5 Troubleshooting Mobile Synchronization Gateway

This chapter describes troubleshooting strategies for Oracle Communications Mobile Synchronization Gateway.

Enabling Telemetry Logging

To troubleshoot issues with a particular user or client, it is useful to log all protocol interactions. You can force all telemetry logs by setting the mgcore.telemetry.forcetelemetry parameter to true. Do not use this setting unless required as it generates lots of data.

To set the mgcore.telemetry.forcetelemetry parameter to true:

mgadmin config modify -o mgcore.telemetry.forcetelemetry -v true

To filter on specific email addresses, set the mgcore.telemetry.filter parameter:

mgadmin config modify -o mgcore.telemetry.filter -v space_separated_list_of_email_addresses

Troubleshooting Connecting to Convergence

If Convergence clients are experiencing problems connecting to Mobile Synchronization Gateway, check the logs for errors such as "WABP Error Code 1001" or "WABP user not connecting." The problem could be that Convergence has not been properly configured for proxy authentication.

To enable Convergence for proxy authentication:

  1. Log in to the Convergence host as root.

  2. Set the auth.ldap.enableproxyauth configuration parameter for proxy authentication:

    iwcadmin -u admin -o auth.ldap.enableproxyauth -v true
  3. Set the auth.adminuserlogin.enable configuration parameter to allow proxy administrators to log in:

    iwcadmin -u admin -o auth.adminuserlogin.enable -v true

Troubleshooting Back-End Services

This section provides information to help you troubleshoot the email, calendar, and WABP back-end services to which Mobile Synchronization Gateway connects.

General Back-End Services Troubleshooting

If Mobile Synchronization Gateway is experiencing problems with one or more of the back-end services, disable that service (or services) on the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host. Then restart Mobile Synchronization Gateway. In this way, you can begin to isolate the problem while continuing to run unaffected services.

For example, if you have a deployment that consists of email, calendar, and WABP services, and you think the WAPBP service is causing problems, disable WABP on the Mobile Synchronization Gateway host then restart Mobile Synchronization Gateway. If the email and calendar services function correctly, you can then investigate the problem with the WABP service, while keeping the email and calendar services available.

To disable a service on Mobile Synchronization Gateway, use the mgadmin command to set the service's *.enable configuration parameter to false. For example, to disable the calendar service:

mgadmin config modify -o caldav.enable -v false

For more information on Mobile Synchronization Gateway service *.enable configuration parameters, see "Mobile Synchronization Gateway Configuration Files and Parameters".

Log Messages Indicating a Problem

If Mobile Synchronization Gateway is experiencing problems with one or more of the back-end services, examine the log files for potential issues.

For example, the following messages indicate problems with the Contacts Server back-end host:

Doing health check for CardDAV at http://carddav.example.com:8080/dav/principals/
<...DAVOperation.failed>  - cant reach Server at http://carddav.example.com:8080/dav/principals/ : Connection refused
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Failed health check for CardDAV at http://carddav.example.com:8080/dav/principals/

The same kind of log messages can appear for the Calendar Server back-end host.

Additionally, the following log messages indicate problems with the Messaging Server back-end host:

<...ASServer.getIMAPClient> No IMAP Client for imap.example.com - creating one
<...IMAPClientImpl$IMAPStorePool.getPROTH> failed to connect to IMAP Store: Couldn't connect to host, port: imap.example.com, 143; timeout 60000

Troubleshooting Mobile Synchronization Gateway Clients

Use the information in this section to troubleshoot client issues.

iOS 7 Known Issues

This section contains iOS7 known issues.

Event Remains Canceled After Removing an Attendee from Event and Adding Back

Through Convergence, if you create an event and invite attendees to the event, then remove and add back an attendee, the event remains on the attendee's iPhone as canceled. You can then change the event time in Convergence, which does update the event time on the iPhone, however, the event remains canceled.

Unable to Create Calendar in iOS

Calendar creation fails from an iOS device when attempting to create a nested calendar. This is a bug with iOS.