Update the FSPM Software

You can update directly from Pillar Axiom Path Manager (APM) or from an earlier version of Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM) to latest version of FSPM. You do not need to uninstall the previous version of APM or FSPM.

If you are updating FSPM on a host in a clustered environment, that host cluster node must be a passive node. This enables I/⁠O to the cluster to continue without interruption. Changing the roles of the node from active to passive enables all nodes to be updated.
Note: Changing the nodes from active to passive causes a disruption during the changeover from active to passive node.

To update FSPM, follow the installation instructions in this guide for installing FSPM when it is not already installed. This installation automatically replaces the existing version, whether APM or FSPM to the version of FSPM you chose to install.