Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring a Siebel Application > Using Development Tools and Setting Up the Development Environment >

Setting Up a Developer with a Local Database

After you install Siebel Tools, the Siebel Server, and any other software in the development environment, you must set up each developer with a local database. Doing this provides the developer with a local copy of the Siebel database, including the Siebel repository, on the developer's local computer. The developer can check out objects from the Siebel repository, configure and test their work on their local computer, and then check objects back into the Siebel repository. (If you use the Workspaces feature of Siebel Tools, then the local database is not used.)

NOTE:  For Siebel Innovation Pack 2016, the local database for Siebel Tools and for Siebel Remote uses Oracle Database XE. SAP SQL Anywhere is no longer available.

Oracle Database XE is always installed with Siebel Tools. The data source for the local database in either case is LOCAL_XE. During installation, you must also specify the location of the 32-bit Oracle Database Client. As described in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using, you have two main choices with respect to the local database when you install Siebel Tools:

  • You can install Siebel Tools without the local database and then set up the developer as a remote user. If the database has been extracted for this user, then the developer can initialize it. This is the traditional method of setting up a developer with a local database. For more information, see Setting Up the Developer as a Remote User.
  • You can install Siebel Tools with the local database, and then run a script to set up the local database. This local database cannot be used with Siebel Mobile Web Client. This is a new method of setting up a developer with a local database. For more information, see Installing and Setting Up the Local Database. (Alternatively, you can install Siebel Tools without the local database and install it later.)

For more information about:

  • Installing Siebel Tools, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. This guide also provides information about installing Oracle Database XE with Siebel Tools, about requirements such as an existing installation of the 32-bit Oracle Database Client, and about validating the installation of Siebel Tools and Oracle Database XE.
  • Extracting a local database and setting up a remote user, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.
  • Checking in and checking out projects, or using the Workspaces feature, see Using Siebel Tools.

Setting Up the Developer as a Remote User

This topic describes setting up the developer as a remote user. This procedure uses the traditional method of setting up a developer with a local database. Alternatively, you can use the method described in Installing and Setting Up the Local Database.

This topic is part of Setting Up a Developer with a Local Database.

To set up a developer as a remote user

  1. Install Siebel Tools on the computer that the developer uses.

    You must install Siebel Tools in a directory that is separate from the Siebel Mobile Web Client. For example, if you install the Siebel client in c:\siebel\client, then install Siebel Tools in c:\siebel\tools. This task does the following:

    • Makes sure that the development environment and the Siebel client environment are distinct.
    • Makes sure that, if you use Siebel Remote in these environments, then the two installations do not conflict.

      For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

      NOTE:  For this procedure, you do not install the local database when you install Siebel Tools. For Installing and Setting Up the Local Database, however, you do install the local database with Siebel Tools.

  2. Verify that each developer possesses a valid user name and password for the Siebel development database server.

    In most situations, Siebel CRM uses the employee login ID and password for the database server user name and password.

  3. Using a Siebel client connected to the development server database, create an Employee record and a Mobile User record for each developer.

    Use the first and last name of the developer for the employee first and last names. For the login ID, use a consistent naming format, such as first initial and last name, that will simplify identifying who locked a project.

    NOTE:  Password encryption interferes with project check in and check out. If you check projects in and out, then you must disable password encryption in the client or in the configuration file if you run Siebel Tools. For more information about password encryption, see Siebel Security Guide.

    For more information about creating an employee record, see Siebel Security Guide.

  4. In the Siebel database, grant each developer the Developer and Siebel administrator responsibilities.

    To prevent unintended modifications to important system preferences, you can create a responsibility that contains access to all views except the System, Service, and Marketing Administration views. You can use a common position for all developers. For testing purposes, you can set up an organization structure that models the structure of your business.

    If you do not grant the user the Developer responsibility, then Siebel Tools does not activate drilldowns in the Siebel Tools client.

    For more information about setting up an employee, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide. For more information about setting up responsibilities and positions, see Siebel Security Guide.

  5. On the Siebel Server, run the Generate New Database component to create the database, and then use the Database Extract server component to extract the local database for each developer, as described in Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

    Database Extract creates a template for the local database that includes only business data, not repository data. This server component extracts enterprise data into this template, together with any data that possesses limited visibility, such as contacts, accounts, opportunities, and so on. The developer must add repository data to the local database in Step 9.

  6. To initialize the local database for the developer, open Siebel Tools and connect to the local database using the LOCAL_XE data source.

    Siebel Tools displays a message that states that the local database is not found.

  7. To start the initialization process, click Yes.
  8. In the Siebel Remote Parameters dialog box, enter the Siebel developer login that you defined in Step 3 and an appropriate password.

    After the local database has been initialized, the developer must add repository data to the local database, as described in the next step.

  9. Do an initial get operation for all repository projects on the local database.

    For more information about this task, see Using Siebel Tools. You have finished setting up the local database for this developer. The final step in this procedure applies only if you installed the local database with Siebel Tools.

Installing and Setting Up the Local Database

This topic describes installing the local database with Siebel Tools and setting up this database. This procedure uses a new method of setting up a developer with a local database, which is an alternative to the method described in Setting Up the Developer as a Remote User.

This topic is part of Setting Up a Developer with a Local Database.

To install and set up the local database

  1. Follow Step 1 through Step 4, in Setting Up the Developer as a Remote User. However, in this procedure, you install the local database with Siebel Tools.

    For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

  2. On the Siebel Tools computer, run the local database setup script, using a command similar to the following.

    This command reads custom schema and data from the enterprise database and applies it to the existing local database that was installed with Siebel Tools. Enclose argument values in double quotes where the value has a space in it.

    SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\LocalDbSetup.exe -s $SiebelTools -o $ODBCDataSource -t $TableOwner -u $username -p $password -r "Siebel Repository" -d $ODBCDataSource_XE -x $OracleXEInstallationPath -l $logfilename -w $debugmode -y $TableTypes -z $StatisticsUpdation


    • $SiebelTools is the path of the Siebel Tools installation.
    • $ODBCDataSource is the ODBC entry of the enterprise database.
    • $TableOwner is the table owner of the enterprise database.
    • $username is a user name for the enterprise database.
    • $password is the password for this user name.
    • $ODBCDataSource_XE is the ODBC entry for Oracle Database XE (LOCAL_XE).
    • $OracleXEInstallationPath is the Oracle Database XE installation path, such as SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\oraclexe.
    • $logfilename is the name of the log file.
    • $debugmode specifies the debug mode. The default is N. SQL and data files are not deleted after this script runs. You can set this to Y to analyze the issue in case of any error.
    • $TableTypes are the types of tables for which data is to be applied. The default value is RS, which applies repository and seed data. Supported values are: (D)ata|Di(C)t|(R)epos|(S)eed|(L)og|c(O)mposer|(E)xtension. Use one or more values as appropriate for data tables, dictionary tables, repository tables, seed data tables, logic tables, tables for Siebel Composer, or extension tables.
    • $StatisticsUpdation specifies whether statistics are updated. The default is Y.

      After the script finishes running, you have finished setting up the local database for this developer.

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