2 About the Cartridge Components

This chapter provides information about the components that make up the Oracle Communications Network Integrity Optical TMF814 CORBA cartridge.

The Optical TMF814 CORBA cartridge contains the following actions:

See "About Design Studio Construction" for information about how the actions are built.

The Optical TMF814 CORBA cartridge supports a recording mode for recording TMF814 data. See "About Recording Mode" for more information.

Discover Abstract TMF814 Action

This is an abstract action that can be extended in Oracle Communications Design Studio to discover specified network and connectivity objects, using specified ORB Properties and ORB Arguments. This action does not contain scan parameter groups. The definition of scan parameters and how they appear is the responsibility of the extending action.

The Discover Abstract TMF814 action contains the following processors run in the following order:

  1. TMF814 Property Initializer

  2. TMF814 Session Manager

  3. TMF814 Device Recorder Initializer

  4. TMF814 ME Collector

  5. TMF814 Device Modeler

  6. TMF814 Equipment Collector

  7. TMF814 Equipment Modeler

  8. TMF814 PTP Collector

  9. TMF814 PTP Modeler

  10. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for PTP

  11. TMF814 FTP Collector

  12. TMF814 FTP Modeler

  13. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for FTP

  14. TMF814 Device Persister

  15. TMF814 Device Recorder Persister

  16. TMF814 Cross-Connect Discoverer

  17. TMF814 Topological Link Collector

  18. TMF814 Topological Link Modeler

  19. TMF814 Pipe Persister

Figure 2-1 illustrates the processors workflow of the Discover Abstract TMF814 action.

Figure 2-1 Discover Abstract TMF814 Action Processors

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-1 .

TMF814 Property Initializer

This processor initializes properties required by other processors in the Discover Abstract TMF814 action. All properties are populated into a JavaBean class named tmf814Properties. These properties can be customized by other processors. Table 2-1 lists the available properties.

Table 2-1 TMF814 Property Initializer Properties and Values

Property Name Description Value


Indicates the EMS user name, used while getting the EMS session from the session factory.

Extending cartridges may supply a default value.


Indicates the EMS password, used while getting the EMS session from the session factory.

Extending cartridges may supply a default value.


Indicates the type of CTPs to collect:

  • A current TP is a CTP that is, or can be cross-connected in the current mapping configuration.

  • An in-use TP is a CTP that is used by an subnetwork connection (SNC) in any state, or a CTP that is terminated and mapped.

  • A potential contained TP (contained in a PTP or CTP) is a CTP that is capable of supporting all possible mapping configurations at the specified layer rates and is contained by the specified termination.



Indicates whether to collect Equipment and Equipment Holder details. If this value is FALSE, only MEs and connection termination points (CTPs) associated with floating termination points (FTPs) are collected and modeled.

Valid values: TRUE, FALSE


Indicates whether to collect physical termination points (PTPs) or floating termination points (FTPs), or both.



Indicates the method used to collect cross-connects:

  • A value of USE_SNC collects cross-connects using multi layer subnetwork (MLSN) Manager APIs.

  • A value of USE_ME_MANAGER collects cross-connects using ME Manager APIs.

Cross-connects are not collected if the value is set to NONE.

Ensure the correct value is used, according to your vendor specifications.



Allows you to customize cross-connect modeling.



Indicates the hierarchical depth to which CTPs are collected (because TPs can contain several levels of child TPs), depending on the API used by the vendor to call CTPs.

Valid values: positive integers


A class implementing the oracle.communications.integrity.tmf814discovery.model.ctp.CTPModelCustomizer interface.

To discover additional attributes for CTPs, add a similar implementation interface to the system.



A default implementation of the Discoverer Factory class, used to provide a custom collection mechanism.



Name of the EMSMgr_I manager used to obtain the manager from EmsSession_I.getManager.



Indicates the number of Equipment or Holders to fetch at a time.

Valid values: positive integer


Indicates the name of the Equipment inventory manager.



Specifies whether higher-order cross-connects of other SNCs are collected.

Valid values: TRUE, FALSE


Filters TPs based on layer rates while collecting in-use and potential CTPs. An empty list indicates to the element management system (EMS) to report all CTPs of all rates.

Valid values: Comma separated list of layer rates as numerical values.


Indicates the name of the ME manager.



Indicates number of MEs to fetch at a time, as opposed to obtaining them all at once.



Name of the MultiLayerSubnetworkMgr_I manager used to obtain the manager from EmsSession_I.getManager.



Indicates whether to model logical or physical devices, or both.

Valid values: logical, physical, both (=null)


EMS naming service.



The EMS naming service format. A value of STRINGIFIED indicates that the namingService property value is a CORBA stringified object reference. A value of PLAIN indicates that the namingService property value is in a specific format.



Indicates the name of the root Portable Object Adapter (POA)



Indicates the method used to collect topological links:

  • A value of BETWEEN_SN collects topological links between subnetworks only.

  • A value of INSIDE_SN collects topological links inside subnetworks only.

  • A value of ALL collects all topological links.

Topological links are not collected if value is set to NONE.

Ensure the correct value is used, according to your vendor specifications.



Indicates the number of TPs to fetch at a time, as opposed to obtaining them all at once.



Cross-connect Information Model objects are flushed to the database in batches. This value indicates number of modeled objects flushed to DB in each batch.

Valid value: integer

TMF814 Session Manager

This processor creates a session manager instance (of type oracle.communications.integrity.tmf814discovery.session.SessionManager) that is responsible for managing the EmsSession and TMF814Object managers, as well as creating and managing the emsMgr.EMSMgr_I and multiLayerSubnetwork.MultiLayerSubnetworkMgr_I managers.

This processor also populates the discovered EMS version and updates the TMF814 properties Java bean object.

TMF814 Device Recorder Initializer

This processor initializes Recording Mode (if it has been enabled). See "About Recording Mode" for more information.

TMF814 ME Collector

This processor retrieves a list of MEs using the TMF814 ME Manager. It outputs an Iterable for each ME. To deal with the large number of objects, these iterators can retrieve MEs in chunks (pagination) instead of all at one time.

Pagination is internal to the produced Iterable. The meFetchSize property set in tmf814Properties indicates the number of MEs to be retrieved at a time.

This processor can filter MEs based on name-matching criteria provided through scan parameters. Only those MEs that are matched by specified criteria are considered for further processing.

TMF814 Device Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable produced by the TMF814 ME Collector processor. It creates the logical and physical device entities. Device entities are not added to the result by this processor.

This processor can be configured to model either physical or logical objects by setting the modelCollectionType property. By default, both types of objects are modeled.

TMF814 Equipment Collector

This processor retrieves a list of Equipment and EquipmentHolders objects for the MEs using the Equipment Inventory Manager. It outputs an Iterable for each EquipmentOrHolder object.

TMF814 Equipment Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable produced by the TMF814 Equipment Collector processor. It creates the equipment and equipment holder entities and adds them to the Physical Tree. This processor returns either Information Model Equipment or Equipment Holder, depending on which is modeled. See "About Cartridge Modeling" for more information.

TMF814 PTP Collector

This processor is run for each Iterable from the TMF814 Equipment Collector processor. This processor collects all the PTPs for each equipment object. It outputs an Iterable for each PTP.

TMF814 PTP Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable from the TMF814 PTP Collector processor. This processor models each PTP as a Physical Port or Device Interface object and adds them to either the Physical or Logical Tree.

TMF814 CTP Discoverer for PTP

This processor recursively retrieves and models CTPs for each input PTP obtained from the Iterable produced by the TMF814 PTP Collector processor. The following operation is run for each PTP:

  1. Using an input PTP, a TMF814 operation is run to obtain all its contained CTPs.

  2. Each CTP is modeled as a Device Interface object.

  3. (Optional) The CTP customizer is run.


    The ctpModelCustomizerImplClass class is used to configure the CTP customizer. This class is set by the TMF814 Property Initializer processor.
  4. The CTP is added to the Logical Tree.

Depending on the ctpCollectionDepth parameter value, a TMF814 operation is run for each collected CTP to obtain and process its child CTPs.

TMF814 FTP Collector

This processor retrieves a list of all FTPs and outputs an Iterable for each FTP object. A property set in tmf814Properties specifies whether to collect FTP details. The produced Iterable is similar to the one explained for the TMF814 ME Collector processor.

TMF814 FTP Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable produced by the TMF814 FTP Collector processor. This processor creates Device Interface objects for the input FTPs and adds them to the Logical Tree.

TMF814 CTP Discoverer for FTP

This processor recursively retrieves and models CTPs for each input FTP obtained from the Iterable produced by the TMF814 FTP Collector processor. The following operation is run for each FTP:

  1. Using an input FTP, a TMF814 operation is run to obtain all its contained CTPs.

  2. Each CTP is modeled as a Device Interface object.

  3. (Optional) The CTP customizer is run.


    The ctpModelCustomizerImplClass class is used to configure the CTP customizer. This class is set by the TMF814 Property Initializer processor.
  4. The CTP is added to the Logical Tree.

Depending on the ctpCollectionDepth parameter value, the above TMF814 operation is run for each collected CTP to obtain and process its child CTPs.

TMF814 Device Persister

This processor adds the logical and physical devices to the result and persists it. This processor closes and discards any CORBA iterators used.

TMF814 Device Recorder Persister

This processor persists the recorded data to a file, if the Recording Mode is enabled. See "About Recording Mode" for more information.

TMF814 Cross-Connect Discoverer

This processor collects and models cross-connects according to the following operation:

  1. Run TMF814 operation to collect cross-connects.

  2. For each collected cross-connect:

    1. Model the cross-connect according to the Optical Model for Network Integrity. See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for more information.

    2. (Optional) Run the Cross-connect Customizer processor.


      The crossConnectModelCustomizerImplClass is used to configure the Cross-connect Customizer processor.
    3. Add modeled entity to the result group.

    4. Send last result group, or any result group equal to the configured flush size to the Network Integrity database.

Cross-connect collection is controlled by the crossConnectCollectionType parameter.

Cross-connects are modeled as pipe entities and sent to the Network Integrity database in batches. Batch sizes are configurable using the XCPipeFlushSize property.

Cross-connect modeling can be extended by creating a Cross-connect Customizer processor. See "About Design Studio Extension" for more information.

TMF814 Topological Link Collector

This processor collects all the EMS STM links and returns an Iterable that collects Topological Link objects. The produced Iterable is similar to the one explained for the TMF814 ME Collector processor.

TMF814 Topological Link Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable produced by the TMF814 Topological Link Collector processor. This processor models each input topological link object according to the Optical Model for Network Integrity, and adds it to the result group. See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for more information.

TMF814 Pipe Persister

This processor persists all the cross-connect and topological link pipes and writes the recorded data to corresponding files. See "About Recording Mode" for more information about the recorded data files.

Discover TMF814 Action

This action, which extends the Discover Abstract TMF814 actions, is a complete and deployable action, configured using scan parameters, so you have full control over what is and is not discovered. This action can be extended to add new scan parameters, but the original scan parameters must remain. This action can also be extended to discover additional types of network and connectivity objects.

This discovery action inherits all the processors from the following actions:

  • The Discover Abstract CORBA action

    For information about the inherited processors in this action, see Network Integrity CORBA Cartridge Guide.

  • The Discover Abstract TMF814 action

    For information about the inherited processors in this action, see "Discover Abstract TMF814 Action".

The Discover TMF814 action contains the following processors run in the following order:

  1. CORBA Property Initializer (inherited)

  2. TMF814 CORBA Property Initializer

  3. CORBA Connection Manager (inherited)

  4. TMF814 Property Initializer (inherited)

  5. TMF814 Property Customizer

  6. TMF814 Session Manager (inherited)

  7. TMF814 Device Recorder Initializer (inherited)

  8. TMF814 ME Collector (inherited)

  9. TMF814 Device Modeler (inherited)

  10. TMF814 Equipment Collector (inherited)

  11. TMF814 Equipment Modeler (inherited)

  12. TMF814 PTP Collector (inherited)

  13. TMF814 PTP Modeler (inherited)

  14. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for PTP (inherited)

  15. TMF814 FTP Collector (inherited)

  16. TMF814 FTP Modeler (inherited)

  17. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for FTP (inherited)

  18. TMF814 Device Persister (inherited)

  19. TMF814 Device Recorder Persister (inherited)

  20. TMF814 Cross-Connect Discoverer (inherited)

  21. TMF814 Topological Link Collector (inherited)

  22. TMF814 Topological Link Modeler (inherited)

  23. TMF814 Pipe Persister (inherited)

Figure 2-2 illustrates the processors workflow of the Discover Abstract TMF814 action.

Figure 2-2 Discover TMF814 Action Processors

Processors belonging to the Discover TMF814 Action

TMF814 CORBA Property Initializer

This processor reads the ORBProperties and ORBArguments parameters from the UI and passes them to the CORBA Connection Manager processor through the corbaSeed. ORBProperties and ORBArguments are used during ORB initialization.

See Network Integrity CORBA Cartridge Guide for information about ORBProperties and ORBArguments.

TMF814 Property Customizer

This processor takes scan parameters for a specific scan and assigns them to properties in the TMF814 Property Initializer processor. See Table 7-3, "TMF814 Scan Parameters Design Studio Construction" for a list of available scan parameters.

Discover Huawei U2000 Action

This action, which extends the Discover TMF814 action, is used to discover Huawei-specific multiple spanning tree protocol (MSTP) endpoints. This action is configured using scan parameters, so you have full control over what is and is not discovered. This action is complete and deployable and can be extended to discover other types of Huawei devices.

This discovery action inherits all the processors from the Discover TMF814 action. For information about the inherited processors in this action, see "Discover TMF814 Action".

The Discover Huawei U2000 action contains the following processors run in the following order:

  1. CORBA Property Initializer (inherited)

  2. TMF814 CORBA Property Initializer (inherited)

  3. CORBA Connection Manager (inherited)

  4. TMF814 Property Initializer (inherited)

  5. TMF814 Property Customizer (inherited)

  6. Huawei Customizer

  7. TMF814 Session Manager (inherited)

  8. TMF814 Device Recorder Initializer (inherited)

  9. TMF814 ME Collector (inherited)

  10. TMF814 Device Modeler (inherited)

  11. TMF814 Equipment Collector (inherited)

  12. TMF814 Equipment Modeler (inherited)

  13. TMF814 PTP Collector (inherited)

  14. TMF814 PTP Modeler (inherited)

  15. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for PTP (inherited)

  16. Huawei MSTP EndPoint Collector

  17. Huawei MSTP EndPoint Modeler

  18. TMF814 FTP Collector (inherited)

  19. TMF814 FTP Modeler (inherited)

  20. TMF814 CTP Discoverer for FTP (inherited)

  21. TMF814 Device Persister (inherited)

  22. TMF814 Device Recorder Persister (inherited)

  23. TMF814 Cross-Connect Discoverer (inherited)

  24. TMF814 Topological Link Collector (inherited)

  25. TMF814 Topological Link Modeler (inherited)

  26. TMF814 Pipe Persister (inherited)

Figure 2-3 illustrates the processors workflow of the Discover Huawei U2000 action.

Figure 2-3 Discover Huawei U2000 Action Processors

Processors belonging to the Discover Huawei U 2000 Action

Huawei Customizer

This processor initializes a map that is used to get the name/native EMS name from the Huawei ME if the ME is named in numbers.

Huawei MSTP EndPoint Collector

This processor collects multi-service transmission platform (MSTP) endpoints (ATM and Ethernet ports) using Huawei-specific APIs and outputs an Iterable for each endpoint collected. The produced Iterable is similar to the one explained for the TMF814 ME Collector processor.

Huawei MSTP EndPoint Modeler

This processor is run for each Iterable produced by the Huawei MSTP EndPoint Collector processor. It models each input endpoint as a physical port and mapping device interface and adds it to its parent equipment in the Information Model Tree.

About Recording Mode

The Optical TMF814 CORBA cartridge can be configured to record all discovered MEs, topological links, and cross-connects. The recorded files (ME_Name.me for MEs, EMS_Name.ems for topological links, and EMS_Name.cc for cross-connects) are saved to the WL_Domain_Home/corbaData/Scan_Name/EMS_Name directory, where:

  • ME_Name is the name of the managed element.

  • EMS_Name is the name of the EMS.

  • Domain_Home is the directory where your WebLogic domain is configured.

  • Scan_Name is the name of the scan.

If the TMF814 scan action type has been configured to not discover MEs, topological links, or cross-connects, the corresponding file is not generated.

Recording Mode is controlled with the tmf814.properties file in the WeLogic_Domain_Home/config/corbaConfig/ directory. Recording Mode can be enabled or disabled by an administrator without needing any server or application restart. The recording processor reads this file each time it is run.

Enabling Recording Mode

To enable recording mode:

  1. Open the WebLogic_Home/config.corbaConfig/tmf814.properties file.

  2. Search for the line: MODE=NORMAL

  3. Change NORMAL to RECORD.

  4. Set the CHUNK SIZE entry to the number of cross-connects written to EMS_Name.cc at a time.