8.9 Cannot Connect to the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface

Connection to the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface fails if you are using openssh-7.4p1 or later. As of Oracle Linux Release 7 Update 4, openssh-7.4p1 is provided by default as part of the installation. As a result, if you are using this operating system as your Oracle VM Manager host, you will encounter this issue. From openssh-7.4p1 or later, the diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 protocol is disabled by default. This protocol is required when connecting to the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface.


This issue may also impact earlier OpenSSH Release 7.x versions that are available on other operating systems.

Workaround: If you are using openssh-7.4p1 or later, you can connect to the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface by issuing the following command on your SSH client or command line interface:

$ ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -l \ 
manager_username manager_ip -p 10000

For more information on further possible solutions to this issue, see Oracle VM 3.4: Connecting to Oracle VM Manager CLI results in "Connection to <host> closed by remote host" Document ID 2298328.1, on My Oracle Support at: https://support.oracle.com/oip/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=2298328.1.

Bug 24742496