Oracle® Solaris 11.2 版本說明


更新日期: 2015 年 5 月

SPARC:配接卡連線至啟動裝置時發生 FMA 錯誤 (18378881)

在已安裝最新 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 軟體且配置 FC SR-IOV 的 SPARC T4-1 系統上,當 qlc 驅動程式連接至某一連接埠且連結變成作用中,而系統隨後將某個配接卡停用時,就會顯示下列 FMA 錯誤。

--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
Mar 05 18:34:11 3744889c-5019-cbbf-a8c2-e7fc4c380075  FMD-8000-11    Minor

Problem Status: isolated
Diag Engine: eft / 1.16 System
Manufacturer: unknown
Part_Number: unknown
Serial_Number: 1252BDY565
Host_ID: 86230a82
Description: A Solaris Fault Manager module generated a diagnosis for which no
message summary exists.

Response: The diagnosis has been saved in the fault log for examination.

Impact: The fault log will need to be manually examined using fmdump(1M)
in order to determine if any human response is required.

Action: Use 'fmadm faulty' to provide a more detailed view of this event.
Please refer to the associated reference document at for the latest service
procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.

這個問題只會發生在實體功能 (PF) 裝置的初始系統啟動期間,虛擬功能 (VF) 裝置則無此問題。

解決方法:qlc.conf 檔案中的 connection-options 參數變更為 point-to-point only,清除 FMA 錯誤後重新啟動系統。