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Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide

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Updated: October 2017



abbreviations used in interface namesindex iconAbbreviations Used in Interface Names and Data Structure Names
checks for
networkindex iconCommunication Endpoints
socketsindex iconAF_UNIX Family
Trusted X Window Systemindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy
file labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
guidelines for labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
multilevel port connectionsindex iconMultilevel Port Information
ADMIN_HIGH labelindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
ADMIN_LOW labelindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
clearance labelindex iconClearance Label APIs
declarationsindex iconTrusted Extensions API Reference
examples of Trusted Extensions in Oracle Solarisindex iconUnderstanding Labels
for Oracle Solaris that use Trusted Extensions parametersindex iconOracle Solaris Library Routines and System Calls That Use Trusted Extensions Parameters
for zone labels and zone pathsindex iconLabeled Zones
introduction toindex iconSensitivity Labels
label clippingindex iconLabel-Clipping APIs
label rangeindex iconLabel Range APIs
index iconLabel APIs
index iconLabel Code Examples
index iconLabel APIs
process security attribute flagsindex iconProcess Security Attribute Flags APIs
RPCindex iconRPC APIs
security APIs from Oracle Solaris OSindex iconTrusted Extensions APIs
sensitivity labelindex iconSensitivity Label APIs
Trusted X Window System
index iconTrusted X Window System APIs
index iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
index iconTrusted X Window System
index iconTrusted X Window System APIs
testing and debuggingindex iconDeveloping, Testing, and Debugging an Application
predefined in X Window Systemindex iconDefault Window Resources
auditid fieldindex iconData Types for X11


bldominates() routine
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declarationindex iconComparing Labels
blequal() routine
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declarationindex iconComparing Labels
blinrange() routine
index iconComparing Labels
index iconComparing Labels
blmaximum() routine
declarationindex iconComparing Labels
blminimum() routine
declarationindex iconComparing Labels
blstrictdom() routine
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declarationindex iconComparing Labels
brange_t typeindex iconLabel APIs


clearance componentindex iconClearance Labels
disjointindex iconLabel Relationships
dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
equalindex iconLabel Relationships
label componentindex iconSensitivity Labels
strictly dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
clearance labelsindex iconClearance Labels
ClearanceLabel subclassindex iconClearanceLabel Subclass
disjoint labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
dominant labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
equal labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
sessionindex iconClearance Labels
strictly dominant labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
userindex iconClearance Labels
code examples
file systems
obtaining labelindex iconObtaining a File Label
getSocketPeer static factory
obtaining socket peer labelindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
label relationshipsindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
label_encodings file
obtaining character-coded color namesindex iconObtaining the Color Names of Labels
obtaining on file systemindex iconObtaining a File Label
obtaining on windowindex iconObtaining a Window Label
obtaining process labelindex iconObtaining a Process Label
setting on windowindex iconSetting a Window Label
obtain socket peer labelindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
set file sensitivity labelindex iconSetting a File Sensitivity Label
Trusted X Window System
obtaining window attributesindex iconObtaining Window Attributes
obtaining window labelindex iconObtaining a Window Label
obtaining window user IDindex iconObtaining the Window User ID
obtaining workstation ownerindex iconObtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
setting window labelindex iconSetting a Window Label
translating with font listindex iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
communication endpoints
access checksindex iconCommunication Endpoints
connections describedindex iconBerkeley Sockets and TLI
clearance componentindex iconClearance Labels
disjointindex iconLabel Relationships
dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
equalindex iconLabel Relationships
label componentindex iconSensitivity Labels
strictly dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
label librariesindex iconLabel APIs
Trusted X Window System librariesindex iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
connection requests
security attributesindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policyindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy


DAC (discretionary access control)
index iconTrusted X Window System Environment
index iconInterprocess Communications
data types
label APIsindex iconLabel APIs
Trusted X Window System APIsindex iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
applicationsindex iconDeveloping, Testing, and Debugging an Application
definitions of termsindex iconUnderstanding Labels
detecting a Trusted Extensions systemindex iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
determining whether a system is labeled
exampleindex iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
input device privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
DGA (direct graphics access)
privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
disjoint labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
dominant labels
index iconLabel Relationships
index iconLabel Relationships
dominates method
declarationindex iconComparing Label Objects
downgrading labels
guidelinesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
privileges neededindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
Trusted X Window Systemindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System


equal labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
equals method
declarationindex iconComparing Label Objects
examples of tgnome-selectlabel utility in Oracle Solarisindex icontgnome-selectlabel Utility
examples of Trusted Extensions APIs in Oracle Solarisindex iconUnderstanding Labels


fgetlabel() system call
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
file_dac_search privilege
overriding access to parent directory of zone's root directoryindex iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
file_downgrade_sl privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
file_owner privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
label privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
font list translationindex iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
font path privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System


getClearanceLabel static factory
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
getDeviceRange static factory
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getdevicerange() routine
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Ranges
getFileLabel static factory
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getlabel() system call
code exampleindex iconObtaining a File Label
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getlabel commandindex iconSetting a File Sensitivity Label
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
getLabelRange static factory
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getLower method
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getMaximum method
index iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
getMinimum method
index iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
getpathbylabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getplabel() routine
code example
index iconObtaining the Color Names of Labels
index iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
index iconObtaining a Process Label
declarationindex iconAccessing the Process Sensitivity Label
getSensitivityLabel static factory
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
getSocketPeer static factory
code exampleindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getUpper method
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getUserRange static factory
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getuserrange() routine
declarationindex iconObtaining Label Ranges
getzoneidbylabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyid() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyname() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyid() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbylabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyname() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
gid fieldindex iconData Types for X11
global zone
controlling multilevel operationsindex iconMultilevel Operations
labels inindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
mounts inindex iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
Xlib objectsindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes


header files
label APIsindex iconLabel APIs
locations, list ofindex iconHeader File Locations
Trusted X Window System APIsindex iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs


iaddr fieldindex iconData Types for X11
inRange method
index iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
interface names
abbreviations used inindex iconAbbreviations Used in Interface Names and Data Structure Names
IPC (interprocess communication)index iconInterprocess Communications
is_system_labeled() routine
declarationindex iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System


Java bindings
classesindex iconStructure of the Experimental Java Label Interfaces
ClearanceLabel subclassindex iconClearanceLabel Subclass
Range classindex iconRange Class
SensitivityLabel subclassindex iconSensitivityLabel Subclass
SolarisLabel abstract classindex iconSolarisLabel Abstract Class
Java methods
dominatesindex iconComparing Label Objects
equalsindex iconComparing Label Objects
getLowerindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getMaximumindex iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
getUpperindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
index iconComparing Label Objects
setFileLabelindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
strictlyDominatesindex iconComparing Label Objects
toCaveatsindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toChannelsindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toColorindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toFooterindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toHeaderindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toInternalindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toProtectAsindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toRootPathindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
toStringindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toTextindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toTextLongindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toTextShortindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
Java static factories
getClearanceLabelindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
getDeviceRangeindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getFileLabelindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getLabelRangeindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects
getSensitivityLabelindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
getSocketPeerindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getUserRangeindex iconObtaining Label Range Objects


label APIs
descriptionsindex iconLabel APIs
for zone labels and zone pathsindex iconLabeled Zones
introduction toindex iconSensitivity Labels
label clippingindex iconLabel-Clipping APIs
code examplesindex iconLabel Code Examples
list ofindex iconLabel APIs
RPCindex iconRPC APIs
Trusted X Window System
index iconTrusted X Window System APIs
index iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
index iconTrusted X Window System
windowsindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
label builder GUIindex iconLabel Builder GUI
adding to an administration applicationindex iconAdding the Label Builder GUI to an Administration Application
selecting labelsindex iconAdding the Label Builder GUI to an Administration Application
label clipping
API declaration
index iconLabel-Clipping APIs
index iconWorking With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
translating with font listindex iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
label data types
label rangesindex iconLabel APIs
sensitivity labelsindex iconLabel APIs
label rangesindex iconLabel Ranges
file systems
data structureindex iconLabel APIs
overviewindex iconLabel APIs
label_encodings file
API declarationsindex iconLabel APIs
color namesindex iconObtaining the Color Names of Labels
non-Englishindex iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
label_to_str() routine
code example
index iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
index iconObtaining the Color Names of Labels
declarationindex iconWorking With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
labeled zonesindex iconLabeled Zones
labeling_disable() routine
declarationindex iconEnabling and Disabling a Trusted Extensions System
labeling_enable() routine
declarationindex iconEnabling and Disabling a Trusted Extensions System
labeling_set_encodings() routine
declarationindex iconSetting the Label Encodings File
acquiringindex iconAcquiring a Sensitivity Label
ADMIN_HIGHindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
ADMIN_LOWindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
API declarationsindex iconLabel APIs
disablingindex iconLabel APIs
enablingindex iconLabel APIs
label clippingindex iconLabel-Clipping APIs
label_encodings fileindex iconLabel APIs
labelsindex iconLabel APIs
levelsindex iconLabel APIs
network databasesindex iconLabel APIs
rangesindex iconLabel APIs
zonesindex iconLabel APIs
components ofindex iconSensitivity Labels
definition ofindex iconLabel Relationships
disjointindex iconLabel Relationships
dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
downgrading guidelinesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
in global zoneindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
index iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
index iconAcquiring a Sensitivity Label
index iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
privileged tasksindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
downgrading labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
upgrading labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconLabel APIs
index iconLabel Range APIs
index iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
index iconLabel Relationships
strictly dominantindex iconLabel Relationships
clearanceindex iconClearance Labels
sensitivityindex iconSensitivity Labels
upgrading guidelinesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
user processesindex iconAcquiring a Sensitivity Label
Trusted X Window System APIsindex iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
libraries, compile
label APIsindex iconLabel APIs
library routines
API declarationsindex iconSystem Calls and Library Routines in Trusted Extensions
bldominates()index iconComparing Labels
blequal()index iconComparing Labels
index iconComparing Labels
index iconComparing Labels
blmaximum()index iconComparing Labels
blminimum()index iconComparing Labels
blstrictdom()index iconComparing Labels
getdevicerange()index iconObtaining Label Ranges
getpathbylabel()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getplabel()index iconAccessing the Process Sensitivity Label
getuserrange()index iconObtaining Label Ranges
getzoneidbylabel()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyid()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonelabelbyname()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyid()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbylabel()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
getzonerootbyname()index iconAccessing Labels in Zones
is_system_labeled()index iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
index iconWorking With the X11 Label-Clipping Interface
index iconLabel Encodings File
index iconReadable Versions of Labels
index iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
labeling_disable()index iconEnabling and Disabling a Trusted Extensions System
labeling_enable()index iconEnabling and Disabling a Trusted Extensions System
labeling_set_encodings()index iconSetting the Label Encodings File
m_label_alloc()index iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_dup()index iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_free()index iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
setflabel()index iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
str_to_label()index iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
tsol_getrhtype()index iconObtaining the Remote Host Type
ucred_getlabel()index iconAccessing the Process Sensitivity Label
XQueryExtension()index iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
XTSOLgetClientAttributes()index iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropAttributes()index iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropLabel()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLgetPropUID()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLgetResAttributes()index iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetResLabel()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLgetResUID()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLgetSSHeight()index iconAccessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner()index iconAccessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
XTSOLIsWindowTrusted()index iconWorking With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLmakeTPWindow()index iconWorking With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo()index iconSetting Window Polyinstantiation Information
XTSOLsetPropLabel()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLsetPropUID()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLsetResLabel()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLsetResUID()index iconAccessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLsetSessionHI()index iconSetting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSessionLO()index iconSetting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSSHeight()index iconAccessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner()index iconAccessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID


m_label_alloc() routine
code exampleindex iconDetermining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_dup() routine
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_free() routine
declarationindex iconAllocating and Freeing Memory for Labels
m_label_t typeindex iconLabel APIs
MAC (mandatory access control)
index iconTrusted X Window System Environment
index iconInterprocess Communications
making socket exempt fromindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
multilevel operations
security policy forindex iconMultilevel Operations
multilevel ports
description of
index iconMultilevel Port Information
index iconMultilevel Port Information
index iconMultilevel Ports
using with UDPindex iconUsing Multilevel Ports With UDP


net_bindmlp privilegeindex iconMultilevel Port Information
net_mac_aware privilegeindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
network security policy
defaultindex iconDefault Network Policy
security attributesindex iconMultilevel Ports
non-global zonesindex iconLabeled Zones


Oracle Solaris
examples of tgnome-selectlabel utilityindex icontgnome-selectlabel Utility
examples of Trusted Extensions APIsindex iconUnderstanding Labels
interfaces, API declarationsindex iconOracle Solaris Library Routines and System Calls That Use Trusted Extensions Parameters
ouid fieldindex iconData Types for X11


PAF_SELAGNT flagindex iconMoving Data Between Windows
pid fieldindex iconData Types for X11
plabel commandindex iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System Environment
PORTMAPPER serviceindex iconRPC Mechanism
multilevelindex iconMultilevel Port Information
single-levelindex iconMultilevel Port Information
privileged tasks
labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
multilevel port connectionsindex iconMultilevel Port Information
Trusted X Window Systemindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
file_dac_readindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
file_dac_writeindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconLabeled Zones
file_ownerindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
index iconLabeled Zones
index iconAF_UNIX Family
index iconMultilevel Port Information
index iconMultilevel Ports
index iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
index iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
index iconSetting a Window Label
index iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
win_configindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_dac_readindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_dac_writeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
index iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
index iconKeyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
win_dgaindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_downgrade_slindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_fontpathindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_selectionindex iconMoving Data Between Windows
index iconSetting a Window Label
index iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
process clearances
labels definedindex iconLabel Relationships
binding to multilevel portsindex iconMultilevel Ports
in labeled zonesindex iconLabeled Zones
multilevel initiated in global zoneindex iconMultilevel Operations
writing down from global zoneindex iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System


Range class
description ofindex iconRange Class
methods and static factoriesindex iconRange Class
relationships between labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
remote host
typeindex iconObtaining the Remote Host Type
ResourceType structureindex iconData Types for X11
RPC (remote procedure call)index iconRPC Mechanism


SCM_UCREDindex iconUsing Multilevel Ports With UDP
security attribute flags
API declarationsindex iconProcess Security Attribute Flags APIs
security attributes
accessing labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
labels from remote hostsindex iconMultilevel Ports
Trusted X Window System
contrast with Oracle Solarisindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policy
communication endpointsindex iconCommunication Endpoints
definition ofindex iconUnderstanding Labels
global zoneindex iconLabels in the Global Zone
label guidelinesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
multilevel operationsindex iconMultilevel Operations
multilevel portsindex iconMultilevel Port Information
networkindex iconDefault Network Policy
socketsindex iconAF_UNIX Family
translating labelsindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
Trusted X Window Systemindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy
write-down in global zoneindex iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
Selection Manager
bypassing with flagindex iconMoving Data Between Windows
security policyindex iconSelection Manager
sensitivity labels
index iconSensitivity Labels
index iconSensitivity Labels
SensitivityLabel subclass
description ofindex iconSensitivityLabel Subclass
sessionid fieldindex iconData Types for X11
setFileLabel method
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
setflabel() routine
code exampleindex iconSetting a File Sensitivity Label
declarationindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
setpflags() system callindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
single-level ports
description ofindex iconMultilevel Port Information
sl fieldindex iconData Types for X11
SO_MAC_EXEMPT optionindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
SO_RECVUCRED optionindex iconMultilevel Ports
access checksindex iconCommunication Endpoints
exempt from MACindex iconMAC-Exempt Sockets
SOL_SOCKETindex iconUsing Multilevel Ports With UDP
SolarisLabel abstract class
description ofindex iconSolarisLabel Abstract Class
methods and static factoriesindex iconSolarisLabel Abstract Class
str_to_label() routine
code exampleindex iconSetting a File Sensitivity Label
strictly dominant labelsindex iconLabel Relationships
strictlyDominates method
declarationindex iconComparing Label Objects
sys_trans_label privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
system calls
API declarationsindex iconSystem Calls and Library Routines in Trusted Extensions
fgetlabel() routineindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File
getlabel() routineindex iconObtaining and Setting the Label of a File


definitions ofindex iconUnderstanding Labels
testing and debugging applicationsindex iconDeveloping, Testing, and Debugging an Application
color namesindex iconObtaining the Color Names of Labels
tgnome-selectlabel utilityindex icontgnome-selectlabel Utility
tgnome-selectlabel utility optionsindex icontgnome-selectlabel Utility
toCaveats method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toChannels method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toColor method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toFooter method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toHeader method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toInternal method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toProtectAs method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toRootPath method
declarationindex iconAccessing Labels in Zones
toString method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toText method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toTextLong method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
toTextShort method
declarationindex iconTranslating Between Labels and Strings
labels with font listindex iconTranslating the Window Label With the Font List
privileges neededindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
Trusted Extensions APIs
Oracle Solaris examplesindex iconUnderstanding Labels
Trusted Extensions system, detectingindex iconDetecting a Trusted Extensions System
Trusted Path window
definition ofindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System
API declarations
index iconTrusted X Window System APIs
index iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
client attributes structureindex iconData Types for X11
defaultsindex iconDefault Window Resources
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
input devicesindex iconKeyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
label-clipping API declarationindex iconLabel-Clipping APIs
object attribute structureindex iconData Types for X11
object type definitionindex iconData Types for X11
objectsindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
override-redirectindex iconOverride-Redirect Windows
predefined atomsindex iconDefault Window Resources
privileged tasksindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
propertiesindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy
property attribute structureindex iconData Types for X11
protocol extensionsindex iconTrusted X Window System
root windowindex iconRoot Window
security attributes
contrast with Oracle Solarisindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policyindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy
Selection Managerindex iconSelection Manager
server controlindex iconKeyboard, Pointer, and Server Control
Trusted Path windowindex iconTrusted X Window System APIs
using interfacesindex iconUsing Trusted X Window System Interfaces
tsol_getrhtype() routine
declarationindex iconObtaining the Remote Host Type


ucred_getlabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing the Process Sensitivity Label
uid fieldindex iconData Types for X11
upgrading labels
guidelinesindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
privileges neededindex iconPrivileged Operations and Labels
Trusted X Window Systemindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
user IDs
obtaining on windowindex iconSetting a Window Label
obtaining on workstationindex iconObtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID


Web Guard prototypeindex iconAdministrative Web Guard Prototype
win_config privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_dac_read privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_dac_write privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_devices privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_dga privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_downgrade_sl privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_fontpath privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_mac_read privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_mac_write privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
win_upgrade_sl privilegeindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
client, security policyindex iconClient Windows
defaultsindex iconDefault Window Resources
description ofindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
override-redirect, security policyindex iconOverride-Redirect Windows
privilegesindex iconPrivileged Operations and the Trusted X Window System
root, security policyindex iconRoot Window
security policyindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Policy


X Window System  Seeindex iconTrusted X Window System
API declarationsindex iconTrusted Extensions X Window System APIs
objectsindex iconTrusted X Window System Security Attributes
XTsolClientAttributes structureindex iconData Types for X11
XTSOLgetClientAttributes() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropAttributes() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetPropLabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLgetPropUID() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLgetResAttributes() routine
code exampleindex iconObtaining Window Attributes
declarationindex iconAccessing Attributes
XTSOLgetResLabel() routine
code exampleindex iconObtaining a Window Label
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLgetResUID() routine
code exampleindex iconObtaining the Window User ID
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLgetSSHeight() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner() routine
code exampleindex iconObtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID
XTSOLIsWindowTrusted() routine
declarationindex iconWorking With the Trusted Path Window
XTSOLmakeTPWindow() routine
declarationindex iconWorking With the Trusted Path Window
XTsolPropAttributes structureindex iconData Types for X11
XTsolResAttributes structureindex iconData Types for X11
XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo() routine
declarationindex iconSetting Window Polyinstantiation Information
XTSOLsetPropLabel() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property Label
XTSOLsetPropUID() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Property User ID
XTSOLsetResLabel() routine
code exampleindex iconSetting a Window Label
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window Label
XTSOLsetResUID() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Window User ID
XTSOLsetSessionHI() routine
declarationindex iconSetting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSessionLO() routine
declarationindex iconSetting the X Window Server Clearance and Minimum Label
XTSOLsetSSHeight() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting the Screen Stripe Height
XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner() routine
declarationindex iconAccessing and Setting a Workstation Owner ID


APIs for zone labels and zone pathsindex iconLabeled Zones
in Trusted Extensionsindex iconZones and Labels
labeledindex iconZones and Labels
mounts and the global zoneindex iconWrite-Down Policy in the Global Zone
multilevel portsindex iconMultilevel Ports