9 Setting Up Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 1 Using the Initial Setup Console

The Initial Setup Console is a GUI-rich console within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console that can be used as a starting point to set up Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, track the progress of each setup task you perform, and identify tasks that are still pending. You can perform all the steps at the same time, or do some now and the rest later.

The setup steps listed in the Initial Setup Console are also available as separate menu options, but Oracle recommends that you perform steps using the console as it provides an overall readiness status in a single view.


Only a super administrator can access the Initial Setup Console.

This chapter describes how you can use the Initial Setup Console to perform all the setup tasks. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

9.1 Configuring Oracle Software Library Using the Initial Setup Console to Store Software Entities

Oracle Software Library (Software Library) is a repository that stores software entities such as software patches, virtual appliance images, reference gold images, application software, and their associated directive scripts.

You can configure the Software Library while or after installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

  • If you configured the Software Library while installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then this particular setup task in the Initial Setup Console appears as complete. In this case, you can move over to the next setup task.

  • If you did not configure the Software Library while installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then this setup task in the Initial Setup Console appears as incomplete. In this case, you must follow the instructions outlined in this topic to complete the task.

  • If you do not want to configure the Software Library from the Initial Setup Console, then you can configure it later from the Software Library Administration Console, which is available within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console.

    For instructions to configure it from the Software Library Administration Console, see Setting Up an OMS Shared File System Storage Location.

  • If you upgraded from an earlier release of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, then this setup task in the Initial Setup Console always appears as complete because during upgrade, the Software Library location from the earlier is automatically is carried over.

Software Library supports two types of storage locations, mainly OMS Shared File System location and OMS Agent File System location. Oracle strongly recommends that you configure the OMS Shared File System location. To understand these storage locations, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

To configure an OMS Shared File System location for the Software Library, using the Initial Setup Console, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the prerequisites for a Software Library upload storage location as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

  2. From the Setup menu, click Initial Setup Console.

  3. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click Software Library.

  4. On the Software Library Upload File Location page, from the Storage Type drop-down menu, select OMS Shared File System.

  5. Enter a unique name for the Software Library storage location, and the absolute path to a shared location that is mounted on the OMS host. A shared location on the OMS host is required because the same shared location will be used when you install additional OMS instances. Ensure that this shared location is accessible by all the OMS instances. For a multi-OMS setup, set the Normal Preferred Credentials for all the OMS instances.

    While configuring an upload file location for the first time, a metadata registration job is submitted that imports all Software Library-related metadata information of all the installed plug-ins, from the OMS.

    Once the upload file location is configured, you can perform other storage administration actions such as purging, migration, and so on from the Software Library Administration Console, which is available within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. To access this console, from the Setup menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Software Library.


    • For a multi-OMS environment, you must set up the clustered file system using NFS, ACFS, or DBFS. On Microsoft Windows, for sharing, the OCFS2 cluster file system is recommended. For more information, see the chapter on configuring a Software Library in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.

    • For some reason, if you are unable to configure an OMS Shared File System location, then configure an OMS Agent File System location. For instructions, see Setting Up an OMS Agent Storage Location.

9.2 Configuring Proxies for OMS-to-Management Agent Communication

You can secure the communication between Oracle Management Service (OMS) and Oracle Management Agents (Management Agents) by configuring a proxy. You can configure one proxy for all Management Agents, one proxy for a set of Management Agents and none for the rest, or different proxies for different sets of Management Agents.

In addition, you can configure two or more proxies as redundant proxies to support high availability of the proxies configured for OMS and Management Agent communication. Under such circumstances, by default, the proxy that is up and running is selected for communication, regardless of the status of the other proxies. Before starting to communicate if a proxy is found to be inactive or down, then an alternate proxy configured for that Management Agent is selected. However, note that after the communication begins through a particular proxy, if that proxy turns inactive or shuts down, then no fallback mechanism is currently available to select an alternate proxy that is up and running.


  • NTLM-based Microsoft proxies are not supported. To enable access through such proxies, add all the available agent hosts to the Unauthenticated Sites Properties of the NTLM-based Microsoft proxy.

  • Local addresses of each OMS automatically bypass the proxy.

  • If you have already configured a proxy, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To configure a proxy using the Initial Setup Console for OMS-Management Agent communication, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click OMS Agent Proxy Setting.

  3. Follow Step (3) to Step (6) as outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

9.3 Configuring Proxies Using the Initial Setup Console for OMS-My Oracle Support Communication

Oracle Management Service (OMS) uses the Internet connectivity on its host to connect to My Oracle Support periodically to download patches, patch sets, patch recommendations, and Automated Release Updates (ARU) seed data. By default, Enterprise Manager Cloud Control assumes that there is no proxy server configured between the OMS and My Oracle Support. However, to secure the communication, you can add a proxy server between the two entities, and then register it as a proxy target in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


If you have already configured a proxy, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To configure a proxy using the Initial Setup Console for OMS-My Oracle Support communication, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click My Oracle Support.

  3. Follow Step (2) to Step (7) as outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.

9.4 Adding Additional Oracle Management Service Using the Initial Setup Console

When you install Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, by default, the installer installs one Oracle Management Service along with one Oracle Management Agent. While this default configuration suits smaller environments, typically in larger production environments, you might require additional OMS instances to help reduce the load on a single Oracle Management Service, improve the efficiency of the data flow, and offer high availability of your Enterprise Manager system.


If you have already added an additional OMS, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To add an additional Oracle Management Service using the Initial Setup Console, follow these steps:

  1. Before you begin adding an additional Oracle Management Service, review the important facts as described in Section 7.2.

  2. Meet the prerequisites for an additional Oracle Management Service as described in Section 7.3.

  3. From the Setup menu, click Initial Setup Console.

  4. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click Add Oracle Management Service.

  5. On the Add Management Service Getting Started page, complete the preinstallation tasks listed there. Once you are done, select each of the tasks you have complete, and then, click Next.

  6. Follow Step (4) to Step (7) as outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

  7. After adding the additional Oracle Management Service, perform the postinstallation tasks as described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.

9.5 Configuring Outgoing Mail Servers (SMTP Servers) Using the Initial Setup Console

Notifications keep you informed when specific incidents, events, or problems arise, and thereby enable you to take corrective or preventive actions to circumvent the reported issue. Enterprise Manager uses different mechanisms for sending these notifications, including email, SNMP traps, or running custom scripts, or all three. Before Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can send e-mail notifications, you must set up the outgoing mail servers (SMTP servers).


If you have already configured the SMTP servers, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To configure outgoing mail servers so that Enterprise Manager can send e-mail notifications, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, click Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click Configure Mail Servers.

  3. On the Configure Mail Servers page, in the Sender Identify section, click Edit.

  4. In the Sender Identify dialog, enter the name of the administrator or system that should send the email notifications, and the email address from which the notifications should be sent. Click OK.

  5. In the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Servers section, click Create.

  6. In the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Servers dialog, enter the mail server host name, the mail server credentials, and the encryption method to be used. Click OK.

    If you configure multiple outgoing mail servers, automatic failover and load balancing is performed in round robin fashion.

9.6 Registering My Oracle Support Credentials Using the Initial Setup Console

My Oracle Support connectivity enables you to view service request information, obtain patch recommendations, and download plug-ins and other entities to the Software Library, all from within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console. To automatically sign in to My Oracle Support from within the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console, you must register the My Oracle Support credentials with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


If you have already registered the My Oracle Support credentials, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To register the My Oracle Support Credentials using the Initial Setup Console, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, click Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click Set MOS Credentials.

  3. On the Set MOS Credentials page, click here.

  4. On the My Oracle Support page, enter the My Oracle Support credentials.

  5. Click Apply.

9.7 Creating Users Using the Initial Setup Console

Users are administrators who are authorized to log in and use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Users belong to one or the other role defined in Enterprise Manager, and perform only those operations to which they are entitled.

By default, users can be either Super Administrators who have full access privileges to all the targets, Repository Owners who manage Oracle Management Repository, or Regular Administrators who normally use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.


If you have already created a set of users, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To create administrators using the Initial Setup Console, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, select Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, click Create Users.

  3. On the Create Users page, in the Enterprise Manager Super Administrators section, view a list of super administrators created so far in the Enterprise Manager system, and their last authenticated time.

  4. Collapse the Enterprise Manager Super Administrators section to see the following text below the section. Click here.

    Enterprise Manager Administrators can be managed from here

  5. On the Administrators page, click Create.

    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Create Administrator Wizard.

  6. In the Create Administrator Wizard, on the Authentication page, select the authentication mechanism to be used for the user you are creating, and click Next.

  7. On the Properties page, provide details of the user you are creating, and click Next.

  8. On the Roles page, from the Available Roles list, select the roles you want to grant explicitly to the user you are creating, and click Next.

  9. On the Target Privileges page, select the privileges you want to grant to the user you are creating, and click Next. These privileges give the user the right to perform particular management actions on a set of targets.

  10. On the Resource Privileges page, select the resource privileges you want to grant explicitly to the user you are creating, and click Next.

  11. On the Review page, click Finish.

9.8 Creating Roles Using the Initial Setup Console

Roles are a collection of Enterprise Manager resource privileges, or target privileges, or both, which are granted to administrators who use Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Roles can be based upon geographic location (for example, a role for Canadian administrators to manage Canadian systems), line of business (for example, a role for administrators of the human resource systems or the sales systems), or any other model. After you have created administrators, the next step is to create roles and assign administrators to those specific roles.


If you have already created a set of roles, then this setup task appears as if it is complete.

To create roles using the Initial Setup Console, follow these steps:

  1. From the Setup menu, click Initial Setup Console.

  2. On the Initial Setup Console page, in the left panel, click Create Roles.

  3. On the Create Roles page, collapse the Top 5 Administrators with the Highest Number of Roles section and the Roles with the Highest Number of Nested Roles section to see the following text below the section. Click here.

    Enterprise Manager Roles can be managed from here

  4. On the Roles page, click Create.

    Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Create Role Wizard.

  5. In the Create Role Wizard, on the Properties page, enter a unique name for the role, and click Next.

  6. On the Roles page, from the Available Roles list, select the Oracle-defined roles you want to grant explicitly to the role you are creating, and click Next.

    Explicitly granting roles to an already existing role grants all privileges to grantee of current role.

  7. On the Target Privileges page, select the privileges common to all targets and the privileges specific to certain targets, which you want to grant explicitly to the role you are creating, and click Next.

  8. On the Resource Privileges page, select the resource privileges you want to grant explicitly to the role you are creating, and click Next.

  9. On the Administrators page, select the administrator you want to grant this role to, click Next.

  10. On the Review page, click Finish.