E.23 Internationalization, Languages, and Translation

E.23.1 Automatically Generated Descriptions Are Not Translated

The automatically generated Description for some components are not translated. This is expected and enables Administrators to change the Description to whatever they require. Following such a change, translation by Oracle is not possible.

E.23.2 Console Looks Messy

The Oracle Access Management Console displays policies and resources oddly when the input configuration file for remote registration is not in UTF-8 format or when the OAM Server is not started in UTF-8 locale (en_US.utf8, for instance).

Be sure to use UTF-8 encoding if creating a configuration file for the remote registration tool, oamreg, to generate authentication policies and protected resources. Also, be sure to start OAM Server in UTF-8 locale machines. Otherwise, the Oracle Access Management Console might display policies and resources oddly following successful inband registration.

E.23.3 Authentication Fails: Users with Non-ASCII Characters

Configure Access Manager to use Kerberos Authentication Scheme with WNA challenge method, and create a non-ASCII user in Microsoft Active Directory.


An exception occurs when trying to get user details to populate the subject with the user DN and GUID attributes. Authentication fails and an error is recorded in the OAM Server log when a non-ASCII user in Active Directory attempts to access an Access Manager-protected resource:

... Failure getting users by attribute : cn, value ....


The username in the attribute is passed without modification as a java string.


Non-ASCII users can access the resource protected by Kerberos WNA scheme now by applying this JVM system property (for the built-in WebLogic SPNEGO support):


E.23.4 Access Tester Does Not Work with Non-ASCII Agent Names

Register a Webgate with Access Manager using a non-ASCII name. In the Access Tester, enter the valid IP Address, Port, and Agent ID (non-ASCII name), then click Connect.

Connection testing fails.

E.23.5 Locales, Languages, and Oracle Access Management Console Login Page

When the browser locale is not supported, the Oracle Access Management Console Login page shows as server locale. It should fall back to English. This is the expected behavior:

  • If the client Locale is not supported, Oracle Access Management falls back to the server locale.

  • If the server locale is not supported, Oracle Access Management falls back to English.

When users select an unsupported language and come to the Access Manager SSO page, it shows as server locale (German, for example). However, after logging in, all the pages are displayed as English.

To fall back to English

Disable the Access Manager SSO page and the original Access Manager login page also falls back to English.