About the Incidents Knowledge Base

The Incidents Knowledge Base contains your annotations, by asset type, and stores the information on the Enterprise Controller. Use annotations to collect information from prior incidents, add suggested fixes, or run automated fixes for a specific type of incident. You can add possible causes and impacts. You can create, update, and delete annotations in the Incidents Knowledge Base.

Annotations can be associated with an operational plan that contains a utility or script to correct a specific issue. You can choose to associate the annotation with all incidents of the same type and severity. The next time the incident occurs, you can access the possible causes and impacts and annotations identified in the previous incident and resolve the issue more quickly.

When a rule is triggered, and an alert or incident is identified, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center checks the Incidents Knowledge Base and Incident Profiles for the asset type and corresponding incident type. Any associated annotations are added to the Incident. Any Operational Profiles referenced in Automated Operation annotations are executed against the asset on which this incident was open. When a suggested action annotation is associated with the incident, the text and script (when available) appear in the incident details.

You can add annotations to the Incidents Knowledge Base in Plan Management or from a specific incident.

The following types of Annotations are available:

  • Automated Operation: An annotation that references an Operational Profile and executes the profile when a specific incident occurs.

  • Suggested Action: An annotation containing a suggested fix or course of action for a specific incident. The suggested course of action can be in text or you can refer to an Operational Profile.

  • Comment: An annotation in text that updates the status or reports activity about an incident.