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Diameter Signaling Router 7.0.x

  • Documentation Bulletin links are at the bottom of this page. Please check for corrections to the specific documents.
  • Release Notices and Licensing Information User Manuals 
  • DSR Release Notice PDF
  • DSR Release Notice PDF
  • DSR 7.0 Release Notice PDF
  • DSR 7.0 Licensing Information User Manual PDF
  • DSR 7.0.1 Licensing Information User Manual PDF
  • DSR 6.7.1 Tekelec Platform Licensing Information User's Guide PDF
  • Planning, Installation, Upgrade, and Disaster Recovery 
  • DSR 7.0.1 Planning Guide PDF
  • DSR 7.0 Feature Guide PDF
  • DSR 7.0 Planning Guide PDF
  • DSR Hardware and Software Installation Procedure 1/2 PDF
  • DSR Software Installation and Configuration Procedure 2/2 PDF
  • DSR 7.0 Software Upgrade Guide PDF
  • Three-tier Disaster Recovery Guide PDF
  • RMS Productization Installation Guide PDF
  • RMS Productization Disaster Recovery Guide PDF
  • PCA Configuration PDF
  • GLA Feature Activation Procedure PDF
  • Mediation Feature Activation Work Instruction PDF
  • CPA Feature Activation Procedure PDF
  • FABR Feature Activation Procedure PDF
  • RBAR Feature Activation Procedure PDF
  • MAP-Diameter Feature Activation Procedure PDF
  • DSR Network Impact Report Word
  • Cloud Planning, Installation, Upgrade, and Disaster Recovery 
  • Cloud Installation Guide PDF
  • DSR Cloud Disaster Recovery Guide PDF
  • SDS 5.0.1 Cloud Installation Guide PDF
  • SDS 5.0.1 Cloud Disaster Recovery Guide PDF
  • Core Document Set 
  • Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Guide HTML PDF
  • Communication Agent User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Roadmap to Hardware Documentation (Gen8) PDF
  • Policy Charging Application User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Diameter User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Mediation User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Range Based Address Resolution (RBAR) User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Full Address Based Resolution (FABR) User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Charging Proxy Application (CPA) and Offline Charging Solution User's Guide HTML PDF
  • IP Front End (IPFE) User's Guide HTML PDF
  • DSR Alarms and KPIs Reference HTML PDF
  • Diameter Measurements Reference HTML PDF
  • Diameter Common User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Diameter Administrator's Guide HTML PDF
  • MAP-Diameter IWF User's Guide HTML PDF
  • SS7/SIGTRAN User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Transport Manager User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Gateway Location Application (GLA) User's Guide HTML PDF
  • Related Publications Reference HTML PDF

Subscriber Database Server 5.0

  • Feature Notice PDF
  • Getting Started PDF
  • Configuration and Maintenance Guide PDF
  • Subscriber Database Server Provisioning Interface PDF
  • Communication Agent User Guide PDF
  • Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Guide PDF
  • Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements PDF
  • SDS Initial Installation and Configuration Guide PDF
  • SDS Software Upgrade Procedure PDF
  • SDS Disaster Recovery Guide PDF

Integrated Diameter Intelligence Hub (IDIH)

  • IDIH User's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH Audit Viewer Administrator's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH Alarm Forwarding Administrator's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH Operations, Administration and Maintenance Administrator’s Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH ProTrace User's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH System Alarms User's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH Log Viewer User's Guide HTML PDF
  • IDIH Installation Guide PDF
  • IDIH Disaster Recovery Guide PDF

Documentation Bulletins

  • Documentation Bulletin E76630-01, "Correct Descriptions for TmMpCongestion and TmMpCongestionLevel Measurements"PDF
  • Documentation Bulletin E73552-01, "Correct Severity Information for Alarm 31283, 'Lost Communication with server'"PDF
  • Documentation Bulletin E73553-01, "Correct Severity Information for Events 22059, 22060, 22062, and 22347"PDF
  • Documentation Bulletin CGBU_018115, "Incorrect PCRF Pool Upgrading information"PDF
  • Documentation Bulletin cgbu_017647, Additional information on event 22320 in the Alarms and KPIs ReferencePDF
  • Documentation Bulletin E91299, Additional Information PDRAPDF