12    512G     4
/SYS/CMU3                               12    512G     4

The following example lists detailed information about the contents of the /SYS/CMU1 resource group.

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group -l /SYS/CMU1
NAME                                    CORE  MEMORY   IO
/SYS/CMU1                               12    512G     4
    BOUND             CID
    primary           (64,66,68,70,72,74,80,82,84,86,88,90)
    PA               SIZE             BOUND
    0x201ff0000000   256M             _sys_
    0x20000e400000   412M             _sys_
    0x200000000000   102M             _sys_
    0x200006600000   32M              _sys_
    0x200030000000   129792M          primary
    0x280000000000   128G             primary
    DEVICE           PSEUDONYM        BOUND
    pci@500          pci_8            primary
    pci@540          pci_9            primary
    pci@580          pci_10           primary
    pci@5c0          pci_11           primary

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:


Successful completion.


An error occurred.


See the attributes(5) man page for a description of the following attributes.

Attribute Type
Attribute Value
Interface Stability

See also

dumpadm(1M), ifconfig(1M), shutdown(1M), vntsd(1M), attributes(5)

Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 Administration Guide